390 research outputs found

    Extracción de información en informes médicos

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    El acceso a la información contenida dentro de un informe médico es vital tanto para la investigación como para el tratamiento de los pacientes. Sin embargo, la información relevante suele estar escrita en lenguaje natural, por lo su procesamiento automático no es una tarea trivial. Con este objetivo en mente, hemos desarrollado un sistema capaz de obtener un archivo que represente el contenido más relevante de un informe clínico. Como parte de esta representación se deberán detectar aquellos conceptos médicos pertenecientes a una de las ontologías más utilizadas en este ámbito, UMLS. Además previamente se realizará un proceso automático de corrección ortográfica, expansión de acrónimos y detección de frases afirmadas, negadas y especuladas. Todo esto en dos de los idiomas más hablados a nivel mundial: español e inglés. Esta representación permitirá a su vez desarrollar aplicaciones que la utilicen, por lo que se ha implementado también un buscador de informes médicos como ejemplo de ello. Por último, como parte de este trabajo, también se incluye todo el proceso seguido durante nuestra participación en el Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum del año 2013, una de las organizaciones más conocidas a nivel internacional en el campo de la recuperación de información, así como el artículo científico desarrollado para la misma. [ABSTRACT] The information inside a medial report it’s very important for researchers and for the patient. But this information is usually written in natural language, so automatic processing isn’t a trivial task. With this target in mind, we developed a system that is able to generate a representation which contains the most relevant information in a medical report. It detects medical concepts from one of most popular biomedical ontologies, UMLS. Previously will also perform a spelling correction, acronym expansion and affirmed, negated and speculated sentences detection. All this process could be executed into the two most spoken languages in the world, English and Spanish. The representation will allow us to develop applications that use it. In fact it’s been including a searcher for medical reports to show an example of what can be done with our software. Finally, as part of this work, we explain our experience in our participation into the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2013, a self-organized body whose is wellknown in the international IR community, and the paper generate for it

    C-S-H gels in blended cements: Study by infrared spectroscopy

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    ICCC 2015, Beijing, China, 13~16 October 2015; http://iccc2015.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1C-S-H gel is the main product in the Portland cement (PC) hydration. Of their structure and composition depends the cement properties (strength, durability¿). The mixes of others materials with PC provides new cementitious materials with different properties. Understand the changes produces in the hydration products in these blends improves their use. This work studies the changes produced in the C-S-H gel by means Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Several samples were studied, PC (as reference system), a system formed by PC and calcium aluminate cement (CAC) with a 75/25 ratio, and two system formed by PC, CAC and calcium sulfate (C¿) with an 85/15 ratio of PC/CAC with 3 and 5% of C¿. All samples were cured in two environmental; at the air and under water, in order to observe the influence of curing. The samples were studied at the 6 hours, 7 days, 12 and 32 months of age. Results show in the PC, it changes to lower wavenumbers in the Q2 units positions over time. This fact indicates a little transformation of structure like-tobermorite to structure like-jennite providing a C-S-H less compact. Addition of CAC in PC hydration decreases the migration of Q2 units to lower wavenumbers indicating that C-S-H structure is more compact in this case. When C¿ is included in the system, this migration of Q2 units is lower and the bands are sharper indicating the structure like tobermorite presence. Other effect visible in the spectra is the decrease of bands due to Q1 units with the addition of CAC. The greater presence of aluminates in the system provides substitutions of Si4+ by Al3+ in the C-S-H structure. This fact produces longer chains reducing the units Q1. Different behaviors are observed in the cured conditions showing higher transformation towards structures like-jennite in the samples cured under water. Several conclusions can be drawn of this work. First, it use of infrared spectroscopy as powerful tool in the cement chemistry field. Not only as characterization technique but also it can be used for obtain structural information about cement phases, both hydrated as anhydrous. Regarding addition of other hydraulic materials at PC, the study shows formation of C-S-H more compact that will provide better mechanical properties. Also the cured conditions have influenced about hydrated products structure.Peer Reviewe

    In situ chemical modification of C–S–H induced by CO2 laser irradiation

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1617/s11527-018-1150-yFire-induced compositional changes lead to strength loss and even failure in cement and concrete. Calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H) gel, the main product of cement hydration, dehydrates at 25–200 °C, while temperatures of 850–900 °C alter its structure. A Raman spectroscopic study of the amorphous and crystalline phases forming after CO2 laser radiation of cement mortar showed that C–S–H dehydration yielded tricalcium silicate at higher, and dicalcium silicate at lower, temperatures. Post-radiation variations were identified in the position of the band generated by Si–O bond stretching vibrations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Features of birth families with foster children in Andalusia

