253 research outputs found

    Aragonese stick dances: a CLIL proposal for PE

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    Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de Máster curso 2021/2022. Máster en Enseñanza Bilingüe y Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas ExtranjerasIn recent years, PE is going through a Copernican change as far as its contents are referred inasmuch as step by step traditional sports and physical activities are giving way to expressive activities much more akin to CLIL such as theatrical performance and dance which, due to their very playful and inclusive nature can improve considerably motivation among those students not so physically gifted that are more often than not thwarted by the competitiveness of usual sports taught in PE. The following bilingual proposal for CLIL PE will focus more concretely on a specific kind of dance seldom used in Physical Education: stick dance. The studies about its pedagogical benefits are few and far between either in Spanish or in English, probably because of its close connection with folklore, which until recently has been disregarded and dismissed in PE as something outdated. The CLIL didactic proposal will be centred upon Naval & Boltaña’s Aragonese stick dances for 2nd year ESO.Recientemente la asignatura de Educación Física está experimentando un cambio copernicano en sus contenidos, por cuanto poco a poco los deportes y actividades físicas tradicionales están dando paso a actividades expresivas más afines al enfoque AICLE, tales como el teatro o la danza, que, dada su misma naturaleza lúdica e inclusiva, pueden mejorar significativamente la motivación entre aquellos estudiantes no muy dotados físicamente y que con mucha frecuencia se ven frustrados por la competitividad de los deportes habitualmente enseñados en Educación Física. La siguiente propuesta bilingüe para Educación Física y AICLE se centrará en un tipo específico de baile rara vez abordado en Educación Física: el baile de bastones. Los estudios al respecto son pocos y aislados, ya sea en español o en ingles, probablemente debido a su estrecha relación con el folclore, lo cual hasta hace poco ha hecho que este tipo de baile haya sido descartado en Educación Física como algo anticuado. La propuesta didáctica aborda los palotiaus (bailes de bastón) aragoneses de Naval y Boltaña para 2º de la ESO, llevada a cabo desde la perspectiva AICLE

    Analysis of sustainability presence in Spanish higher education

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    Purpose: This paper analyzes the presence of sustainability in sixteen Spanish Higher Education curricula in the fields of Education and Engineering. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology employs two instruments: the Sustainability Map and the Sustainability Presence Map. These instruments enable the following: to analyze the number of subjects that develop sustainability and the sustainability presence level in each curriculum; to identify at what domain levels of the learning taxonomy sustainability is most developed; and to analyze whether a correlation exists between the sustainability presence and the number of subjects that develop sustainability in each curriculum. Findings: A wide variety of subjects develop sustainability in a given degree, depending on the university. The presence of sustainability is more homogeneous in education degrees than in engineering degrees. Education degrees have a greater presence of sustainability in the lower domain levels of the taxonomy, while in engineering degrees the lower levels of the taxonomy have a lower presence of sustainability than the higher levels. Finally, a correlation appears to exist between the number of subjects that develop sustainability in the curriculum and the sustainability presence. However, engineering degrees seem to need fewer subjects than education degrees to achieve the same degree of sustainability presence. Originality/Value: This paper proposes a methodology to measure sustainability presence that can be applicable to the curricula of a Higher Education degree if the corresponding Sustainability Map is available. To our knowledge, this is the largest study yet conducted to analyze the presence of sustainability in different Higher Education curricula.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Accretion onto Neutron Stars: Hydrodynamics and Nucleosynthesis

