45 research outputs found

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    Babilónia : Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Traduçã

    La comunicación en las teorías de las organizacionés. El cruzar del siglo XX y la revolución de las nuevas tecnologías - una visión histórica

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    Con el pasar del tiempo la comunicación se ha adaptado en la organización acordando con la evolución de las perspectivas de las teorías de las organizaciones. En la actualidad debe entenderse el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información como un instrumento que fomenta y genera la globalización de las acciones de la organización

    Literacia para a saúde: exposição à radiação ultravioleta e a interferência dos carotenos antes e após a depilação a laser

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    A literacia para a saúde é importante para a eficácia e desenvolvimento da promoção da saúde. A promoção da saúde relativamente aos comportamentos na fotodepilação é importante ao nível da saúde pública. A fotodepilação é uma técnica utilizada na estética para remoção de pelo. Está associada à falta de proteção da pele e pode potenciar um problema de saúde pública. Assim, este projeto visa avaliar os conhecimentos de Literacia para a Saúde em geral, os cuidados com o Sol, a importância da água, do sono, a proteção solar e as interferências que podem existir com a toma de medicação e a suplementação de carotenos ou vitamina A, paralelamente à realização da (d)epilação a laser. A população-alvo deste estudo foram estudantes do ensino superior, aos quais foi administrado o Questionário de Literacia para a Saúde. No desenvolvimento da investigação foi garantida a confidencialidade e direito a não resposta, após concordância através do consentimento informado. Dos 77 participantes, apenas 15,9% (n=11) tem nível de literacia excelente, embora 34,8% (n=24) tenha um nível suficiente, 37,7% (n=26) tem nível de literacia problemática, tendo ainda 11,6% (n=8) literacia inadequada. A conscientização sobre a ingestão de suplementação de caroteno e suas consequências, exposição ao sol e depilação a laser é componente essencial da ênfase na promoção da saúde. Nesse sentido, os clientes devem estar cientes das vantagens e desvantagens da depilação a laser, para uma tomada de decisão autónoma e consciente

    Improving supply chain management in the clothing industry

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    The main objective of this project was to improve the efficiency of the supply chain in a Portuguese clothing company. After analyzing and describing the initial status of the company operations, in order to identify problems, a plan of action was developed and new procedures implemented according to the lean thinking principles. These reviewed procedures were based on paradigms such as lean, agile and leagile, as well as some collaborative practices (VMI and CPFR). Through a better coordination of the materials and information flows, using the Raw Materials Warehouse Management System, the company achieved significant reductions in the levels of excess stock and in the storage response time. Additionally, the processing times of raw materials in quality control were improved and the cutting station supply became more efficient.Fundos FEDER através do Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETE e por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT –Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Projecto: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674

    Imersão na digitalização das redes sociais em turismo e patrimônio: uma mudança de paradigma

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    Con esta investigación nos proponemos analizar diferentes redes sociales involucradas en la evolución del turismo y la potenciación del patrimonio, particularmente en las últimas dos décadas, antes de que la pandemia de la covid 19 irrumpiera en nuestras vidas. Se realizó un estudio bibliográfico longitudinal cualitativo de los temas definidos y un cruce de los resultados obtenidos. Concluimos el análisis con una valoración cuantitativa de la evolución del número de turistas y los ingresos por viajes y turismo en revistas especializadas. Los resultados, basados en análisis bibliográficos, llevaron a un aumento del número de turistas y a la evolución de los ingresos por viajes y turismo aunque con una ligera caída no significativa en 2018. No obstante, no podemos confirmar una realidad diferente a la que esperábamos. La curva significativamente creciente en el momento fundamental del estudio (2020) se revierte sin una fecha de recuperación prevista a causa de las restricciones nacionales e internacionales al turismo

    Costs of incident non-hip osteoporosis-related fractures in postmenopausal women from a payer perspective

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    Funding Information: Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). The study was supported by an unrestricted research grant from Amgen. Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).Summary: Osteoporosis-related fractures lead to high morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs among post-menopausal women. This study showed that incident non-hip osteoporosis-related fractures are frequent among women aged 50 + in Portugal, leading to excessive healthcare costs of €74 million per year, in a conservative scenario. Purpose: This study aimed to estimate the costs of incident non-hip osteoporosis-related fractures among postmenopausal women living in Portugal from a payer perspective. Methods: The study includes women ≥ 50 years old who participated in the baseline assessment (2011–2013) and the first follow-up wave (2013–2015) of the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases cohort, a Portuguese community-based longitudinal prospective study (n = 2,762). Incident non-hip osteoporosis-related fractures were defined as any self-reported low impact non-hip fractures since baseline. Healthcare resource utilization during the year following fracture was obtained from an informal panel of experts. The amounts of resources used were multiplied by the national tariffs practiced in the National Health Service (NHS) to obtain the cost per patient in the year following a wrist, vertebral, or other site fracture, which was subsequently multiplied by the estimated annual number of incident fractures to obtain the total annual cost of incident non-hip osteoporosis-related fractures among postmenopausal women. Results: Each year approximately 5,000 wrist, 3,500 vertebral, and 39,000 other-site osteoporosis-related fractures occur in women aged 50 + in Portugal. Healthcare costs per patient in the year following fracture vary from €2,709.52 for vertebral fractures to €3,096.35 for other fractures. Non-hip incident osteoporosis-related fractures among 50 + women cost approximately €74 million per year. Among all healthcare services, physiotherapy represents the bulk of costs. Conclusions: This study pinpoints the relevance of preventing non-hip osteoporosis-related fractures, as these cost about €74 million per year in direct healthcare costs, a substantial impact on the budget of the Portuguese NHS.publishersversionpublishe

