2,206 research outputs found

    Paralelismo del proceso evolutivo en la representación de la figura humana y del animal

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    Abordaje de propiedades geométricas a través de Geogebra

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    Informe Final (Profesorado en Matemática)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática Astronomía, Física y Computación, 2015.Informe de la asignatura Metodología y práctica de la enseñanza.En el presente informe se describirá y analizará la experiencia de prácticas docentes realizadas en dos primeros años de una escuela secundaria ubicada en un barrio de la zona sur de la ciudad de Córdoba. Se trabajaron conceptos básicos de Geometría utilizando las construcciones geométricas como medio para producir conjeturas y validar propiedades, que a su vez permitieran la deducción y descubrimiento de nuevas propiedades. Para lograr este objetivo, se trabajó con un software dinámico llamado GeoGebra que posibilita la realización de un abordaje experimental de los conceptos geométricos. Finalmente, se analizaron desde un punto de vista teórico los alcances y limitaciones de las nuevas tecnologías en la enseñanza de la Geometría en el aula.This report will describe and analyze the experience of teaching practices developed in first two years of a secondary school in a suburb of the southern city of Cordoba. We have worked basics of geometry using geometric constructions as means for producing conjectures and validate properties, which in turn allowed the deduction and discovery of new properties. To achieve this goal, we worked with a dynamic software called GeoGebra that allows the realization of an experimental approach to geometric concepts. Finally, we have analyzed from a theoretical point of view the scope and limitations of new technologies in teaching geometry in the classroom

    Vaginal Probiotics for Reproductive Health and Related Dysbiosis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    This research received no direct external funding. A.L.-M. was granted with the IniciaTC programme—OTRI-UGR. Infrastructure Reference Microbiota Laboratory funding projects FEDERIE_ 2019-198 and EIN-2019-103082.The authors acknowledge support from the Programs IniciaTC 2019, and INV 2019–2021 from the Plan Propio of the University of Granada. Part of results is from Ana López- Moreno doctoral thesis, Biomedicine Doctorate Program of the University of Granada.The use of probiotics in reproductive-related dysbiosis is an area of continuous progress due to the growing interest from clinicians and patients suffering from recurrent reproductive microbiota disorders. An imbalance in the natural colonization sites related to reproductive health-vaginal, cervicovaginal, endometrial, and pregnancy-related altered microbiota-could play a decisive role in reproductive outcomes. Oral and vaginal administrations are in continuous discussion regarding the clinical effects pursued, but the oral route is used and studied more often despite the need for further transference to the colonization site. The aim of the present review was to retrieve the standardized protocols of vaginal probiotics commonly used for investigating their microbiota modulation capacities. Most of the studies selected focused on treating bacterial vaginosis (BV) as the most common dysbiosis; a few studies focused on vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and on pretreatment during in vitro fertilization (IVF). Vaginal probiotic doses administered were similar to oral probiotics protocols, ranging from >= 10(7) CFU/day to 2.5 x 10(10) CFU/day, but were highly variable regarding the treatment duration timing. Moderate vaginal microbiota modulation was achieved; the relative abundance of abnormal microbiota decreased and Lactobacillus species increased.FEDER-IE_2019-198EIN-2019-10308

    Evaluación del impacto de las políticas de transparencia en España

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    When viruses play team sports : mixed infections in plants

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    Altres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya/CERCA ProgrammeThe pathological importance of mixed viral infections in plants might be underestimated except for a few well-characterized synergistic combinations in certain crops. Considering that the host ranges of many viruses often overlap and that most plant species can be infected by several unrelated viruses, it is not surprising to find more than one virus simultaneously in the same plant. Furthermore, dispersal of the majority of plant viruses relies on efficient transmission mechanisms mediated by vector organisms, mainly but not exclusively insects, which can contribute to the occurrence of multiple infections in the same plant. Recent work using different experimental approaches has shown that mixed viral infections can be remarkably frequent, up to the point that they could be considered the rule more than the exception. The purpose of this review is to describe the impact of multiple infections not only on the participating viruses themselves but also on their vectors and on the common host. From this standpoint, mixed infections arise as complex events that involve several cross-interacting players, and they consequently require a more general perspective than the analysis of single-virus/single-host approaches for a full understanding of their relevance

    The Perceived Match Between Observed and Own Bodies, but Not Its Accuracy, Is Influenced by Movement Dynamics and Clothing Cues

