53 research outputs found

    The K2-HERMES Survey: Age and Metallicity of the Thick Disc

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    Asteroseismology is a promising tool to study Galactic structure and evolution because it can probe the ages of stars. Earlier attempts comparing seismic data from the {\it Kepler} satellite with predictions from Galaxy models found that the models predicted more low-mass stars compared to the observed distribution of masses. It was unclear if the mismatch was due to inaccuracies in the Galactic models, or the unknown aspects of the selection function of the stars. Using new data from the K2 mission, which has a well-defined selection function, we find that an old metal-poor thick disc, as used in previous Galactic models, is incompatible with the asteroseismic information. We show that spectroscopic measurements of [Fe/H] and [α\alpha/Fe] elemental abundances from the GALAH survey indicate a mean metallicity of log⁥(Z/Z⊙)=−0.16\log (Z/Z_{\odot})=-0.16 for the thick disc. Here ZZ is the effective solar-scaled metallicity, which is a function of [Fe/H] and [α\alpha/Fe]. With the revised disc metallicities, for the first time, the theoretically predicted distribution of seismic masses show excellent agreement with the observed distribution of masses. This provides an indirect verification of the asteroseismic mass scaling relation is good to within five percent. Using an importance-sampling framework that takes the selection function into account, we fit a population synthesis model of the Galaxy to the observed seismic and spectroscopic data. Assuming the asteroseismic scaling relations are correct, we estimate the mean age of the thick disc to be about 10 Gyr, in agreement with the traditional idea of an old α\alpha-enhanced thick disc.Comment: 21 pages, submitted to MNRA

    Discovery of a nitrogen-enhanced mildly metal-poor binary system: Possible evidence for pollution from an extinct AGB star

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    We report the serendipitous discovery of a nitrogen-rich, mildly metal-poor ([Fe/H] = -1.08) giant star in a single-lined spectroscopic binary system found in the SDSS-IV Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2) survey, Data Release 14 (DR14). Previous work has assumed that two percent of halo giants with unusual elemental abundances have been evaporated from globular clusters, but other origins for their abundance signatures, including binary mass transfer, must also be explored. We present the results of an abundance reanalysis of the APOGEE-2 high-resolution near-infrared spectrum of 2M12451043+1217401 with the Brussels Automatic Stellar Parameter (BACCHUS) automated spectral analysis code. We manually re-derive the main element families, namely light elements (C, N), elements (O, Mg, Si), the iron-peak element (Fe), s-process element (Ce), and light odd-Z element (Al). Our analysis confirms the N-rich nature of 2M12451043+1217401, which has a [N/Fe] ratio of +0.69, and shows that the abundances of C and Al are slightly discrepant from those of a typical mildly metal-poor red giant branch star, but exhibit Mg, Si, O and s-process abundances (Ce) of typical field stars. We also detect a particularly large variability in the radial velocity of this star over the period of the APOGEE-2 observations; the most likely orbit fit to the radial velocity data has a period of 730.89 +/- 106.86 days, a velocity semi-amplitude of 9.92 +/- 0.14 km s(-1), and an eccentricity of similar to 0.1276 +/- 0.1174. These data support the hypothesis of a binary companion, which has probably been polluted by a now-extinct asymptotic giant branch star

    The GALAH survey: velocity fluctuations in the Milky Way using red clump giants

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    If the Galaxy is axisymmetric and in dynamical equilibrium, we expect negligible fluctuations in the residual line-of-sight velocity field. However, non-axisymmetric structures like a bar, spiral arms and merger events can generate velocity fluctuations. Recent results using the APOGEE survey find significant fluctuations in velocity for stars in the midplane (|z|< 0.25 kpc) and out to 5 kpc, which suggests that the dynamical influence of the Milky Way's bar extends out to the Solar neighborhood. Their measured power spectrum has a characteristic amplitude of 11 km/s on a scale of ~ 2.5 kpc. The existence of large streaming motions on these scales has important implications for determining the Sun's motion about the Galactic Centre. Using red clump stars from the GALAH and APOGEE surveys, we map the line-of-sight velocity field around the Sun out to distances of 5 kpc and up to 1.25 kpc from the Galactic Plane. By subtracting a smooth axisymmetric model for the velocity field, we study the residual velocity fluctuations and compare our findings with mock survey generated by Galaxia based on an axisymmetric, steady state model. We find negligible large-scale fluctuations away from the plane. In the mid-plane, we reproduce the earlier APOGEE power spectrum results but with 20\% smaller amplitude (9.5 km/s) after taking a few systematic effects into account (e.g. volume completeness). The amplitude power is further reduced to 6.7 km/s if a flexible axisymmetric model is used. Additionally, our mock simulations show that, in the plane, the distances are underestimated for high mass red clump stars and this can lead to spurious power with amplitude of about 5.5 km/s. Taking this into account, we estimate the amplitude of real fluctuations to be less than 4.2 km/s, about a factor of three less than the previous result from APOGEE

