70 research outputs found

    A new framework for resolving conflicts over transboundary rivers using bankruptcy methods

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    A novel bankruptcy approach is proposed for resolving transboundary river conflicts in which the total water demand or claim of the riparian parties is more than the available water. Bankruptcy solution methods can allocate the available water to the conflicting parties with respect to their claims. Four commonly used bankruptcy methods in the economic literature are used here to develop new river bankruptcy solution methods for allocating water to the riparian parties of river systems. Given the non-uniform spatial and temporal distribution of water across river basins, the proposed solution methods are formulated as non-linear network flow optimization models to allocate water with respect to time sensitivity of water deliveries at different locations in a river network during the planning horizon. Once allocation optimization solutions are developed, their acceptability and stability must be evaluated. Thus, a new bankruptcy allocation stability index (BASI) is developed for evaluating the acceptability of river bankruptcy solutions. To show how the proposed river bankruptcy framework can be helpful in practice, the suggested methods are applied to a real-world transboundary river system with eight riparians under various hydrologic regimes. Stability analysis based on the proposed stability evaluation method suggests that the acceptability of allocation rules is sensitive to hydrologic conditions and demand values. This finding has an important policy implication suggesting that fixed allocation rules and treaties may not be reliable for securing cooperation over transboundary water resources as they are vulnerable to changing socioeconomic and climatic conditions as well as hydrologic non-stationarity

    The relationship between cutinases and the pathogenicity/virulence of Fusarium solani in potato tubers

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    Cutinase activity was spectrophotometrically determined in the culture supernatants of 40 isolates of Fusarium solani, obtained in Iran from various biological origins and grown in a minimal medium with 0.4% cutin as the only carbon source. Enzymatic activities, which ranged from 0 to 488 nmol min-1 mL-1, were related to the pathogenicity or virulence of the fungal isolates, determined on potato tubers using a 0–5 disease severity scale. Cutinase activity was either not detected at all or was very low in the non-pathogenic isolates, whereas it was directly correlated with the virulence of the pathogenic isolates (Radj 2 = 0.97), with an increase in cutinase activity of about 100 units corresponding to a one-point increase in the disease severity scale. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that non-pathogenic F. solani isolates did not produce a cutinase band, while pathogenic isolates, with various degrees of virulence, produced single or double peptide bands with molecular weights of 20–23 kDa. We conclude that enzyme activity can be used as a predictive marker of the pathogenicity and virulence of F. solani isolates obtained from various hosts

    Spatial patterns and temporal variability of drought in Western Iran

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    An analysis of drought in western Iran from 1966 to 2000 is presented using monthly precipitation data observed at 140 gauges uniformly distributed over the area. Drought conditions have been assessed by means of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). To study the long-term drought variability the principal component analysis was applied to the SPI field computed on 12-month time scale. The analysis shows that applying an orthogonal rotation to the first two principal component patterns, two distinct sub-regions having different climatic variability may be identified. Results have been compared to those obtained for the largescale using re-analysis data suggesting a satisfactory agreement. Furthermore, the extension of the large-scale analysis to a longer period (1948–2007) shows that the spatial patterns and the associated time variability of drought are subjected to noticeable changes. Finally, the relationship between hydrological droughts in the two sub-regions and El Niño Southern Oscillation events has been investigated finding that there is not clear evidence for a link between the two phenomen

    Characterising droughts in Central America with uncertain hydro-meteorological data

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    Central America is frequently affected by droughts that cause significant socio-economic and environmental problems. Drought characterisation, monitoring and forecasting are potentially useful to support water resource management. Drought indices are designed for these purposes, but their ability to characterise droughts depends on the characteristics of the regional climate and the quality of the available data. Local comprehensive and high-quality observational networks of meteorological and hydrological data are not available, which limits the choice of drought indices and makes it important to assess available datasets. This study evaluated which combinations of drought index and meteorological dataset were most suitable for characterising droughts in the region. We evaluated the standardised precipitation index (SPI), a modified version of the deciles index (DI), the standardised precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and the effective drought index (EDI). These were calculated using precipitation data from the Climate Hazards Group Infra-Red Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS), the CRN073 dataset, the Climate Research Unit (CRU), ECMWF Reanalysis (ERA-Interim) and a regional station dataset, and temperature from the CRU and ERA-Interim datasets. The gridded meteorological precipitation datasets were compared to assess how well they captured key features of the regional climate. The performance of all the drought indices calculated with all the meteorological datasets was then evaluated against a drought index calculated using river discharge data. Results showed that the selection of database was more important than the selection of drought index and that the best combinations were the EDI and DI calculated with CHIRPS and CRN073. Results also highlighted the importance of including indices like SPEI for drought assessment in Central America.Universidad de Costa Rica/[805-B0-810]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[805-A9-532]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[805-B3-600]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[805-B0-065]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[805-B3-413]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[805-B4-227]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[805-B4-228]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[805-B5-295]/UCR/Costa RicaUppsala University/[54100006]//SueciaMarie Curie Intra-European Fellowship/[No.329762]//EuropaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Físic

    Desempenho de índices quantitativos de seca na estimativa da produtividade de arroz de terras altas

