21 research outputs found
A Green Strategy for Federated and Heterogeneous Clouds with Communicating Workloads
Providers of cloud environments must tackle the challenge of configuring their system to provide maximal performance while minimizing the cost of resources used. However, at the same time, they must guarantee an SLA (service-level agreement) to the users. The SLA is usually associated with a certain level of QoS (quality of service). As response time is perhaps the most widely used QoS metric, it was also the one chosen in this work. This paper presents a green strategy (GS) model for heterogeneous cloud systems. We provide a solution for heterogeneous job-communicating tasks and heterogeneous VMs that make up the nodes of the cloud. In addition to guaranteeing the SLA, the main goal is to optimize energy savings. The solution results in an equation that must be solved by a solver with nonlinear capabilities. The results obtained from modelling the policies to be executed by a solver demonstrate the applicability of our proposal for saving energy and guaranteeing the SLA.This work was supported by the MEYC under Contracts
TIN2011-28689-C02-02. The authors are members of the
research groups 2009-SGR145 and 2014-SGR163, funded by
the Generalitat de Catalunya
Per una reflexió crítica sobre la noció de mestissatge
A través d'una anàlisi històrica i transcultural de l'Europa cristiana, el món jueu, àrab-musulmà, subsaharià, indígena americà i crioll, el projecte actual busca explicar l'origen, el procés, els sentits, les justificacions socials i culturals i els usos contemporanis del concepte de "mestissatge", l'espai social de les barreges i els ponts culturals, per desenvolupar una proposta des de l'antropologia històrica d'anàlisi dels mestissatges com a categories i com a fenòmens socioculturals.Through a transcultural and historical analysis of Christian Europe, Jewish, Arabic- Muslim, Subsaharian, American Indigenous and Creole Worlds, the current project is intended to explain the origin, process, meanings, social and cultural justifications and the current uses of "hybridation" concept. Also, the project tries to understand the social space and the barriers and cultural bridges for developing a proposal from the Historic Anthropology for these categories and those sociocultural phenomena
Atlas corológico de las orquídeas de la Comunidad Valenciana
It is shown the necessary data for the cartography in squares of 100 km2 of the orchid flora of the Valencian Community
Nutritional status of iodine in pregnant women in Catalonia (Spain): study on hygiene-dietetic habits and iodine in urine
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is a priority to achieve an adequate nutritional status of iodine during pregnancy since iodine deficiency in this population may have repercussions on the mother during both gestation and post partum as well as on the foetus, the neonate and the child at different ages. According to the WHO, iodine deficiency is the most frequent cause of mental retardation and irrreversible cerebral lesions around the world. However, few studies have been published on the nutritional status of iodine in the pregnant population within the Primary Care setting, a health care level which plays an essential role in the education and control of pregnant women. Therefore, <b>the aim of the present study </b>is: 1.- To know the hygiene-dietetic habits related to the intake of foods rich in iodine and smoking during pregnancy. 2.- To determine the prevalence of iodine deficiency and the factors associated with its appearance during pregnancy.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>We will perform a cluster randomised, controlled, multicentre trial. Randomisation unit: Primary Care Team. Study population: 898 pregnant women over the age of 17 years attending consultation to a midwife during the first trimester of pregnancy in the participating primary care centres. Outcome measures: consumption of iodine-rich foods and iodine deficiency. Points of assessment: each trimester of the gestation. Intervention: group education during the first trimester of gestation on healthy hygiene-dietetic habits and the importance of an adequate iodine nutritional status. Statistical analysis: descriptive analysis of all variables will be performed as well as multilevel logistic regression. All analyses will be done carried out on an intention to treat basis and will be fitted for potential confounding factors and variables of clinical importance.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Evidence of generalised iodine deficiency during pregnancy could lead to the promotion of interventions of prevention such as how to improve and intensify health care educational programmes for pregnant women.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01301768">NCT01301768</a></p
La "hermandad" hispano-marroquí : política y religión bajo el protectorado español en Marruecos (1912-1956)
Defence date: 5 April 2002Examining board: Prof. Gérard Delille (director), Instituto Universitario Europeo, Florencia ; Prof. Dale F. Eickelman, Dartmouth College, Hanover ; Prof. Eloy Martín Corrales, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona ; Profra. Verena Stolcke (directora externa), Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaPDF of thesis uploaded from the Library digitised archive of EUI PhD theses completed between 2013 and 201
H/C, Vivienda y Ciudad: Concurso Internacional de Proyectos
Abbordaggio critico sulla condizione contemporanea del progetto architettonico e lo spazio urbano in relazione al social housing
Memorias de un constructor (entrevista a F\ue9lix Candela)
Abbordaggio critico sulla condizione contemporanea del progetto architettonico e la relazione con la tecnic