25 research outputs found

    The Political Dynamics of Corporate Co-Evolution: Replicating and Extending a Case Study

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    Although a significant body of knowledge about the strategies that companies use in their interactions with their environments exists, much less is known about the political dynamics of these interactions in situations of co-evolution between companies and environments. In this case study, we analyze the interactions between the representatives of producers (RPs) of ornamental rock and government authorities (GA) in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo (ESS). These interactions involved the regulation of heavy cargo transportation and resulted in a significant reduction in road accidents. In this analysis, we replicate a recently published case (Child, Tse & Rodrigues, 2013). Replicating cases is important to establishing validity and extending the generalizability of theoretical results (Vissak, 2010). However, replication is seldom conducted (Pacheco, York, & Hargrave, 2011). We address the following questions: Are the conclusions of Child et al. (2013) compatible with our observations in ESS? Do their concepts help explain the political dynamics of this current case? We conclude in the affirmative to these three questions but identify differences that are attributable to the differing contexts of these situations

    Desconstruindo o Dilema Glaser-Strauss: Uma Discussão Integrativa da Grounded Theory em Administração

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    The Grounded Theory was developed in the 1960s by sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss as methodological or research style. New investigative paths have emerged from Grounded Theory application. The aim of the present study is to highlight the antagonism between Glaser and Strauss from a conceptual complementary perspective that opened room for a highly structured and inherently flexible methodology based on the integrative approach. The goal of the Grounded Theory is to develop theories based on systematically collected and analyzed empirical data. The classical approach proved to be excessively subjective to meet empirical research demands inmanagement, overtime. Accordingly, several authors advocate for Strauss and Corbin’s (1990) ideas. The current essay-style study focuses on proposing and assessing an integrative approachframework for the Grounded Theory. Emphasis is given to the complementary qualities suggested by these authors, which are treated as non-exclusionary, despite being influenced by both Strauss and Corbin’s (1998) positivist style and Glaser and Strauss’ (1967) interpretive style. Furthermore, this theory adheres to the fundamental principle of the classical approach, although it emerged from the research process. This methodology’s application can be a promising option for scientific development, since it can disclose potentialities that give researchers flexibility and freedom to create. Thus, ontological and methodological assumptions are choices made by researchers, themselves, since they can gather research methods (mixed-methodology) and follow the combinedand sequential use of quantitative and qualitative techniques to create well-founded theories.A Grounded Theory, desenvolvida na década de 1960 pelos sociólogos Barney Glaser e Anselm Strauss, foi definida como metodologia ou estilo de pesquisa. Novos caminhos investigativos têm emergido com aplicações da Grounded Theory (ou Teoria Fundamentada em Dados). O objetivo deste estudo é mostrar que o antagonismo de Glaser e Strauss pode ser examinado numa perspectiva de complementaridade conceitual, fazendo emergir desta abordagem integrativa uma metodologia altamente estruturada e de caráter eminentemente flexível. A Grounded Theory possui como objetivo desenvolver teorias, fundamentando-se em dados empíricos, sistematicamente coletados e analisados. Com o passar do tempo, a abordagem clássica mostrou-se demasiadamente subjetiva para atender às demandas de pesquisas empíricas em administração. Por essa razão, diversos autores defendem as ideias de Strauss e Corbin (1990). Este estudo, de natureza ensaística,propõe e examina um framework de abordagem integrativa da Grounded Theory. Busca-se enfatizar as qualidades complementares propostas pelos autores, tratadas como não excludentes, mesmo enviesadas ao estilo positivista de Strauss e Corbin (1998) e ao estilo interpretativista de Glaser e Strauss (1967), sem infringir o princípio elementar da abordagem clássica de que a teoria emergeao longo da pesquisa. A aplicação desta metodologia pode tornar-se uma opção promissora para o desenvolvimento científico, revelando potencialidades que proporcionem ao pesquisador flexibilidade e liberdade para criar. Nesse contexto, os pressupostos ontológicos e metodológicos são escolhas do pesquisador, que pode mesclar métodos de pesquisa (mixed-methodology) e propor o uso combinado e sequencial de técnicas quantitativas e qualitativas no processo de criação de teorias substantivas.

    Strategic human resource management and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from Emerging Markets

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    Corporate social responsibility practices are increasingly being adopted and legitimized in business and they impact the strategic and operational levels in various areas. The integration of these criteria and practices in the strategic management involves many factors, and human resource management is an essential aspect for the accomplishment of such initiative. Thus, this paper associates the relationship among corporate social responsibility (CSR) various dimensions (strategic, ethical, social and environmental) and strategic human resource management (SHRM) in companies operating in Brazil. We also aim to identify whether there is impact of other aspects on this relationship, namely: size, industry and company internationalization level (if national or multinational). Results show evidence that ethical CSR can be associated to SHRM. Environmental CSR showed marginal relation, and social and strategic CSR presented no significant association. Those results emphasize the need to further develop strategic actions of CSR into human resource management in emerging markets. Managers can also benefit from those findings, as it is possible to have a broad view of limitations and opportunities regarding the role played by human resource management in CSR