    The GALAH survey: a catalogue of carbon-enhanced stars and CEMP candidates

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    Swan bands - characteristic molecular absorption features of the C2_2 molecule - are a spectroscopic signature of carbon-enhanced stars. They can also be used to identify carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars. The GALAH (GALactic Archaeology with Hermes) is a magnitude-limited survey of stars producing high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra. We used 627,708 GALAH spectra to search for carbon-enhanced stars with a supervised and unsupervised classification algorithm, relying on the imprint of the Swan bands. We identified 918 carbon-enhanced stars, including 12 already described in the literature. An unbiased selection function of the GALAH survey allows us to perform a population study of carbon-enhanced stars. Most of them are giants, out of which we find 28 CEMP candidates. A large fraction of our carbon-enhanced stars with repeated observations show variation in radial velocity, hinting that there is a large fraction of variables among them. 32 of the detected stars also show strong Lithium enhancement in their spectra.Comment: 13+5 pages, 13 figures, 1 catalog, accepted to MNRA

    The GALAH survey: velocity fluctuations in the Milky Way using Red Clump giants

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    If the Galaxy is axisymmetric and in dynamical equilibrium, we expect negligible fluctuations in the residual line-of-sight velocity field. Recent results using the APOGEE survey find significant fluctuations in velocity for stars in the mid-plane (|z| <0.25 kpc) out to 5 kpc, suggesting that the dynamical influence of non-axisymmetric features, i.e. the Milky Way's bar, spiral arms, and merger events extends out to the Solar neighbourhood. Their measured power spectrum has a characteristic amplitude of 11 km s-1 on a scale of 2.5 kpc. The existence of such large-scale streaming motions has important implications for determining the Sun's motion about the Galactic Centre. Using Red Clump stars from GALAH and APOGEE, we map the line-of-sight velocities around the Sun (d < 5 kpc), and |z| <1.25 kpc from the mid-plane. By subtracting a smooth axisymmetric model for the velocity field, we study the residual fluctuations and compare our findings with mock survey generated by GALAXIA. We find negligible large-scale fluctuations away from the plane. In the mid-plane, we reproduce the earlier APOGEE power spectrum but with 20 per cent smaller amplitude (9.3 km s-1) after taking into account a few systematics (e.g. volume completeness). Using a flexible axisymmetric model the power amplitude is further reduced to 6.3 km s-1. Additionally, our simulations show that, in the plane, distances are underestimated for high-mass Red Clump stars which can lead to spurious power amplitude of about 5.2 km s-1. Taking this into account, we estimate the amplitude of real fluctuations to be <4.6 km s-1, about a factor of three less than the APOGEE result.Parts of this research were conducted by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), through project number CE170100013. SS is funded by University of Sydney Senior Fellowship made possible by the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research, and partial funding from Bland-Hawthorn’s Laureate Fellowship from the Australian Research Council. DMN was supported by the Allan C. and Dorothy H. Davis Fellowship

    The GALAH survey: Co-orbiting stars and chemical tagging

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    We present a study using the second data release of the GALAH survey of stellar parameters and elemental abundances of 15 pairs of stars identified by Oh et al 2017. They identified these pairs as potentially co-moving pairs using proper motions and parallaxes from Gaia DR1. We find that 11 very wide (>1.7 pc) pairs of stars do in fact have similar Galactic orbits, while a further four claimed co-moving pairs are not truly co-orbiting. Eight of the 11 co-orbiting pairs have reliable stellar parameters and abundances, and we find that three of those are quite similar in their abundance patterns, while five have significant [Fe/H] differences. For the latter, this indicates that they could be co-orbiting because of the general dynamical coldness of the thin disc, or perhaps resonances induced by the Galaxy, rather than a shared formation site. Stars such as these, wide binaries, debris of past star formation episodes, and coincidental co-orbiters, are crucial for exploring the limits of chemical tagging in the Milky Way.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Updated for Gaia DR2 value

    The GALAH survey: Co-orbiting stars and chemical tagging

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    We present a study using the second data release of the GALAH survey of stellar parameters and elemental abundances of 15 pairs of stars identified by Oh et al 2017. They identified these pairs as potentially co-moving pairs using proper motions and parallaxes from Gaia DR1. We find that 11 very wide (>1.7 pc) pairs of stars do in fact have similar Galactic orbits, while a further four claimed co-moving pairs are not truly co-orbiting. Eight of the 11 co-orbiting pairs have reliable stellar parameters and abundances, and we find that three of those are quite similar in their abundance patterns, while five have significant [Fe/H] differences. For the latter, this indicates that they could be co-orbiting because of the general dynamical coldness of the thin disc, or perhaps resonances induced by the Galaxy, rather than a shared formation site. Stars such as these, wide binaries, debris of past star formation episodes, and coincidental co-orbiters, are crucial for exploring the limits of chemical tagging in the Milky Way.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Updated for Gaia DR2 value

    The GALAH Survey: Stellar streams and how stellar velocity distributions vary with Galactic longitude, hemisphere and metallicity

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    Using GALAH survey data of nearby stars, we look at how structure in the planar (u,v) velocity distribution depends on metallicity and on viewing direction within the Galaxy. In nearby stars, with distance d < 1 kpc, the Hercules stream is most strongly seen in higher metallicity stars [Fe/H] > 0.2. The Hercules stream peak v value depends on viewed galactic longitude, which we interpret as due to the gap between the stellar stream and more circular orbits being associated with a specific angular momentum value of about 1640 km/s kpc. The association of the gap with a particular angular momentum value supports a bar resonant model for the Hercules stream. Moving groups previously identified in Hipparcos observations are easiest to see in stars nearer than 250 pc, and their visibility and peak velocities in the velocity distributions depends on both viewing direction (galactic longitude and hemisphere) and metallicity. We infer that there is fine structure in local velocity distributions that varies over distances of a few hundred pc in the Galaxy.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    The GALAH survey: Co-orbiting stars and chemical tagging

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    We present a study using the second data release of the GALAH survey of stellar parameters and elemental abundances of 15 pairs of stars identified by Oh et al. They identified these pairs as potentially co-moving pairs using proper motions and parallaxes from Gaia DR1. We find that 11 very wide (>1 pc) pairs of stars do in fact have similar Galactic orbits, while a further four claimed co-moving pairs are not truly co-orbiting. Eight of the 11 co-orbiting pairs have reliable stellar parameters and abundances, and we find that three of those are quite similar in their abundance patterns, while five have significant [Fe/H] differences. For the latter, this indicates that they could be co-orbiting because of the general dynamical coldness of the thin disc, or perhaps resonances induced by the Galaxy, rather than a shared formation site. Stars such as these, wide binaries, debris of past star formation episodes, and coincidental co-orbiters, are crucial for exploring the limits of chemical tagging in the Milky Way.Parts of this research were conducted by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), through project number CE170100013. JDS and SLM acknowledge the support of the Australian Research Council through Discovery Project grant DP180101791. SB and KL acknowledge funds from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the framework of the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award endowed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. LD gratefully acknowledges a scholarship from Zonta International District 24 and support from Australian Research Council grant DP160103747. KL acknowledges funds from the Swedish Research Council (Grant nr. 2015-00415 3) and Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (Cofund Project INCA 600398). TZ acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P1- 0188). A. R. C. acknowledges support through the Australian Research Council through grant DP160100637. LD, KF, and Y-ST are grateful for support from the Australian Research Council grant DP160103747
