1,516 research outputs found

    Hadis dan Media Abad Ke-20 (Penolakan Hadis Dhaif tentang Larangan Wanita Diberi Pendidikan dalam Majalah al-Munir)

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    Al-Munir's magazine as a writing medium that emerged in the early 20th century is a form of manifestation of renewing understanding in the media, especially writing media. This article aims to explore hadith and the media in the 20th century, especially regarding al-Munir's rejection of the dhaif hadith related to prohibiting women from being given education. The method used is a literature study method with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. Al-Munir rejected the use of daif hadith as a source and basis for taking law from an issue. This can be seen from their (mudo) rejection of the hadith that prohibits women from being given an educational history by the Judge of Ibn Mas'ud being opposed and rejected because this hadith is dhaif. Al-Munir assessed that women also have the right to seek knowledge because this is obligatory for all Muslims without exception, apart from that working after studying is also a highlight and permissibility for them. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women


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    *ABSTRAK* 3D printing adalah salah satu proses additive manufacturing, dengan konsep mengubah desain digital tiga dimensi dari CAD (Computer Aided Design) dan selanjutnya dicetak dengan menambahkan lapis demi lapis material hingga membentuk suatu produk padat tiga dimensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan tekan rata-rata dari spesimen hasil pencetakan 3D printing dengan menggunakan filamen ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) dan PLA (polyatic acid) dengan variasi ketebalan layer thickness 0.15 mm, 0.25 mm, dan 0.35 mm. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan membuat beberapa variasi spesimen dari material ABS dan material PLA sesuai dengan standar ASTM D695 menggunakan mesin 3D printer dengan parameter layer thickness dan setelah itu dilakukan pengujian tekan untuk mengetahui kekuatan tekan dari benda hasil eksperimen. Berdasarkan data hasil pengujian yang telah didapatkan, spesimen yang dicetak menggunakan filamen polylatic acid (PLA) memiliki kekuatan tekan lebih besar dari spesimen yang dicetak menggunakan filament acrylonitrile butadine styrene (ABS) yang terdapat pada spesimen dengan layer thickness 0.15 mm sebesar 72.19 Mpa. Sedangkan untuk proses pencetakan yang efisien dari kedua filamen ada pada layer thickness 0.35 mm dengan waktu pencetakan selama 21.3 menit. Jadi, penggunaan filamen polylatic acid (PLA) lebih efektif dibandingkan filamen acrylonitrile butadine styrene (ABS). Kata Kunci: 3D Printing, Layer Thickness, ABS, PLA, Uji Tekan. *ABSTRACT* 3D printing is one of the additive manufacturing processes, with the concept of changing the three-dimensional digital design of CAD (Computer Aided Design) and then printing by adding layer by layer of material to form a three-dimensional solid product. This study aims to determine the average compressive strength of 3D printing specimens using ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) and PLA (polyatic acid) filaments with variations in layer thicknesses of 0.15 mm, 0.25 mm, and 0.35 mm. The research method used in this study is an experimental method by making several specimen variations of ABS material and PLA material in accordance with ASTM D695 standards using a 3D printer machine with layer thickness parameters and after that a press test is carried out to determine the compressive strength of the experimental object. Based on the test data that has been obtained, specimens printed using polylatic acid (PLA) filaments have a greater compressive strength than specimens printed using acrylonitrile butadine styrene (ABS) filaments found in specimens with a thickness layer of 0.15 mm of 72.19 Mpa. As for the efficient printing process of the two filaments, it is on a thickness layer of 0.35 mm with a printing time of 21.3 minutes. So, the use of polylatic acid (PLA) filaments is more effective than acrylonitrile butadine styrene (ABS) filaments. Keywords: 3D Printing, Layer Thickness, ABS, PLA, Press Test


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    The Problem of hisab and ru’yat on its development are not regardless of development Islamic thingking history who much be embellishment of ideology, mazhab or firqah, who present differentiation on opinion who related Islamic law framework especially in Indonesia. The result of understanding different about argumentation normative hisab-ru’yat were think out a differntiation and understanding on the Islamic member of a religious community. This thesis is field research, who has special understanding on construe of Hadis ru’yat al-hilal of Tarekat Syatariah. Interpretation this Hadith of Tarekat Syatariah have different understanding to understand the context of Hadis. Now focus of this research is to know understanding and implementation of Hadith ru’yat al-hilal according to Syatariah scholar Ulakan Padang Pariaman. The result of this research are, First, understanding of hadis ru’yat al-hilal according to Syatariah scolar Ulakan Padang Pariaman is both collaboration of that hadis, because of the first hadis be explanation of the second hadis that are when the moon can’t be seen with the naked eyes because closed of fog or cloud, than word of presuppositioning (faqdurulah) on the first hadis be exclamation of passages of Koran by supplying additional information by Syatariah scholar be completed Sya’ban moon to be 30 days. Second, understanding implementation of Hadis ru’yat al-hilal is with together see new moon (al-hilal) at place who be certained of scolar (Tuangku) from the last time , they are Ulakan beach Padang Pariaman and Koto Tuo Agam. They are see new moon naked eye, although use the modern tools to see it the last judgmen according to them how to see it with naked eye, if it can’t be seen so, the new moon was not visible, although with modern tools to see it, and that not have influenced on determination al-hilal was seem or not. Their jedgment is still on argument if the new moon can’t see with naked eyes, so, al-hilal be evidented not visible and Sya’ban moon be completed to 30 days


