170 research outputs found

    The feasibility of using red mud in coatings based on glyptal resins

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    The possibility of industrial waste – alkaline red mud to be used as the filler of glyptal resins and coatings thereof is considered. It was determined that the most effective way of compounding of said components was in situ combinations during the synthesis of the polymer, providing systems with filling factor up to 36 wt.% with decreased moisture absorption ability in comparison to the initial resin. It was demonstrated that the most probable cause of this performance increase is the formation of chemical bonds between the hydroxyl groups of glyptal and weak van der Waals bonds between the carbonyl group of the resin and surface groups on red mud

    Study of the steering of a wide span vehicle controlled by a local positioning system

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    Controlled traffic farming allows to minimize traffic-induced soil compaction by a permanent separation of the crop zone from the traffic lanes used by wide span tractors. The Authors developed an agricultural wide span vehicle equipped with a skid equipment for turning and an automatic driving system prototype based on a laser beam. The aim of this work was to study the kinematic conditions that control the steering of this machine. Furthermore, the accuracy and the maximum delay time of the signal transmission by the automatic driving system of the set-up was also assessed. In comparison with crawler tractors, the turning of the agricultural wide span vehicle needs a smaller difference in the moments applied to its right- and left-side wheels. For the predetermined accuracy of the beam position relative to the plant rows, ±ds = ±0.025 m, the accuracy of the direction of the laser beam at a distance S=200 m should not be more than ±0.07° and ±0.0014°, considering a run length of 1000 m. Furthermore, at a speed V=2.5 m s–1 a trajectory deviation φ≤5° requires a topmost delay time of the control signal of Δtmax=0.11 s is required

    Effect of seed pre-treatment with plant growth compound regulators on seedling growth under drought stress

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    Saabunud / Received 28.10.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 10.12.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 11.12.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Andrii Melnyk [email protected] experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of different compound regulators on the germination rate, seedling morphology of two mustard (Brassica juncea L.) cultivars ('Felicia' and 'Prima') under simulated drought stress with PEG-6000. The eight commercial growth compound regulators (ALBIT, VERMISTIMD, ANTISTRESS, AGRINOS, REGOPLAN, BIOFOGE, STIMULATE, and FAST START) were pretreated seeds at recommended doses. The application of growth regulators promoted the growth of seedlings under drought stress but had no obvious effect on the germination rate of the two varieties. The root fresh weight, total root length, leaf area, stem length, and stem volume in 'Felicia' significantly increased with ANTISTRESS treatment by 24.28, 3.30, 24.70, 19.40, and 30.90%. In addition, the number of lateral roots reached the maximum with AGRINOS and REGOPLAN treatment compared with plants without regulators under drought conditions, which were 135.55 and 121.20%, respectively. For 'Prima', the application of FAST START had a remarkable effect on root fresh weight, total root length, lateral root number and primary root length, root surface area, leaf area, and stem volume by 17.62, 18.12, 211.20, 53.75, 28.57, 15.90, and 32.30%, respectively

    Criminological Assessment of Medical Misconduct during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study examines the professional actions of health workers during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic from the point of view of criminological assessment in the context of labor relations. With the help of political and legal analysis and a comparative legal method, the work considers the international practice of assessing the actions of medical workers from the standpoint of criminal responsibility, political and legal initiatives concerning the protection of the rights of medical workers during the spread of a pandemic and quarantine measures. This study argues for significantly broader criminal immunity for health workers during a pandemic. At the same time, the study gives grounds to assert that today the lack of sufficient empirical data and research complicates an objective assessment of the offender. At the same time, based on the results of this study, it is suggested that in the near future the number of investigations and appeals to the court on issues related to the professional activities of medical workers carried out during the spread of the pandemic will increase.

    Performative Artistic Practices in the Conditions of the Distance Learning Process

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    The performing arts practices in the conditions of distance learning are currently not only an actual phenomenon for the modern educational process but also a leading alternative to the classical type of knowledge transfer in certain disciplines to a new generation of specialists. This publication covers the importance and scientific originality of the stated subject. The author shares the methods of studying performing practices and the principles of their presentation by means of the latest digital technologies. In particular, the content of these categories and the principles of their implementation on the Internet are analysed. The result of the study of the problem is to show the overall picture (in the form of a table), which gives a description of teaching performing arts in distance. The publication also provides a discussion of the leading subject, referring to researchers and specialists from different countries, cultures, and schools


