12 research outputs found

    Cerebro arte y creatividad

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    En el seminario Cerebro, Arte y Creatividad, realizado en mayo del 2000, en la Universidad Nacional, cuyas conferencias hemos integrado en este libro, hemos querido aproximamos a diversas manifestaciones del arte, diversas variedades de creatividad, desde la perspectiva de las funciones cerebrales y desde la perspectiva de los principios psicológicos que gobiernan la actividad creativa. Se explora cómo los hallazgos relativos al funcionamiento y especialización funcional de los hemisferios cerebrales inciden en las manifestaciones artísticas y en nuestra percepción estética. A su vez, se ilustran interpretaciones de las producciones artísticas, desde la aproximación psicoanalítica. Se presenta una multiplicidad de aproximaciones hacia la comprensión y exploración de las relaciones entre cerebro, arte y creatividad. Como se verá, hay muchos misterios por explorar. Pero Einstein decía: "lo más bello que podemos experimentar, es el misterio. Es la fuente del verdadero arte y de la verdadera ciencia". Cada día será más fascinante ir más lejos, con nuevas preguntas y nuevos misterios. La portada de este libro, fue seleccionada entre aquellas enviadas al concurso para el afiche del simposio Cerebro, Arte y Creatividad. / Contenido. Preliminares; Capítulo 1 - Neuroanatomía y psicología de la percepción estética; Capítulo 2 - Cerebro y pintura; Capítulo 3 - Cerebro y música; Capítulo 4 - Cerebro y literatura; Capítulo 5 - La radiología en el arte; Capítulo 6 - Psicoanálisis, arte y creatividad; Anexos

    Peak Skin Dose Estimation in Fluoroscopically Guided Interventions: Is It Necessary?

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    Developing a Social Cognition Task for fMRI in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Los cambios en la cognición social son encontrados frecuentemente en pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico leve (TCE) aunque no exista evidencia de lesiones estructurales. Aunque los instrumentos utilizados para evaluar la cognición social son sensibles al cambio, la ausencia de daño estructural en los pacientes con TCE, puede llevar pasar por inadvertidos estos problemas. El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar una herramienta diagnóstica complementaria como un paradigma para resonancia magnética funcional (RMf), la cual involucra una tarea simple que pudiera explicar cómo los pacientes entienden ciertos comportamientos sociales complejos por medio de movimientos con o sin intención social sin intermediación del lenguaje. Participaron once pacientes con TCE leve y con reporte de alteraciones en cognición social, estos fueron emparejados con doce sujetos control por variables demográficas. Un paradigma de RMf fue desarrollado por medio de la animación puntos blancos sobre una pantalla negra que representan el movimiento humano, el movimiento humano con la intención social como el baile o el compartir, y puntos que se mueven sin significado. Los pacientes tuvieron menos activación en la unión parietotemporal y giro frontal medio bilateral frente al movimiento social en comparación con los sujetos del grupo de control. El paradigma de fMRI desarrollado puede ser una herramienta de diagnóstico adicional para identificar las alteraciones cognitivas sociales en pacientes con TCE leve. Independientemente de la ausencia de lesión estructural, los cambios en las áreas de activación sugieren la posibilidad de usar esta herramienta como pronóstico dado que los resultados clínicos, cognitivos y funcionales soportan este hallazgo.Social cognition impairments are frequently found in patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) when structural lesions may not reveal the severity of the injury. Though instruments used to assess social behavior are thought to be sensitive, the absence of structural damage in TBI patients may lead to underscore such problems. The aim of this study was to develop a complementary diagnostic tool such as a paradigm for functional Magnetic resonance Imaging (fMRI) involving a simple task that could tell how patients understand certain complex social behavior by identifying different movements with or without social intentions where language and complex cognitive process were not required. Eleven patients with mild TBI and social cognition difficulties and twelve control subjects were matched by demographic variables. A paradigm of social fMRI was developed by using dots in movement representing human motion, human motion with social intention such as dancing or sharing, and dots moving without meaning. Patients had less activation in parietotemporal junction and bilateral middle frontal gyrus in the social perception task movement compared with control group subjects. The fMRI paradigm developed can be an additional diagnostic tool for identifying social cognition impairments in mild TBI patients. Regardless the absence of structural injury, changes in activation areas suggest a prospective use of this tool since clinical, cognitive and functional outcomes support such finding

