18 research outputs found

    Analiza eksterne neravnoteže Srbije

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    U disertaciji „Analiza eksterne neravnoteže Srbije“ determinisani su uzroci i analizirane posledice koji su delovale u pravcu neravnoteže platnobilansnih pozicija Srbije u dva tranziciona perioda, pre i posle svetske ekonomske krize.Na osnovu teorijske i empirijske analize ispitano je da li je eksterna neravnoteža (ne)iskorišćena za realizaciju, bar delimično, neophodnih strukturnih reformi ili je dobar deo ino akumulacije otišao na finansiranje potrošnje. Zaključak o efektima iskorišćenosti priliva kapitala donet je tek nakon pažljive analize važnih indikatora, poput nivoa spoljnog duga, njegove strukture i odnosa sa BDP, veličine, dinamike i izvora finansiranja budžetskog deficita, stopa štednje i investicija, veličine stranih direktnih investicija, racia udeo tekućeg deficita računa u GDP, racia budžetskog deficita u GDP, promene u deviznim rezervama, veličine realne apresijacije valute u odnosu na trend promene izvoza, itd. U prvom poglavlju se uspostavlja metodološka osnova za razmatranje međuzavisnosti deviznog kursa i platnog bilansa. Do zaključka da li je apresirani kurs direktni krivac za eksternu neravnotežu u ovom periodu ili, drugim rečima, da li bi depresijacija deviznog kursa optimalno uticala na smanjenje takvog balansa dolazi se kroz ispit ispunjenosti Maršal-Lernerove teoreme tražeći dgovore na pitanja kao što su: koliko se visoka devalvacija smatra nužnom da bi se eliminisao trgovinski deficit datog obima, odnosno postigla željena veličina promena trgovinskog bilansa; koji je to obim deficita koji devalvacije određene veličine može eliminisati? Nakon definisanja koncepta platnog bilansa i pronalaženja relacije sa osnovnim makroekonomskim agregatima, razmatraju se uzroci neravnoteže, vrste neravnoteže, kao i mehanizmi prilagođavanja. Cela makroekonomska politika Srbije nakon 2000-te je vođena na temeljima vašingtonskog koncenzusa što znači naglu liberalizaciju, targetiranu inflaciju, itd. Preovladava mišljenje da je liberalizacija brza, nedovoljno dobro pripremljena i osmišljena, da ne vodi računa o privrednoj strukturi i specifičnostima zemlje, itd. Posebna pažnja je posvećena teorijskim i empirijskim aspektima fiskalnog deficita. Najzad, uloga fiskalne i monetarne politike često ne vodi suštinskom prilagođavanju već samo korekciji salda platnog bilansa. Ova stabilizacija može biti ekvivalentna finansiranju. Za suštinsku eliminaciju deficita potrebno je izvršiti realokaciju resursa u nacionalnoj privredi, promene u strukturi proizvodnje i lestvici komparativnih troškova, izmene u strukturi uvoza i izvoza. Na dugi rok samo smislena politika dugoročnog razvoja može imati pozitivne efekte na platni bilans

    Revizija standarda za akreditaciju visokoškolskih ustanova

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    Quantifying extreme market risk in the selected Western Balkan countries

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the performance of unconditional and conditional Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) models based on EVT. The application of one unconditional VaR and ES model based on EVT and three variants of conditional models of VaR and ES based on EVT in the capital markets of the selected WBC was tested in the paper. To test the VaR model, a conditional and unconditional cover test was used, with the note that their results were subject to verification using the Monte Carlo test procedure. The obtained results suggests that these models can be successfully used to quantify extreme market risk in selected markets, in the context of Basel standards. ES models have been tested and ranked using loss function. By using the Bootstrap simulation, these results are subject to verification. The obtained results does not reveal which model is most suitable for the selected markets, since they are differently ranked in different markets

    An assessment of the effects and influences of the concept of entrepreneurial learning in Serbia

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    It is difficult to estimate the quantity and quality of the necessary entrepreneurial knowledge and assess the effects of such entrepreneurship education, i.e. whether it has met the set criteria sufficiently. Empirical practice lacks empirical studies that would base the competences of entrepreneurial learning upon the direct assessment of learning outcomes, the outcomes related to the knowledge of opportunities for professional orientation and the knowledge of the business environment, the created framework picture of entrepreneurship, employment opportunities and obstacles. In this paper, the direct effect of entrepreneurial learning in a secondaryeducation and a higher-education institution of the economic path was estimated through a qualitative approach, after the established conceptual framework and furthermore through the respondents’ answers to the survey questions. Therefore, a contribution was made by making a step forward in the evaluation of entrepreneurial learning through a direct assessment of the raised awareness of entrepreneurship. The indirect indicators used were the gender and the education level, i.e. the difference in the respondents’ answers according to their respective gender and the school they are attending (secondary school or vocational school). The obtained results assess the level of the respondents’ basic entrepreneurial culture and their knowledge, as well as entrepreneurial preferences

    Evaluation of in vivo effects on surfactant-irritated human skin, antioxidant properties and phenolic composition of five Ericaceae species extracts