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    In the middle of the 70s, some authors suggested that accretion of hydrogen and helium rich material by a neutron star in a binary system, where the companion star would have low mass, could explain thermonuclear bursts observed by the first satellites launched to the space in order to analyze the Xray band of the electromagnetic spectrum. This phenomenon, known as type I X-ray bursts (XRB), is a thermonuclear runaway produced by the themonuclear fusion of the accreted material in degenerated conditions. This kind of explosion from stellar source is the most frequent in our galaxy (and the third, after supernovae and classical novae, in terms of total output energy), because his short recurrence period. Due to the extreme gravitational field of a neutron star it is known that produced nucleosynthesis is not ejected to the interstellar medium but forming part of the neutron star crust.In this work we have tried, first, to study the effects of nuclear uncertainties, related to nuclear reaction rates, in the nucleosynthesis produced during a X-ray burst, and second, to simulate physical properties and associated nucleosynthesis to this kind of events, through hydrodynamical models.In order to analyze the impact of uncertainties of the nuclear reaction rates in the nucleosynthesis, and due to the prohibitive calculation time with an hydrodinamical code, we have used a post-processing code which we have coupled, for a given set of 10 temperatures and densities profiles, an extensive nuclear reactions network formed by 606 isotopes and 3551 nuclear reactions, whose reaction rates have been modified using to alternative methods. In the first one, every rate has been individually modified, multiplying it by 0.1 and 10, calculating the final nucleosynthesis. This way, it is possible to evaluate the impact in final nucleosynthesis individual variations in the nuclear reaction rates. Also we have analyzed the effects in final nucleosynthesis by modifying the energy associated to each reaction (Q-value). In the second method, nuclear reaction rates have been modified simultaneously, multiplying each one by a random factor which follow a log-normal distribution with a probability of 95.5% of being in the interval [0.1,10]. In order to analyzed this method from an statistically point of view, the nucelosynthesis has been calculated up to 10,000 times, with a Monte Carlo code specifically built to this Thesis, for different set of random numbers. Obtained results with both methods are coincidents and show that for a network formed by 3,500 reactions approximately, only about 60 reactions have an impact in final yields greater than a factor of 2.Finally, we have used an hydrodynamical code, one-dimensional (spherically symmetric), Lagrangian and multi-shell, to which we have coupled a nuclear reactions network formed by 324 isotopes and 1392 reactions with the aim of reproduce physical parameters and nucleosynthesis produced during X-ray bursts. To do that, we have applied this code to different models, analyzing the effect of spatial resolution in the accreted shell, the metallicity of the transferred material as well as the mass of the neutron star, in the final result. For each model, we have simulated different bursts, with energies, luminosities and recurrence times coincidents with observations and, together with the nucleosynthesis, similar to the results obtained by other authors.A mediados de los años 70, varios autores sugirieron que la acreción de material rico en hidrógeno y helio por parte de una estrella de neutrones, integrante de un sistema binario donde la masa de la