18 research outputs found

    Ethnopharmacological and Chemical Characterization of Salvia Species Used in Valencian Traditional Herbal Preparations

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    In Valencia Region (Spain), some wild and cultivated sages are used for medicinal purposes. Among them, Salvia officinalis subsp. lavandulifolia (SL) is widely employed and known for production of Spanish sage oil and herbal products. Nevertheless, it shares the market with S. blancoana subsp. mariolensis (SB) and, to a lesser extent, with their hybrid S. x hegelmaieri (SH). The knowledge on these two species is far low and confusion between them is possible. The aim of the present paper is to improve the ethnopharmacological, morphological and chemical knowledge of these sages, and to contribute to setting up quality specifications for improving identification and distinction from other Salvia species, such as, S. officinalis subsp. officinalis, S. x auriculata and S. microphylla var. microphylla. Samples were collected in Valencia Region and surrounding mountain areas during the ethnopharmacological field work. Twenty-nine medicinal uses were reported for SL, 13 of them being also recorded for SB. Of particular interest is a homemade liquor, used as digestive and known as “salvieta,” which is mainly prepared with SB. The macro- and microscopic characters are insufficient for identification of cut, crushed or powdered material. The study of the essential oil and a HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography) fingerprint of their extracts could help to distinguish SB from the other sages. The essential oil from dried aerial parts of SB (content: 1.8–4.5%) was characterized by GC-FID (Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector) and GC-MS (Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry) showing a composition close to that currently accepted for Spanish sage essential oil in the European Pharmacopoeia, ISO (International Standard Organization) and UNE (Una Norma Española) standards, with 1,8-cineole (13.7–45.7%) and camphor (12.1–28.6%) as major constituents. HPTLC methods, based on the analysis of hydroalcoholic and dichloromethane extracts, allowed to distinguish SB from other Salvia taxa currently found in Valencia region, except from its hybrid SH. This interdisciplinary study, that combines popular knowledge with botany and chemistry, allows to identify the raw herbal material from SB and to distinguish it from other Salvia species, ensuring a proper commercialization as herbal teas or for the preparation of spirits.This work had the financial support through the Borsa d'Estudi Països Catalans of the Institute for Catalan Studies to VM, and the financial support from an ERASMUS Internship (FsTRASBO48) to EH

    Jardinería popular en el norte de Alicante (L’Alcoiá y El Comtat): las plantas tradicionales de huertos, patios y balcones

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    We present a catalogue and the analitical data extracted from the popular ornamental flora of the North of Alicante, considering as ‘popular’ the flowerpots cultivated in balconies, doorways, terraces, small homegardens, etc. The total richness of this territory is two thirds higher from other nearby regions overpassing some villages 200 ornamental species and varieties. The autochtonous plants or from older introductions are clearly higher, although nowadays we found reversal sings in this trend. To maintain this tradicional grow, rich in phytogenetic resources, the women’ role is essential. Their experience in technics for vegetal propagation and cultivation allows to maintain the autochtonous rural landscape, confering a high patrimonial value, wich should remain as a identity and quality sign to enhance the tourism in these areas.Se presenta el catálogo y análisis de la flora ornamental popular del norte de Alicante, entendiendo por ello, las plantas dispuestas en macetas distribuidas por balcones, umbrales, terrazas, pequeños huertos, etc. La riqueza total del territorio es dos tercios superior, a la de otros estudios de comarcas próximas, superando algunas poblaciones las 200 especies y variedades ornamentales. El elemento autóctono y de introducción antigua es claramente mayoritario, aunque se han observado síntomas recientes de inversión de esta tendencia. Para el mantenimiento de este cultivo tradicional, rico en recursos fitogenéticos, ha quedado patente el papel fundamental de la mujer. Su experiencia acumulada en técnicas y modos de multiplicación y cultivo vegetal han permitido el mantenimiento del paisaje rural autóctono, confiriéndole un valor patrimonial elevado, que debería mantenerse como seña de identidad y calidad, para potenciar el turismo de interior.Ciencias Experimentale

    Plantas atípicas de Cymbalaria aequitriloba (Viv.) A. Chev. cultivadas en la comarca del Matarraña (Teruel).