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a intensidade e a ocorrência de seca pelo uso de índices quantitativos, e avaliar a relação entre esses índices e os dados da série histórica da produtividade ajustada do arroz de terras altas da microrregião de Goiânia, GO. O ajuste da série histórica foi realizado para minimizar os efeitos da variabilidade climática da região e dos avanços tecnológicos sobre a produtividade. Foram avaliados os seguintes índices: severidade de seca de Palmer (PDSI); Z de Palmer (Z-index); o de anomalia de chuva (RAI); e o padronizado de precipitação (SPI). Os índices de seca foram analisados com uso da correlação de Pearson, número e frequência de ocorrência da seca e percentual de acerto dos índices em relação à produtividade ajustada. O RAI quantificou o maior número de eventos extremos de seca, enquanto o PDSI não estimou nenhum caso. O Z-index apresentou o maior percentual de acerto, em relação às variações ocorridas na produtividade ajustada. Em períodos com variações da produtividade ajustada maior que 300 kg ha-1, Z-index, RAI e SPI apresentaram 78, 78 e 67% de percentuais de acerto, respectivamente. O Z-index teve o melhor desempenho na estimação da produtividade ajustada de arroz de terras altas

    A Monte Carlo Simulation-Based Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Three Meteorological Drought Indices in Northwest of Iran

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    Although meteorological drought indices are considered as important tools for drought monitoring, they are embedded with different theoretical and experimental structures. Regarding the different geographic and climatic conditions around the world, the most meteorological drought indices have been commonly applied for drought monitoring in different parts of the world. Interestingly, it is observed that such indices in the published studies on drought monitoring have usually yielded inconsistent performance. On the other hand, most studies on drought monitoring as well as the performance of drought indices has been based on short-term historical data (less than 50 years). Therefore, this study aimed to analyze and compare the performance of three common indices of SPI, RAI and PNPI to predict long-term drought events using the Monte Carlo procedure and historical data. To do this end, the 50-year recorded or historical rainfall data across 11 synoptic stations in the Northwest of Iran were employed to generate 1000 synthetic data series so that the characteristics of long-term drought might be determined and the performance of those three indices might be analyzed and compared. The results indicated a very high comparative advantage of the SPI in terms of yielding a satisfactory and detailed analysis to determine the characteristics of long-term drought. Also, the RAI indicated significant deviations from normalized natural processes. However, these results could not reasonably and sufficiently predict long-term drought. Finally, the PNPI was determined as the most uncertain and spatial index (depending on average or coefficient of variation of rainfall data) in drought monitoring

    Incorporating economical issues and uncertainties of long-term inflow forecast for decision making on agricultural water allocation during droughts Incorporating economical issues and uncertainties of long-term inflow forecast for decision making on agric

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    Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l'adresse : Abstract. Optimum water allocation for agricultural sector as the main water consumer in the beginning of operation period under drought condition is of great importance. However, one of the most important information under such a condition is the long-term inflow forecast that is associated with high uncertainty. This paper is aimed to present a methodology to incorporate this uncertainty as well as economical issues for water allocation. For this, various models, including optimization of agricultural water allocation under water scarcity, long-term flow forecast and quantification of the forecast uncertainties are developed and linked. The results show that the presented methodology is able to properly consider socio-economical issues and coordinates well with the operational requirements. The Zayandeh Rud dam and irrigation system is selected to explore the methodology of this research work. To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article Keywords. Agricultural water allocation -Uncertainty -Forecasting -Economical approach -Drought management -Zayandeh Rud basin. Incorporer les questions économiques et les incertitudes quant aux prévisions d'apports à lon

    Evaluation Yield of Sunflower (Farrokh cultivar) under Effects of Conventional Deficit Irrigation and Partial Root Zone Drying

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    Streamflows, actual evapotranspiration and crops’ yield are the main variables to estimate agricultural water productivity. Thus, simulation of these variables is of great importance in evaluation of different measures to increase water productivity. For this, application of conceptual models is a relevant approach and SWAT (soil and water assessment tool) is one of the well known models in this regard. The present paper aims to assess SWAT in simultaneous simulation of streamflows, actual evapotranspiration and the main crops’ yield of the Zarineh Rud basin. The reason for selection of this basin as the study area relates to its role to meet the Urmia Lake’s water requirement. The lake faces with serious water shortage in recent years and escalating water inflow depend to increase water productivity in the upper catchments. To setup SWAT, the basin was divided to 11 subbasins and 908 hydrological response units, which enables us to introduce more accurately the basin’s cropping pattern and water resources, which meet the requirements of the agricultural area. For simulation of the river flows, data from 6 gauging stations were used for calibration and validation of the model for periods of 1987 to 1999 and 2000 to 2006 respectively that resulted R2 and RMSE between 0.49 to 0.71 and 3.9 to 44.9 (m3/sec) for calibration period, and values of 0.54 to 0.77 and 2.07 to 55.7(m3/sec) for validation period respectively. There is no observed data for actual evapotranspiration in the basin. So, it was verified in the wet years by maximum evapotranspiration reported in National Water Document that results presented the values of 0.97 and 52.5(mm/year) for R2and RMSE respectively. Finally, the estimated yields of the 7 staple crops by the model were compared with the recorded data that showed very close values(R2=0.9 and RMSE=1.65(ton/ha))
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