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    Jumlah penduduk di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun, sehingga mengakibatkan tingginya kebutuhan oleh masyarakat, salah satu kebutuhannya adalah nasi. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat pemerintah harus cepat dalam mengatasi permasalahan dalam segi pertanian, terutama dalam pertanian padi adalah meningkatkan produksi padi. Sumatera barat menjadi salah satu provinsi yang menduduki posisi 10 besar total produksi padi terbanyak di Indonesia dari tahun 1993 sampai tahun 2015. Peningkatan produksi pangan mengharuskan pemerintah untuk memperbaiki atau memperbaharui teknologi pertanian pangan yang telah ada, salah satu teknologinya adalah Thresher. Thresher merupakan alat perontok padi yang diperlukan guna meningkatkan hasil produksi perontokan padi dan mempercepat proses pasca panen padi. Perontokan yaitu proses memisahkan gabah dari tangkainya. Salah satu perusahaan yang memproduksi alat perontok padi di Sumatera Barat adalah CV Citra Dragon. Akan tetapi alat yang diproduksi oleh CV Citra Dragon belum memenuhi SNI. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengujian berdasarkan kriteria SNI. Tahap pengujian yaitu mengumpulkan data primer dari mesin thresher berupa : kadar air padi sebagai objek penelitan, berat gabah dan lain-lain, dan data primer berupa luas sawah dan biaya pengolahan sawah seperti harga pupuk, harga bibit dan lain-lain. Hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa mesin thresher fadhila 2017 lebih baik dari mesin thresher existing hal ini didapatkan dari hasil perbandingan dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria SNI. Namun efisiensi perontokan yang dihasilkan oleh kedua mesin thresher tersebut belum memenuhi SNI dikarenakan nilai efisiensi yang didapatkan untuk thresher Fadhila 2017 sebesar 90% dan existing 85.5% dan standar SNI untuk efisiensi perontokan adalah 95%. Untuk meningkatkan nilai dari efisiensi perontokan tersebut maka dilakukan perbaikan desain pada gigi perontok pada mesin thresher Kata kunci : Pangan, SNI, Thresher

    Improving Student's Reasoning Ability Through The Tahfizh Al-Qur’an Program

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    Teaching tahfizh al-Quran is one way to build student competence to do reasoning in and memorizing the Al-Qur’an. Given the changes in vision and mission as stated in the competency-based curriculum, it is necessary to make concrete efforts to prepare and make its implementation successful. This study aims to identify the teaching method of tahfizh al-Quran  at the Tafsir Hadis Major, to explain the strategy of optimally developing tahfizh al-Qur'an so that it can improve students' reasoning abilities and identify the level of students' reasoning ability after participating in the tahfizh al-Qur'an program at the Tafsir Hadis Major. This study is a development activity carried out in collaboration between students and lecturers to conceptually design the design of teaching materials based on experience and existing conditions. These two stages will always be accompanied by a process of evaluation and reflection to improve the designs developed. This research shows that first; the sima'i method is a method that is widely used by students in memorizing the Qur'an, secondly; the strategy of fostering tahfizh al-Quran   should be done with the muraja'ah method, Third; From the results of the calculation of the student's reasoning ability test scores, the average score of students' reasoning abilities in the high category was 48.82, the average category was 41.06, and the low category has obtained an average of 39. These different average gains indicate that the levels of students' reasoning abilities are different