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    Cymbalaria aequitriloba (Viv.) A.Chev., es una planta endémica del área Tirrénica (Sicilia, Córcega, Cerdeña y algunos puntos de Italia peninsular), que también alcanza las Islas Baleares. Ha sido encontrada en Torre de Arcas (Teruel) como una planta cultivada o accidental, presente en jardineras de floración invernal, constituyendo un elemento muy particular de la jardinería popular del Matarraña aragonés. Que sepamos, es la primera vez que se cita esta especie en España peninsular. Presenta una gran variabilidad morfológica lo que dificulta su identificación, no obstante es fácilmente diferenciable de C. muralis, la especie más cultivada en la zona. En esta región, tienen por costumbre remover la tierra tras la floración pues la planta pierde belleza, luego vuelve a aparecer en la siguiente estación por renuevo vegetativo o algunas plantas de semilla, motivo que no nos ha permitido estudiar plantas en fructificación. Todo Aragón, pero especialmente el Matarraña, tuvieron estrechos lazos comerciales con Italia durante el s. XIV-XV (principalmente exportando la lana), hecho que pudo favorecer el intercambio de materiales vegetales, como ya se ha podido constatar previamente con otras plantas similaresCymbalaria aequitriloba (Viv.) A.Chev., is an endemic plant of the Tyrrhenian area (Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and some points of Italian mainland), that also reaches the Balearic Islands. It has been found in Torre de Arcas (Teruel, Spain) as a growed or accidental plant, present in winter-flowering planters, being a very particular element in the popular gardening of the aragonese Matarraña. To our knowledge, this is the first citation of this specie in mainland Spain. It presents a great morphological variability which makes it difficult to identify. However it is easily distinguishable from C. muralis, the most cultivated specie of this genus in the area. In this region, people have the habit to disturbing the soil after flowering, because the plant loses beauty, reappearing at the next station by vegetative shoot or by seedlings. This reason has not allowed us to study fruiting plants. Aragon, but specially the Matarraña region, had close trade ties with Italy during the x. XIV-XV (mainly exporting wool). This fact could facilitate the exchange of plant material, as it has been shown previously with other similar plants.Ciencias Experimentale

    Ethnobotanical study of the sages used in traditional Valencian medicine and as essential oil: Characterization of an endemic Salvia and its contribution to local development

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    Set espècies de Salvia i dues de Phlomis, emprades en la medicina tradicional valenciana en preparats d’ús intern i extern per a tractar diferents malalties, han sigut estudiades. S’aporten noves dades etnobotàniques obtingudes mitjançant la realització d’entrevistes semiestructurades a trenta­quatre informants. Es presenta la caracterització estacional de l’oli essencial d’una sàlvia silvestre Salvia blancoana Webb & Heldr. subsp. mariolensis Figuerola, per GC­FID i GC­MS, com una eina per a assegurar un control de qualitat a les espècies endèmiques d’ús tradicional com aquesta, que eventualment són comercialitzades per indústries locals. La comparació del seu oli essencial amb el de la Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl subsp. lavandulifolia permet la seua comercialització sota el nom de sàlvia espanyola.Seven wild and cultivated Salvia species and two Phlomis species, used traditionally in Valencian medicine to treat a variety of external and internal ailments, were studied. New ethnobotanical data are provided, obtained from semistructured interviews with 34 people in the Valencian area. A seasonal characterization of the essential oil of a wild sage, Salvia blancoana Webb & Heldr. subsp. mariolensis Figuerola, by GC-FID and GC-MS was carried out as a means to ensure quality control of endemic traditional species such as this one, which has been commercialized by local industries. A comparison with the essential oil of Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl subsp. lavandulifolia allowed inclusion of the wild sage within the commercial ‘Spanish sage’ oil.The authors are grateful to the Institute for Catalan Studies for financial support through the Borsa d’estudi Països CatalansEmeline Hahn acknowledges financial support from an ERASMUS Internship (FsTRASBO48).Ciencias Experimentale

    Ethnopharmacological and chemical characterization of Salvia species used in Valencian traditional herbal preparations

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    In Valencia Region (Spain), some wild and cultivated sages are used for medicinal purposes. Among them, Salvia officinalis subsp. lavandulifolia (SL) is widely employed and known for production of Spanish sage oil and herbal products. Nevertheless, it shares the market with S. blancoana subsp. mariolensis (SB) and, to a lesser extent, with their hybrid S. x hegelmaieri (SH). The knowledge on these two species is far low and confusion between them is possible. The aim of the present paper is to improve the ethnopharmacological, morphological and chemical knowledge of these sages, and to contribute to setting up quality specifications for improving identification and distinction from other Salvia species, such as, S. officinalis subsp. officinalis, S. x auriculata and S. microphylla var. microphylla. Samples were collected in Valencia Region and surrounding mountain areas during the ethnopharmacological field work. Twenty-nine medicinal uses were reported for SL, 13 of them being also recorded for SB. Of particular interest is a homemade liquor, used as digestive and known as 'salvieta,' which is mainly prepared with SB. The macro- and microscopic characters are insufficient for identification of cut, crushed or powdered material. The study of the essential oil and a HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography) fingerprint of their extracts could help to distinguish SB from the other sages. The essential oil from dried aerial parts of SB (content: 1.8-4.5%) was characterized by GC-FID (Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector) and GC-MS (Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry) showing a composition close to that currently accepted for Spanish sage essential oil in the European Pharmacopoeia, ISO (International Standard Organization) and UNE (Una Norma Española) standards, with 1,8-cineole (13.7-45.7%) and camphor (12.1-28.6%) as major constituents. HPTLC methods, based on the analysis of hydroalcoholic and dichloromethane extracts, allowed to distinguish SB from other Salvia taxa currently found in Valencia region, except from its hybrid SH. This interdisciplinary study, that combines popular knowledge with botany and chemistry, allows to identify the raw herbal material from SB and to distinguish it from other Salvia species, ensuring a proper commercialization as herbal teas or for the preparation of spirits