    Biofeedback e ansiedade no ensino superior: comparação da eficácia entre dois programas breves

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    Este estudo dá continuidade à investigação sobre a eficácia do Biofeedback na ansiedade em alunos do ensino superior. Procurando soluções acessíveis e de duração cada vez mais reduzida, pretendeu-se comparar a eficácia entre dois programas breves, com 5 e 8 sessões, de Biofeedback. Foram selecionados 32 alunos do primeiro ano, com valores elevados na Escala de Ansiedade Traço (STAI-Y2). Utilizando o Biofeedback 2000 X-pert submeteu-se um grupo (n=11) a oito sessões, enquanto outro grupo (n=9) realizou apenas 5 sessões. Um terceiro grupo (n=12) não foi alvo de qualquer intervenção. Os resultados obtidos na STAI-Y2 no início do estudo foram comparados com os obtidos no seu final. Verificou-se uma redução significativa dos valores da STAI-Y2 nos grupos de Biofeedback (p=0,05 no grupo com 5 sessões; p=0,003 no grupo com 8 sessões). Foram também encontradas diferenças significativas entre os valores da STAI-Y2 pós-intervenção entre o grupo de controlo e o grupo com 8 sessões de Biofeedback (p=0,001). Estes resultados reforçam a pertinência da utilização de programas breves de Biofeedback na problemática da ansiedade, ainda que com alguma reserva face a programas de 5 sessões. Futuros estudos, principalmente na população portuguesa, são necessários para reforçar a eficácia destes programas. Caracterizados por uma boa relação custo/eficácia, os programas de Biofeedback apresentam-se como uma alternativa válida para a intervenção na ansiedade.This study follows Biofeedback (BFB) efficacy in higher education student’s levels of anxiety research. Looking for easy access, short duration programs, we tried to compare two brief programs, with 5 and 8 sessions of BFB. 32 1st year students with high State-Trait Anxiety Index (STAI-Y2) values. Using Biofeedback 2000 x-pert, one group (n=11) underwent 8 sessions, another (n=9) did 5 and a third group (n=12) underwent no intervention. Results were compared at the end. A significant reduction of STAI Y-2 values was observed on both BFB groups (p=0.05 in the 5 session group, p=0.003 in the 8 session one). Significant differences were also found between the control group and the 8 BFB session group (p=0.001). These results suggest the relevance of using brief BFB programs in dealing with anxiety in Higher Education, albeit with some care considering the 5 session program. Future studies, especially in the Portuguese population, are necessary to strengthen these programs’ efficacy. Having a good cost/efficacy relationship, BFB programs appear as a valid option for intervention in anxiety

    First Report of Echinococcus ortleppi in Free-Living Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) from Portugal

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    Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a zoonosis that is prevalent worldwide. It is considered endemic in Portugal but few studies have been performed on Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato and their hosts. In this study, CE cysts are reported for the first time in a free-living wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Portugal. The presence of the metacestodes in the liver of the wild boar was identified by morphological features, microscopic examination and molecular analysis. The sequencing of part of the DNA nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region revealed a G5 genotype that presently corresponds to Echinococcus ortleppi. This is the first report of E. ortleppi in Portugal and to the best of the authors' knowledge, in Europe. These results suggest that wild boar may be a host of CE, namely, crossing the livestock-wildlife interface, which has important public health implications. Wildlife reservoirs must be taken into account as CE hosts and surveillance of game as well as health education for hunters should be implemented using a One Health approach, with implementation of feasible and tailor-made control strategies, namely, proper elimination of byproducts in the field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analyzing green behavior and the rational use of water in portuguese higher education campi

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    In the forthcoming years Portugal expects to be an increasingly hot and dry country dealing with the risk of water scarcity. According to the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere data, annual precipitation values have decreased 20 mm/decade. On the other hand, it is also verified that the periods of rain occur in a shorter interval, although more intensively. Water scarcity is one of the major challenges reflected in the UN 6th Sustainable Development Goal. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), as places of responsibility in preparing future leaders, must have strong sustainability policies, namely through the implementation of water efficiency measures on their campi. The main aim of this work was to evaluate water consumption and the good practices that the different HEIs have implemented on their campi to improve and promote green and sustainable behaviors, and to calculate water efficiency indicators associated with each HEI. The data were collected through a survey completed by eight HEIs distributed throughout the country. The results show that some institutions have already been implementing measures for water efficiency and have developed some activities with the academic and surrounding community. The range of values calculated for the indicators is large and there is not a strong correlation between them. Per capita consumption values vary between 1.8 and 23.5 L/(person·day), the differences being explained mostly by campus characteristics, namely: green areas; water sources for irrigation; age of buildings; and the existence of facilities on campus such as residences and sports facilities. Nevertheless, the consumption per capita values are generally lower than those found in the literature for equivalent institutions. Given the growing concern with water scarcity, sharing this kind of information among institutions may contribute to improving water efficiency7211-5AB5-5A23 | Ivo AraujoN/