412 research outputs found

    Ajuden les tasques de Teoria de la ment i Pragmàtica en la diferenciació de xiquets amb trastorn pragmàtic del llenguatge i síndrome d’Asperger?

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    XVIII Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2013)A partir del debat existent sobre la confusió entre els trastorns que presenten dèficits comunicatius, com són aquells del continu del Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista (TEA) i Trastorn Específic del Llenguatge (TEL), les investigacions més actuals es basen en les tasques de teoria de la ment i pragmàtica per intentar explorar la comprensió dels estats mentals per part d’aquests xiquets i xiquetes i, així, poder discriminar el TEA de la resta de trastorns. Amb aquest treball es pretén comprovar si les tasques de teoria de la ment i pragmàtica ajuden a diferenciar els diagnòstics de Trastorn Pragmàtic del Llenguatge (TPL) i Síndrome d’Asperger (SA), ja que són propers en el continu esmentat pel que fa a la simptomatologia que manifesten en edat infantil. Es presenta un estudi sobre dos casos, una xiqueta de 7 anys amb possible TPL (cas A) i un xiquet de 8 anys amb possible SA (cas B), als quals se’ls administren diferents tasques de teoria de la ment i pragmàtica i es revisen els seus informes anteriors. Els resultats demostren un perfil més agreujat de B en les tasques de Teoria de la Ment (ToM). En la línia d’estudis anteriors, es conclou que les tasques d’avaluació de ToM i pragmàtica sí que contribueixen a millorar el diagnòstic dels dos casos

    Adding SOS Core & transactional profiles support to a web thin client

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.In a world where day by day more web applications provide plenty of creative and interesting services, it is important to create similar applications to distribute and spread geographic information easily. In this context, it becomes necessary to develop new web clients capable of connecting with remote geospatial servers, request and retrieve data and allow the user to make a set of operations or just present him or her those results overlaid on a map. Sensor Observation Services (SOS) is a protocol that defines how to interchange geospatial data between a client and a SOS server by using a set of operations classified in three profiles: Core, Enhanced and Transactional. In this document, it is possible to find a description of the software engineering process to create a web client supporting the operations of the Core & Transactional profiles that a user may use without needing additional software

    Effects of low speed limits on freeway traffic flow

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    Recent years have seen a renewed interest in Variable Speed Limit (VSL) strategies. New opportunities for VSL as a freeway metering mechanism or a homogenization scheme to reduce speed differences and lane changing maneuvers are being explored. This paper examines both the macroscopic and microscopic effects of different speed limits on a traffic stream, especially when adopting low speed limits. To that end, data from a VSL experiment carried out on a freeway in Spain are used. Data include vehicle counts, speeds and occupancy per lane, as well as lane changing rates for three days, each with a different fixed speed limit (80 km/h, 60 km/h, and 40km/h). Results reveal some of the mechanisms through which VSL affects traffic performance, specifically the flow and speed distribution across lanes, as well as the ensuing lane changing maneuvers. It is confirmed that the lower the speed limit, the higher the occupancy to achieve a given flow. This result has been observed even for relatively high flows and low speed limits. For instance, a stable flow of 1942 veh/h/lane has been measured with the 40 km/h speed limit in force. The corresponding occupancy was 33%, doubling the typical occupancy for this flow in the absence of speed limits. This means that VSL strategies aiming to restrict the mainline flow on a freeway by using low speed limits will need to be applied carefully, avoiding conditions as the ones presented here, where speed limits have a reduced ability to limit flows. On the other hand, VSL strategies trying to get the most from the increased vehicle storage capacity of freeways under low speed limits might be rather promising. Additionally, results show that lower speed limits increase the speed differences across lanes for moderate demands. This, in turn, also increases the lane changing rate. This means that VSL strategies aiming to homogenize traffic and reduce lane changing activity might not be successful when adopting such low speed limits. In contrast, lower speed limits widen the range of flows under uniform lane flow distributions, so that, even for moderate to low demands, the under-utilization of any lane is avoided. These findings are useful for the development of better traffic models that are able to emulate these effects. Moreover, they are crucial for the implementation and assessment of VSL strategies and other traffic control algorithms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Josep Montanyès

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    Anàlisi lingüística del multilingüisme a les parròquies de l’arxiprestat de Badalona Nord, Montgat i Tiana

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Filologia Catalana, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Emili Boix Fuster[cat] En el Treball Final de Grau Anàlisi lingüística del multilingüisme a les parròquies de l’arxiprestat de Badalona nord, Montgat i Tiana tutoritzat pel professor Emili Boix i dut a terme per l’alumna Irene Pera s’hi analitza el panorama lingüístic a les parròquies de l’arxiprestat esmentat. L’església ha tingut un gran paper en el manteniment de la llengua catalana als Països Catalans al llarg de la història. Per aquest motiu, es vol comprovar si continua sent testimoni i proclamadora de la llengua fixant-se així en les llengües en què es realitzen les misses, les activitats associades o relacionades amb aquestes comunitats, els cartells i fulls parroquials, etc. L’objectiu és comprovar si l’ús de la llengua catalana es manté o no dins d’aquest arxiprestat així com el perquè d’aquest manteniment o l’alternança amb el castellà. Paraules clau: Llengua, català, església, multilingüisme[eng] In TFG Anàlisi lingüística del bilingüisme a les parròquies de l’arxiprestat de Badalona nord, Montgat i Tiana tutored by Professor Emili Boix and carried out by the student Irene Pera analyzes the linguistic panorama in the parishes of the archpriest mentioned. The church has played a major role in maintaining the Catalan language in the Catalan Countries throughout history. For this reason, it is intended to check whether or not it’s loyal to the language, and thus to look at the languages in which masses, activities associated with or related to these communities, parish posters and sheets, etc. are performed. The objective is to check whether the use of the Catalan language is maintained within this archpriest as well as why it is maintained or how, and why there is alternation with Spanish. Keywords: Language, Catalan, church, alternation, multilingualis

