8 research outputs found

    NOX1 loss-of-function genetic variants in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

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    Genetic defects that affect intestinal epithelial barrier function can present with very early-onset inflammatory bowel disease (VEOIBD). Using whole-genome sequencing, a novel hemizygous defect in NOX1 encoding NAPDH oxidase 1 was identified in a patient with ulcerative colitis-like VEOIBD. Exome screening of 1,878 pediatric patients identified further seven male inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients with rare NOX1 mutations. Loss-of-function was validated in p.N122H and p.T497A, and to a lesser degree in p.Y470H, p.R287Q, p.I67M, p.Q293R as well as the previously described p.P330S, and the common NOX1 SNP p.D360N (rs34688635) variant. The missense mutation p.N122H abrogated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in cell lines, ex vivo colonic explants, and patient-derived colonic organoid cultures. Within colonic crypts, NOX1 constitutively generates a high level of ROS in the crypt lumen. Analysis of 9,513 controls and 11,140 IBD patients of non-Jewish European ancestry did not reveal an association between p.D360N and IBD. Our data suggest that loss-of-function variants in NOX1 do not cause a Mendelian disorder of high penetrance but are a context-specific modifier. Our results implicate that variants in NOX1 change brush border ROS within colonic crypts at the interface between the epithelium and luminal microbes

    Significant New Records of Amphibians and Reptiles From Georgia, USA

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    Distributional maps found in Amphibians and Reptiles of Georgia (Jensen et al. 2008), along with subsequent geographical distribution notes published in Herpetological Review, serve as essential references for county-level occurrence data for herpetofauna in Georgia. Collectively, these resources aid biologists by helping to identify distributional gaps for which to target survey efforts. Herein we report newly documented county records for a variety of amphibian and reptile species in Georgia. All records below were verified by David Bechler (VSU), Nikole Castleberry (GMNH), David Laurencio (AUM), Lance McBrayer (GSU), and David Steen (SRSU), and datum used was WGS84. Standard English names follow Crother (2012)

    Evaluation and Management of Dyslipidemia in Patients with HIV Infection

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    OBJECTIVE: Persons with HIV infection develop metabolic abnormalities related to their antiretroviral therapy and HIV infection itself. The objective of this study was to summarize the emerging evidence for the incidence, etiology, health risks, and treatment of dyslipidemias in HIV disease. DESIGN: Systematic review of original research with quantitative synthesis. MAIN RESULTS: Dyslipidemia is common in persons with HIV infection on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), but methodologic differences between studies preclude precise estimates of prevalence and incidence. The typical pattern includes elevated total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides, which may be markedly elevated. The dyslipidemia may be associated with lipodystrophy, insulin resistance, and, rarely, frank diabetes mellitus. Exposure to protease inhibitors (PIs) is associated with this entire range of metabolic abnormalities. PI-naïve patients on nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) may develop lipodystrophy, insulin resistance, hypercholesterolemia, and possibly modest elevations in triglycerides but not severe hypertriglyceridemia, which appears to be linked to PIs alone. Most studies have not found an association between CD4 lymphocyte count or HIV viral load and lipid abnormalities. The pathogenesis is incompletely understood and appears to be multifactorial. There are insufficient data to definitively support an increased coronary heart disease risk in patients with HIV-related dyslipidemia. However, some of the same metabolic abnormalities remain firmly established risk factors in other populations. Patients on HAART with severe hypertriglyceridemia may develop pancreatitis or other manifestations of the chylomicronemia syndrome. Some of the metabolic derangements (particularly hypertriglyceridemia) may improve upon replacing a PI with a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. The limited experience suggests that fibrates, pravastatin, and atorvastatin can safely treat lipid abnormalities in HIV-infected patients. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with HIV infection on HAART should be screened for lipid disorders, given their incidence, potential for morbidity, and possible long-term cardiovascular risk. Treatment decisions are complex and must include assessments of cardiac risk, HIV infection status, reversibility of the dyslipidemia, and the effectiveness and toxicities of lipid-lowering medications. The multiple potential drug interactions with antiretroviral or other HIV-related medications should be considered in lipid-lowering drug selection and monitoring

    <em>NOX1</em> loss-of-function genetic variants in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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