3,602 research outputs found

    Un Pequeño Gran Problema de la Historia Medieval : la Revuelta del Arrabal (Rabad) de Córdoba (818) y la Toma de Creta en el 8271

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    The present article deals with a topic might appear of marginal importance in the context of medieval history, thas is, the expulsion of the Cordoban conspirators after the Revolt of Arrabal de Cordoba (818) and their conquest of the Island of Crete in 827, Nevertheless, it becomes important when one realizes the implications in the Eastern Mediterranean, when this area was transformed into a “Moslem Lake” –as it has been called by Henri Pirenne. Which would prevente the free transit of Byzantine shipping, forcing the Empire to employ all of its diplomatic abilities to deal whit the situation.El presente artículo aborda una temática que podría parecer marginal en el contexto de la historia medieval, esta es la expulsión de los conjurados cordobeses tras la Revuelta del Arrabal de Córdoba (818) y la toma de la Isla de Creta en el 827 por los mismos. No obstante, adquiere importancia al momento de verificar las implicancias que tendrá en las futuras relaciones que se establezcan en el mediterráneo oriental, cuando este se transforme en un “Lago Musulmán” -así denominado por Henri Pirenne- que impedirá el libre tránsito de las embarcaciones bizantinas, obligando al Imperio utilizar todo su manejo diplomático para poder superar ésta situación

    Un Pequeño Gran Problema de la Historia Medieval : la Revuelta del Arrabal (Rabad) de Córdoba (818) y la Toma de Creta en el 8271

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    El presente artículo aborda una temática que podría parecer marginal en el contexto de la historia medieval, esta es la expulsión de los conjurados cordobeses tras la Revuelta del Arrabal de Córdoba (818) y la toma de la Isla de Creta en el 827 por los mismos. No obstante, adquiere importancia al momento de verificar las implicancias que tendrá en las futuras relaciones que se establezcan en el mediterráneo oriental, cuando este se transforme en un "Lago Musulmán" -así denominado por Henri Pirenne- que impedirá el libre tránsito de las embarcaciones bizantinas, obligando al Imperio utilizar todo su manejo diplomático para poder superar ésta situación.The present article deals with a topic might appear of marginal importance in the context of medieval history, thas is, the expulsion of the Cordoban conspirators after the Revolt of Arrabal de Cordoba (818) and their conquest of the Island of Crete in 827, Nevertheless, it becomes important when one realizes the implications in the Eastern Mediterranean, when this area was transformed into a "Moslem Lake" -as it has been called by Henri Pirenne. Which would prevente the free transit of Byzantine shipping, forcing the Empire to employ all of its diplomatic abilities to deal whit the situation

    Direct and Indirect Consequences of Dominant Plants in Arid Environments

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    In arid environments, dominant woody plants such as shrubs or trees, usually facilitate a high density of species in their understories. This phenomemon is composed by a series of direct and indirect effects from the dominant plant to the understory species, and among understory species. The aim of this project was to determine these direct and indirect consequences of dominant plant-plant facilitation in a collection of field sites along the coastal Atacama Desert. The following objectives and hypotheses were examined in this project: (1) to summarize and contextualize the breadth of research on indirect interactions in terrestrial plant communities; (2) that the positive effects of dominant plants on understory communities are spatiotemporally scale dependent, from micro- to broad-scale spatial effects, and from within-seasonal to among-year temporal effects; (3) that dominant plants via their different traits determine the outcome of plant-plant interactions; (4) that dominant plants determine the outcome of interactions amongst understory species and that their responses are species-specific; and (5) that facilitation by dominant plants generates sufficiently different micro-environmental conditions that lead to consistent differences in seeds traits of understory plants. Overall, we found that multiple factors determine the outcome of plant-plant interactions along the field sites studied in this project. These factors impact both the direct and indirect effects of dominant woody plants on their understory communities and include species-specific traits of both the dominant and understory species, and the spatial and temporal environmental gradients that manifest their effects at different scales. Dominant plants usually facilitate increased species richness and density of plants in their understory, that in turn mediates effects amongst these species. However, these direct effects seem to have a limit given that at extremely stressful environmental conditions they tend to change to neutral and even competitive effects of canopies on their understories. This provides evidence that positive effects of dominant plants collapse under extreme spatiotemporal stress. Although we did not find evidence of evolutionary effects of top-down facilitation, the methodology proposed here represents a contribution to test the conditions under which these results hold. Overall, this project illustrates the importance of understanding the multiple drivers that determine the outcome of biotic interactions

