47,644 research outputs found

    Economic and labour market implications of global environmental change on agriculture and viticulture in Malta

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    Agriculture contributes but a limited amount to Europe's gross domestic production, and the overall weakness of the European economy to climatic changes on agriculture is deemed low. Agriculture remains more considerable in the southern and southeastern European states with regards to employment and economic contribution and these regions are expected to face decreases in yields of 10% or more as a result of the reduction of the growing season and decreased rainfall. In Malta, other than cereal production as a fodder crop, most other crops are supported with a degree of irrigation that may ultimately mitigate adverse climatic conditions. Local producers have indicated that cereals, olives and vines have so far demonstrated varying degrees of susceptibility to climatic factors, although, arguably management factors are also relevant. The development of drier and warmer conditions in the Mediterranean region would also create conditions that are favourable to pests. Analysis of potential output e ffects triggered by global environmental change indicates that some 6,300 hectares on which wheat, olives and vines are grown, or 55% of Malta's total utilisable agricultural area, could in e ffect be rendered economically unsustainable when productivity falls by about 23%. Such heavy losses could constitute a potential risk to the sustainability of rural farming systems and livelihoods in Malta.peer-reviewe


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    Meli Village is a village famous for its rattan production in Baebunta District, North Luwu Regency. This village, which is located in the highlands, has a population of 1,771 people, many of whom work as farmers. Unfortunately, Meli Village is facing the impact of flash floods, especially from the Radda River, which causes significant damage and social changes for its residents. The majority of Meli residents only have elementary, middle and high school education, making it difficult to recover from the economic impact of this natural disaster. Efforts to reduce damage need to implement strategies for their livelihoods. Livelihood strategies describe the efforts made by the community to achieve an adequate livelihood. The aim of this research is to analyze rattan farmers' strategies for the level of livelihood sustainability and survival of living capital for rattan farmers in Meli Village, Baebunta District, North Luwu Regency. The analysis method for each table uses descriptive statistics. The population in this research was carried out using a purposive sampling technique of 20 rattan farmers belonging to the Meli Forest Farmers Group, data was collected through observation and interviews. The results of the research show that the level of sustainability of rattan farmers' livelihood capital is obtained in the form of the highest capital, namely physical capital with a value of 2.6 and the lowest capital in the form of human capital with a value of 1.9. developing a rattan business, then applying these skills to increase income by reaching a wider market and minimizing expenses.Keywords: livelihood capital, rattan farmers, Meli VillageAbstrakDesa Meli merupakan desa yang terkenal dengan produksi rotannya di Kecamatan Baebunta, Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Desa yang terletak di dataran tinggi ini berpenduduk 1.771 jiwa dan banyak di antaranya berprofesi sebagai petani. Sayangnya, Desa Meli menghadapi dampak bencana banjir bandang terutama dari Sungai Radda yang menyebabkan kerusakan signifikan dan perubahan sosial bagi warganya. Mayoritas penduduk desa hanya mengenyam pendidikan SD, SMP, dan SMA sehingga sulit untuk bangkit kembali dari dampak ekonomi akibat bencana alam ini. Karenanya diperlukan strategi penghidupan sebagai usaha untuk mengurangi dampak kerusakan dan untuk mencapai penghidupan yang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis strategi petani rotan terhadap tingkat keberlanjutan mata pencaharian dan keberlangsungan modal hidup petani rotan di Desa Meli. Metode analisis untuk setiap tabel digunakan statistik deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dan mendapatkan sampel sebanyak 20 orang petani rotan yang termasuk dalam Kelompok Tani Hutan Meli. Data dikumpul melalui observasi serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat keberlanjutan modal penghidupan petani rotan diperoleh berupa modal tertinggi yaitu modal fisik dengan nilai 2,6 dan modal terendah berupa modal manusia dengan nilai 1,9 dan rekomendasi strategi penghidupan petani rotan yaitu mengikuti pelatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dalam melakukan pemanenan rotan, meningkatkan pengembangan usaha rotan, kemuidan mengaplikasikan keterampilan tersebut untuk meningkatkan penghasilan dengan menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas dan meminimalisir pengeluaran.Kata kunci: modal penghidupan, petani rotan, desa Mel

    Analisis Pendapatan USAha Kopra di Desa Meli Kecamatan Balaesang Kabupaten Donggala

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    Copra is a derivative product of coconut plants cultivated by the people of Indonesia. This commodityis generally used as raw material for coconut oil. Copra is produced from dried coconut meat by reducingwater contents up to 50%. One kilogram of copra is derived from four large coconuts. This study aimed to determine how much revenue received by the producers of copra in Meli Village Balaesang District Donggala Regency. This research was conducted in Meli Village Balaesang District Donggala Regency from March to May 2016 on the grounds that Meli Village Balaesang District Donggala Regency was one of copra producing regions. The number of respondents was amounted to 30 of the total 60 people who had been conducting copra processing business. Respondent determinationwas done using simple random sampling method. The primary data in this study were obtained by means of direct observations and interviews with selected respondents using questionnaires, while secondary data were obtained from related literatures and institutions. The results of this study showed that the revenue received by the producers of copra in Meli Village Balaesang District Donggala Regencywas amounted to Rp 189.143.855/three months period, with average amounted to Rp 6.304.795,00/three months period

    Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Petani Pasca Banjir Bandang di Desa Meli Kecamatan Baebunta Kabupaten Luwu Utara

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    Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi adalah Perbedaan situasi dan kondisi dari biasanya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya akibat dari beberapa faktor yang melatarbelakangi perubahan tersebut misalnya faktor dari luar yaitu terjadinya bencana alam seperti banjir bandang yang menyapu seluruh persawahan masyarakat sehingga masyarakat harus melakukan relokasi pekerjaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. tujuan utama dari penelitian ini untuk mencari tahu tentang dampak dan solusi mengatasi kondisi sosial ekonomi petani sawah sebelum dan sesudah terjadinya bencana banjir bandang di Desa Meli Kecamatan Baebunta Kabupaten Luwu Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa besarnya volume banjir bandang membuat banyak nya kerugian dan kerusakan yang dialami masyarakat Desa Meli. Melihat dampak yang dialami. Masyarakat dan pemerintah telah berupaya melakukan proses pemulihan ekonomi masyarakat Desa Meli  secara pribadi dan juga bekerja sama

    Il Meli italiano del poeta greco Andreas Kalvos

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    Negli anni giovanili il poeta Andreas Kalvos tradusse in italiano dal siciliano alcuni componimenti di Giovanni Meli. Nel presente articolo viene trascritta integralmente, dal manoscritto originale conservato nella Biblioteca Vaticana, la versione kalvianaDuring youth, the poet Andreas Kalvos translated some compositions by Giovanni Meli into Italian from the Sicilian. In this article the Kalvian version is fully transcribed from the original manuscript preserved in the Vatican Librar

    Nucleophilic additions to coordinated 1,10-phenanthroline: intramolecular, intermolecular, reversible, and irreversible

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    KN(SiMe3)2 reacts with [Re(CO)3(phen)(PMe3)]OTf via reversible addition to the phen ligand and irreversible deprotonation of the PMe3 ligand followed by intramolecular attack to phen by the deprotonated phosphane, whereas MeLi irreversibly adds to phen. The addition of MeLi has been shown to be intermolecular, unlike previously known nucleophilic additions to pyridines.The authors thank MINECO and FEDER (grant CTQ2015-70231-P) and Principado de Asturias (grantFC-15-GRUPIN14-103) forfunding, and Ministerio de Educación for an FPU predoctoral fellowship (to R.A.).Peer reviewe
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