1,666 research outputs found

    The Intrinsic Glue Distribution at Very Small x

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    We compute the distribution functions for gluons at very small x and not too large values of transverse momenta. We extend the McLerran-Venugopalan model by using renormalization group methods to integrate out effects due to those gluons which generate an effective classical charge density for Weizs\"acker-Williams fields. We argue that this model can be extended from the description of nuclei at small x to the description of hadrons at yet smaller values of x. This generates a Lipatov like enhancement for the intrinsic gluon distribution function and a non-trivial transverse momentum dependence as well. We estimate the transverse momentum dependence for the distribution functions, and show how the issue of unitarity is resolved in lepton-nucleus interactions.Comment: 31 pages, Latex2e, 5 postecript figure included, using epsf, latexsym, amssymb and fancyheading

    A global Carleman estimate in a transmission wave equation and application to a one-measurement inverse problem

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    We consider a transmission wave equation in two embedded domains in R2R^2, where the speed is a1>0a1 > 0 in the inner domain and a2>0a2 > 0 in the outer domain. We prove a global Carleman inequality for this problem under the hypothesis that the inner domain is strictly convex and a1>a2a1 > a2 . As a consequence of this inequality, uniqueness and Lip- schitz stability are obtained for the inverse problem of retrieving a stationary potential for the wave equation with Dirichlet data and discontinuous principal coefficient from a single time-dependent Neumann boundary measurement

    Peripheral giant cells granuloma as a rare early manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism occurs due to parathyroid adenoma, which as initial presentation in most cases includes recurrent nephrolithiasis (10-25%). Giant cell tumors (GDD) also called osteoclastomas or brown tumors affect the second decade of life and are currently a rare manifestation of primary hyperthyroidism. The incidence of lesion appearance in the maxillary bones is 4.5%. We presented the case of a 36 year old female patient with history of hypertension, who developed an increase in volume in the right maxillary region of 4×3 cm, with incapability of complete occlusion of dental arch, solid dysphagia, biopsy was performed with peripheral giant cells granuloma as a result, PTH serum levels were requested, with result of 1175 pg/ml and serum calcium of 13.24 mg/dl. Parathyroid gammagram was performed with hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue. Patient underwent a selective parathyroidectomy. She had an adequate postoperative evolution and was discharged without complications. The patient had adequate follow up by head and neck surgery in external consultation, serum calcium 7.66 mg/dl, decrease of volume in right maxillary region to 3×3 cm; pathology report with parathyroid adenoma. Surgical treatment of brown tumor is still pending by the maxillofacial surgery department

    Information consumption patterns from big data

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    Virtual social networks imply an important opportunity to generate friendlier communication bridges between students, teachers and other actors related to the educational field. In this sense, our study presents an approximation to the connection habits between university students in these networks, which in the future will allow to take advantage of these platforms to achieve a successful communication between actors. Thus, the characterization of uses, habits and consumption of virtual social networks becomes very relevant

    The Diagnostic Laboratory Hub: A New Health Care System Reveals the Incidence and Mortality of Tuberculosis, Histoplasmosis, and Cryptococcosis of PWH in Guatemala.

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    A Diagnostic Laboratory Hub (DLH) was set up in Guatemala to provide opportunistic infection (OI) diagnosis for people with HIV (PWH). Patients newly presenting for HIV, PWH not receiving antiretrovirals (ARVs) for >90 days but returned to care (Return/Restart), and PWH on ARVs with symptoms of OIs (ARV treatment) were prospectively included. Screening for tuberculosis, nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis was done. Samples were couriered to the DLH, and results were transmitted electronically. Demographic, diagnostic results, disease burden, treatment, and follow-up to 180 days were analyzed. In 2017, 1953 patients were included, 923 new HIV infections (an estimated 44% of all new HIV infections in Guatemala), 701 on ARV treatment, and 315 Return/Restart. Three hundred seventeen (16.2%) had an OI: 35.9% tuberculosis, 31.2% histoplasmosis, 18.6% cryptococcosis, 4.4% NTM, and 9.8% coinfections. Histoplasmosis was the most frequent AIDS-defining illness; 51.2% of new patients had <200 CD4 cells/mm3 with a 29.4% OI incidence; 14.3% of OIs in new HIV infections occurred with CD4 counts of 200-350 cells/mm3. OIs were the main risk factor for premature death for new HIV infections. At 180 days, patients with OIs and advanced HIV had 73-fold greater risk of death than those without advanced disease who were OI-free. The DLH OI screening approach provides adequate diagnostic services and obtains relevant data. We propose a CD4 screening threshold of <350 cells/mm3. Mortality remains high, and improved interventions are required, including expansion of the DLH and access to antifungal drugs, especially liposomal amphotericin B and flucytosine.Financial support. This work was supported by Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections and JYLAG, a charity Foundation based in Switzerland (E.A. received this funding under the proposal: “Minimising HIV deaths through rapid fungal diagnosis and better care in Guatemala”). Other contributions came from AIDS Health Foundation (AHF) Guatemala, Intrahealth International and Ministry of health in Guatemala (MSPAS).S

