1,914 research outputs found

    Suivi des ressources en eau par télédétection multi-capteur: désagrégation de données spatiales et modélisation descendante des processus hydrologiques

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    Certaines variables extraites par télédétection sont potentiellement très utiles en hydrologie. C'est le cas de l'humidité du sol en surface qui contrôle la partition des précipitations en évaporation du sol, infiltration et ruissellement de surface. C'est aussi le cas de la température de surface qui lorsque l’énergie n’est pas limitante est une signature de l’évapotranspiration. Pourtant la résolution spatiale à laquelle ces données sont disponibles depuis l’espace n'est pas toujours compatible avec les échelles d'application. Dans ce contexte, la désagrégation de données apparaît comme un moyen d'améliorer la résolution spatiale des observations disponibles et de spatialiser les processus hydrologiques à des échelles multiples à l’aide de modèles descendants, c’est-à-dire basés sur les données spatiales. Au cours de cet exposé, je présenterai 1) des méthodes de désagrégation des données d’humidité du sol et de température de surface, 2) des modèles descendants de l’évaporation du sol et de l’évapotranspiration des surfaces et 3) une généralisation de ces approches permettant à long terme une spatialisation d’autres données spatiales et des processus hydrologiques associés

    Disaggregation of SMAP Soil Moisture at 20 m Resolution: Validation and Sub-Field Scale Analysis

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    This paper introduces a modified version of the DisPATCh (Disaggregation based on Physical And Theoretical scale Change) algorithm to disaggregate an SMAP surface soil moisture (SSM) product at a 20 m spatial resolution, through the use of sharpened Sentinel-3 land surface temperature (LST) data. Using sharpened LST as a high resolution proxy of SSM is a novel approach that needs to be validated and can be employed in a variety of applications that currently lack in a product with a similar high spatio-temporal resolution. The proposed high resolution SSM product was validated against available in situ data for two different fields, and it was also compared with two coarser DisPATCh products produced, disaggregating SMAP through the use of an LST at 1 km from Sentinel-3 and MODIS. From the correlation between in situ data and disaggregated SSM products, a general improvement was found in terms of Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) for the proposed high resolution product with respect to the two products at 1 km. For the first field analyzed, R was equal to 0.47 when considering the 20 m product, an improvement compared to the 0.28 and 0.39 for the 1 km products. The improvement was especially noticeable during the summer season, in which it was only possible to successfully capture field-specific irrigation practices at the 20 m resolution. For the second field, R was 0.31 for the 20 m product, also an improvement compared to the 0.21 and 0.23 for the 1 km product. Additionally, the new product was able to depict SSM spatial variability at a sub-field scale and a validation analysis is also proposed at this scale. The main advantage of the proposed product is its very high spatio-temporal resolution, which opens up new opportunities to apply remotely sensed SSM data in disciplines that require fine spatial scales, such as agriculture and water management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Classification of Different Irrigation Systems at Field Scale Using Time-Series of Remote Sensing Data

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    Maps of irrigation systems are of critical value for a better understanding of the human impact on the water cycle, while they also present a very useful tool at the administrative level to monitor changes and optimize irrigation practices. This study proposes a novel approach for classifying different irrigation systems at field level by using remotely sensed data at subfield scale as inputs of different supervised machine learning (ML) models for time-series classification. The ML models were trained using ground-truth data from more than 300 fields collected during a field campaign in 2020 across an intensely cultivated region in Catalunya, Spain. Two hydrological variables retrieved from satellite data, actual evapotranspiration ( ETa ) and soil moisture ( SM ), showed the best results when used for classification, especially when combined together, retrieving a final accuracy of 90.1±2.7% . All the three ML models employed for the classification showed that they were able to distinguish different irrigation systems, regardless of the different crops present in each field. For all the different tests, the best performances were reached by ResNET, the only deep neural network model among the three tested. The resulting method enables the creation of maps of irrigation systems at field level and for large areas, delivering detailed information on the status and evolution of irrigation practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SMOS L1C and L2 Validation in Australia

