150 research outputs found

    Transient Information Flow in a Network of Excitatory and Inhibitory Model Neurons: Role of Noise and Signal Autocorrelation

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    We investigate the performance of sparsely-connected networks of integrate-and-fire neurons for ultra-short term information processing. We exploit the fact that the population activity of networks with balanced excitation and inhibition can switch from an oscillatory firing regime to a state of asynchronous irregular firing or quiescence depending on the rate of external background spikes. We find that in terms of information buffering the network performs best for a moderate, non-zero, amount of noise. Analogous to the phenomenon of stochastic resonance the performance decreases for higher and lower noise levels. The optimal amount of noise corresponds to the transition zone between a quiescent state and a regime of stochastic dynamics. This provides a potential explanation on the role of non-oscillatory population activity in a simplified model of cortical micro-circuits.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, to appear in J. Physiology (Paris) Vol. 9

    Noise-enhanced computation in a model of a cortical column

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    Varied sensory systems use noise in order to enhance detection of weak signals. It has been conjectured in the literature that this effect, known as stochastic resonance, may take place in central cognitive processes such as the memory retrieval of arithmetical multiplication. We show in a simplified model of cortical tissue, that complex arithmetical calculations can be carried out and are enhanced in the presence of a stochastic background. The performance is shown to be positively correlated to the susceptibility of the network, defined as its sensitivity to a variation of the mean of its inputs. For nontrivial arithmetic tasks such as multiplication, stochastic resonance is an emergent property of the microcircuitry of the model network

    Are Scientists Nearsighted Gamblers? The Misleading Nature of Impact Factors

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    Despite a “Cambrian ” explosion in the number of citation metrics used (Van Noorden, 2010), the impact factor (IF) of a journal remains a decisive factor of choice when publishing your ultimate research results and evaluating research productivity. Most other citation metrics correlate with the IF and there is little doubt that they reflect the overall impact of different journals. However, there is good reason to be more cautious about IF judgments. First, the distribution of the number of citations per paper (NCPP) within a journal is heavily skewed. A few highly cited papers often account for a significant amount of the total citation count of a journal (25 % of the papers in Nature account for 89 % of the IF “Not-so-deep impact, ” 2005) and a recent report highlighted that even a single article can dramatically bias the IF of a small journal (Dimitrov et al., 2010). The mean NCPP, as captured with the IF, should therefore never be used. A more appropriate measure is the median NCPP. Figure 1 (left) plots the median of the total NCPP against the mean, for three potential publication outlets for psychologists; Psychological Review (IF2009 = 9.1), Nature (IF2009 = 34.5)

    Signal buffering in random networks of spiking neurons: microscopic vs. macroscopic phenomena

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    In randomly connected networks of pulse-coupled elements a time-dependent input signal can be buffered over a short time. We studied the signal buffering properties in simulated networks as a function of the networks state, characterized by both the Lyapunov exponent of the microscopic dynamics and the macroscopic activity derived from mean-field theory. If all network elements receive the same signal, signal buffering over delays comparable to the intrinsic time constant of the network elements can be explained by macroscopic properties and works best at the phase transition to chaos. However, if only 20 percent of the network units receive a common time-dependent signal, signal buffering properties improve and can no longer be attributed to the macroscopic dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Parents’ hyper-pitch and low vowel category variability in infant-directed speech are associated with 18-month-old toddlers’ expressive vocabulary

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    The present study examines the acoustic properties of infant-directed speech (IDS) as compared to adult-directed speech (ADS) in Norwegian parents of 18-month-old toddlers, and whether these properties relate to toddlers’ expressive vocabulary size. Twenty-one parent-toddler dyads from Tromsþ, Northern Norway participated in the study. Parents (16 mothers, 5 fathers), speaking a Northern Norwegian dialect, were recorded in the lab reading a storybook to their toddler (IDS register), and to an experimenter (ADS register). The storybook was designed for the purpose of the study, ensuring identical linguistic contexts across speakers and registers, and multiple representations of each of the nine Norwegian long vowels. We examined both traditionally reported measures of IDS: pitch, pitch range, vowel duration and vowel space expansion, but also novel measures: vowel category variability and vowel category distinctiveness. Our results showed that Norwegian IDS, as compared to ADS, had similar characteristics as in previously reported languages: higher pitch, wider pitch range, longer vowel duration, and expanded vowel space area; in addition, it had more variable vowel categories. Further, parents’ hyper-pitch, that is, the within-parent increase in pitch in IDS as compared to ADS, and lower vowel category variability in IDS itself, were related to toddlers' vocabulary. Our results point towards potentially facilitating roles of increase in parents’ pitch when talking to their toddlers and of consistency in vowel production in early word learning

    Infant categorization as a dynamic process linked to memory

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    Recency effects are well documented in the adult and infant literature: recognition and recall memory are better for recently occurring events. We explore recency effects in infant categorization, which does not merely involve memory for individual items, but the formation of abstract category representations. We present a computational model of infant categorization that simulates category learning in 10-month-olds. The model predicts that recency effects outweigh previously reported order effects for the same stimuli. According to the model, infant behaviour at test should depend mainly on the identity of the most recent training item. We evaluate these predictions in a series of experiments with 10-month-old infants. Our results show that infant behaviour confirms the model’s prediction. In particular, at test infants exhibited a preference for a category outlier over the category average only if the final training item had been close to the average, rather than distant from it. Our results are consistent with a view of categorization as a highly dynamic process where the end result of category learning is not the overall average of all stimuli encountered, but rather a fluid representation that moves depending on moment-to-moment novelty. We argue that this is a desirable property of a flexible cognitive system that adapts rapidly to different contexts

    Online processing of multiple inputs in a sparsely-connected recurrent neural network

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    The storage and short-term memory capacities of recurrent neural networks of spiking neurons are investigated. We demonstrate that it is possible to process online many superimposed streams of input. This is despite the fact that the stored information is spread throughout the network. We show that simple output structures are powerful enough to extract the diffuse information from the network. The dimensional blow up, which is crucial in kernel methods, is efficiently achieved by the dynamics of the network itself

    The beginning of a new era

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    With this editorial, the Swiss Psychological Society (SPS) is relaunching its journal under the new name Swiss Psychology Open (SPO), published by UbiquityPress. Originally founded by Jean Piaget in 1942 as the Schweizerische Zeitschrift fĂŒr Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen [engl. Swiss Journal of Psychology and its Applications], SPO will continue to serve its original mission – in an open and accessible way

    Validation of an open source, remote web‐based eye‐tracking method (WebGazer) for research in early childhood

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    Measuring eye movements remotely via the participant's webcam promises to be an attractive methodological addition to in-person eye-tracking in the lab. However, there is a lack of systematic research comparing remote web-based eye-tracking with in-lab eye-tracking in young children. We report a multi-lab study that compared these two measures in an anticipatory looking task with toddlers using WebGazer.js and jsPsych. Results of our remotely tested sample of 18-27-month-old toddlers (N = 125) revealed that web-based eye-tracking successfully captured goal-based action predictions, although the proportion of the goal-directed anticipatory looking was lower compared to the in-lab sample (N = 70). As expected, attrition rate was substantially higher in the web-based (42%) than the in-lab sample (10%). Excluding trials based on visual inspection of the match of time-locked gaze coordinates and the participant's webcam video overlayed on the stimuli was an important preprocessing step to reduce noise in the data. We discuss the use of this remote web-based method in comparison with other current methodological innovations. Our study demonstrates that remote web-based eye-tracking can be a useful tool for testing toddlers, facilitating recruitment of larger and more diverse samples; a caveat to consider is the larger drop-out rate
