669 research outputs found

    Le débat interprétatif dans l'enseignement du français, por Ana Dias-Chiaruttini (2015). Peter Lang, 270 págs

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    Obra ressenyada: Ana DIAS-CHIARUTTINI, Le débat interprétatif dans l'enseignement du français. Peter Lang, 2015


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    Prevention is said to be better than cure and while no one could disagree with this sentiment in theory, there seems to be some difficulty in implementing it in practice. Western society embraces the romantic vision that children should simply be “children”. A child‟s obligation, it seems, is to be happy. However, the experiences of children in developing countries subvert the modern, mythologized understandings of childhood. Childhood should be a period of innocence, but sadly some children think that the abuse they experience is a normal part of childhood


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    2010. City Pontianak West Kalimantan has equator monument and river kapuas that can be made landmark for this city. River Papuas and equator monument is a which are positive tour and beneficial. But in this time potential tour unworked well. Second landmark this be good fascination if is waked up a building insides the area. So that will fit once be built a restaurant because superiority batural beauty fascination will not be seen in vain, remember supporting facilities for tourism activity likes riparian restaurant not available expediently. As well as mutual will support with equator monument existence because each visitor can be made interesting for every this tour object. Restaurant is a place that prepare food menu and drink. a also must give pleasant atmosphere for the occupant. Also play important role scenery aspect, like nature factor. Restaurant usually located in down town, city hem, edge coast or river, and in tourism region. This restaurant existence is supposed later will give share in will subsidize tourism sector especially in equator monument and can fulfil society need, even less remember in this time kalbar not yet has restaurant that has recreation facilities that present in river edge. In planning and this restaurant planning, building more aim in Kalimantan tradisional building philosophy west that is Malay tradisional building and Dayaks. This tradisional philosophy use not just for gives natural atmosphere with environment context around, but also meant to overcome Kalimantan nature problems west like tall humidity factor. Air-g use in building will give a restaurant form natural. Direction will look at principal that be batural resources that be maked use River Kapuas and equator monument. By using Malay tradisional building concept and Dayaks Pontianak west Kalimantan so this restaurant aims in tradisional building and natural


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    Institusi keluarga dipandang sebagai sebuah lembaga yang paling berperan dalam kehidupan sosial yang sehat terutama terkait pembentukan pribadi anak. Sebagai lingkungan pertama dan utama tumbuh kembang anak, sebuah keluarga khususnya orangtua diharapkan mampu mengoptimalkan peranannya ter­utama dalam bersosialisasi dan berinteraksi dengan anak-anak mereka. Pola asuh yang sesuai serta pengajaran yang ber­orientasi pada kebutuhan dasar anak, selayaknya diupaya­kan tanpa melanggar hak-hak anak. Dalam hal ini, orang tua di­harap­kan bisa menjadi model dan teladan bagi anak serta bijak­sana dalam memberikan sanksi bagi anak yang melakukan kesalahan dengan mempertimbangkan tindakan–tindakan yang sifatnya “ramah anak”. Menyikapi berbagai fenomena sosial terkait masalah anak yang rawan tindak kekerasan saat ini, pe­nulis mencoba menggambarkan upaya–upaya revitalisasi peran keluarga khususnya orangtua dalam mengurangi tindak ke­kerasan terhadap anak