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    Extensive airborne field campaigns (Australian Airborne Cal/val Experiments for SMOS - AACES) were undertaken during the 2010 summer and winter seasons of the southern hemisphere. The purpose of those campaigns was the validation of the Level 1c (brightness temperature) and Level 2 (soil moisture) products of the ESA-led Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission. As SMOS is the first satellite to globally map L-band (1.4GHz) emissions from the Earth?s surface, and the first 2-dimensional interferometric microwave radiometer used for Earth observation, large scale and long-term validation campaigns have been conducted world-wide, of which AACES is the most extensive. AACES combined large scale medium-resolution airborne L-band and spectral observations, along with high-resolution in-situ measurements of soil moisture across a 50,000km2 area of the Murrumbidgee River catchment, located in south-eastern Australia. This paper presents a qualitative assessment of the SMOS brightness temperature and soil moisture products

    Water Ice and Dust in the Innermost Coma of Comet 103P/Hartley 2

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    On November 4th, 2010, the Deep Impact eXtended Investigation (DIXI) successfully encountered comet 103P/Hartley 2, when it was at a heliocentric distance of 1.06 AU. Spatially resolved near-IR spectra of comet Hartley 2 were acquired in the 1.05-4.83 micron wavelength range using the HRI-IR spectrometer. We present spectral maps of the inner ~10 kilometers of the coma collected 7 minutes and 23 minutes after closest approach. The extracted reflectance spectra include well-defined absorption bands near 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 micron consistent in position, bandwidth, and shape with the presence of water ice grains. Using Hapke's radiative transfer model, we characterize the type of mixing (areal vs. intimate), relative abundance, grain size, and spatial distribution of water ice and refractories. Our modeling suggests that the dust, which dominates the innermost coma of Hartley 2 and is at a temperature of 300K, is thermally and physically decoupled from the fine-grained water ice particles, which are on the order of 1 micron in size. The strong correlation between the water ice, dust, and CO2 spatial distribution supports the concept that CO2 gas drags the water ice and dust grains from the nucleus. Once in the coma, the water ice begins subliming while the dust is in a constant outflow. The derived water ice scale-length is compatible with the lifetimes expected for 1-micron pure water ice grains at 1 AU, if velocities are near 0.5 m/s. Such velocities, about three order of magnitudes lower than the expansion velocities expected for isolated 1-micron water ice particles [Hanner, 1981; Whipple, 1951], suggest that the observed water ice grains are likely aggregates.Comment: 51 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Icaru

    Disaggregation of SMOS soil moisture to 100m resolution using MODIS optical/thermal and sentinel-1 radar data: evaluation over a bare soil site in morocco

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    The 40 km resolution SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) soil moisture, previously disaggregated at a 1 km resolution using the DISPATCH (DISaggregation based on Physical And Theoretical scale CHange) method based on MODIS optical/thermal data, is further disaggregated to 100 m resolution using Sentinel-1 backscattering coefficient (σ°). For this purpose, three distinct radar-based disaggregation methods are tested by linking the spatio-temporal variability of σ° and soil moisture data at the 1 km and 100 m resolution. The three methods are: (1) the weight method, which estimates soil moisture at 100 m resolution at a certain time as a function of σ° ratio (100 m to 1 km resolution) and the 1 km DISPATCH products of the same time; (2) the regression method which estimates soil moisture as a function of σ° where the regression parameters (e.g., intercept and slope) vary in space and time; and (3) the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) method, which estimates 100 m resolution soil moisture from the cumulative probability of 100 m resolution backscatter and the maximum to minimum 1 km resolution (DISPATCH) soil moisture difference. In each case, disaggregation results are evaluated against in situ measurements collected between 1 January 2016 and 11 October 2016 over a bare soil site in central Morocco. The determination coefficient (R2) between 1 km resolution DISPATCH and localized in situ soil moisture is 0.31. The regression and CDF methods have marginal effect on improving the DISPATCH accuracy at the station scale with a R2 between remotely sensed and in situ soil moisture of 0.29 and 0.34, respectively. By contrast, the weight method significantly improves the correlation between remotely sensed and in situ soil moisture with a R2 of 0.52. Likewise, the soil moisture estimates show low root mean square difference with in situ measurements (RMSD = 0.032 m3 m−3).This work is a contribution to the REC project funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020) in the context of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) action under grant agreement no: 645642. In addition, this work has been partially funded by a public grant of Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (DI-14-06587) and AGAUR-Generalitat de Catalunya (DI-2015-058)