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    The aim of the presentation is to describe the personal features of biological families whose children are in non-kinship foster care and with whom they have face-to-face contact in Málaga, Granada and Jaén (provinces of Andalusia, Spain). This study was funded by the research project Application of a psychoeducational intervention program to improve visits between foster children and their biological families (Reference EDU2016 77094-P). SPSS v.21.0 was used to carry out the descriptive and frequency analysis of socio-demographic information collected by the Child File Summary Form designed for this study. The results show the difficulties experienced by birth families to deal with the responsibility of parenthood. There is a high percentage of unemployment (54.5% mothers, 46.4% fathers), and a low level of education (61.7% uneducated mothers, 68.8% uneducated fathers). Furthermore, it is necessary to consider their diverse personal problems which undermine their competences to bring up and educate their children: substance abuse, mental health issues, mental disability and prison. Finally, the lack of relation between Social Services and birth families is highlighted. Knowing the circumstances of families at psychosocial risk permits to develop social policies that match with their specific necessities, by providing them the support and resources required, in line with Recommendation Rec(2006)19 of the Committee of Ministers to member states. Moreover, children and families’ rights have to be respected, such as their right to have contact to maintain and strengthen their affective bonds as part of their identity. These findings will contribute to design: (a) family intervention programs which allow parents to acquire the necessary parental skills; (b) support and educational tools for the social workers; and (c) projects to contribute to children’s well-being.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Overexpression of the ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1 Favors a Non-metastatic Phenotype in Breast Cancer

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    Partial suppression of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and the concurrent activation of aerobic glycolysis is a hallmark of proliferating cancer cells. Overexpression of the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1), an in vivo inhibitor of the mitochondrial ATP synthase, is observed in most prevalent human carcinomas favoring metabolic rewiring to an enhanced glycolysis and cancer progression. Consistently, a high expression of IF1 in hepatocarcinomas and in carcinomas of the lung, bladder, and stomach and in gliomas is a biomarker of bad patient prognosis. In contrast to these findings, we have previously reported that a high expression level of IF1 in breast carcinomas is indicative of less chance to develop metastatic disease. This finding is especially relevant in the bad prognosis group of patients bearing triple-negative breast carcinomas. To investigate the molecular mechanisms that underlie the differential behavior of IF1 in breast cancer progression, we have developed the triple-negative BT549 breast cancer cell line that overexpresses IF1 stably. When compared to controls, IF1-cells partially shut down respiration and enhance aerobic glycolysis. Transcriptomic analysis suggested that migration and invasion were specifically inhibited in IF1-overexpressing breast cancer cells. Analysis of gene expression by qPCR and western blotting indicate that IF1 overexpression supports the maintenance of components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and E-cadherin concurrently with the downregulation of components and signaling pathways involved in epithelial to mesenchymal transition. The overexpression of IF1 in breast cancer cells has no effect in the rates of cellular proliferation and in the cell death response to staurosporine and hydrogen peroxide. However, the overexpression of IF1 significantly diminishes the ability of the cells to grow in soft agar and to migrate and invade when compared to control cells. Overall, the results indicate that IF1 overexpression despite favoring a metabolic phenotype prone to cancer progression in the specific case of breast cancer cells also promotes the maintenance of the ECM impeding metastatic disease. These findings hence provide a mechanistic explanation to the better prognosis of breast cancer patients bearing tumors with high expression level of IF1.CN-T and IM-R were supported by pre-doctoral FPI-MEC and JAE-CSIC fellowships, respectively. This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2013-41945-R; SAF2016-75916-R), Comunidad Madrid (S2011/BMD-2402), and Fundación Ramón Areces 2015, Spain.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Avaliação por meio de novas tecnologias na área da educação física. Proposta de treinamento para professores e/ou alunos do ramo educacional