estrella compañera fuese pequeña, podría explicar las erupciones termonucleares observadas por los primeros satélites lanzados al espacio para analizar la banda X del espectro electromagnético. Dicho fenómeno, conocido como erupciones de rayos X de tipo I (en inglés, type I X-ray bursts, XRB), consiste en el alud termonuclear producido por la fusión termonuclear del material acretado, en condiciones degeneradas. Este tipo de explosión termonuclear de origen estelar es el más frecuente en nuestra galaxia (y el tercero, tras las supernovas y las novas clásicas, en términos de energía total liberada), debido a su corto periodo de recurrencia. Como consecuencia del extremo campo gravitatorio de una estrella de neutrones, se cree que la nucleosíntesis producida durante este tipo de eventos no es expulsada al medio interestelar, pasando a formar parte de la corteza de la estrella.En este trabajo hemos intentado, por un lado, estudiar los efectos de las incertidumbres de origen nuclear, asociadas a los ritmos de las reacciones nucleares, en la nucleosíntesis producida durante un X-ray burst; y por otro lado, simular las propiedades físicas y la nucleosíntesis asociada a este tipo de eventos, mediante modelos hidrodinámicos.Para estudiar el impacto de las incertidumbres de los ritmos de las reacciones nucleares en la nucleosíntesis, y debido a que el tiempo de cálculo con un código hidrodinámico resultaría prohibitivo, hemos utilizado un código de post-procesado al que se ha acoplado, para un conjunto determinado de 10 perfiles de temperatura y densidad, una extensa red de reacciones nucleares, formada por 606 isótopos y 3551 reacciones nucleares, cuyos ritmos de reacción han sido modificados utilizando dos métodos alternativos. En el primero, cada ritmo ha sido modificado individualmente, multiplicándolo por 0.1 y 10, calculándose la nucleosíntesis final. De esta manera, puede evaluarse el impacto que tienen en las abundancias finales las variaciones individuales de los ritmos de las reacciones nucleares.Así mismo, también se ha analizado el efecto que produce en las abundancias finales el hecho de modificar la energía asociada a cada reacción (Q-value). En el segundo método, los ritmos nucleares se han modificado simultáneamente, multiplicando cada uno de ellos por un factor aleatorio según una distribución log-normal, y cuya probabilidad de encontrarse en el intervalo [0.1,10] es del 95,5%. Para poder hacer una estimación estadística de este último método, se ha calculado la nucleosíntesis hasta 10.000 veces, con un código Monte Carlo específicamente construido para esta Tesis, para diferentes conjuntos de números aleatorios. Los resultados obtenidos con ambos métodos son coincidentes y demuestran que, para una red formada por unas 3500 reacciones nucleares, sólo unas 60 reacciones tienen un impacto en las abundancias finales mayor que un factor 2.Por último, hemos utilizado un código hidrodinámico, unidimensional (en simetría esférica), Lagrangiano y multicapa, al que se ha acoplado una red de reacciones nucleares formada por 324 isótopos y 1392 reacciones nucleares, con el objetivo de reproducir los parámetros físicos y la nucleosíntesis producida en los X-ray bursts. Para ello, hemos aplicado este código a diferentes modelos, analizando el efecto de la resolución espacial de la capa acretada, la metalicidad del material transferido, así como la masa de la estrella de neutrones, en el resultado final. Para cada modelo, hemos simulado diferentes erupciones, con energías, luminosidades, y periodos de recurrencia, coincidentes con las observaciones y, junto con la nucleosíntesis, similares a los resultados obtenidos por otros autores