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    Introduction: glaucoma is an essential international social and medical problem, as it leads to irreversible blindness in patients worldwide. Organization of treatment and prevention of complications using the most effective methods is the most important task of ophthalmologists at the present stage of the fight against glaucoma. The purpose of the study: to evaluate the management of assistance under the monitoring program «STOP! Glaucoma» to patients with suspected glaucoma, open-angle glaucoma, and more advanced stages of glaucoma. To compare the effectiveness of therapeutic and surgical methods of glaucoma treatment. Materials and methods: To detect and prevent the progression of glaucoma in patients, the LLC «VISIOBUD» Clinic developed and implemented the monitoring program «Stop! Glaucoma». The main task of program was to analyze the dynamics of glaucomatous changes in the optic nerve and, based on this, to determine whether glaucoma compensation is complete and whether the patient does not need a more radical treatment method to preserve visual functions. The following methods of empirical research were used: systematic approach - to determine the research elements between which there are relationships of objects and their properties; observation - to identify signs and external manifestations of facts; comparison – to determine similarities and differences and identify regularities; measurement; monitoring. Results: In the course of the study, the dynamics of changes in intraocular pressure in patients who follow the annual monitoring program «Stop! Glaucoma» in the clinic of LLC «VISIOBUD». 4 groups of patients (116 patients – 156 eyes) were under observation. Installed that in 75% of cases, patients need surgical treatment of glaucoma to preserve their visual functions. Surgical treatment of patients with open-angle glaucoma effectively preserves vision in 89% of cases. Conclusions: Timely detection, monitoring, and treatment of initial signs of open-angle glaucoma and symptoms of its progression affects the preservation and prolongation of visual functions in patients. In the long term, surgical treatment of glaucoma is more cost-effective, as the need to use expensive hypotensive drops is significantly reduced (by 2.5 times)

    Coupling between Geomagnetic Field and Earth’s Climate System

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    The idea about synchronized variations of geomagnetic field and climate appears in the middle of the twentieth century. Among others, one of the main reasons for its unpopularity is the missing mechanism of coupling between magnetic and non-magnetic media. This chapter offers such a mechanism, consisting of a chain of relations transmitting the geomagnetic spatial-temporal variations down to the planetary surface. The first element of this chain is energetic particles propagating in Earth’s atmosphere, whose density and depth of penetration are modulated by geomagnetic field. Thus, the non-dipolar geomagnetic irregularities are projected on the ionization layer in the lower atmosphere (known as Regener-Pfotzer maximum). This unevenly distributed ionization, in certain conditions (i.e. dry atmosphere), acts as a secondary source of ozone near the tropopause. Ozone at this level is of special importance due to its influence on the tropopause temperature and humidity, and consequently on the planetary radiation balance. Hence, the geomagnetic spatial and temporal variations are imprinted down to the surface, impacting the climate system and its regional structures. The chapter provides synthesized information about geomagnetic field variability, particles’ propagation in Earth’s atmosphere, ion-molecular reactions initiating ozone formation in the lower stratosphere, as well as evidence for its covariance with some atmospheric variables

    Analysis of Tongue Color-Associated Features among Patients with PCR-Confirmed COVID-19 Infection in Ukraine

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    Objective: To evaluate and systematize tongue color-related manifestations among patients with PCR-confirmed COVID-19 infection. Material and Methods: This retrospective study included analysis of tongue images obtained from patients with PCR-confirmed COVID-19 infection. Evaluation of coronavirus disease severity (mild, moderate, severe, critical) was provided, considering clinical symptomatology and results of laboratorial and instrumental diagnostic methods. Each picture was analyzed considering the parameters of color of the tongue and color of the tongue plaque by two dental specialists. Cochran-Armitage test for trend was used to evaluate associations between the tongue color and tongue plaque color, and coronavirus disease severity. Results: The most prevalent tongue colors were pale pink, red and dark red (burgundy color). A total of 64.29% of patients with mild disease demonstrated pale pink color of the tongue. Patients with moderate coronavirus disease were characterized with the adverse trend: 62.35% of them presented with red-colored tongue, while in 37.64% of cases, the tongue was pale pink. Severe COVID-19 patients, almost in 90% of the cases, had either red or burgundy color of the tongue. Conclusion: SARS-COV-2 infection is not manifested by tongue-targeted or tongue-specific signs and features; however, coronavirus disease itself provokes changes within the tongue color and tongue plaque color similar to those registered during other internal pathologies

    Розробка елементів концепції визначення майбутнього попиту на медичні послуги на основі результатів аналізу даних різної природи