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) kelayakan LKPD dengan pendekatan authentic inquiry learning pada tema Pencemaran Air (2) keefektifan LKPD berpendekatan authentc inquiry learning pada tema Pencemaran Air terhadap peningkatan keingintahuan peserta didik (3) keefektifan LKPD berpendekatan authentc inquiry learning pada tema Pencemaran Air terhadap peningkatan kemampuan memecahkan masalah peserta didik. Model penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini model 4D meliputi tahap pendefinisian (define), perencanaan (design), pengembangan (develop), dan penyebaran (disseminate). Penelitian ini melibatkan dua dosen ahli dan tiga guru IPA yang bertindak sebagai validator kelayakan LKPD. LKPD diujicobakan kepada 31 peserta didik kelas VII B SMP N 1 Wates. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi lembar observasi sikap keingintahuan, lembar observasi pemecahan masalah, angket keingintahuan peserta didik, kemampuan memecahkan masalah diperoleh melalui tes (pretest-postest), dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran authentic inquiry learning. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pedoman skala kriteria penilaian, persentase dan gain score. Hasil uji coba dalam penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKPD dengan pendekatan authentic inquiry learning berdasarkan kelayakan LKPD oleh validator dan respon peserta didik dinyatakan layak yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai A dalam kriteria sangat baik. LKPD dengan pendekatan authentic inquiry learning efektif meningkatkan keingintahuan peserta didik dengan rata–rata persentase 63,746%, serta efektif meningkatkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah peserta didik dengan kategori gain scoresedang. Kata kunci : LKPD IPA, pendekatan authentic inquiry learning, sikap keingintahuan, dan kemampuan memecahkan masala

    Six-year longitudinal study of Fasciola hepatica bulk milk antibody ELISA in the dairy dense region of the Republic Ireland

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    Abstract Completion of the F. hepatica lifecycle is dependent on suitable climatic conditions for development of immature stages of the parasite, and its snail intermediate host. Few investigations have been conducted regarding temporal variations in F. hepatica status in Irish dairy herds. The current study aimed to conduct a longitudinal study examining annual and seasonal trends in bulk milk seropositivity over six years, while also investigating associations with soil temperature, rainfall and flukicide treatment. Monthly bulk milk samples (BTM) were submitted by 28 herds between March 2009 and December 2014. In all, 1337 samples were analysed using a Cathepsin L1 ELISA. Soil temperature, rainfall and management data were obtained for general estimating equation and regression analyses. A general decrease in milk seropositivity was observed over the six year study period and was associated with an increased likelihood of treating for liver fluke (OR range = 2.73–6.96). Annual and seasonal analyses of rainfall and F. hepatica BTM status yielded conflicting results. Higher annual rainfall (\u3e1150 mm) yielded a lower likelihood of being BTM positive than annual rainfall of (OR = 0.47; P = 0.036). This was most likely due to farmers being more proactive in treating for F. hepatica in wetter years, although a ‘wash effect’ by high rainfall of the free living stages and snails cannot be ruled out. Higher seasonal rainfall (\u3e120 mm), however, was associated with increased ELISA S/P% values (Coefficient = 9.63S/P%; P = 0.001). Soil temperature was not found to influence F. hepatica to the same extent as rainfall and may reflect the lack of severe temperature fluctuations in Ireland. Flukicides active against both immature and mature F. hepatica were approximately half as likely to record a positive F. hepatica herd BTM status than a flukicide active against only the mature stage of the parasite (OR ≅ 0.45; P \u3c 0.01). This study highlights the importance of examining both annual and seasonal F. hepatica data, which can vary significantly. Additionally, it highlights the progress that can be achieved in fluke control by application of a continuous BTM monitoring program

    Animals, people, automata, and ghosts in Latin America

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    Indexación: Revista UNAB.Este artículo aborda cuatro conceptos y figuras culturales y sus relaciones posibles desde un marco biopolítico: animales, personas, autómatas y espectros. Estas cuatro categorías se encuentran en los umbrales de la subjetividad, por lo tanto, al revisarlas se deconstruye la dicotomía entre cuerpo y alma del sujeto desde sus bordes y umbrales estéticos y conceptuales. También se proponen ejemplos de la literatura latinoamericana de los cruces entre estas figuras desde donde emergen espacios monstruosos de figuración y desfiguración individual y colectiva.This article analyses four concepts and figures and their relationships in biopolitical framework: animals, people, automata and spectra. These four categories can be found in the aesthetic and conceptual thresholds of subjectivity, and for this, they deconstruct classical dichotomies such as body and soul. This article also proposes examples taken from Latin American literature of the intersections between these figures in which monstrous figures of individual and collective (dis) figuration arise

    Book Review

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    Roberts, Dennis C. & Komives, Susan R. (Eds.) (2016). Enhancing Student Learning and Development in Cross- Border Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass