69 research outputs found

    Å komme til seg selv – i bevegelse, sansning og forstĂ„else

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    I dette essayet fortolkes Trygve BraatÞys tanker om nervÞse og psykosomatiske lidelser i lys av LÞgstrups sansefilosofi. BraatÞy beskrev muskulÊre belastninger som vevd sammen med fÞlelsesmessige belastninger, og bevissthet som kroppslig forankret. I hans tenkning er muskulÊre konflikter et sÊrtrekk ved slike lidelser, og forbundet med regulering av overveldende inntrykk som binder personen i mÞte med verden. LÞgstrup la ut menneskers universelt gitte grunnvilkÄr, og mente at den menneskelige tilvÊrelse er sammenvevd med eller felt inn i omgivelsene i pust og ernÊring, men ogsÄ i sansningen. Og sansningen er mer enn nevrofysiologiske prosesser, den er vÄr klangbunn, stemt av inntrykk. Som fenomen rommer sansningen bÄde den som sanser og det som sanses. Med LÞgstrups sansefilosofi som tolkningsperspektiv i mÞte med BraatÞys tenkning drÞftes bevissthet som kroppslig forankret, med distinksjon mellom bevissthet i sansning og bevissthet i forstÄelse. I denne fortolkningen fremheves kroppslig forankret bevissthet bÄde som klangbunn stemt av livets erfaringer, og samtidig som tilstedevÊrelse her og nÄ, i varierende grad av Äpenhet

    Bodily cleanliness in modern nursing

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Boge, J., Kristoffersen, K. & Martinsen, K. (2013). Bodily cleanliness in modern nursing. Nursing Philosophy, 14(2), 78-85. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1466-769X.2012.00545.x, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1466-769X.2012.00545.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Why are bodily washing practices the way they are in nursing? Michel Foucault argues that modern democratic societies discipline human bodies in accordance with political interests. In the extension of that argumentation we will show that bodily cleanliness in modern nursing may have been used as a disciplining tool. The first part of our discussion takes as its point of departure the second half of the 19th/the beginning of the 20th centuries, the period in which modern nursing emerged. At that time scientific theories on hygiene seem to have legitimized the political effort to produce a clean, pleasant‐smelling, decent, obedient, and productive population. Doctors, nurses and teachers played important roles in the implementation of hygienic bodily washing practices. The second part of the discussion focuses on the post‐War period. At that time humanistic needs theories seem to have legitimized political argumentation for independent patients who washed themselves if possible. Those who could not manage on their own, should, as far as possible, be washed by cheaper staff, so that nurses could concentrate on medical treatment. Finally we argue that present day bodily washing practices in nursing are in accordance with the norms of appearance and smell that arose in the second half of the 19th and the first part of the 20th centuries. We further argue that staff with little or no education perform much of the bodily nursing work. Self‐care seems to be of interest only when it reduces public expenses

    Multitasking og acting : helsefagarbeiderlĂŠrlingers strategier for Ă„ imĂžtekomme krav og forventninger

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    Tilgjengelig online: https://journals.oslomet.no/index.php/yrke/article/view/5110publishedVersio

    Omsorg for den samfunnsnyttige kroppen

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    Source at http://www.dnms.no/i/2010/05/Omsorg-for-den-samfunnsnyttige-kroppen.Den franske filosofen Michel Foucault argumenterte for at ein har styrt moderne samfunn ved hjelp av samankoplingar mellom kroppslege praksisar og vitskap. Denne styringsforma kalla han disiplinering. I denne artikkelen argumenterer me for at den politiske argumentasjonen i siste halvdel av 1800-talet og starten av 1900-talet, om Ä legge om frÄ folkeleg til borgarleg reinsemd, kan ha vore ein lekk i eit omfattande politisk disiplineringsarbeid. Vidare argumenterer me for at dei kroppslege vaskenormene som oppstod i denne perioden, stÄr ved lag i vÄr tid. Argumentasjonen byggjer pÄ analyser av lÊrebÞker i sjukepleie frÄ fortid og notid, pÄ studiar om reinsemd i fortid og notid og pÄ sosiologen Norbert Elias sin sosialiseringsargumentasjon

    Politikk styrer sjukepleiefaget

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    Artikkelen argumenterer for at sjukepleiefaget har vorte politisk styrt ved hjelp av koplingar mellom sjukepleiepraksis og ulike former for vitskapsbasert kunnskap.publishedVersio

    “Shame leaves me crawling on my knees” – how people with depression experience shame