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    Arbutus unedo, Bruckentalia spiculifolia, Calluna vulgaris, Erica arborea and Erica carnea possess strong antioxidant activity and they are traditionally used for the treatment of various skin diseases. The present study investigated the total phenylpropanoid content, antioxidant properties and phenolic composition of dry leaf ethanol extracts of these species. Furthermore, the in vivo effects of gels, each containing 2% of a single extract were tested on the artificially irritated human skin using the objective methods of skin biophysical measurements (erythema index (EI), pH of the skin and electrical capacitance (EC) as a measure of skin hydration level were assessed). In total, 13 components were identified by RP-HPLC coupled with DAD detection; quercitrin, quercetin 3-O-glucoside and gallic acid were detected in all investigated samples while chlorogenic acid and quercetin were present in 4 samples. Regarding the in vivo study, all investigated gels significantly decreased the skin irritation level and reversed the pH of the skin disturbed by preirritation, while results were contradictory regarding skin hydration measurements. In conclusion, the assessed in vivo topical effects of investigated extracts matched well with their phenylpropanoid content as well as with assessed antioxidant activities

    Cultivation of carrots (Daucus carota L.) at family farm "Rosipal"

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati ekološki uzgoj mrkve na OPG-u „Rosipal“, prvom proizvođaču ekološkog uzgoja hrane (u ovome slučaju mrkve) u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji. Osim mrkve uzgajaju i ostalo povrće (celer, peršin, kumpir, pastrnjak, cikla) uz primjenu prirodnih, zelenih gnojiva koji pridonose kvalitetnijem tlu te modernije mehanizacije zbog količine hektara koje posjeduju. Iako je za ekološki uzgoj potrebno izdvojiti pozamašna financijska sredstva, stvoriti uvjete da bi usjev uspio i imati puno strpljenja, prednost daju ekološkoj proizvodnji negoli konvencionalnoj smatrajući da se ovim načinom čuva okoliš, a potom i zdravstveno stanje potrošača. Uz dosta povoljne vremenske prilike tijekom 2022. godine ostvaren je prinos korijena mrkve od 20 t/ha, uz 15 % suhe tvari te sadržaj β-karotena od 16014 μg/100g svježe tvari. Sadržaj ukupnih antocijana iznosio je19 mg/kg svježe tvari, a ukupnih fenola 54 mg GAE/100 g svježe tvari dok je sadržaj vitamina C bio 14 mg/100 g svježe tvari.The aim of this work is to present the ecological cultivation of carrots at OPG "Rosipal", the first producer of ecological food cultivation (in this case carrots) in Požega-Slavonia County. In addition to carrots, they grow other vegetables (celery, parsley, cucumber, parsnips, beets) with the use of natural, green fertilizers that contribute to better soil quality and more modern machinery due to the amount of hectares they own. Although for organic farming it is necessary to allocate substantial financial resources, to create conditions for the crop to succeed and to have a lot of patience, they give priority to organic production over conventional production, considering that this way preserves the environment, and subsequently the health of the consumer. With fairly favorable weather conditions, a carrot root yield of 20 t/ha was achieved in 2022, with 15% dry matter and a β-carotene content of 16014 μg/100g of fresh matter. The content of total anthocyanins was 19 mg/kg of fresh matter, and of total phenols 54 mg GAE/100 g of fresh matter, while the content of vitamin C was 14 mg/100 g of fresh matter

    Wheat diseases and protection measures on family farm Retkin

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    Pšenica je naša najvažnija krušarica i jedna je od vodećih žitarica po proizvodnju u svijetu. Ima velik značaj u prehrambenoj i farmaceutskoj industriji te za stočnu hranu. Sklona je raznim bolestima koje se pojavljuju svake godine te smanjuju kvalitetu i prinos. Cilj ovog rada bio je vizualnim pregledom pšenice uočiti pojavu bolesti na OPG-u Retkin u vegetaciji 2020./2021. U vrijeme pojave bolesti vremenske prilike nisu pogodovale razvoju bolesti, odnosno bilo je hladnije od višegodišnjeg prosjeka. Praćenjem tijekom vegetacije uočene su u vrlo malom intenzitetu lisne bolesti čiji su uzročnici Septoria tritici i Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Od mjera zaštite obavljanje su sve preventivne mjere kao što su obrada tla, plodored, zdravo sjeme i izbalansirana gnojidba. Nakon pojave prvih simptoma obavljena je zaštita fungicidima Elatus Era i Duett ultra u jednom tretmanu.Wheat is our most important cultivated plant and one of the leading cereals in the world's production. It has a great significance in the industries such as food and pharmaceutical industry and is also good for animal feed. Wheat is prone to various diseases that apear every year and reduce its quality and yields. The aim of this thesis was to observe wheat deiseases at family farm Retkin in the vegetation 2020/2021. At the time of the largest appearance of disease, the weather condition didn't favour the development of disease, i. e. it was colder than the multi-year average. During the vegetation, leaf diseases caused by Septoria tritici and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis were observed in very low intensity. Preventive measures such as proper tilage, crop rotation, healthy seed and fertilization have been implemented. After the apperance of the first symptoms, protection with fungicides Elatus era and Duett ultra were performed