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    O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar como se dá a transferência de práticas de avaliação de desempenho em uma organização não governamental (ONG) de atuação multinacional. O estudo buscou identificar como a organização do terceiro setor avalia o seu desempenho organizacional, na matriz e nas subsidiárias localizadas na Argentina e no Brasil, de modo a comparar as práticas de gestão de desempenho empregadas nas mesmas. Estas informações foram obtidas por meio de estudo de caso único realizado nos três escritórios da mesma ONG localizados nas subsidiárias, além da matriz situada nos Estados Unidos. Apesar de a matriz definir formalmente quais devem ser as práticas de mensuração de desempenho na ONG, identificou-se que o padrão definido pela matriz como modelo de referência organizacional não é aplicado nas subsidiárias. As evidencias coletadas apontam a fragilidade na transferência dessa prática gerencial. O estudo indica que as métricas aplicadas dentre as subsidiárias são distintas, evidenciando a falta de alinhamento das medidas de mensuração adotadas pela ONG, realidade explicada por restrições de recursos nas subsidiárias e presença de estruturas mais enxutas nas operações internacionais da ONG. Ainda, as dimensões adotadas pela matriz são amparadas pela literatura, e aspectos relacionais são indicados como dificultadores do processo

    A influência da origem das empresas no gerenciamento e na avaliação de desempenho organizacional

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    This work studied the influence of the cultural origin of three companies multinationals in the management and evaluation of the organizational performance. The organizations studied have German, French and Finnish origins with expression in the energy market. It was performed interviews, with managers of these organizations, which were based on the model of the four cultural dimensions of Hofstede (2010) and the evaluation of organizational performance literature. The results indicate that origin of culture has influence on performance management, but have also found some contradictory results to model of Hofstede, which could be explained by relaxing of cultural boundaries generated by globalization results.Este trabalho estudou a influência da origem cultural de três empresas multinacionais no gerencimento e na avaliação do desempenho organizacional. As organizações estudadas possuem origem alemã, francesa e finlandesa com expressão no mercado de energia. Foram realizadas, com base no modelo das quatro dimensões culturais de Hofstede (2010) e na literatura de avaliação de desempenho organizacional, entrevistas com gestores dessas organizações. Os resultados indicam que a origem cultural possui influência na gestão do desempenho. Porém, foram encontrados, também, alguns resultados contraditórios ao modelo de Hofstede, o que poderia ser explicado pela flexibilização das fronteiras culturais gerada pela globalização

    In search of tools for the use of Country-Image (CI) in the brand

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    Existing country image (CI) literature tends to focus on consumer behaviour. In contrast, this paper approaches CI from the point of view of the firm. In doing so, it seeks to identify the means by which international companies associate a brand with a specific country of origin in order to build brand values. In particular, it looks at the use of CI cues in brand strategies. The paper is based on exploratory research comprising a case study of two contrasting companies from the cosmetics industry, Natura, a domestic company, and the French-owned L’Occitane, both of which draw on images of Brazil to build their brands. Specific elements of CI used in branding are identified, and the extent to which the use of these differs depending on the origin of the owning company is explored. The cases suggest that CI can be exploited in different contexts. Through analysis of the elements used by both companies to build strong brands associated with the Brazilian CI—Natura Cosméticos and L’Occitane au Brésil—six tools are identified that can be combined by firms to deliver brand values, derived from any country, through the use of CI

    Strategic human resource management and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from Emerging Markets

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    Corporate social responsibility practices are increasingly being adopted and legitimized in business and they impact the strategic and operational levels in various areas. The integration of these criteria and practices in the strategic management involves many factors, and human resource management is an essential aspect for the accomplishment of such initiative. Thus, this paper associates the relationship among corporate social responsibility (CSR) various dimensions (strategic, ethical, social and environmental) and strategic human resource management (SHRM) in companies operating in Brazil. We also aim to identify whether there is impact of other aspects on this relationship, namely: size, industry and company internationalization level (if national or multinational). Results show evidence that ethical CSR can be associated to SHRM. Environmental CSR showed marginal relation, and social and strategic CSR presented no significant association. Those results emphasize the need to further develop strategic actions of CSR into human resource management in emerging markets. Managers can also benefit from those findings, as it is possible to have a broad view of limitations and opportunities regarding the role played by human resource management in CSR

    Incubadoras de Cooperativas Populares e a Extensão Universitária: O Caso Incoop-UFSCar

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    Objective: This research analyse the link between popular cooperatives incubators and the University through the extension activity. Methodology / Approach: The methodology applied is a case study at INCOOP-UFSCar in order to evaluate how the Cooperative contributes to the development of the actors in the University. Originality / Relevance: Activities with prospective co-workers generate joint socio-economic benefits for co-workers and academics, but the benefits to the University have scarcer assessments. Main results: The Incubator, as an extension project, can be considered a mean of operationalizing the role of the University vis-a-vis the community in which it is inserted, meeting local demands and also serving as locus in the academy development. Theoretical / methodological contributions: In this study, it is observed that the Incubadora Regional de Cooperativas Populares (INCOOP) positively impacts not only cooperators but also contributes to the development of extension activities of Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar) students and administrative technicians.Objetivo do estudo: Esta pesquisa analisa o vínculo existente entre Incubadoras de cooperativas populares e a Universidade por meio da atividade de extensão. Metodologia/abordagem: A metodologia aplicada foi o estudo de caso na INCOOP-UFSCar de modo a avaliar como a Incubadora de Cooperativa popular contribui para o desenvolvimento dos atores na Universidade. Originalidade/Relevância: As atividades com os futuros cooperados geram benefícios socioeconômicos conjuntos para os cooperados e acadêmicos, contudo os benefícios para a Universidade possuem avaliações mais escassas. Principais resultados: A Incubadora, como um projeto de extensão, pode ser considerada um meio de operacionalizar o papel da Universidade frente a comunidade na qual ela está inserida, atendendo a demandas locais e também servindo de locus no desenvolvimento da academia. Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Observa-se nesse estudo que a Incubadora Regional de Cooperativas Populares (INCOOP) impacta positivamente não somente os cooperados como também contribui no desenvolvimento das atividades de extensão pelos alunos e técnicos administrativos da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar).