485 research outputs found

    Role of Genetic Analyses in Cardiology

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    Genetic analysis can be performed to identify the molecular substrate of inherited arrhythmogenic diseases; however, the role of this information in helping the management of patients is still debated. Here, we support the view that the practical value of genetic analysis is different in the various inherited conditions and that it is strongly influenced by the amount of information available in each disease about genotype-phenotype correlations. In some diseases, clinical management of patients is profoundly affected by the type of the underlying genetic defect; therefore, in these conditions, there is a high priority to introduce genetic analysis into clinical practice. In the absence of genotype-phenotype correlations, genetic testing still can be very useful when there is a clinical advantage in establishing presymptomatic diagnosis or when screening of family members may point to reproductive counseling. Finally, there is a high priority for introducing genetic testing for those genetic diseases in which a limited number of genes allow a high yield of successfully genotyped patients. We have developed a "score" to compare the value of genetic testing in arrhythmogenic diseases and to convey our view that the clinical role of genetic analysis is different in the various inherited cardiomyopathies and channelopathies. Healthcare authorities should become responsive to the advancement of knowledge in this field and should help facilitate access to genotyping for families affected by those conditions in which genetic analysis provides useful information for clinical management

    Brugada syndrome

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    A novel clinical entity characterized by ST segment elevation in right precordial leads (V1 to V3), incomplete or complete right bundle branch block, and susceptibility to ventricular tachyarrhythmia and sudden cardiac death has been described by Brugada et al. in 1992. This disease is now frequently called "Brugada syndrome" (BrS). The prevalence of BrS in the general population is unknown. The suggested prevalence ranges from 5/1,000 (Caucasians) to 14/1,000 (Japanese). Syncope, typically occurring at rest or during sleep (in individuals in their third or fourth decades of life) is a common presentation of BrS. In some cases, tachycardia does not terminate spontaneously and it may degenerate into ventricular fibrillation and lead to sudden death. Both sporadic and familial cases have been reported and pedigree analysis suggests an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. In approximately 20% of the cases BrS is caused by mutations in the SCN5A gene on chromosome 3p21-23, encoding the cardiac sodium channel, a protein involved in the control of myocardial excitability. Since the use of the implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is the only therapeutic option of proven efficacy for primary and secondary prophylaxis of cardiac arrest, the identification of high-risk subjects is one of the major goals in the clinical decision-making process. Quinidine may be regarded as an adjunctive therapy for patients at higher risk and may reduce the number of cases of ICD shock in patients with multiple recurrences

    Law, society and communications: assessing the agenda initiative of democratic media in Brazil

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    This article analyzes the dynamics of social movements for democratization of the media in contemporary Brazil, which culminated in the formulation of a proposed law that since the year 2012 has been seeking to collect the 1.4 million signatures it needs to be submitted to the parliament as an agenda initiative. We analyze the strengths and potentially controversial aspects of the proposed law according to two criteria: one determined by the existing normativity given by the Brazilian constitutional framework, and another brought by the comparison with normative aspects existing in the European Union. In summary, the proposed law can be characterized by significant innovations. However, conceptual inaccuracies and potential impacts difficult to be addressed, which could meet great resistance from hegemonic sectors, may hinder support for specific items, both in the phase of seeking support and in the legislative process

    A decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre a Lei de Imprensa na Folha de S. Paulo e no O Globo

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    Este trabalho é um relato de pesquisa que considera o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) um importante ator nas decisões políticas brasileiras. Algumas decisões do STF, por hipótese, impactaram os meios e as atividades da comunicação social, influenciando, especialmente, a forma de exercício da liberdade de expressão do pensamento e, em consequência, da democracia e da cidadania, bem como estabeleceram critérios jurídicos que balizam a formulação e efetivação de políticas públicas de comunicação. Reconhece-se que no âmbito estritamente jurídico já há uma produção científica acerca da centralidade política do judiciário, no entanto, verifica-se uma carência de estudos e análises referentes ao tratamento conferido pelos meios de comunicação em relação às decisões proferidas pelo Supremo quando relacionadas aos assuntos mencionados e suas consequências nas práticas políticas e sociais. Especificamente esse trabalho visa apresentar os resultados da pesquisa junto à Folha de S. Paulo e ao O Globo relacionados à decisão do STF sobre a lei de imprensa (ADPF 130) e que indicaram que os veículos pesquisados deram pouca atenção à decisão, às funções do Supremo e à temática da liberdade de expressão do pensamento

    O direito à comunicação no plenário da Assembléia Nacional Constituinte

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    O presente trabalho trata-se de um relato parcial de pesquisa em andamento que pretende verificar a regulação do direito à comunicação, elaborado durante o processo constituinte de 87/88. Por hipótese, a pesquisa considera que a intenção constituinte era de regular os direitos relacionados à comunicação. Para cumprir esses objetivos a pesquisa analisa as propostas e os debates legislativos durante o processo constituinte, relativos à regulação do direito à comunicação. Neste trabalho especificamente serão apresentados os resultados da pesquisa nos debates parlamentares que ocorreram no plenário da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte. Os resultados parciais da pesquisa apontam que a constituinte pretendeu impor um controle social ao direito à comunicação, corroborando deste modo esta hipótese da pesquisa.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/21754977716


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    Objetiva este trabalho averiguar a participação das faculdades de direito e, em conseqüência, dos intelectuais brasileiros, de formação jurídica, na construção do Estado brasileiro e a influência deles na formação do pensamento político e social nacional. Para a elaboração do presente, utilizou-se de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema proposto, tendo sido levantadas questões no intuito de tentar entender porque as faculdades de direito e os profissionais do direito tiveram grande participação na elaboração de um projeto nacional, durante o Império e o início da República, e porque deixaram de exercer função de vanguarda no início do século passado. O trabalho conclui que o afastamento desses profissionais no processo pode ser atribuído à reformulação dos cursos jurídicos que eram baseados em um ensino geral e humanístico e que passam a ser, antes da República, um curso de formação técnica, atribuindo- se aos cursos de ciências sociais, instituídos à época, a função de serem o local de difusão do conhecimento das ciências humanas, antes função atribuída aos cursos de direito. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: intelectuais juristas, formação do Estado e do pensamento social e político nacional. LAWYERS AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRAZILIAN STATE AND SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THINKING - bibliographic notes Carlo José Napolitano This paper aims to verify the participation of Brazilian law schools and consequently intellectuals graduated in law, on constructing Brazilian State and their influence in national social and political thinking. This study was made using bibliographical research about the issue at hand, raising questions to try and understand why law professionals and schools had great participation elaborating a national project during the Empire and beginnings of the Republic, and why they stopped taking a preeminent position at the beginning of last century. This work’s conclusions are that these professional’s estrangement from these processes may be attributed to the law courses’ reformulation, from based on a general and humanistic profile, to, before the Republic, a technical formation course, having their role in the difusion of knowledge passed on to by the time created Social Science courses. KEYWORDS: intellectual law professionals, social and political thinking and state formation. LES JURISTES ET LA CONSTRUCTION DE L´ETAT ET DE LA PENSÉE POLITIQUE ET SOCIALE BRÉSILIENNE - notes bibliographiques Carlo José Napolitano L´objectif de ce travail est de vérifier la participation des facultés de droit, et par conséquent des intellectuels brésiliens ayant une formation juridique, à la construction de l´Etat brésilien ainsi que leur influence sur la formation de la pensée politique et sociale nationale. Ce travail a été élaboré à partir d´une recherche bibliographique sur le thème proposé et de questionnements pour essayer de comprendre pourquoi les facultés de droit et les professionnels du droit ont pris part de manière significative à l´élaboration d´un projet national, pendant l´Empire et au début de la République, et pourquoi ils n´ont plus joué ce rôle d´avant-garde au début du siècle dernier. La conclusion à laquelle nous arrivons est que ces professionels ont probablement été éloignés du processus à cause de la reformulation des cours juridiques. Fondés sur un enseignement général et humanistique, ils ont été transformés avant l´avène-ment de la République en cours de formation technique alors que les cours en sciences sociales, institués à l´époque, sont devenus le lieu de diffusion de la connaissance des sciences humaines, fonction autrefois attribuée aux cours de droit. MOTS-CLÉS: intellectuels juristes, formation de l´Etat et de la pensée sociale et politique nationale. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.b

    Structure Solution of NaYO2 Compound Prepared by Soft Chemistry from X-Ray Diffraction Powder Data

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    In this work we reveal the structure of a NaYO2 compound solved from the X-ray diffraction powder pattern using the “ab-initio” structure solution approach. The compound turned out to be of trigonal structure, S. G. R-3m isomorphous with α-NaFeO2 layered compound. The lattice parameters are a = 3.404 and c = 16.602 Å, respectively, the atoms being located in Wickoff sites (cba) for O, Na and Y, respectively, leading to a calculated density of 4.31 g/cm3. The ordering of sodium and yttrium atoms into alternate (111) planes of the cubic close-packed oxygen lattice of NaYO2 is very regular. The octahedra are slightly distorted, the positive deviation of the Oz parameter from 0.25 elongates the NaO6 octahedra while compressing the YO6 octahedra. Actually the Na-O and Y-O bond distances are 2.58 (1) and 2.25 (1) Å, respectively, as it is expected from their ionic radii values reported (1.16 vs 1.04 radii for both ion-species octahedral coordination). Finally, the Na-Y, Y-Y, and Na-Na next neighbor distances are close to 3.40 Å.JRC.F.2-Energy Conversion and Storage Technologie

    O direito à comunicação no plenário da Assembléia Nacional Constituinte

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    This text is part of ongoing research that aims to verify the constitutional regulation of the communication rights, elaborated by constituent process on 87/88. For hypothesis, the research considers that was the intention of the constituent regulate the rights related to the communication. To fulfill to these objectives the research analyzes the legislative proposals and debates during the constituent process, related to the regulation of communication rights. In this text specifically will be presented the results of the research the parliamentary debates that had occurred in the plenary of the National Constituent Assembly. The partial results of the research point that the constituent intended to impose a social control to the communication rights, corroborating in this way this hypothesis of the research.O presente trabalho trata-se de um relato parcial de pesquisa em andamento que pretende verificar a regulação do direito à comunicação, elaborado durante o processo constituinte de 87/88. Por hipótese, a pesquisa considera que a intenção constituinte era de regular os direitos relacionados à comunicação. Para cumprir esses objetivos a pesquisa analisa as propostas e os debates legislativos durante o processo constituinte, relativos à regulação do direito à comunicação. Neste trabalho especificamente serão apresentados os resultados da pesquisa nos debates parlamentares que ocorreram no plenário da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte. Os resultados parciais da pesquisa apontam que a constituinte pretendeu impor um controle social ao direito à comunicação, corroborando deste modo esta hipótese da pesquisa