    Developing a Social Cognition Task for fMRI in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Los cambios en la cognición social son encontrados frecuentemente en pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico leve (TCE) aunque no exista evidencia de lesiones estructurales. Aunque los instrumentos utilizados para evaluar la cognición social son sensibles al cambio, la ausencia de daño estructural en los pacientes con TCE, puede llevar pasar por inadvertidos estos problemas. El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar una herramienta diagnóstica complementaria como un paradigma para resonancia magnética funcional (RMf), la cual involucra una tarea simple que pudiera explicar cómo los pacientes entienden ciertos comportamientos sociales complejos por medio de movimientos con o sin intención social sin intermediación del lenguaje. Participaron once pacientes con TCE leve y con reporte de alteraciones en cognición social, estos fueron emparejados con doce sujetos control por variables demográficas. Un paradigma de RMf fue desarrollado por medio de la animación puntos blancos sobre una pantalla negra que representan el movimiento humano, el movimiento humano con la intención social como el baile o el compartir, y puntos que se mueven sin significado. Los pacientes tuvieron menos activación en la unión parietotemporal y giro frontal medio bilateral frente al movimiento social en comparación con los sujetos del grupo de control. El paradigma de fMRI desarrollado puede ser una herramienta de diagnóstico adicional para identificar las alteraciones cognitivas sociales en pacientes con TCE leve. Independientemente de la ausencia de lesión estructural, los cambios en las áreas de activación sugieren la posibilidad de usar esta herramienta como pronóstico dado que los resultados clínicos, cognitivos y funcionales soportan este hallazgo.Social cognition impairments are frequently found in patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) when structural lesions may not reveal the severity of the injury. Though instruments used to assess social behavior are thought to be sensitive, the absence of structural damage in TBI patients may lead to underscore such problems. The aim of this study was to develop a complementary diagnostic tool such as a paradigm for functional Magnetic resonance Imaging (fMRI) involving a simple task that could tell how patients understand certain complex social behavior by identifying different movements with or without social intentions where language and complex cognitive process were not required. Eleven patients with mild TBI and social cognition difficulties and twelve control subjects were matched by demographic variables. A paradigm of social fMRI was developed by using dots in movement representing human motion, human motion with social intention such as dancing or sharing, and dots moving without meaning. Patients had less activation in parietotemporal junction and bilateral middle frontal gyrus in the social perception task movement compared with control group subjects. The fMRI paradigm developed can be an additional diagnostic tool for identifying social cognition impairments in mild TBI patients. Regardless the absence of structural injury, changes in activation areas suggest a prospective use of this tool since clinical, cognitive and functional outcomes support such finding

    A Fast and Accurate Approximation of IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer Models for Network Simulators

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    Network simulators are used for the research and development of several types of networks. However, one of the limitations of these simulators is the usage of simplified theoretical models of the Packet Error Rate (PER) at the Physical Layer (PHY) of the IEEE 802.11 family of wireless standards. Although the simplified PHY model can significantly reduce the simulation time, the resulting PER can differ considerably from other more realistic results. In this work, we first study several PER theoretical models. Then, we propose a curve fitting algorithm, which is able to obtain a fast and accurate approximation of other PER models. The curve fitting algorithm uses simulated data as input and outputs the coefficients of a simple model that offers a very accurate approximation of the original PER. Finally, we implemented this approximation in the ns-3 network simulator, thus obtaining high realism since now we can select several theoretical PER models or even a more realistic scenario with the effect of the high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) in the signal. The ns-3 results show how the selection of the PER model at the PHY can significantly impact the Packet Loss Rate (PLR) of a scenario composed of a linear chain of several nodes, one of the simplest multi-hop scenarios

    Report about analyzed and clustered factory typologies. Deliverable D1.1

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    Deliverable D1.1 provides a detailed study of the current status of manufacturing in the three sectors to which the three REEMAIN demo sites belong: biscuits manufacturing, iron casting and denim textile. Besides, D1.1 contains also an analysis on the applicability of innovative energy and resource efficient technologies to the three manufacturing sectors, and a review of the most innovative practices put in place by the most advanced companies in the field. Finally, the deliverable contains a brief survey of techniques for mapping resource flows, that will be used throughout the implementation of the REEMAIN project. The description of the three manufacturing processes (Chapters 2, 3 and 4) thoroughly describes the different manufacturing process steps according to the state of the art, and it includes also the most common options/alternatives for technological solutions in the different sectors. In addition (Chapter 5), an analysis of energy (electricity, gas) and resource (water, raw materials) consumption is provided for each process. In Chapter 6, a set of energy-related technologies, mostly drawn from those identified in Task 3.1 as “highly interesting” within the Technology Roadmap for Efficient Manufacturing, have been assessed with regards to their applicability to the three sectors, at large, that REEMAIN demo sites belong to: bakery, iron & steel and textile manufacturing. These technologies include Solar Cooling, Solar Thermal Collectors, Solar Concentrators, Solar PV, ORC, CHPC, Hot Water Storage and Electrochemical Storage. Finally, on one hand, Chapter 7 investigates the most advanced technical solutions available for biscuits manufacturing, iron casting and denim textile that are already setting the path for resource and energy efficient manufacturing. On the other hand, Chapter 8 describes the main techniques and conceptual approaches available for mapping resource flows, and thus to identify gaps and rooms for improvements into existing manufacturing processes, and to assess the effective progress granted by the introduction of technological innovations into the different process steps

    Analytical techniques combined with chemometrics for authentication and determination of contaminants in condiments: A review

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