43 research outputs found

    A note on the modeling of immune-cancer competition in the homogeneous systems

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    This work deals with the model focuses on the study of the early stage of the immune cancer competition. The approach used in this model is based on the kinetic theory of active particles (KTAP), which has been developed to modeling systems constituted by a large number of interacting particles (active particles), whose microscopic state includes not only geometrical and mechanical variables (typically position and velocity) but also biological functions called activities related to the intrinsic biological function of particles. The model consider a scalar activity variable u ∈ (0,∞). The overall system is divided into six (M = 6) different populations (functional subsystems), the first three subsystems contain epithelial (subsystem 1) and cancer cells (subsystems 2,3), the other functional subsystems contain cells of the immune system. After some reasonable assumptions, we obtain for the cancer cells and immune cells of the last hallmark a Lotka-Volterra system that allows us to describe the dynamics of the biological system in a very simple way

    Vortex density waves and high-frequency second sound in superfluid turbulence hydrodynamics

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    In this paper we show that a recent hydrodynamical model of superfluid turbulence describes vortex density waves and their effects on the speed of high-frequency second sound. In this frequency regime, the vortex dynamics is not purely diffusive, as for low frequencies, but exhibits ondulatory features, whose influence on the second sound is here explored.Comment: 8 page

    Hydrodynamical Models of Superfluid Turbulence

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    This review paper puts together some of our results concerning the application of non equilibrium Thermodynamics to superfluid liquid helium. Two of the most important situations of this quantum fluid are rotating superfluid and superfluid turbulence, both characterized by the presence of quantized vortices (vortex lines whose core is about 1 Angstrom and the quantum of circulation is h/mh/m, hh being the Plank's constant and mm the mass of helium atom). In the first part of the work a non-standard model of superfluid helium, which considers heat flux as independent variable, is briefly recalled, and compared with the well known two-fluid model, in absence of vortices, proposed by Tisza and Landau more than half a century ago. The model is generalized taking into account the presence of vortices in different cases of physical interest: rotating superfluids, counterflow superfluid turbulence (a particular situation in which no mass flux but only heat flux is present) and combined situations of counterflow and rotation. Since vortices are not fixed when all the hydrodynamical fields change, an additional scalar quantity, the averaged vortex line density per unit volume LL, {\it line density} for short, is introduced in the model as a new field variable and an evolution equation is written for it, both in linear and in nonlinear regimes, via Extended Thermodynamics. Finally, to encompass more general situations, the model is further extended considering the flux of vortex line density as an independent new variable. In all these models the propagation of harmonic waves is studied, motivated by the fact that vortex lines density is experimentally detected via the attenuation of second sound. A new kind of waves, vortex density waves, is also dealt with

    Education in mine waste engineering: the experience of "SIGEO" Master's Course

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    On 19th July 1985 the failure of two tailings dams at the service of a fluorite mine in the Stava Valley (Italy) caused the death of 268 people and severe environmental and socioeconomic damage. Similar accidents have happened in Sgorigrad (Bulgaria, 1966), Aberfan (U.K., 1966), Buffalo Creek (USA, 1972), Aznalcollar (Spain, 1998), Taoshi (China, 2008) and many other places worldwide. The European Union has recognized the seriousness of the problems concerning the management and disposal of mining waste (over 400 million tonnes per year worldwide). With the 2006/21/CE Directive, the EU has urged all member States to carry out censuses, monitoring and consolidation of existing structures under the supervision of qualified experts. These experts should be provided with interdisciplinary knowledge that is difficult to attain during normal degree courses. For this reason, the Trento and Modena-Reggio Emilia Universities and the Turin Polytechnic have set up a post-graduate Master’s Course in “Analysis and Management of Geotechnical Structures”. The article describes the interdisciplinary approach adopted in the course and aims to stimulate the sharing of this initiative among other European Universities

    Vortex dynamics in rotating counterflow and plane Couette and Poiseuille turbulence in superfluid Helium

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    An equation previously proposed to describe the evolution of vortex line density in rotating counterflow turbulent tangles in superfluid helium is generalized to incorporate nonvanishing barycentric velocity and velocity gradients. Our generalization is compared with an analogous approach proposed by Lipniacki, and with experimental results by Swanson et al. in rotating counterflow, and it is used to evaluate the vortex density in plane Couette and Poiseuille flows of superfluid helium.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Vortex length, vortex energy and fractal dimension of superfluid turbulence at very low temperature

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    By assuming a self-similar structure for Kelvin waves along vortex loops with successive smaller scale features, we model the fractal dimension of a superfluid vortex tangle in the zero temperature limit. Our model assumes that at each step the total energy of the vortices is conserved, but the total length can change. We obtain a relation between the fractal dimension and the exponent describing how the vortex energy per unit length changes with the length scale. This relation does not depend on the specific model, and shows that if smaller length scales make a decreasing relative contribution to the energy per unit length of vortex lines, the fractal dimension will be higher than unity. Finally, for the sake of more concrete illustration, we relate the fractal dimension of the tangle to the scaling exponents of amplitude and wavelength of a cascade of Kelvin waves.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Test of Information Theory on the Boltzmann Equation

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    We examine information theory using the steady-state Boltzmann equation. In a nonequilibrium steady-state system under steady heat conduction, the thermodynamic quantities from information theory are calculated and compared with those from the steady-state Boltzmann equation. We have found that information theory is inconsistent with the steady-state Boltzmann equation.Comment: 12 page

    The genetic basis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats and humans

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    Mutations in genes that encode for muscle sarcomeric proteins have been identified in humans and two breeds of domestic cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). This article reviews the history, genetics, and pathogenesis of HCM in the two species in order to give veterinarians a perspective on the genetics of HCM. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in people is a genetic disease that has been called a disease of the sarcomere because the preponderance of mutations identified that cause HCM are in genes that encode for sarcomeric proteins (Maron and Maron, 2013). Sarcomeres are the basic contractile units of muscle and thus sarcomeric proteins are responsible for the strength, speed, and extent of muscle contraction. In people with HCM, the two most common genes affected by HCM mutations are the myosin heavy chain gene (MYH7), the gene that encodes for the motor protein β-myosin heavy chain (the sarcomeric protein that splits ATP to generate force), and the cardiac myosin binding protein-C gene (MYBPC3), a gene that encodes for the closely related structural and regulatory protein, cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C). To date, the two mutations linked to HCM in domestic cats (one each in Maine Coon and Ragdoll breeds) also occur in MYBPC3 (Meurs et al., 2005, 2007). This is a review of the genetics of HCM in both humans and domestic cats that focuses on the aspects of human genetics that are germane to veterinarians and on all aspects of feline HCM genetics

    Bollettino di Matematica pura e applicata

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    The paper emphasizes some the advances of knowledge in mathematics problems ad new applications. The Bollettino is open to the contribution of Italian or foreign researchers