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    Hensikten med denne artikkelen er Ă„ belyse hvordan mennesker med depresjonsdiagnose erfarer skamfĂžlelse. Forskning indikerer at skamfĂžlelsen spiller en vesentlig rolle i forhold til de fleste psykiske lidelser og flere studier viser at skam er en sentral fĂžlelse ved depresjon. PĂ„ grunn av skamfĂžlelsens betydning for mennesker som strever med psykiske lidelser synes det viktig Ă„ fortsatt bidra til mer kunnskap. Artikkelen er basert pĂ„ en hermeneutisk fenomenologisk studie om hvordan mennesker med depresjon erfarer skam. Atten mennesker med moderat depresjon ble dybdeintervjuet. Analysearbeidet var inspirert av van Manens hermeneutisk fenomenologiske analysemetode og viste at deltagerne erfarer skam knyttet til kropp og relasjoner. Fordi skam er livshemmende og sĂ„rt for deltagerne er det viktig at sykepleiere forstĂ„r kroppslige uttrykk for skam og hva som kan vĂŠre sprĂ„k for skam.The purpose of this article is to shed light on how people with a diagnosis of depression experience shame. Research indicates that shame plays a significant role in relation to most mental disorders and several studies show that shame is a central emotion in depression. Due to the significance of shame for people struggling with mental illness, it seems important to continue to contribute more knowledge. The article is based on a hermeneutic phenomenological study of how people with depression experience shame. Eighteen people with moderate depression were interviewed in depth. The analysis work, inspired by van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenological analysis method, showed that the participants experience shame related to the body and to relationships. Because shame is life-threatening and painful for the participants, it is important that nurses understand bodily expressions of shame and what can be a language of shame.acceptedVersio

    Psychosocial Well-Being in Persons with Aphasia Participating in a Nursing Intervention after Stroke

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    This article can also be read here: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/nrp/2012/568242/The psychosocial adjustment process after stroke is complicated and protracted. The language is the most important tool for making sense of experiences and for human interplay, making persons with aphasia especially prone to psychosocial problems. Persons with aphasia are systematically excluded from research projects due to methodological challenges. This study explored how seven persons with aphasia experienced participating in a complex nursing intervention aimed at supporting the psychosocial adjustment process and promoting psychosocial well-being. The intervention was organized as an individual, dialogue-based collaboration process based upon ideas from “Guided self-determination.” The content addressed psychosocial issues as mood, social relationships, meaningful activities, identity, and body changes. Principles from “Supported conversation for adults with aphasia” were used to facilitate the conversations. The data were obtained by participant observation during the intervention, qualitative interviews 2 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months after the intervention and by standardized clinical instruments prior to the intervention and at 2 weeks and 12 months after the intervention. Assistance in narrating about themselves and their experiences with illness, psychological support and motivation to move on during the difficult adjustment process, and exchange of knowledge and information were experienced as beneficial and important by the participants in this study

    Nurses’ and occupational therapists’ experiences of conducting a home-based psychosocial intervention following stroke: a qualitative process evaluation

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    Background: Persons with stroke are susceptible to psychosocial problems, and express disappointment at how health care professionals fail to meet their psychosocial needs following discharge to home. The responsibility of nurses and occupational therapists in stroke rehabilitation is to assist the persons and their families during the recovery and adjustment process. A home-based dialogical intervention aiming to enhance psychosocial support was therefore developed and tested in a randomized controlled trial. This study is a part of the process evaluation conducted alongside the trial. The aim was to explore the nurses’ and occupational therapists’ experiences of conducting the intervention. Methods: Eighteen nurses and four occupational therapists participated in six focus groups to explore their experiences when providing the intervention. The themes discussed in the focus groups were the aspects that facilitated the delivering of the intervention and the challenges they encountered during the study period. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis generated two themes. The theme Developing a supportive relationship to facilitate the adjustment process following stroke had two subthemes: Getting personally involved and Handling challenges. This theme reveals how the nurses and occupational therapists experienced their relationship with the persons with stroke and potential threats which challenged them while conducting the intervention. The theme Developing professional skills in providing psychosocial support had two subthemes: Becoming confident in conducting dialogues and Integrating psychosocial topics. This theme reveals the aspects that the nurses and occupational therapists perceived as facilitating the development of their professional skills in conducting the dialogues. Conclusion: Delivering the psychosocial intervention was perceived as deeply meaningful and increased the nurses’ and occupational therapists’ understanding of how to support stroke survivors to live with the consequences of stroke. However, balancing the professional and the personal relationship was challenging. A basic educational programme, training, supervision and having dedicated time were crucial elements to instil confidence in professionals conducting theme-based dialogues to promote post-stroke psychosocial well-being. Individual clinical experience and knowledge of stroke care were considering important to enable professionals to integrate psychosocial rehabilitation into community health care.publishedVersio