    Sistemática e evolução do gênero de morcegos neotropical Lophostoma d'Orbigny, 1836 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)

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    Morcegos Lophostoma d'Orbigny, 1836 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) estão distribuídos desde o sul do México até o sudoeste do Paraguai e sudeste do Brasil. Este gênero inclui sete espécies de morcegos insetívoros, conhecidos como morcegos-de-orelhas-redondas. A sistemática e taxonomia do grupo têm sido objeto de diversos estudos, que utilizando dados morfológicos e moleculares revelaram uma enorme diversidade fenotípica e genotípica, indicando a possível existência de espécies crípticas, principalmente em Lophostoma brasiliense Peters, 1866 e Lophostoma silvicola d'Orbigny, 1836. O principal objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a diversidade críptica de Lophostoma ao longo de sua distribuição geográfica, integrando análises moleculares, morfológicas e morfométricas para esclarecer os limites taxonômicos, distribuição e relações evolutivas das suas espécies. No primeiro capítulo, apresento uma avaliação taxonômica de L. brasiliense. Foram utilizados métodos de delimitação fenotípica e molecular das espécies com base no marcador mitocondrial Citocromo c oxidase subunidade 1 (COI), dados morfológicos, morfométricos lineares e geométricos. Os resultados reconheceram L. brasiliense como duas linhagens distintas com distribuições alopátricas. Uma corresponde à L. brasiliense sensu stricto, com distribuição cis-andina; outra corresponde à L. nicaraguae (Goodwin, 1942), atualmente sinônimo de L. brasiliense, com distribuição transandina. O status de espécie válida é proposto para L. nicaraguae considerando as evidências apresentadas. No segundo capítulo, faço uma avaliação taxonômica de L. silvicola baseada em dois genes mitocondriais (COI, Cyt-b) e múltiplas evidências fenotípicas (morfologia qualitativa e quantitativa). As análises suportam a validação de duas entidades taxonômicas adicionais à L. silvicola: L. laephotis (Thomas, 1910) e L. amblyotis Peters, 1867. Por fim, apresento informações sobre a distribuição de cada uma das espécies aqui reconhecidas, bem como hipóteses sobre a sua diversificação, e discuto as possíveis implicações das barreiras geográficas na origem destas espécies.Bats of genus Lophostoma d'Orbigny, 1836 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) are distributed from southern Mexico to southwestern Paraguay and southwestern Brazil. This genus includes seven species of insectivorous bats, which are known as round-eared bats. Systematics and taxonomy of the group have been the subject of several studies, which using morphological and molecular data revealed an enormous phenotypic and genetic diversity, indicating the possible existence of cryptic species, mainly in Lophostoma brasiliense Peters, 1866 and Lophostoma silvicola d'Orbigny, 1836. The main objective of the present study was to analyze the cryptic diversity of Lophostoma throughout its geographic distribution, integrating molecular, morphological and morphometric analyzes to clarify the taxonomic limits, distribution and evolutionary relationships of its species. In the first chapter, I present a taxonomic assessment of L. brasiliense. Phenotypic and molecular species delimitation methods were used based on the mitochondrial marker Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), morphological, linear and geometric morphometric data. The results recognized L. brasiliense as two distinct lineages with allopatric distributions. One corresponds to L. brasiliense sensu stricto, with a cis-Andean distribution; another corresponds to L. nicaraguae (Goodwin, 1942), currently synonymous with L. brasiliense, with trans-Andean distribution. Valid species status is proposed for L. nicaraguae considering the evidence presented. In the second chapter, I perform a taxonomic assessment of L. silvicola based on two mitochondrial genes (COI, Cyt-b) and multiple phenotypic evidences (qualitative and quantitative morphology). The analyzes supported the validation of two additional taxonomic entities to L. silvicola: L. laephotis (Thomas, 1910) and L. amblyotis Peters, 1867. Finally, I present information on the distribution of each of the species recognized here, as well as hypotheses about their diversification, and discuss the possible implications of geographic barriers in the origin of these species

    Las asambleas de León c. 1118 y el concejo como base de la estructura social y participación ciudadana