    Modeling actual water use under different irrigation regimes at district scale: Application to the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient method

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    The modeling of irrigation in land surface models are generally based on two soil moisture parameters SMthreshold and SMtarget at which irrigation automatically starts and stops, respectively. Typically, both parameters are usually set to optimal values allowing to fill the soil water reservoir with just the estimated right amount and to avoid crop water excess at all times. The point is that agricultural practices greatly vary according to many factors (climatological, crop, soil, technical, human, etc.). To fill the gap, we propose a new calibration method of SMthreshold and SMtarget to represent the irrigation water use in any (optimal, deficit or even over) irrigation regime. The approach is tested using the dual-crop coefficient FAO-56 model implemented at the field scale over an 8100 ha irrigation district in northeastern Spain where the irrigation water use is precisely monitored at the district scale. Both irrigation parameters are first retrieved at monthly scale from the irrigation observations of year 2019. The irrigation simulated by the FAO-56 model is then evaluated against observations at district and weekly scale over 5 years (2017–2021) separately. The performance of the newly calibrated irrigation module is also assessed by comparing it against three other modules with varying configurations including default estimates for SMthreshold and SMtarget. The proposed irrigation module obtains systematically the best performance for each of the 5 years with an overall correlation coefficient of 0.95 ± 0.02 and root-mean square error of 0.27 ± 0.07 hm3/week (0.64 ± 0.17 mm/day). Unlike the three irrigation modules used as benchmark, the new irrigation module is able to reproduce the farmers’ practices throughout the year, and especially, to simulate the actual water use in the deficit and excess irrigation regimes occurring in the study area in spring and summer, respectively.This study was supported by the IDEWA project ( ANR-19-P026-003 ) of the Partnership for research and innovation in the Mediterranean area ( PRIMA ) program and by the Horizon 2020 ACCWA project (grant agreement # 823965 ) in the context of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) program. The authors wish to acknowledge the "Comunitat de Regants Canal Algerri Balaguer" and the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation (SAIH Ebro) for providing the observation irrigation data used in this study

    The SPARSE model for the prediction of water stress and evapotranspiration components from thermal infra-red data and its evaluation over irrigated and rainfed wheat

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    Evapotranspiration is an important component of the water cycle, especially in semi-arid lands. A way to quantify the spatial distribution of evapotranspiration and water stress from remote-sensing data is to exploit the available surface temperature as a signature of the surface energy balance. Remotely sensed energy balance models enable one to estimate stress levels and, in turn, the water status of continental surfaces. Dual-source models are particularly useful since they allow derivation of a rough estimate of the water stress of the vegetation instead of that of a soil–vegetation composite. They either assume that the soil and the vegetation interact almost independently with the atmosphere (patch approach corresponding to a parallel resistance scheme) or are tightly coupled (layer approach corresponding to a series resistance scheme). The water status of both sources is solved simultaneously from a single surface temperature observation based on a realistic underlying assumption which states that, in most cases, the vegetation is unstressed, and that if the vegetation is stressed, evaporation is negligible. In the latter case, if the vegetation stress is not properly accounted for, the resulting evaporation will decrease to unrealistic levels (negative fluxes) in order to maintain the same total surface temperature. This work assesses the retrieval performances of total and component evapotranspiration as well as surface and plant water stress levels by (1) proposing a new dual-source model named Soil Plant Atmosphere and Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration (SPARSE) in two versions (parallel and series resistance networks) based on the TSEB (Two-Source Energy Balance model, Norman et al., 1995) model rationale as well as state-of-the-art formulations of turbulent and radiative exchange, (2) challenging the limits of the underlying hypothesis for those two versions through a synthetic retrieval test and (3) testing the water stress retrievals (vegetation water stress and moisture-limited soil evaporation) against in situ data over contrasted test sites (irrigated and rainfed wheat). We demonstrated with those two data sets that the SPARSE series model is more robust to component stress retrieval for this cover type, that its performance increases by using bounding relationships based on potential conditions (root mean square error lowered by up to 11 W m−2 from values of the order of 50–80 W m−2), and that soil evaporation retrieval is generally consistent with an independent estimate from observed soil moisture evolution
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