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    Planning and organizing the functioning of health care institutions is a priority area of activity of their founders. The purpose of such management activities is to ensure the timeliness, quality and completeness of medical services provided to the clients of the institution. At the same time, an important step is to predict the needs for medical services in future periods of time. Forecasting should be carried out taking into account the socio-demographic, medical and behavioral characteristics of persons – potential consumers of medical services and the characteristics of the population structure of the territory in which the medical institution operates. Thus, the object of research is the processes that arise during the analysis of operational and retrospective statistical, medical and social, expert and other data to determine the forecast values of the levels of demand for certain medical services. The results of the analysis should become the basis for making management decisions on planning and organizing the activities of health care institutions in future periods.In the course of the research, a systematic approach, methods of mathematical modeling and other general scientific methods were used.The research result is a developed method for forecasting the demand for medical services in future periods of time. The method consists in the implementation of four sequential stages of the analysis of the initial data. In this case, it becomes necessary to solve the problems of clustering, classification, identification and forecasting. The accuracy of the predicted values depends on the choice of methods and algorithms for solving the problems posed and on the completeness of the initial data. As a result of applying the method, it is possible to obtain:аdivision of persons – potential consumers of medical services into groups in accordance with their socio-demographic portraits, medical data and behavioral characteristics;– relationship between the number of educated groups and the demand for various medical services;– predicted values of the number of groups, as well as the demand for medical services.The results can serve as a basis for making managerial decisions on organizing the activities of medical institutions in future periods of time.Планирование и организация функционирования учреждений здравоохранения – приоритетное направление деятельности их учредителей. Целью такой управленческой деятельности является обеспечение своевременности, качества и полноты медицинских услуг, предоставляемых клиентам заведения. Важным этапом, при этом, является прогнозирование потребностей в медицинских услугах в будущие периоды времени. Прогнозирование должно выполняться с учетом социально-демографических, медицинских и поведенческих особенностей лиц – потенциальных потребителей медицинских услуг и особенностей структуры населения территории, на которой функционирует медицинское учреждение. Таким образом, объектом исследования являются процессы, которые возникают в ходе анализа оперативных и ретроспективных статистических, медико-социальных, экспертных и других данных для определения прогнозных значений уровней спроса на отдельные медицинские услуги. Результаты анализа должны стать основой для принятия управленческих решений по планированию и организации деятельности учреждений здравоохранения в будущие периоды времени.В ходе исследования был использован системный подход, методы математического моделирования и другие общенаучные методы.Результатом выполненного исследования является разработанный метод прогнозирования спроса на медицинские услуги в будущие периоды времени. Метод заключается в реализации четырех последовательных этапов анализа исходных данных. При этом возникает необходимость решения задач кластеризации, классификации, идентификации и прогнозирования. Точность полученных прогнозных значений зависит от выбора методов и алгоритмов решения поставленных задач и от полноты исходных данных. В результате применения метода будут получены:– разбивка лиц – потенциальных потребителей медицинских услуг на группы в соответствии с их социально-демографическими портретами, медицинскими данными и поведенческими особенностями;– зависимости между численностью образованных групп и спросом на различные медицинские услуги;– прогнозные значения численности групп, а также спроса на медицинские услуги.Полученные результаты могут служить основой для принятия управленческих решений по организации деятельности медицинских учреждений в будущие периоды времени.Планування та організація функціонування закладів охорони здоров’я – пріоритетний напрям діяльності їх засновників. Метою такої управлінської діяльності є забезпечення своєчасності, якості та повноти медичних послуг, які надаються клієнтам закладу. Важливим етапом, при цьому, є прогнозування потреб в медичних послугах у майбутні періоди часу. Прогнозування має виконуватися з урахуванням соціально-демографічних, медичних та поведінкових особливостей осіб – потенційних споживачів медичних послуг, і особливостей структури населення території на якій функціонує медичний заклад. Таким чином, об’єктом дослідження є процеси, які виникають у ході аналізу оперативних та ретроспективних статистичних, медико-соціальних, експертних та інших даних для визначення прогнозних значень рівнів попиту на окремі медичні послуги. Результати аналізу мають стати підґрунтям для прийняття управлінських рішень щодо планування та організації діяльності закладів охорони здоров’я в майбутні періоди часу.У ході дослідження був використаний системний підхід, методи математичного моделювання та інші загальнонаукові методи.Результатом виконаного дослідження є розроблений метод прогнозування попиту на медичні послуги в майбутні періоди часу. Метод полягає в реалізації чотирьох послідовних етапів аналізу початкових даних. При цьому виникає необхідність розв’язання задач кластеризації, класифікації, ідентифікації та прогнозування. Точність отриманих прогнозних значень залежить від вибору методів та алгоритмів розв’язання поставлених задач та від повноти вхідних даних. В результаті застосування методу будуть отримані:– розбиття осіб – потенційних споживачів медичних послуг на групи, відповідно до їх соціально-демографічних портретів, медичних даних та поведінкових особливостей;– залежності між чисельністю утворених груп та попитом на різні медичні послуги;– прогнозні значення чисельності груп, а також попиту на медичні послуги.Отримані результати можуть бути основою для прийняття управлінських рішень щодо організації діяльності медичних закладів у майбутні періоди часу

    Інклюзивна (спеціальна) освіта у системі соціального захисту дітей з інвалідністю: окремі проблеми та перспективи законодавчого регулювання

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    Мельник В. П. Інклюзивна (спеціальна) освіта у системі соціального захисту дітей з інвалідністю: окремі проблеми та перспективи законодавчого регулювання / В. П. Мельник // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку України в умовах європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Одеса, 18 травня 2018 р.) У 2-х т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. Г. О. Ульянова. – Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. – С. 494-497