    Current Perspectives on the Use of Anti-VEGF Drugs as Adjuvant Therapy in Glaucoma

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    The approval of one of the first anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration one decade ago marked the beginning of a new era in the management of several sight-threatening retinal diseases. Since then, emerging evidence has demonstrated the utility of these therapies for the treatment of other ocular conditions characterized by elevated VEGF levels. In this article we review current perspectives on the use of anti-VEGF drugs as adjuvant therapy in the management of neovascular glaucoma (NVG). The use of anti-VEGFs for modifying wound healing in glaucoma filtration surgery (GFS) is also reviewed. Selected studies investigating the use of anti-VEGF agents or antimetabolites in GFS or the management of NVG have demonstrated that these agents can improve surgical outcomes. However, anti-VEGF agents have yet to demonstrate specific advantages over the more established agents commonly used today. Further studies are needed to evaluate the duration of action, dosing intervals, and toxicity profile of these treatments

    Algunas citas de interés para la flora valenciana (norte de Alicante)

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    Se presentan algunos resultados de una catalogación florística realizada en la Estación Biológica de Torretes-Font Roja, situada en las inmediaciones del Parque Natural del Carrascar de la Font Roja (Ibi-Alcoy, Alicante). De los más de 200 táxones catalogados destacamos por su rareza en la Comunidad Valenciana: Linaria repens (L.) Mill. subsp. blanca (Pau) Rivas Godoy & Borja, cuya presencia en la provincia de Alicante se limita a unas pocas citas en las próximas Sierras de Castalla y del Maigmó; Gypsophila pilosa Hudson, arqueófito muy raro ligado a los cultivos tradicionales de cereal y a los consiguientes barbechos, cuyas citas recientes son casi nulas, y Prunus acida C. Koch, especie arbustiva de origen en Asia occidental, usada como portainjertos tradicional del cerezo, y que en la actualidad aparece a veces naturalizado en ribazos y huertos abandonados. Había sido detectado en la Cuenca del Segura, pero es la primera referencia dentro de la Comunidad Valenciana.Some results of a floristics records carried out in the Biological Station of Torretes-Font Roja are shown up here. This Research Center is in the environs of the Natural Park of the Carrascar Font Roja (Ibi-Alcoy, Alicante). Of those more than 200 classified taxons are specially remarkable, by their peculiarity in the Valencian Community three of them. The first one is Linaria repens (L.) Mill. subsp. blanca (Pau) Rivas Godoy & Borja, whose presence in the province of Alicante is limited to some few appointments in the next Mountains of Castalla and of Maigmó. Another one, Gypsophila pilosa Hudson, a very rare archaeophyte related to the traditional cultures of cereal and the rising fallows, whose no recent appointments in the area. And, the last one Prunus acida C. Koch, shrubs specie of origin in western Asia, used as traditional rootstocks of the cherry tree, and that at the present time it appears sometimes naturalized in slopes and left orchards. It had been detected in the Segura Basin, but it is the first reference inside the Valencian Community

    Ethnopharmacological and chemical characterization of Salvia species used in Valencian traditional herbal preparations

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    In Valencia Region (Spain), some wild and cultivated sages are used for medicinal purposes. Among them, Salvia officinalis subsp. lavandulifolia (SL) is widely employed and known for production of Spanish sage oil and herbal products. Nevertheless, it shares the market with S. blancoana subsp. mariolensis (SB) and, to a lesser extent, with their hybrid S. x hegelmaieri (SH). The knowledge on these two species is far low and confusion between them is possible. The aim of the present paper is to improve the ethnopharmacological, morphological and chemical knowledge of these sages, and to contribute to setting up quality specifications for improving identification and distinction from other Salvia species, such as, S. officinalis subsp. officinalis, S. x auriculata and S. microphylla var. microphylla. Samples were collected in Valencia Region and surrounding mountain areas during the ethnopharmacological field work. Twenty-nine medicinal uses were reported for SL, 13 of them being also recorded for SB. Of particular interest is a homemade liquor, used as digestive and known as 'salvieta,' which is mainly prepared with SB. The macro- and microscopic characters are insufficient for identification of cut, crushed or powdered material. The study of the essential oil and a HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography) fingerprint of their extracts could help to distinguish SB from the other sages. The essential oil from dried aerial parts of SB (content: 1.8-4.5%) was characterized by GC-FID (Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector) and GC-MS (Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry) showing a composition close to that currently accepted for Spanish sage essential oil in the European Pharmacopoeia, ISO (International Standard Organization) and UNE (Una Norma Española) standards, with 1,8-cineole (13.7-45.7%) and camphor (12.1-28.6%) as major constituents. HPTLC methods, based on the analysis of hydroalcoholic and dichloromethane extracts, allowed to distinguish SB from other Salvia taxa currently found in Valencia region, except from its hybrid SH. This interdisciplinary study, that combines popular knowledge with botany and chemistry, allows to identify the raw herbal material from SB and to distinguish it from other Salvia species, ensuring a proper commercialization as herbal teas or for the preparation of spirits