    Demencia frontotemporal por mutaciones en el gen de la progranulina. Aspectos clínicos y moleculares

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    177 p.La demencia frontotemporal (DFT) comprende un grupo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas, clínica y neuropatológicamente heterogéneo, que se agrupan por la afectación predominante de los lóbulos frontal y temporal del cerebro, con síntomas de alteración progresiva de la conducta, la personalidad y el lenguaje, y con relativa preservación de la memoria. La DFT tiene un importante componente genético y se encuentra una historia familiar positiva entre un 25-50% de los casos. En el año 2006 se describieron mutaciones en el gen de la progranulina (GRN), en el cromosoma 17q21-22, en pacientes con DFT familiar con neuropatología consistente en inclusiones tau-negativas y ubiquitin-positivas. Más adelante se describió que el componente principal de estas inclusiones patológicas era la proteína TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43). En el año 2008 se identificó la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN en una serie de familias de origen vasco.El trabajo presentado en esta tesis se divide en cinco estudios, cuyo objetivo principal es la caracterización clínica de los pacientes con DFT portadores de la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN y el estudio de los portadores asintomáticos de la mutación, para detectar la posible existencia de cambios neuropsicológicos o de neuroimagen previos al inicio de síntomas clínicos. El primer estudio analiza el fenotipo clínico de 21 pacientes con la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN. Los pacientes mostraron un fenotipo variable, tanto en la edad de inicio como en los síntomas de presentación. La demencia frontotemporal variante conductual (DFTvc) y la afasia progresiva no fluente (APNF) fueron los síndromes de presentación más frecuentes. Un porcentaje alto de pacientes desarrollaron un síndrome corticobasal como diagnóstico secundario. El objetivo del segundo estudio era determinar si determinadas variantes genéticas modificaban la edad de inicio de la enfermedad en nuestra serie de 21 pacientes con la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN. Se incluyeron las siguientes variables genéticas: polimorfismos rs5848 y rs9897526 en GRN, APOE, el haplotipo del gen de la proteína tau asociada a microtúbulos (MAPT) y el polimorfismo del codón 129 en el gen de la proteína priónica (PRNP). Encontramos una asociación entre el polimorfismo del codón 129 de PRNP y la edad de inicio de la enfermedad, de forma que los portadores homocigotos MM presentaban una edad de inicio media 8.5 años menor que los pacientes portadores de al menos una valina en su codón 129 de PRNP (MV o VV). El tercer estudio es un estudio transversal que compara la evaluación neuropsicológica de una muestra de 13 portadores presintomáticos de la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN con la de 19 familiares no portadores. Los portadores presintomáticos de la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN presentaron unas puntuaciones significativamente peores que los sujetos no portadores en pruebas de atención, flexibilidad mental y lenguaje, sugiriendo la existencia de una fase prodrómica que precede al inicio de los síntomas de DFT. El cuarto estudio analiza la neuroimagen estructural mediante comparación del grosor cortical en 13 portadores de la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN frente a un grupo de 13 sujetos sanos pareados por edad y sexo. Los portadores asintomáticos mostraron un menor grosor cortical asociado a la edad en diferentes zonas del lóbulo temporal. Además, el grosor cortical se correlacionaba con puntuaciones en diferentes pruebas neuropsicológicas (Trail Making Test A y B y Test de Denominación de Boston). El menor grosor cortical en portadores presintomáticos en el córtex temporal lateral sugiere un efecto precoz y específico de la enfermedad en estas áreas.Por último, el quinto estudio tenía como objetivo evaluar la influencia de la variante p.A152T en MAPT en el fenotipo clínico y neuropatológico de las familias vascas portadoras de la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN. El grupo de pacientes con ambas alteraciones genéticas (GRN+/p.A152T+) presentaba unas características clínicas similar al grupo que solamente presentaba la mutación en GRN (GRN+/p.A152T-). Se analizaron siete autopsias cerebrales (6 GRN+/p.A152T+ y 1 GRN+/p.A152T-), y todas presentaban, además de los hallazgos característicos de las mutaciones en GRN (DLFT-TDP tipo A), inclusiones tau patológicas en grado leve a moderado, no acompañadas de patología ¿-amiloide, excepto en dos casos en que coexistía enfermedad de Alzheimer. Se especula que la variante p.A152T en MAPT en portadores de la mutación c.709-1G>A en GRN podría conferir una mayor predisposición a presentar patología tau cerebral asociada

    A Tool for the Assessment of Forest Biomass as a Source of Rural Sustainable Energy in Natural Areas in Honduras

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    Forest biomass as a rural sustainable energy source has received much attention in recent years due to its major economic, social, and environmental benefits. This research focuses on an adapted methodology based on parameters of the Evaluation of Ecological Integrity for using sitespecific information as a tool for the assessment of forest biomass as a source of rural sustainable energy in Honduras, focusing on the Central American Pine–Oak Forests. The parameters used were Percentage of Forest Cover (FC), Patch Area (AREA), Fractal Dimension Index (FRAC), and Proximity Index (PROX). The goal was an average index rating of 5 for an ecosystem which is intact or in its natural state. The findings showed an ecosystem degradation that was outside the range of acceptable variation with a simple average of 1.75, which is far lower than the target rating of five (5.0); the forest cover loss was 40% of the total area. This surprising finding shows that immediate intervention is required to maintain this ecosystem, and that if action is not taken, the ecosystem will suffer severe degradation. Decision makers must consider this methodology for using site-specific information and ensure that local communities are involved in restoring the ecosystem