    Fires increase Amazon forest productivity through increases in diffuse radiation

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    Atmospheric aerosol scatters solar radiation increasing the fraction of diffuse radiation and the efficiency of photosynthesis. We quantify the impacts of biomass burning aerosol (BBA) on diffuse radiation and plant photosynthesis across Amazonia during 1998-2007. Evaluation against observed aerosol optical depth allows us to provide lower and upper BBA emissions estimates. BBA increases Amazon basin annual mean diffuse radiation by 3.4-6.8% and net primary production (NPP) by 1.4-2.8%, with quoted ranges driven by uncertainty in BBA emissions. The enhancement of Amazon basin NPP by 78-156TgCa-1 is equivalent to 33-65% of the annual regional carbon emissions from biomass burning. This NPP increase occurs during the dry season and acts to counteract some of the observed effect of drought on tropical production. We estimate that 30-60TgCa-1 of this NPP enhancement is within woody tissue, accounting for 8-16% of the observed carbon sink across mature Amazonian forests

    Partial Activation of SA- and JA-Defensive Pathways in Strawberry upon Colletotrichum acutatum Interaction

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    [EN] Understanding the nature of pathogen host interaction may help improve strawberry (Fragaria x anahassa) cultivars. Plant resistance to pathogenic agents usually operates through a complex network of defense mechanisms mediated by a diverse array of signaling molecules. In strawberry, resistance to a variety of pathogens has been reported to be mostly polygenic and quantitatively inherited, making it difficult to associate molecular markers with disease resistance genes. Colletotrichum acutaturn spp. is a major strawberry pathogen, and completely resistant cultivars have not been reported. Moreover, strawberry defense network components and mechanisms remain largely unknown and poorly understood. Assessment of the strawberry response to C. acutatum included a global transcript analysis, and acidic hormones SA and JA measurements were analyzed after challenge with the pathogen. Induction of transcripts corresponding to the SA and JA signaling pathways and key genes controlling major steps within these defense pathways was detected. Accordingly, SA and JA accumulated in strawberry after infection. Contrastingly, induction of several important SA, JA, and oxidative stress-responsive defense genes, including FaPR1-1, FaLOX2, FaJAR1, FaPDF1, and FaGST1, was not detected, which suggests that specific branches in these defense pathways (those leading to FaPR1-2, FaPR2-1, FaPR2-2, FaAOS, FaPR5, and FaPR10) were activated. Our results reveal that specific aspects in SA and JA dependent signaling pathways are activated in strawberry upon interaction with C. acutatum. Certain described defense-associated transcripts related to these two known signaling pathways do not increase in abundance following infection. This finding suggests new insight into a specific putative molecular strategy for defense against this pathogen.Authors are grateful to Dr. JM Lopez-Aranda (IFAPA-Centro de Churriana) for providing micropropagated strawberry plants and to Nicolas Garcia-Caparros for technical assistance. Authors also want to thank Kevin M. Folta for his insightful comments on the paper. This work was supported by Junta de Andalucia, Spain [Proyectos de Excelencia P07-AGR-02482/P12-AGR-2174, and grants to Grupo-BIO278].Amil-Ruiz, F.; Garrido-Gala, J.; Gadea Vacas, J.; Blanco-Portales, R.; Munoz-Merida, A.; Trelles, O.; De Los Santos, B.... (2016). Partial Activation of SA- and JA-Defensive Pathways in Strawberry upon Colletotrichum acutatum Interaction. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7(1036). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01036S71036Acosta, I. F., & Farmer, E. E. (2010). Jasmonates. The Arabidopsis Book, 8, e0129. doi:10.1199/tab.0129Al-Shahrour, F., Diaz-Uriarte, R., & Dopazo, J. (2004). 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