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    Introducción: La innovación en educación cada vez está más a la orden del día, evolucionando acorde con lo que demanda la sociedad actual, sin embargo, a la hora de innovar en la evaluación de los resultados no encontramos demasiada relevancia. Existen multitud de herramientas que nos permiten realizar evaluaciones de manera más rápida, dinámica y motivante, que hacen este proceso más ameno. Objetivos: Esta propuesta formativa persigue el objetivo de que los participantes descubran nuevas herramientas y aplicaciones tecnológicas para el proceso de evaluación del alumnado y aprendan a utilizarlas en la asignatura de Educación Física, pero también aplicable a otras materias. Métodos: Esta formación se llevará a cabo a través de diferentes sesiones en las cuales a través del aprendizaje cooperativo y la puesta en práctica aprenderán a utilizar herramientas como iDoceo, Socrative y Plickers. Conclusiones: Resulta indispensable que el docente continúe formándose de manera constante, aprendiendo nuevas estrategias y actualizándose conforme lo requiera el contexto en el que se encuentra. A través de estas herramientas conseguimos que se motive tanto el alumnado como el profesorado, al realizar las evaluaciones de forma más rápida y dinámico y haciendo a los estudiantes partícipes del proceso.Introduction: Innovation in education is becoming more and more the order of the day, evolving in accordance with what today's society demands, however, when it comes to innovating in the evaluation of results, we do not find much relevance. There are many tools that allow us to carry out evaluations in a faster, more dynamic and motivating way, which make this process more enjoyable. Aim: This training proposal pursues the objective that the participants discover new technological tools and applications for the student evaluation process and learn to use them in the subject of Physical Education, but also applicable to other subjects. Methods: This training will be carried out through different sessions in which, through cooperative learning and putting into practice, they will learn to use tools such as iDoceo, Socrative and Plickers. Conclusions: It is essential that the teacher continue to train constantly, learning new strategies and updating as required by the context in which they find themselves. Through these tools we manage to motivate both students and teachers, by carrying out assessments more quickly and dynamically and by involving students in the process.Introdução: A inovação na educação está cada vez mais na ordem do dia, evoluindo de acordo com o que a sociedade atual exige, porém, quando se trata de inovar na avaliação de resultados, não encontramos muita relevância. Existem muitas ferramentas que permitem realizar avaliações de forma mais rápida, dinâmica e motivadora, o que torna esse processo mais prazeroso. Objectivos: Esta proposta de formação persegue o objetivo de que os participantes conheçam novas ferramentas e aplicações tecnológicas para o processo de avaliação dos alunos e aprendam a utilizá-las na disciplina de Educação Física, mas também aplicáveis a outras disciplinas. Métodos: Esta formação será realizada através de diferentes sessões em que, através da aprendizagem cooperativa e da prática, aprenderão a utilizar ferramentas como iDoceo, Socrative e Plickers. Conclusões: É fundamental que o professor continue se capacitando constantemente, aprendendo novas estratégias e se atualizando conforme exige o contexto em que se encontra. Através destas ferramentas conseguimos motivar alunos e professores, fazendo avaliações de forma mais rápida e dinâmica e envolvendo os alunos no processo

    Baseline MxA mRNA expression predicts interferon beta response in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Background Myxovirus resistance protein A (MxA) is a molecule induced after interferon-beta injection, mostly used to evaluate its bioactivity. There is little available data on clinical utility of baseline MxA mRNA status. The objective of the study is to investigate whether baseline MxA mRNA expression can predict relapse and disease progression in multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta. Methods Baseline blood samples were obtained before the first interferon-beta dose was administered to evaluate MxA mRNA expression using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Demographic and clinical variables were prospectively recorded to define treatment responder and non responder groups. Results 104 patients were included in the study. Baseline MxA mRNA expression was significantly lower in the group of patients who met the definition of responders (1.07 vs 1.95, Student t test, p<0.0001). A threshold of 1.096 was established using Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis to differentiate between responders and non-responders (sensitivity 73.9%, specificity 69.0%). Survival analysis using this threshold showed that time to next relapse (p<0.0001) and to EDSS progression (p = 0.01) were significantly higher in patients with lower MxA titers. Conclusion The results suggest that baseline MxA mRNA levels may be useful for predicting whether multiple sclerosis patients will respond or not to interferon-beta treatment

    Media and violence against women in the Basque Country: A self-regulation case study

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    In recent decades, given the crucial role played by the news media in fighting to eradicate violence against women, several organisations and legislative initiatives have begun self-regulating. This study analyses news coverage of gender-based murders in the Basque media over the course of three years, beginning with approval of rules for self-regulation. The results show that the media actively contribute to raising visibility of violence against women as a social problem, although reduced compliance with some of the recommendations indicates difficulty in practically applying them and disparate criteria from one journalist to another.Basque Institute for Women - Emakund

    Urban and social determinants of alcohol and tobacco consumption among adolescents in Madrid

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    Objective: This study aims to describe the accessibility to and promotion of alcohol and tobacco around secondary schools in Madrid and its distribution in relation with area-level socioeconomic deprivation; analyze the relationship between this exposure and individual consumption characteristics of students between 14 and 18 years old; and explore other facilitators of this consumption. Method: Mixed-methods study conducted in three phases: 1) we collected data on accessibility to and promotion of alcohol and tobacco in the environment using systematic social observation around 55 secondary schools; 2) we administered 2287 questionnaires among the students in these centers to gather information about characteristics and determinants of consumption; and 3) we conducted 20 semi-structured interviews and one discussion group to deepen in the results obtained in surveys and systematic social observation. We will use Geographic Information Systems to integrate and analyze the data from a spatial perspective. (c) 2023 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espan similar to a, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)