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    Own-perceived body matching - the ability to match one's own body with an observed body - is a difficult task for both general and clinical populations. Thus far, however, own-perceived body matching has been investigated in situations that are incongruent with how we are used to experience and perceive our body in daily life. In the current study, we aimed to examine own-perceived body matching in a context that more closely resembles real life. More specifically, we investigated the effects of body movement dynamics and clothing cues on own-perceived body matching. We asked participants to match their own body with an externally perceived body that was a 3D-generated avatar based on participants' real bodies, fitted with a computer-generated dress. This perceived body was (1) either static (non-walking avatar) or dynamic (walking avatar), (2) either bigger, smaller, or the same size as participants' own body size, and (3) fitted with a dress with a size either bigger, smaller, or the same as participants' own dress size. Our results suggest that movement dynamics cues did not improve the accuracy of own-perceived body matching, but that confidence about dress fit was higher for dynamic avatars, and that the difference between dynamic and static avatars was dependent on participants' self-esteem. Furthermore, when participants were asked to rate the observed body in reference to how they wanted to represent themselves to others, dynamic avatars were rated lower than static avatars for the biggest-sized bodies only, possibly reflecting the influence of movement cues on amplifying socio-cultural stereotypes. Finally, while smaller body/dress sizes were systematically rated higher than bigger body/dress sizes for several self-report items, the interplay between body and dress size played an important role in participants' self-report as well. Thus, while our research suggests that movement and garment dynamics, allowing for realistic, concrete situations that are reminiscent of daily life, influence own-body perception, these cues did not lead to an improvement in accuracy. These findings provide important insights for research exploring (own-) body perception and bodily self-awareness, with practical (e.g., development of online avatars) and clinical (e.g., anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorder) implications.LDC was supported by the CONEX-Plus programme funded by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 801538 and the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación Grant IJC2018-038347-I. AT-J was supported by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain Ramón y Cajal Grant RYC-2014-15421. This research was partly funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-105579RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

    Bioseguridad en banco de sangre

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal: Describir la importancia de la Bioseguridad en los Bancos de Sangre. La bioseguridad en el Banco de Sangre debe entenderse como una doctrina de comportamiento encaminada a lograr actitudes y conductas que disminuyan el riesgo del trabajador de la salud de adquirir infecciones en el medio laboral. En el caso especial de bioseguridad, pasando por los métodos de operación, procedimientos de seguridad y de emergencias específicos para cada tarea; cada error puede pagarse muy caro, ya sea por indiferencia o falta de actitud segura. El diseño metodológico de esta investigación se basó en un estudio de tipo documental descriptivo y la información se recolectó de fuente secundaria utilizando técnicas de recolección como fichas, preguntas directrices y análisis de la información. En conclusión se considera que: La Bioseguridad en el Banco de Sangre representa un componente importante del sistema de garantía de calidad. Éstos contienen una gran variedad de peligros y riesgos, por tanto, el trabajador debe realizar sus labores considerando cada operación por sus daños intrínsecos y construyendo en cada paso métodos de control y seguridad. La aplicación de un programa de Bioseguridad en los Servicios de Sangre es de suma importancia para la seguridad del personal y de todas aquellas personas que se encuentren en el ambiente asistencial. Debe estar diseñado en el marco de una estrategia de disminución o eliminación de riesgos para el personal, la comunidad y el medio ambiente. Los requisitos necesarios para la bioseguridad implican: Cumplir las reglas de seguridad. Contar con procedimientos escritos sobre el manejo de las muestras de pacientes. Utilización obligatoria de equipos protectores y guantes. Accidentes o incidentes de riesgo deben ser documentados e inmediatamente informados al Responsable de la Seguridad. Las medidas de prevención y control generales que involucra al personal de los Servicios de Sangre están orientadas al uso adecuado del vestuario, gorros, lentes protectores, et

    Social Risk Factors in Spanish Youth and their Impact on Self-Concept Construction

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    El presente artículo aborda la relación existente entre juventud, trabajo y construcción de la identidad, desde perspectiva psicosocial. Los objetivos de la presente investigación fueron dos. En primer lugar, analizar la situación laboral de los jóvenes españoles y su impacto en la biografía de éstos. En segundo lugar, evaluar el papel de las variables laborales en la construcción / modificación de Determinados aspectos de la identidad de los jóvenes españoles. Para ello se utilizaron dos técnicas de recogida de información: la técnica Delphi (muestra de 103 expertos pertenecientes a distintas entidades y organizaciones con experiencia directa con el colectivo objeto de estudio) y entrevistas en profundidad (quince entrevistas distribuidas a lo largo de tres colectivos de jóvenes categorizados en función de su relación con el mercado laboral).This paper presents evidence from a psychosocial framework about the relationship among youth, work, and identity construction. The aims of this research were twofold. The first one was to analyze the working conditions of Spanish youth and their impact on individuals’ biographies. The second one was to examine the effect of labor-related variables on construction / change of identity elements in Spanish youth. For this purpose, two research techniques were used: the Delphi method (103 experts sample from several entities and organizations closely related to our topic) and deep interviews (15 interviews with youths classified according to their relationship with the work market)

    Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation for paint removal at oblique illumination: effect of the incidence angle

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] This research studies how the angle of incidence affects the ablation process when a pulsed femtosecond laser with a wavelength of 1040 nm and a high repetition rate is applied to spray paints used for graffiti. Flat test samples were painted using four different spray paints (red, blue, black and silver). All paints had an organic base but different physicochemical properties. For each paint, the ablation process was characterized using confocal microscopy, determining the threshold fluence and the penetration depth of the laser radiation at normal incidence. For different sample tilt angles in the range of 0°–60°, the effect of oblique incidence was analysed in terms of its effect on the ablation rate and the geometric properties (depth and width) of the ablation grooves on each paint. The results show a clear decrease in the ablation rate as the angle of incidence moves away from normal incidence. Moreover, it can also be observed that for a given angle, groove depth is the property most affected by beam tilt. These results represent a necessary step in addressing both cleaning and other laser ablation processes on non-flat surfaces in a controlled and reproducible manner.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; BIA2017–85897-