9,837 research outputs found

    Development of Instrument to Assess Influence of Extension Conference on Intended Outcomes

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    The Annual Conference for Mississippi State University Extension is the sole event at which the majority of Extension personnel gather for networking, organizational updates, recognition of efforts, and professional development. Extension leaders plan this conference with intended outcomes but without ever evaluating those outcomes beyond attendee satisfaction. We developed an evaluation instrument to determine how certain conference events influence participants’ critical psychological states and ultimately, their perceived motivation, professional enrichment, opportunities for networking, professional accountability, and organizational awareness. Rather than simply assessing attendee satisfaction, this instrument may help inform planning for successive Extension conferences and other professional development events

    Triggering social interactions:chimpanzees respond to imitation by a humanoid robot and request responses from it

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    Even the most rudimentary social cues may evoke affiliative responses in humans and promote socialcommunication and cohesion. The present work tested whether such cues of an agent may also promotecommunicative interactions in a nonhuman primate species, by examining interaction-promoting behavioursin chimpanzees. Here, chimpanzees were tested during interactions with an interactive humanoid robot, whichshowed simple bodily movements and sent out calls. The results revealed that chimpanzees exhibited twotypes of interaction-promoting behaviours during relaxed or playful contexts. First, the chimpanzees showedprolonged active interest when they were imitated by the robot. Second, the subjects requested ‘social’responses from the robot, i.e. by showing play invitations and offering toys or other objects. This study thusprovides evidence that even rudimentary cues of a robotic agent may promote social interactions inchimpanzees, like in humans. Such simple and frequent social interactions most likely provided a foundationfor sophisticated forms of affiliative communication to emerge

    Ground state of excitons and charged excitons in a quantum well

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    A variational calculation of the ground state of a neutral exciton and of positively and negatively charged excitons (trions) in single quantum well is presented. We study the dependance of the correlation energy and of the binding energy on the well width and on the hole mass. Our results are are compared with previous theoretical results and with avalaible experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures presented to OECS

    Raman scattering from phonons and magnons in RFe3)BO3)4

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    Inelastic light scattering spectra of several members of the RFe3(BO3)4 family reveal a cascade of phase transitions as a function of temperature, starting with a structural, weakly first order, phase transition followed by two magnetic phase transitions. Those consist of the ordering of the Fe-spin sublattice revealed by all the compound, and a subsequent spin-reorientational transition for GdFe3(BO3)4. The Raman data evidence a strong coupling between the lattice and magnetic degrees of freedom in these borates. The Fe-sublattice ordering leads to a strong suppression of the low energy magnetic scattering, and a multiple peaked two-magnon scattering continuum is observed. Evidence for short-range correlations is found in the `paramagnetic' phase by the observation of a broad magnetic continuum in the Raman data, which persists up to surprisingly high temperatures.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Gambaran Adaptabilitas Karir pada Siswa dengan Gangguan Low Vision

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    Students with low vision certainly have some difficulty in their daily life, especially to do activities that require eyes functions such as reading and writing. This vision limitation can become a problem for student to adapt with the tasks and social environment demands, not only now but also in their future career. Furthermore not many career options that can be undertaken by students with low vision. To facing of these problems, they need for career adaptability, namely the preparedness response and individual coping resources, which are used to plan, explore and inform decisions about the possibility of their future career. The aim of this research is to determine the overview of career adaptability in student with low vision and the factors which is influence it. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. The subject of this research is 20 year old man who had low vision problems and He is studying at the senior high school in Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan. Data collection techniques used in this research were semi structured interview and non participant observation. The results of this research indicated that the subject has a good career adaptability which described through 4 aspects specifically career concern, career control, career curiousity, and career confidence. The factors that affecting career adaptability in this research are age, work experience, family and social support, educational institutions, and socioeconomic status. The most dominant factor in influencing career adaptability based on this research is work experience

    Characterization of the monocyte-specific esterase (MSE) gene

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    Carboxylic esterases are widely distributed in hematopoietic cells. Monocytes express the esterase isoenzyme (termed 'monocyte-specific esterase', MSE) that can be inhibited by NaF in the alpha-naphthyl acetate cytochemical staining. We examined the expression of MSE in normal cells and primary and cultured leukemia-lymphoma cells. The MSE protein was demonstrated by isoelectric focusing (IEF); MSE mRNA expression was investigated by Northern blotting and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The following samples were positive for MSE protein and Northern mRNA expression: 20/24 monocytic, 4/32 myeloid, and 1/20 erythroid-megakaryocytic leukemia cell lines, but none of the 112 lymphoid leukemia or lymphoma cell lines; of the normal purified cell populations only the monocytes were positive whereas, T, B cells, and granulocytes were negative; of primary acute (myelo) monocytic leukemia cells (CD14-positive, FAB M4/M5 morphology) 14/20 were Northern mRNA and 11/14 IEF protein positive. RT-PCR revealed MSE expression in 29/49 Northern-negative lymphoid leukemia-lymphoma cell lines. The RT-PCR signals in monocytic cell lines were on average 50-fold stronger than the mostly weak trace expression in lymphoid specimens. On treatment with various biomodulators, only all-trans retinoic acid significantly upregulated MSE message and protein levels but could not induce new MSE expression in several leukemia cell lines; lipopolysaccharide and interferon-gamma increased MSE expression in normal monocytes. Analysis of DNA methylation with sensitive restriction enzymes showed no apparent regulation of gene expression by differential methylation; the MSE gene is evolutionarily conserved among mammalian species; the half-life of the human MSE transcripts was about 5-6 h. The extent of MSE expression varied greatly among different monocytic leukemia samples. However, the MSE overexpression in a significant number of specimens was not associated with gene amplification, gross structural rearrangements or point mutations within the cDNA region. Taken together, the results suggest that MSE expression is not absolutely specific for, but strongly associated with cells of the monocytic lineage; MSE is either not expressed at all or expressed at much lower levels in cells from other lineages. The biological significance, if any, of rare MSE messages in lymphoid cells detectable only by the hypersensitive RT-PCR remains unclear. Further studies on the regulation of this gene and on the physiological function of the enzyme will no doubt be informative with respect to its striking overexpression in some malignant cells and to a possible role in the pathobiology of monocytic leukemias

    Percutaneous Absorption of Methotrexate: Effect on Epidermal DNA Synthesis in Hairless Mice

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    One of the presumed reasons for the lack of clinical activity of topical methotrexate in psoriasis is insufficient percutaneous penetration necessary to inhibit epidermal DNA synthesis. The present study was undertaken to select a vehicle to optimize penetration of methotrexate in vitro and to determine the effects of this topical formulation on epidermal DNA synthesis in vivo in hairless mouse skin.Increased penetration of methotrexate was obtained in human skin in vitro with Vehicle N compared to water and n-decylmethylsulfoxide vehicles. Repeated topical application of this methotrexate/Vehicle N preparation produced marked epidermal atrophy in treated sites in both normal and hyperproliferative essential fatty acid deficient hairless mouse skin without similar effects at a distant skin site. Local inhibition of epidermal DNA synthesis was also obtained without systemic effects at a distant site. These studies demonstrate that methotrexate in Vehicle N may produce a direct effect on epidermis which may be useful for the topical therapy of psoriasis