65 research outputs found

    Phenotyping Local Eggplant Varieties: Commitment to Biodiversity and Nutritional Quality Preservation

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    [EN] Given the little variability among commercialised eggplants mainly in developed countries, exploring, and structuring of traditional varieties germplasm collections have become a key element for extending ecotypes and promoting biodiversity preservation and consumption. Thirty-one eggplant landraces from Spain were characterised with 22 quantitative and 14 qualitative conventional morphological descriptors. Landraces were grouped based on their fruit skin colour (black-purple, striped, white, and reddish). Landraces B7, B20, and B24 were left out for their distinctive fruit characteristics. Wide variation for plant, leaf, flower, and fruit phenology traits was observed across the local landraces, and fruit descriptors were considered the most important ones. In a second experiment, landraces, B14, B16, and B17 were selected to determine fruit quality. By contemplating the benefits provided by antioxidants and sugars for human health, pulp antioxidant capacity, total phenolic, ascorbic acid, carotenoid, flavonoid, and total sugar content were determined. Significant differences were observed across these three landraces, and B14 was highlighted for its antioxidant properties, while B17 stood out for its high sugar content. B16 did not stand out for any traits. The results indicate the wide variability in eggplants for their phenotypic and nutritional characteristics, which emphasises the importance of traditional varieties as the main source of agricultural biodiversity.This work has been cofinanced by the Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Emergencia Climatica y Transicion Ecologica, IVIA, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Martínez-Ispizua, E.; Calatayud, Á.; Marsal, JI.; Mateos-Fernández, R.; Díez, MJ.; Soler Aleixandre, S.; Valcarcel Germes, JV.... (2021). Phenotyping Local Eggplant Varieties: Commitment to Biodiversity and Nutritional Quality Preservation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:1-21. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.696272S1211

    Improving energy efficiency in new trawlers fishing gear in Mediterranean sea

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    The objective of this work is to show the benefits of a new eco-systemic fishing gear installed in three bottom trawlers after one year using it. The study has been based on fuel consumption reduction for the three vessels and the catch in two of them. The new system minimizes the impact of the fishing gear on the seabed, with a reduction on the tow resistance. This generates significant fuel savings that improves the economical result of the fishery, helping the ship owners in the return of investment first, then in the future viability of the operation. Apart of the evident savings due to the fuel consumption reduction, in the long term, the ship owner will notice also savings on maintenance, both because the winches are towing with less tension (longer life for warps, brakes and hydraulic system) and the engine is running at low rpm s (longer life of the engine and between breakdowns). The new fishing gear does not require any modification on the way that the fisherman is working, only replacing and/or modifying some parts or components of the fishing gear. The implementation is easy and the adjustments required could be done in a couple of days.Mayans Fernández, A.; Martinez Soler, I.; Martínez Sanz, AV.; Colomer Romero, V. (2015). Improving energy efficiency in new trawlers fishing gear in Mediterranean sea. Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering. 5(1):20-25. doi:10.17265/2159-5879/2015.01.003S20255

    Costs and Factors Associated with Hospitalizations Due to Severe Influenza in Catalonia (2017–2020)

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    This study aimed to estimate the cost and factors associated with severe hospitalized patients due to influenza in unvaccinated and vaccinated cases. The study had a cross-sectional design and included three influenza seasons in 16 sentinel hospitals in Catalonia, Spain. Data were collected from a surveillance system of influenza and other acute respiratory infections. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to analyze mean costs stratified by comorbidities and pregnancy. Multivariate logistic models were used to analyze bacterial coinfection, multi-organ failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, death and ICU admission by season and by vaccination status. Costs of ICU, hospitalization and total mean costs were analyzed using GLM, by season and by vaccination status. All models were adjusted for age and sex. A total of 2742 hospitalized cases were included in the analyses. Cases were mostly aged ≥ 60 years (70.17%), with recommended vaccination (86.14%) and unvaccinated (68.05%). The ICU admission level was statistically significant higher in unvaccinated compared to vaccinated cases. Costs of cases with more than or equal to two comorbidities (Diff = EUR − 1881.32), diabetes (Diff = EUR − 1953.21), chronic kidney disease (Diff = EUR − 2260.88), chronic cardiovascular disease (Diff = EUR − 1964.86), chronic liver disease (Diff = EUR − 3595.60), hospitalization (EUR 9419.42 vs. EUR 9055.45), and total mean costs (EUR 11,540.04 vs. 10,221.34) were statistically significant higher in unvaccinated compared to vaccinated patients. The influenza vaccine reduces the costs of hospitalization. There is a need to focus strategies in recommended vaccination groups.This study was supported by the Programme of Prevention, Surveillance and Control of Transmissible Diseases (PREVICET), CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP, CB06/02/0076, CB16/02/00322 and CB16/02/00429), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid; and the Catalan Agency for the Management of Grants for University Research (AGAUR Grant Number 2017/SGR 1342)

