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    The soft drink production process resulting waste water contains high color, COD and TSS quality. General treatment for soft drink waste water usually using conventional method but this method became inefficient since highly cost on operational. Recent alternative method for waste water treatment is using plasma technology to decreasing the high quality of color, COD and TSS. Plasma formed in a reactor that comprises two electrodes which one connected with high voltage. The reactor resulting active species with high oxidation potential i.e. •OH, •O, •H, O3 and H2O2, and it have important role to removing organic compounds. This study is to discover the affectivity of plasma technology to degrade the quality of color, COD an TSS in soft drink waste water. Soft drink waste water treated in a rector with high voltage (16, 17, 18 kV) and circulation variation (1-6 times). The voltage and circulation variation influences the degradation of color, COD and TSS in waste water. The degradation of color, COD an TSS increases with higher voltage and more amount of circulation. The highest degradation of color, COD and TSS was attained in 18 kV with 6 circulations. The degradation percentages are 99,91 %, 98,72 % dan 98,66 whereas waste water pH before treatment reached 8 and in the end of treatment positioned around 7. The energy requirement to obtain this efficiency is 0, 0968 kWh with electrical cost is Rp. 1.473/m3. Key Word: corona discharge plasma, oxidation, active species, voltage, circulation

    Reforming Trade in Services and Negotiation Processes in Morocco

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    Arguments in favor of liberalizing the market for services are becoming increasingly widespread. These arguments particularly apply to financial services, telecommunications, and transportation, which are key sectors that significantly contribute to a nation's economic development. However, the challenges of liberalizing the market for services to foreign competition are evident. Furthermore, this liberalization entails a broad and complex set of policies, regulatory instruments, institutions and constituencies, domestically and in the foreign arena, in the public and the private sector. Experience has shown that considerable care must be given to the assessment of the nature, pace and sequencing of regulatory reform and liberalization in order to meaningfully enhance a nation's economic growth and development. Morocco has signed, ratified, and implemented several Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and is engaged in discussions with other partners. Issues that concern the market of services are gaining in importance in Morocco's foreign trade policy. Moreover, Morocco has continued to reform its sectoral policies, making notable progress in services sector performances in a bid to diversify its economy. This paper tries to outline some features that concern the trade in services policies and reforms in Morocco and its negotiation process adopted by enforcing bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements.Morocco; Trade in Service; Trade Policy; Reform, Liberilization, Regulatory impacts.

    Physical interpretation of the Mullins softening in a carbon-black filled SBR

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    A 40 phr carbon-black filled styrene butadiene rubber has been submitted to several experiments in order to identify the physical damage responsible for the mechanical softening recorded upon first stretch. Damage in the rubber matrix was determined by swelling. The filler structure alteration was monitored by electrical conductivity measurements. Both damages are shown to be of minor importance compared to the substantial mechanical softening undergone by the material. Degradation at the rubber-filler interface may be recovered by exposing the material at high temperatures in vacuo. The chain mobility in such storage conditions promotes free chain adsorption at the filler surface. The existence of a layer of polymer whose movements are hindered adds to the filler reinforcement and its desorption creates Mullins softening