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    Latar belakang: Nilai limfosit absolut (ALC) dan nilai rasio netrofil limfosit (NLR) menjadi salah satu parameter yang memiliki nilai aplikasi klinis dalam memprediksi perkembangan COVID-19. Limfopenia dianggap sebagai penanda awal diagnosis COVID-19 dan neutrofil yang dipicu oleh faktor inflamasi seperti IL-6, IL-8, TNF-ɑ diproduksi oleh limfosit dan sel endotel yang terkait pada infeksi virus. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan nilai rasio netrofil limfosit dan limfosit absolut dengan luaran pasien COVID-19 terkonfirmasi di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Metode: Penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan kohort retrospektif pada pasien COVID-19 terkonfirmasi yang dirawat di RSUP DR M Djamil Padang. Data diambil dari bulan Januari 2021 sampai dengan Maret 2021. Analisis Chi-Square/Fisher Exact Test dengan nilai p value < 0.05 dihitung untuk melihat hubungan nilai rasio netrofil limfosit dan limfosit absolut dengan luaran pasien COVID-19 di RSUP Dr M Djamil Padang. Penelitian menggunakan analisis multivariat dengan logistic regression untuk menilai pengaruh ALC dan NLR terhadap faktor resiko luaran pada pasien covid 19. Hasil: Karakteristik pasien sebagian besar adalah berusia lebih dari 50 tahun, (64.3%), perempuan (52.2%), tidak ada limfopenia (44.9%), dan nilai NLR ≄ 3,13 (51.1%). Pasien dengan limfopenia berat dan peningkatan NLR akan memiliki tingkat kematian yang lebih tinggi dengan nilai OR 1.56 (95% CI 1.31-1.99) dan. OR 2.64 (95% CI 1.48-4.69).Analisis multivariat mendapatkan nliai NLR sebagai faktor resiko yang berperan terhadap luaran OR 2,36 (1,74-4,74) Kesimpulan: Nilai NLR sabagai faktor resiko independen mortalit

    The molecular basis of genistein-induced mitotic arrest and exit of self-renewal in embryonal carcinoma and primary cancer cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genistein is an isoflavonoid present in soybeans that exhibits anti-carcinogenic properties. The issue of genistein as a potential anti-cancer drug has been addressed in some papers, but comprehensive genomic analysis to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the effect elicited by genistein on cancer cells have not been performed on primary cancer cells, but rather on transformed cell lines. In the present study, we treated primary glioblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and human embryonic carcinoma cells (NCCIT) with Ό-molar concentrations of genistein and assessed mitotic index, cell morphology, global gene expression, and specific cell-cycle regulating genes. We compared the expression profiles of NCCIT cells with that of the cancer cell lines in order to identify common genistein-dependent transcriptional changes and accompanying signaling cascades.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We treated primary cancer cells and NCCIT cells with 50 ΌM genistein for 48 h. Thereafter, we compared the mitotic index of treated versus untreated cells and investigated the protein expression of key regulatory self renewal factors as OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG. We then used gene expression arrays (Illumina) for genome-wide expression analysis and validated the results for genes of interest by means of Real-Time PCR. Functional annotations were then performed using the DAVID and KEGG online tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that cancer cells treated with genistein undergo cell-cycle arrest at different checkpoints. This arrest was associated with a decrease in the mRNA levels of core regulatory genes, <it>PBK</it>, <it>BUB1</it>, and <it>CDC20 </it>as determined by microarray-analysis and verified by Real-Time PCR. In contrast, human NCCIT cells showed over-expression of <it>GADD45 A </it>and <it>G </it>(growth arrest- and DNA-damage-inducible proteins 45A and G), as well as down-regulation of OCT4, and NANOG protein. Furthermore, genistein induced the expression of apoptotic and anti-migratory proteins p53 and p38 in all cell lines. Genistein also up-regulated steady-state levels of both <it>CYCLIN A </it>and <it>B</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the present study, together with the results of earlier studies show that genistein targets genes involved in the progression of the M-phase of the cell cycle. In this respect it is of particular interest that this conclusion cannot be drawn from comparison of the individual genes found differentially regulated in the datasets, but by the rather global view of the pathways influenced by genistein treatment.</p

    Long- and short-range correlations and their event-scale dependence in high-multiplicity pp collisions at 1as = 13 TeV

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    Two-particle angular correlations are measured in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions at s = 13 TeV by the ALICE Collaboration. The yields of particle pairs at short-( 06\u3b7 3c 0) and long-range (1.6 < | 06\u3b7| < 1.8) in pseudorapidity are extracted on the near-side ( 06\u3c6 3c 0). They are reported as a function of transverse momentum (pT) in the range 1 < pT< 4 GeV/c. Furthermore, the event-scale dependence is studied for the first time by requiring the presence of high-pT leading particles or jets for varying pT thresholds. The results demonstrate that the long-range \u201cridge\u201d yield, possibly related to the collective behavior of the system, is present in events with high-pT processes as well. The magnitudes of the short- and long-range yields are found to grow with the event scale. The results are compared to EPOS LHC and PYTHIA 8 calculations, with and without string-shoving interactions. It is found that while both models describe the qualitative trends in the data, calculations from EPOS LHC show a better quantitative agreement for the pT dependency, while overestimating the event-scale dependency. [Figure not available: see fulltext.