    Antimony in Polyethylene Terephthalate-Bottled Beverages: The Migration Puzzle

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    A novel strategy to assess the main variables that potentially affect the migration of antimony from PET bottles to beverages, including mineral waters and juices, is herein proposed. In a preliminary step, an LC-ICP-MS method previously used for water analysis was optimized to correct identify Sb species present in the studied matrices using HRMS. Subsequently, the influence of temperature and storage time up to 30 days on Sb migration from PET bottles into peach and pineapple juices of the same brand was studied. Storing PET bottled drinks at elevated temperatures (i.e., in a hot car or in summer) can cause antimony migration to exceed the limits allowed in the EU or USA. Because the behavior observed differed from the results reported for Sb migration in mineral waters, a second approach was proposed: three mineral water and two juice samples were kept in different PET containers and stored at an elevated temperature (up to 60 °C) to understand the role of the PET type and matrix simultaneously. This study demonstrated that both matrix characteristics and type of PET bottle greatly influence antimony leaching, highlighting the need to consider these variables together when conducting migration experiments. The obtained results can be helpful for developing future legislation concerning migration of pollutants from packing to food commodities

    Prevalence and use of services in persons with schizophrenia and related disorders in Málaga (Spain)

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    Background/Objectives Very few studies have examined schizophrenia morbidity in Spain, using multiple sources of information. We performed a 1-year prevalence study of schizophrenia and related disorders in Málaga and the use of services in a population aged 14 years or older living in the mental health catchment area of Carlos Haya hospital (Málaga, Spain). Methods Data were obtained from multiple sources of information mainly clinical databases. We selected more than 4000 persons as “possible cases” and we consult case notes and key informant (general practice and psychiatrists) to confirm schizophrenic diagnoses and place of living. Results A total of 1808 patients, 1169 men and 639 women were included as cases in the study. The one year ICD-10 prevalence rate was 6,8 (6,5-7,1) per 1000 adult population. Almost 80% of cases were in contact with public mental health services. Responsibility for schizophrenic patients is mainly carried by mental health services. Discussion/Conclusion Health planning should be based on local data about prevalence and use of services. Multiple sources of information are essential for accurate estimation of prevalence of schizophrenia disorders. GrantsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Junta de Andalucía (PI/PI338/2008 y CTS-945

    Migration of antimony from polyethylene terephthalate used in mineral water bottles.

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    The influence of storage time and temperature on Sb migration from PET bottles into mineral water was studied in short-term tests lasting up to 15 days and long-term studies lasting up to 220 days. Samples purchased were stored in three different coloured bottles: clear (CL), light blue (LB) and dark blue (DB). Sb migration was assayed by HG-AFS for total determination and HPLC-ICP-MS for speciation analysis. Migration studies showed that waters stored at 4 and 20 oC were not subject to Sb migration. At 40 oC there was a significant increase in Sb concentration, although the maximum limit established by the European Union (5.0 ug/L) was not exceeded, whereas at 60 oC samples were subject to considerable Sb migration after 30 days of storage. In this case, the maximum limit established by the European Union was exceeded and both Sb (V) and Sb (III) were detected

    A Methodology to Analyze the Presence of Sustainability in Engineering Curricula. Case of Study: Ten Spanish Engineering Degree Curricula

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    This paper presents a methodology to analyze the sustainability presence level in the curriculum of an engineering degree. The methodology is applied to ten engineering degrees of the Spanish university system, taught in three di erent universities. The design used for the research is quantitative and correlational. The analytical instrument used is the engineering sustainability map, which contains the learning outcomes related to sustainability that are expected of engineering students upon completion of their studies. The methodology is used to analyze the curricula of the ten engineering degrees in order to identify what learning outcomes of the engineering sustainability map are developed in each degree. The results indicate that the sustainability competency least present in all the degrees is the “participation in community processes that promotes sustainability,” with an average presence of 23.3%, while the most present is the “application of ethical principles related to the values of sustainability in personal and professional behavior,” with an average presence of 76.6%. In general, learning outcomes related to sustainability have an average presence of 52.1%, so practically half of the cells in the ten engineering sustainability maps are not developed in the degrees under study