    Evaluation of Adipose Tissue Zinc-Alpha 2-Glycoprotein Gene Expression and Its Relationship with Metabolic Status and Bariatric Surgery Outcomes in Patients with Class III Obesity

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    Zinc-α2 glycoprotein (ZAG) is an adipokine involved in adipocyte metabolism with potential implications in the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship between visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) ZAG expression and metabolic parameters in patients with class III obesity, along with the impact of basal ZAG expression on short- and medium-term outcomes related to bariatric surgery. 41 patients with class III obesity who underwent bariatric surgery were included in this study. ZAG gene expression was quantified in SAT and VAT. Patients were classified into two groups according to SAT and VAT ZAG percentile. Anthropometric and biochemical variables were obtained before and 15 days, 45 days, and 1 year after surgery. The lower basal SAT ZAG expression percentile was associated with higher weight and waist circumference, while the lower basal VAT ZAG expression percentile was associated with higher weight, waist circumference, insulin, insulin resistance, and the presence of metabolic syndrome. Basal SAT ZAG expression was inversely related to weight loss at 45 days after surgery, whereas no associations were found between basal VAT ZAG expression and weight loss after surgery. Additionally, a negative association was observed between basal SAT and VAT ZAG expression and the decrease of gamma-glutamyl transferase after bariatric surgery. Therefore, lower SAT and VAT ZAG expression levels were associated with an adverse metabolic profile. However, this fact did not seem to confer worse bariatric surgery-related outcomes. Further research is needed to assess the clinical significance of the role of ZAG expression levels in the dynamics of hepatic enzymes after bariatric surgeryThis study has been co-funded by FEDER funds (“A way to make Europe”). M.M. and L.G.S. are also supported by UMA18-FEDERJA-285 and UMA20-FEDERJA-144, co-funded by Malaga University, Junta de Andalucía and FEDER funds, CB06/03/0018, PI-0297-2018 and PI-0194-2017, co-funded by FEDER funds and Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía, and CP17/00133, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Evolución paleoambiental de la mitad sur de la Península Ibérica. Aplicación a la evaluación del comportamiento de los repositorios de residuos radiactivos

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    Esta publicación refleja los resultados obtenidos de la realización de los proyectos "EQUIP: Evidency from Quaternary Infills Palaeohydrogeology" (F 14W/ CT96/0031), financiado por la UE, "Evolución Paleoclimática de [a Mitad Sur de [a Península Ibérica" financiado por ENRESA y "Paleoclima" financiado por el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear y ENRESA. La cuenca de Guadix-Baza, sector oriental, es una de las escasas zonas europeas donde se ha conservado un registro razonablemente completo del Pleistoceno. La cuenca de Guadix Baza, en régimen continental desde el Plioceno, funcionó bajo un régimen centrípeto, con abanicos aluviales en los bordes y una zona compleja lacustre en mosaico en su centro. Se ha podido establecer la existencia de una amplia variedad de facies aluviales y fluviales y sus interrelaciones. La sedimentación en el margen lacustre estaba constituida por arenas bioclásticas y lutitas con fósiles, mientras que en zonas más centrales predominaron lutitas yesíferas, lutitas con yeso intrasedimentario, arenas yesíferas yesos y, ocasionalmente, carbonatos que durante un período concreto depositaron los materiales que configuran el "Nivel Calcáreo de Orce", calizas y dolomías con cantidades variables de yeso y terrígenos cerca de los bordes. El trabajo de campo permitió el establecimiento de una serie estratigráfica tipo compuesta, que refleja los principales acontecimiento paleoambientales que tuvieron lugar durante el Pleistoceno. Con el fin de evitar la yesificación de la calcita y aragonito, propia del ambiente lacustre, la serie tipo de ha establecido en el registro del margen lacustre. Con ayuda del análisis paleomagnético y el análisis de la racemización de aminoácidos en conchas de moluscos y ostrácodos se ha establecido la cronología numérica de la sección estratigráfica tipo que cubre desde el límite Plioceno-Pleistoceno hasta unos 250 ka BP, cuando la erosión de la cabecera del río Fardes alcanza la cuenca abriéndola hacia el valle del Guadalquivir y cesando [a sedimentación lacustre. También se ha datado un depósito de terraza fluvial. Se han obtenido datos paleoambientales "instantáneos" mediante el estudio palinológico, el análisis paleobotánico de material silicificado (madera opalizada) o carbonizado (análisis paleoantracológico), el análisis geoquímico orgánico de algunos niveles especialmente favorables. La geoquímica orgánica de biomarcadores de algunos niveles concretos proporcionó datos sobre su origen (plantas terrestres o acuáticas) y confirmó que un conspicuo nivel carbonoso tuvo su origen en un incendio forestal. El análisis paleobiológico basado en la distribución de especies de ostrácodos, gasterópodos y pelecípodos ha permitido una primera aproximación paleoambiental, pese al evidente sesgo introducido por la presencia de fuentes salinas y materiales yesíferos en el área fuente de los abanicos aluviales del límite oriental de la cuenca. Esta interpretación se ha depurado mediante el estudio geoquímico inorgánico, isótopos estables y elementos traza de las conchas calcíticas de ostrácodos. Ello ha permitido el establecimiento de una alternancia de períodos "fríos y húmedos" y "cálidos y áridos" que permiten reconocer de las clases climáticas "mediterráneo seco" y "mediterráneo húmedo" sensu Horowitz (1989), que tienen sus correlatos en el registro paleoclimático de los grandes lagos del rift del Mar Muerto, el Mar Caspio y lagos pluviales de Norte América. La correlación de los datos isotópicos con las paleosalinidades deducidas del estudio de las inclusiones fluidas en yeso intrasedimentario ha permitido corroborar estas interpretaciones. Esto plantea un nuevo enfoque en el análisis del comportamiento de los repositorios de residuos radiactivos de alta

    Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Coronary Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Identification of Associated Factors Using Electronic Health Records and Natural Language Processing

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    Patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and coronary artery disease (CAD) are at high risk of developing major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). This is a multicenter, retrospective, and observational study performed in Spain aimed to characterize these patients in a real-world setting. Unstructured data from the Electronic Health Records were extracted by EHRead (R), a technology based on Natural Language Processing and machine learning. The association between new MACE and the variables of interest were investigated by univariable and multivariable analyses. From a source population of 2,184,662 patients, we identified 4072 adults diagnosed with T2DM and CAD (62.2% male, mean age 70 +/- 11). The main comorbidities observed included arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity, with metformin and statins being the treatments most frequently prescribed. MACE development was associated with multivessel (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 2.49) and single coronary vessel disease (HR = 1.71), transient ischemic attack (HR = 2.01), heart failure (HR = 1.32), insulin treatment (HR = 1.40), and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (HR = 2.27), whilst statins (HR = 0.73) were associated with a lower risk of MACE occurrence. In conclusion, we found six risk factors associated with the development of MACE which were related with cardiovascular diseases and T2DM severity, and treatment with statins was identified as a protective factor for new MACE in this study

    Abducción y semántica de teoría de juegos

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    An agency-inspired inferential game is proposed in which two agents (abductive and deductive) interact. It depicts hybrid inferencial contexts where deductive and abductive steps are mixed. The abductive agent can use results obtained by the deductive one but not vice versa due to the abductive process do not always generate deductive valid formulas.

    Impact of Advanced Age on the Incidence of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Stable Coronary Artery Disease in a Real-World Setting in Spain

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    Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and coronary artery disease (CAD) without myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke are at high risk for major cardiovascular events (MACEs). We aimed to provide real-world data on age-related clinical characteristics, treatment management, and incidence of major cardiovascular outcomes in T2DM-CAD patients in Spain from 2014 to 2018. We used EHRead (R) technology, which is based on natural language processing and machine learning, to extract unstructured clinical information from electronic health records (EHRs) from 12 hospitals. Of the 4072 included patients, 30.9% were younger than 65 years (66.3% male), 34.2% were aged 65-75 years (66.4% male), and 34.8% were older than 75 years (54.3% male). These older patients were more likely to have hypertension (OR 2.85), angina (OR 1.64), heart valve disease (OR 2.13), or peripheral vascular disease (OR 2.38) than those aged <65 years (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). In general, they were also more likely to receive pharmacological and interventional treatments. Moreover, these patients had a significantly higher risk of MACEs (HR 1.29; p = 0.003) and ischemic stroke (HR 2.39; p < 0.001). In summary, patients with T2DM-CAD in routine clinical practice tend to be older, have more comorbidities, are more heavily treated, and have a higher risk of developing MACE than is commonly assumed from clinical trial data