    Plataforma de raonament basat en casos per a la gestió del coneixement

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2014, Director: Maria Salamó LlorenteCase-Based Reasoning, CBR, is a kind of reasoning based on solving new problems using solutions obtained of previous problems. As something natural, human beings use this case-based reasoning to face problems that arise every day. For instance: the mechanic that repairs a car remembering another car having the same problems is using case-based reasoning. That is why CBR is called an expert system since is a system that tries to imitate the behavior of an expert human being, that is to say, it follows the same steps that a human being would take trying to solve different problems. Continuing with the example of the mechanic, an expert system in charge of diagnosing mechanical car problems would follow the same steps that a mechanic does. In this way, the advantages of creating a CBR are clear: to make easier experts’ task use CBR as a help system on decision making. In addition, human beings do something more: we update our knowledge; that is to say, we forget useless information and we learn and remember useful one. This is as important to experts systems as it is to human beings. On the one hand, an expert system that does not get new information is a high quality system nowadays but it will become obsolete in the future. On the other hand, an expert system that does not forget information and keeps on getting more and more will produce a huge database, excessively big to be processed in order to solve new problems or a mediocre expert system by means of cutting back the amount of information used

    The radio jets of SS 433 at millimetre wavelengths

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    Context. SS 433 is historically a well-known microquasar in the Galaxy that has been deeply studied during the four decades elapsed since its discovery. However, observations at very high radio frequencies with good angular resolution are still very scarce in the literature. The present paper tries to partially fill this gap using archival data of the source obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). Aims. We aim to study the SS 433 jet properties at radio frequencies corresponding to millimetre wavelengths where the synchrotron emitting particles are expected to lose their energy much faster than at lower frequencies of centimetre wavelengths. Results. A resolved view of the SS 433 radio core and jets is presented. In addition to spectral index and magnetic field measurements, we are able to estimate the age of the oldest visible ejecta still radiating significantly at millimetre wavelengths. By combining our findings with those of previous authors at lower frequencies, we confirm that the energy loss of the radiating electrons is dominated by adiabatic expansion instead of synchrotron radiative losses. In addition, we find suggestive evidence for the previously proposed period of slowed expansion within the first months of the ejecta flow, needed to simultaneously match the radiative lifetime observed in the centimetre domain. Our results argue for the need for future coordinated millimetre and centimetre interferometric observations with good time sampling throughout the SS 433 precessional cycle to better understand energetic processes in stellar relativistic jets.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Anàlisi química de diversos components de la Coca-Cola

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    En aquest treball de recerca s'han utilitzat tècniques analítiques senzilles que ens han permès trobar la quantitat de diversos components de la Coca-Cola. Mitjançant mesures de densitat s'ha determinat el contingut de sucre, a través d'una valoració àcid-base s'ha trobat la concentració d'àcid fosfòric, i la concentració de cafeïna s'ha determinat pel mètode d'extracció líquid-líquid

    A classificación of Spanish pyschological verbs

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    The present paper is presented within the context of the research currently being carried out within the field of . Computational Lexicography at the University of Barcelona Linguistics Department - in collaboration with the University of Maryland Computer Science Department and provisionally called PIRAPIDES. The research deals with the study of verbal diathesis, subcategorization frames, S-grids and the definition of a typology of S-roles apt for the description of the argumental structure

    Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms and Self-concept in Men Cyclists

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    [Resumen] La Dismorfia Muscular (DM) es un desorden mental caracterizado por la subestimación del tamaño y forma corporal. No ha sido estudiada en ciclistas, dado que son deportistas que no cumplen a priori las características de este desorden, como son el levantamiento excesivo de pesas y el desarrollo muscular. El objetivo de este trabajo es detectar síntomas de Distrofia Muscular. Se realizó una investigación que contó con 20 ciclistas varones a los que se les administró la Escala de Satisfacción Muscular, el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico, y el Somatomorphic Matrix, además de registrarse las medidas antropométricas de los participantes. Los resultados muestran que existe insatisfacción corporal entre los deportistas, y que su percepción muscular no corresponde con la realidad. Su autoconcepto físico se relaciona con su autoconcepto general así como estas dos variables con las de atractivo físico y condición física. Se comprueba en este estudio que no existe DM, como tal, entre los deportistas participantes pero si una percepción errónea de su apariencia física y cierta insatisfacción en relación a la misma.[Abstract] Muscle Dysmorphia (MD) is a mental disorder characterized by the underestimation of corporal shape and size. It hasn´t been studied in cyclists, because this disorder is represented by a muscular body as bodybuilders which principal aim is weightlifting. The objetive this work was detect MD symptoms. The method in this investigation were administered the Scale of Muscular Satisfaction to 20 cyclist men, the Questionnaire of Physical Self-concept, and the Somatomorphic Matrix, beside the anthropometric measures of the participants.The results showed that corporal dissatisfaction exists in relationship with his muscular perception doesn´t correspond with the reality. His physical self-concept related is poor on his general self-concept as well as these two variables to those of physical attraction and physical condition. To conclude, in this study is verified that don´t exist MD symptoms but there are an erroneous perception of his physical appearance and certain dissatisfaction in relation to the some on