34 research outputs found

    Analisis Pergerakan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Sebelum Dan Sesudah Pandemi Covid

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    The research is aimed at analyzing the movement of the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) before and after the COVID-19 pandemic March 2019-February period. The data used is the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia published by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). The research method used is quantitative with the type of research is an Event Study, with a Paired T-Test model. The result of this research showa that COVID-19 has a significant effect on the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) for the period March 2019-February 2021


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    Along with the development of technology various radiographic increasingly varied from a single exposure to the examination in serial. Including reproductive organs, one of which is known as Histerosalfingography examination (HSG) (Bontrager, 2000). Histerosalfingography is done by making a couple of times to get the radiation exposure according to the radiograph contrast media travel in the reproductive system. Therefore, patients also gain some exposure (exposure) radiation projection includes at least Antero posterior (AP), oblique, and lateral. On the other hand, the reproductive organs is one of the organs that are sensitive to radiation (Travis, 2000), it makes reality a dilemma, on one hand radiographs are required to get information anatomical features optimized to support diagnostic, on the other hand the sensitivity of organs high against radiation. Therefore, it is necessary election eksposi factors and appropriate treatment so that the negative effects of radiation does not occur in patients who do checks. It is necessary for the dissemination of research on the radiation dose received at each examination of the reproductive system (HSG) is. Thus, the method can be applied optimization Exposure factors in Histerosalfingography Examination for patient safety (patient safety) that need to be upheld in all health services


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan penggunaan media realita dalam meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran Matematika tentang Perkalian bilangan dikelas II SDN 02 Mempawah Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian siswa kelas II SDN 02 Mempawah Timur yang berjumlah 19 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang di gunakan adalah teknik observasi dan pencermatan dokumen dengan alat pengumpulan data lembar observasi dan penilaian hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan guru merancang pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan sebesar 2,8 kategori mendekati baik, kemampuan melaksanakan pembelajaran sebesar 2,5 Kategori mendekati, dan aktivitas mengalami peningkatan sebesar 8,7%. Kata Kunci: aktivitas belajar, hasil belajar, media realita Abstraction: This study aims to describe the use reality of media in improving the activity and student learning outcomes in mathematics learning of the multiplication of numbers in class II SDN 02 East Mempawah. The method used is descriptive method to form action research. Second grade students study subjects SDN 02 East Mempawah totaling 19 students. The data collection technique used is the technique of observation and scrutiny of documents by means of data collection sheets observation and assessment of student learning outcomes. The results show the ability of teachers to design learning category increased by 2.8 good approach, implementing the learning ability of 2.5 category approaching, and activity increased by 8.7%. Keyword: activity learn, result learn, media realit


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    The projections for the sacrum are axial anteroposterior with the beam 15 degrees toward the cephalad, and axial posteroanterior in the direction of the beam 15 degrees caudally. Some practitioners take steps to examine the sacrum with AP projections in a perpendicular beam direction. Around the sacrum are reproductive organs that are sensitive to radiation, so it is necessary to select the right projection to reduce the radiation dose and show clear anatomical information. This study aims to determine the projection of an examination that produces clear anatomical information at a minimal dose. This is an experimental study with one shot post-test only. Samples in the form of radiographs were obtained from perpendicular AP and axial AP projections assessed by radiologists regarding the clarity of anatomical information. The radiation dose was measured using TLD on the ovaries and gonads. Data were analyzed by t-test and Wilcoxon test with an error level of 5%. The AP axial projection shows better anatomical information than the perpendicular AP projection. The axial AP projection shows a smaller dose of the ovaries and gonads. There is a difference in anatomical information between AP and axial AP projections with a p-value = 0.017. There was a difference in radiation dose between AP and axial AP projections on the right ovary (p-value = 0.002), left ovary (p-value less than 0.001) and gonads (p-value = 0.008)

    Dose Area Product Performance in Fluoroscopy as Supporting Modalities Lithrotripsi Extracorporeal Shock Wave (ESWL) Action for Kidney Stone Localization Resolution

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    This is an observational method with a quantitative approach to study the magnitude of dose area product who received ESWL patients and the level of safety in accordance with the rules of radiation safety in the use of X-ray. Processing and analysis of the data is done by calculating the dose area product ( DAP ) received by the patients at each exposure based on the thickness of the patients were detected with the TLD. Comparison is done with the use of standard flouroscopy examination. Result shows that 10 cm material thickness in 0.008 minutes results 187mGy.cm2 and 5095 mGy.cm2 DAP in 5 minutes. While in 20 cm phantom thickness and in 0.008 minutes result 424 mGy.cm2 and DAP obtained in 5 minutes is 2 20912 mGy.cm. The use of fluoroscopy on ESWL in Dr . Kariadi hospital is still within the safe limits: < 100 mGy / min , the dose rate exposure on a 10 cm phantom thickness is 3.38 mGy / min and in 20 cm phantom thickness is 13.89 mGy / min , exposure dose rate per minute on the phantom thickness of the 23 cm is 17.03 mGy / min and the rate of patient exposure dose obtained by the observation of 17.61 mGy / min


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    Costumer’s decision to buy the cellular card is influenced by the concept of AIDA while used to promote the advertisement, become the problems of company. Therefore, in this study, the writer chooses the title “Pengaruh Advertising Dengan Konsep AIDA Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kartu Perdana Merk simPATI (Studi Eksplanasi Pengaruh Advertising Dengan Konsep AIDA Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kartu Perdana Merk simPATI di Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya â€.  This research conducted at University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. However, the study is aimed for knowing the influence of each free variable, such as attention, interest, desire and action to the costumer’s decision for buying SimPATI cellular card, and also for knowing the influence of variable which most dominant based on AIDA concept toward the costumer’s decision for buying SimPATI cellular card. As the result of this study, each free variable, such as: attention, interest, desire and action influence the purchasing order and action variable has the dominant influence to determine the purchasing.     Keywords: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, Purchasing decision

    The Effect of Futsal Training toward Vo2max on Teenager Students at Mts Darulmutaalimin Kadungora District in Garut Regency

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    Background: Futsal is a sport that played by the team with the aim to obtain the pleasure, the physical fitness and also to achieve the optimal performance. The Futsal is able to make someone more fit as well. A person’s fitness can be measured by how much VO2max value.VO2max is the ability of the heart and lungs supplying the oxygen throughout the body for a long time. The factors that effect of VO2max value one of them are futsal sport makes people move and if it is done regularly and discipline will make the work of the heart and lungs increases and makes the amount of blood per beat contents being pumped throughout the body increasing, there was an increase in VO2max. Objectives: The study aims to identify the effect of futsal training on VO2maxMTS students Darul mutaalimin Kadungora District Garut District 2018. Methods: The type of research used pre-experiment with the design of ”one group pretest posttest”with the amount of population were as many as 109 students, the sample were 20 students, and using the random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by direct observation of the distance traveled by students for 12 minutes. The analysis method used the Parameters T-Test analysis because data were normally distributed Results: The results showed the average VO2max value before doing the futsal training were 32.44 and after doing the futsal training, the average VO2max value was 36.70. VO2max value increasing this was significant with P-Value (0.000)<(0.05). Conclusion: This showed that there was an effect of futsal training on VO2max. The suggestion for Darulmutaalimin Garut MTS is that necessary to do extra extracurricular futsal sports to improve student fitness so that students are not easily become sick, more active and diligent in daily learning process

    Dose Area Product Performance in Fluoroscopy as Supporting Modalities Lithrotripsi Extracorporeal Shock Wave (ESWL) Action for Kidney Stone Localization Resolution

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    This is an observational method with a quantitative approach to study the magnitude of dose area product who received ESWL patients and the level of safety in accordance with the rules of radiation safety in the use of X-ray. Processing and analysis of the data is done by calculating the dose area product ( DAP ) received by the patients at each exposure based on the thickness of the patients were detected with the TLD. Comparison is done with the use of standard flouroscopy examination. Result shows that 10 cm material thickness in 0.008 minutes results 187mGy.cm2 and 5095 mGy.cm2 DAP in 5 minutes. While in 20 cm phantom thickness and in 0.008 minutes result 424 mGy.cm2 and DAP obtained in 5 minutes is 2 20912 mGy.cm. The use of fluoroscopy on ESWL in Dr . Kariadi hospital is still within the safe limits: < 100 mGy / min , the dose rate exposure on a 10 cm phantom thickness is 3.38 mGy / min and in 20 cm phantom thickness is 13.89 mGy / min , exposure dose rate per minute on the phantom thickness of the 23 cm is 17.03 mGy / min and the rate of patient exposure dose obtained by the observation of 17.61 mGy / min