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    Sekolah merupakan suatu institusi pendidikan yang memiliki kultur sekolah yang dapat dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kultur sekolah untuk menggali dan menggambarkan tentang kultur fisik dan non fisik, peran kultur sekolah dalam mengembangkan good school, dan program-program yang dilakukan sekolah dalam mendukung good school sehingga mengetahui kultur sekolah dalam mengembangkan good school di SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini meliputi pelaksana teknis kepala sekolah, guru, karyawan, dan siswa dengan objek pengembangan kultur sekolah. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Hubberman, yakni dengan tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display data, dan verifikasi data. Triangulasi yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa kultur sekolah di SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta mampu memberikan kenyamanan bagi warganya. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan melalui artifak fisik yang berupa kondisi lingkungan sekolah, akses terhadap sekolah, taman, tata gedung, interior, tata ruang, alat pendukung olahraga, alat penunjang ekstrakurikuler, laboratorium, kantin sekolah, dan masjid. Artifak perilaku ditunjukkan warga sekolah melalui penampilan, keterlibatan dalam kegiatan sekolah, keterlibatan dalam upacara sekolah, dan interaksi antar warga sekolah. Sedangkan nilai dan keyakinan dilihat melalui kebanggaan terhadap sekolah, perwujudan visi dan misi sekolah, penghargaan terhadap warga sekolah, kompetisi berprestasi, inovasi yang dilakukan oleh guru, slogan, dan penerapan nilai di sekolah. Artifak fisik dan perilaku menunjukkan bahwa SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta memiliki kultur yang mengarah pada kultur positif. Kultur sekolah dalam mengembangkan good school melalui program sebagai berikut. (1) Penanaman budaya prestasi melalui program Gerakan Literasi Sekolah, LDMI, dan dan Padmanaba Science Expo. (2) Penanaman budaya religius dengan adanya penumbuhan budi pekerti dan pendalaman iman bagi setiap siswa sesuai dengan agamanya masing-masing. (3) Penanaman budaya disiplin dengan pembuatan tata tertib sekolah dan pemberian sanksi tegas bagi yang melanggar. (4) Penanaman budaya kebersihan dengan SEMUTLIS dan PJRC. (5) Penanaman budaya kemandirian melalui program stadium general kewirausahaan, pendidikan dan pelatihan kepemimpinan, PPHP Tahun 2017, event-event sekolah lainnya. Kata kunci: Kultur Sekolah SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, Program Good School , Kultur Sekola

    Direct experimental evidence of time-temperature superposition at finite strain for an amorphous polymer network

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    The time-temperature superposition property of an amorphous polymer acrylate network is characterized at infinitesimal strain by standard dynamic mechanical analysis tests. Comparison of the shift factors determined in uniaxial tension and in torsion shows that both tests provide equivalent time-temperature superposition properties. More interestingly, finite strain uniaxial tension tests run until break at constant strain rate show that the acrylate network exhibits the same time-temperature superposition property at finite strain as at infinitesimal strain. Such original experimental evidence provides new insight for finite strain constitutive modelling of polymer amorphous networks.ANR REFORM 10-JCJC-091

    Effects of the Amount of Fillers and of the Crosslink Density on the Mechanical Behavior of Carbon-Black Filled Styrene Butadiene Rubbers

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    Several carbon-black filled styrene-butadiene rubbers are subjected to monotonic uniaxial tension tests in order to investi-gate the effects of the amount of fillers and of the crosslink density on their mechanical properties. The Young modulus, the volume changes associated with material damage and the stretch to failure are extracted and discussed. Results compare well to the literature results when exist and quantitative analysis are proposed when possible. Results show that filled rubbers are not incompressible when submitted to uniaxial tension tests and their volume changes are strongly dependent of the amount of fillers but are unaffected by the crosslink density. The latter shows strong impact on the filled rubbers stretch to failure but more interestingly this impact is com-parable to what is encountered in unfilled rubbers. The stretch to failure is improved by the addition of fillers with an optimum for material filled around 30 phr


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui 1) pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa mengenai kompetensi pedagogik dosen terhadap prestasi belajar. 2) pengaruh kemandirian belajar terhadap prestasi belajar. 3) pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa mengenai kompetensi pedagogik dosen dan kemandirian belajar terhadap prestasi belajar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa program pendidikan Akuntansi FKIP UMS angkatan 2009 dengan julmah seluruhnya 235 mahasiswa. Sampel diambil sebanyak 100 mahasiswa dengan teknik random sampling dengan cara undian. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik angket dan dokumentasi. Persyaratan uji analisis dilakukan dengan uji normalitas dan uji linearitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear ganda, uji keberartian regresi linear ganda (uji F) dan uji keberartian koefisien regresi linier ganda (uji t), selain itu dilakukan pula perhitungan sumbangan relatif dan sumbangan efektif Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah 1) Persepsi mahasiswa mengenai kompetensi pedagogik dosen berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh thitung > ttabel, yaitu 4,692 > 1,985 dengan nilai probabilitas signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,000. Persepsi mahasiswa mengenai kompetensi pedagogik dosen memiliki sumbangan efektif 19,2 %. 2) Kemandirian belajar mahasiswa berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh thitung > ttabel, yaitu 5,164 > 1,985 dengan nilai probabilitas signifikansi Ftabel, yaitu 34, 383 > 3,090 dengan nilai probabilitas signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,000