16 research outputs found

    Vertically Stratified Ash-Limb Beetle Fauna in Northern Ohio

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    To better understand the diversity and ecology of indigenous arthropods at risk from the invasive emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) in North American forests, saproxylic beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) were reared from ash (Fraxinus sp.) limbs suspended in the canopy, ~10–17 m above the ground, and from those placed on the ground in a mature mixed hardwood forest. In total, 209 specimens from 9 families and 18 species were collected from 30.0 m2 of limbs. The generalist cerambycid Neoclytus acuminatus (Fabricius) was the most commonly captured taxon, followed by an assemblage of four exotic ambrosia beetles dominated by Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky). Two species largely or entirely restricted to ash, the buprestid Agrilus subcinctus Gory and the curculionid Hylesinus aculeatus (Say), were collected as well. Although there were no differences in beetle richness, abundance, or density between limb positions, community composition differed significantly. This can be largely attributed to phloem and wood-feeding species (i.e., Cerambycidae and Buprestidae) being more common in the suspended limbs and ambrosia beetles being more numerous on the forest floor. Possible explanations for these patterns are discussed

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Pedobiologia- International Journal of Soil Biology

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    jo u rn al homepage: www.elsevier.de/pedobi Impacts of emerald ash borer-induced tree mortality on leaf litter arthropods an

    Research trends in ecosystem services provided by insects

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    Insects play a key role in the regulation and dynamics of many ecosystem services (ES). However, this role is often assumed, with limited or no experimental quantification of its real value. We examined publication trends in the research on ES provided by insects, ascertaining which ES and taxa have been more intensively investigated, and which methodologies have been used, with particular emphasis on experimental approaches. We first performed a systematic literature search to identify which ES have been attributed to insects. Then we classified the references retrieved according to the ES, taxonomic group and ecosystem studied, as well as to the method applied to quantify each ES (in four categories: no quantification, proxies, direct quantification and experiments). Pollination, biological control, food provisioning, and recycling organic matter are the most studied ES. However, the majority of papers do not specify the ES under consideration, and from those that do, most do not quantify the ES provided. From the rest, a large number of publications use proxies as indicators for ES, assuming or inferring their provision through indirect measurements such as species abundances, species density, species richness, diversity indices, or the number of functional groups. Pollinators, predators, parasitoids, herbivores, and decomposers are the most commonly studied functional groups, while Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera are the most studied taxa. Experimental studies are relatively scarce and they mainly focus on biological control, pollination, and decomposition performed in agroecosystems. These results suggest that our current knowledge on the ES provided by insects is relatively scarce and biased, and show gaps in the least-studied functional and taxonomic groups. An ambitious research agenda to improve the empirical and experimental evidence of the role played by insects in ES provision is essential to fully assess synergies between functional ecology, community ecology, and biodiversity conservation under current global changes

    Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates.

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    Deadwood is a large global carbon store with its store size partially determined by biotic decay. Microbial wood decay rates are known to respond to changing temperature and precipitation. Termites are also important decomposers in the tropics but are less well studied. An understanding of their climate sensitivities is needed to estimate climate change effects on wood carbon pools. Using data from 133 sites spanning six continents, we found that termite wood discovery and consumption were highly sensitive to temperature (with decay increasing >6.8 times per 10°C increase in temperature)-even more so than microbes. Termite decay effects were greatest in tropical seasonal forests, tropical savannas, and subtropical deserts. With tropicalization (i.e., warming shifts to tropical climates), termite wood decay will likely increase as termites access more of Earth's surface

    Reading tea leaves worldwide: decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass‐loss rate and stabilization

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    The breakdown of plant material fuels soil functioning and biodiversity. Currently, process understanding of global decomposition patterns and the drivers of such patterns are hampered by the lack of coherent large‐scale datasets. We buried 36,000 individual litterbags (tea bags) worldwide and found an overall negative correlation between initial mass‐loss rates and stabilization factors of plant‐derived carbon, using the Tea Bag Index (TBI). The stabilization factor quantifies the degree to which easy‐to‐degrade components accumulate during early‐stage decomposition (e.g. by environmental limitations). However, agriculture and an interaction between moisture and temperature led to a decoupling between initial mass‐loss rates and stabilization, notably in colder locations. Using TBI improved mass‐loss estimates of natural litter compared to models that ignored stabilization. Ignoring the transformation of dead plant material to more recalcitrant substances during early‐stage decomposition, and the environmental control of this transformation, could overestimate carbon losses during early decomposition in carbon cycle models

    Pine savanna restoration on agricultural landscapes: The path back to native savanna ecosystem services

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    Restoration of savanna ecosystems within their historic range is expected to increase provision of ecosystem services to resident human populations. However, the benefits of restoration depend on the degree to which ecosystems and their services can be restored, the rate of restoration of particular services, and tradeoffs in services between restored ecosystems and other common land uses. We use a chronosequence approach to infer multi-decadal changes in ecosystem services under management aimed at restoring fire-dependent pine savannas, including the use of frequent prescribed fire, following abandonment of row-crop agriculture in the southeastern U.S. We compare ecosystem services between restored pine savannas of different ages and reference pine savannas as well as other common land uses (row-crop agriculture, improved pasture, pine plantation, unmanaged forest). Our results suggest that restoring pine savannas results in many improvements to ecosystem services, including increases in plant species richness, perennial grass cover, tree biomass, total ecosystem carbon, soil carbon and C:N, reductions in soil bulk density and predicted erosion and sedimentation, shifts from soil fungal pathogens to fungal symbionts, and changes in soil chemistry toward reference pine savanna conditions. However, the rate of improvement varies widely among services from a few years to decades. Compared to row-crop agriculture and improved pasture, restored savannas have lower erosion, soil bulk density, and soil pathogens and a higher percentage of mycorrhizal fungi and ecosystem carbon storage. Compared to pine plantations and unmanaged forests, restored pine savannas have lower fire-prone fuel loads and higher water yield and bee pollinator abundance. Our results indicate that restoration of pine savanna using frequent fire provides a broad suite of ecosystem services that increase the landscape's overall resilience to climate change. These results are likely relevant to other savannas dominated by perennial vegetation and maintained with frequent fire

    Fire and Insect Interactions in North American Forests

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    Purpose of Review Fire and insects are major disturbances in North American forests. We reviewed literature on the effects of fire on bark beetles, defoliators, and pollinators, as well as on the effects of bark beetle and defoliator epidemics on fuels and wildfires. Recent Findings Fire has direct and indirect effects on insects, but our understanding of these effects is confounded by several factors identified in this review. Direct effects are expressed through insect mortality due to exposure to fire, with few studies published on this topic. Indirect effects are expressed through changes in insect hosts and forest conditions, with bark beetle responses to fire-injured trees following prescribed fires and low-severity wildfires being the most studied. Although fire effects on pollinators are an emerging field of research, it is clear that fire can benefit pollinators by creating more open forest conditions, which, in turn, enhance floral resource availability. Bark beetle and defoliator epidemics can exert large effects on fuels, but their effects on wildfires are mixed. Differences in the severity, extent, and timing of epidemics, fire regimes, fire weather, topography, and the metrics and models used to assess wildfires, among other factors, confound our understanding of the effects of bark beetle and defoliator epidemics on wildfires. Summary Fire has both positive and negative effects on insects. Bark beetle and defoliator epidemics have positive and negative effects on wildfires. Additional study of these relationships is warranted given the effects of climate change on forests and forest disturbances, recent declines in some pollinator species in North America, and interests in restoring fire-adapted forest ecosystems