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    1188 es el año en que se registró oficialmente, por vez primera, la asistencia a la asamblea regia de hombres elegidos de cada ciudad junto a los grupos tradicionales que participaban en la política regia leonesa llevada desde ese momento por Alfonso IX. En base a esta coyuntura histórica nos preguntamos si esa aparición documental sería o no reflejo de la primera vez que esos elementos nuevos a los tradicionales concurren a este tipo de reunión llamada por el soberano leonés, y por tanto se registran documentalmente, o por el contrario, sería la primera vez que son registrados pero que desde tiempo atrás las relaciones entre la corona y la comunidades rurales han estado existiendo y colaborando. Considerando el proceso de vinculación del rey leonés y los concejos por medio del fuero, y por cierto de las bases sociales que llevaron a la organización social campesina, es que logramos determinar que se señaló a los representantes de los concejos en una seguidilla de documentos antes y después de la asamblea de Alfonso IX, lo que habla que la base social en el proceso de la toma de decisiones se ha ampliado y que de manera oficial ahora serán los sostenedores de las acciones de la monarquía leonesa

    Evaluation of food selection of fire ant Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in resources with and without immature stages of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) (Diptera: Calliphoridae)/ Avaliação da seleção alimentar da formiga Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em recursos com e sem estágios imatudos de Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

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    Ants of the genus Solenopsis Westwood, 1840 play a relevant role in forensic entomology studies due to the changes they can cause in cadaveric fauna This study aims to evaluate the food selection behavior of Solenopsis saevissima (Smith,1855) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ants against the offered combinations of decaying meat with Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) eggs x decaying meat without eggs and decaying meat with C. albiceps larvae x decaying meat without larvae. Ant flow did not vary significantly when different diets were compared (p >0.05). However, the correlation between ant flow and temperature showed a higher number of ant activity during periods of higher temperature (p? 0.05), reinforcing the relationship of maintenance of metabolism of these individuals and environmental temperature. There was no food selection by the fire ants in the tests performed (p >0.05), but we could observe a positive correlation between flow and temperature (p? 0.05). Besides the lack of selection observed in this study corroborates the omnivorous role of species of the genus Solenopsis

    Determinantes sociais das Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária em Guarulhos, São Paulo

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    The study goals present an overview of Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) in Guarulhos, SP, from 2008 to 2012. This is an ecological study based on secondary data obtained from the Brazilian Hospital Information System, and supported by the Praxical Theory of Intervention of Collective Health Nursing. Applied descriptive statistics for analysis. It was observed that Guarulhos shows an upward trend in hospitalizations by ACSC (20% increase), the most frequent causes of heart failure (11.8%), cerebrovascular disease (10.6%) and angina (9.7%), most frequently in the age group ≥ 65years old, for both sexes. The results are similar to other Brazilian studies, but their analysis should extrapolate the biological limits and the supply of healthcare resources, focusing on the social determinants of the health-disease process.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo proporcionar una visión general de las Hospitalizaciones por Condiciones Sensibles a la Atención Primaria (ICSAP) en Guarulhos, SP, en el período 2008-2012. Se trata de un estudio ecológico a partir de datos secundarios obtenidos a través del Sistema de Información Hospitalaria, y apoyado por la Teoría de Intervención Práxica de la Enfermería en Salud Colectiva. Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva para el análisis. Se observó que Guarulhos muestra una tendencia al alza en las hospitalizaciones por ICSAP (aumento del 20%), las causas más frecuentes de insuficiencia cardiaca (11,8%), enfermedad cerebrovascular (10,6%) y la angina (9,7% ), con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de edad ≥ 65 años para ambos sexos. Los resultados son similares a otros estudios brasileños, pero su análisis debe extrapolar los límites biológicos y el suministro de los recursos sanitarios, centrándose en los determinantes sociales del proceso salud-enfermedad.
Objetivo Apresentar o panorama das Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária (ICSAP) no município de Guarulhos, SP, no período de 2008 a 2012. Método Estudo ecológico, com dados secundários obtidos via Sistema de Informações Hospitalares, sustentado pela Teoria de Intervenção Práxica da Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva. Empregou-se estatística descritiva para análise. Resultados Observou-se que Guarulhos apresenta trajetória crescente nas internações por ICSAP (aumento de 20%), sendo as causas mais frequentes a insuficiência cardíaca (11,8%), as doenças cerebrovasculares (10,6%) e a angina (9,7%), com maior frequência na faixa etária ≥ 65 anos, para ambos os sexos. Conclusão Os resultados encontrados assemelham-se a outros estudos brasileiros, porém sua análise deve extrapolar os limites biológicos e a oferta de recursos assistenciais, atentando para as determinações sociais do processo saúde-doença