    Cultivation of carrots (Daucus carota L.) at family farm "Rosipal"

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati ekološki uzgoj mrkve na OPG-u „Rosipal“, prvom proizvođaču ekološkog uzgoja hrane (u ovome slučaju mrkve) u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji. Osim mrkve uzgajaju i ostalo povrće (celer, peršin, kumpir, pastrnjak, cikla) uz primjenu prirodnih, zelenih gnojiva koji pridonose kvalitetnijem tlu te modernije mehanizacije zbog količine hektara koje posjeduju. Iako je za ekološki uzgoj potrebno izdvojiti pozamašna financijska sredstva, stvoriti uvjete da bi usjev uspio i imati puno strpljenja, prednost daju ekološkoj proizvodnji negoli konvencionalnoj smatrajući da se ovim načinom čuva okoliš, a potom i zdravstveno stanje potrošača. Uz dosta povoljne vremenske prilike tijekom 2022. godine ostvaren je prinos korijena mrkve od 20 t/ha, uz 15 % suhe tvari te sadržaj β-karotena od 16014 μg/100g svježe tvari. Sadržaj ukupnih antocijana iznosio je19 mg/kg svježe tvari, a ukupnih fenola 54 mg GAE/100 g svježe tvari dok je sadržaj vitamina C bio 14 mg/100 g svježe tvari.The aim of this work is to present the ecological cultivation of carrots at OPG "Rosipal", the first producer of ecological food cultivation (in this case carrots) in Požega-Slavonia County. In addition to carrots, they grow other vegetables (celery, parsley, cucumber, parsnips, beets) with the use of natural, green fertilizers that contribute to better soil quality and more modern machinery due to the amount of hectares they own. Although for organic farming it is necessary to allocate substantial financial resources, to create conditions for the crop to succeed and to have a lot of patience, they give priority to organic production over conventional production, considering that this way preserves the environment, and subsequently the health of the consumer. With fairly favorable weather conditions, a carrot root yield of 20 t/ha was achieved in 2022, with 15% dry matter and a β-carotene content of 16014 μg/100g of fresh matter. The content of total anthocyanins was 19 mg/kg of fresh matter, and of total phenols 54 mg GAE/100 g of fresh matter, while the content of vitamin C was 14 mg/100 g of fresh matter

    Wheat diseases and protection measures on family farm Retkin

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    Pšenica je naša najvažnija krušarica i jedna je od vodećih žitarica po proizvodnju u svijetu. Ima velik značaj u prehrambenoj i farmaceutskoj industriji te za stočnu hranu. Sklona je raznim bolestima koje se pojavljuju svake godine te smanjuju kvalitetu i prinos. Cilj ovog rada bio je vizualnim pregledom pšenice uočiti pojavu bolesti na OPG-u Retkin u vegetaciji 2020./2021. U vrijeme pojave bolesti vremenske prilike nisu pogodovale razvoju bolesti, odnosno bilo je hladnije od višegodišnjeg prosjeka. Praćenjem tijekom vegetacije uočene su u vrlo malom intenzitetu lisne bolesti čiji su uzročnici Septoria tritici i Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Od mjera zaštite obavljanje su sve preventivne mjere kao što su obrada tla, plodored, zdravo sjeme i izbalansirana gnojidba. Nakon pojave prvih simptoma obavljena je zaštita fungicidima Elatus Era i Duett ultra u jednom tretmanu.Wheat is our most important cultivated plant and one of the leading cereals in the world's production. It has a great significance in the industries such as food and pharmaceutical industry and is also good for animal feed. Wheat is prone to various diseases that apear every year and reduce its quality and yields. The aim of this thesis was to observe wheat deiseases at family farm Retkin in the vegetation 2020/2021. At the time of the largest appearance of disease, the weather condition didn't favour the development of disease, i. e. it was colder than the multi-year average. During the vegetation, leaf diseases caused by Septoria tritici and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis were observed in very low intensity. Preventive measures such as proper tilage, crop rotation, healthy seed and fertilization have been implemented. After the apperance of the first symptoms, protection with fungicides Elatus era and Duett ultra were performed

    Cultivation of carrots (Daucus carota L.) at family farm "Rosipal"

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati ekološki uzgoj mrkve na OPG-u „Rosipal“, prvom proizvođaču ekološkog uzgoja hrane (u ovome slučaju mrkve) u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji. Osim mrkve uzgajaju i ostalo povrće (celer, peršin, kumpir, pastrnjak, cikla) uz primjenu prirodnih, zelenih gnojiva koji pridonose kvalitetnijem tlu te modernije mehanizacije zbog količine hektara koje posjeduju. Iako je za ekološki uzgoj potrebno izdvojiti pozamašna financijska sredstva, stvoriti uvjete da bi usjev uspio i imati puno strpljenja, prednost daju ekološkoj proizvodnji negoli konvencionalnoj smatrajući da se ovim načinom čuva okoliš, a potom i zdravstveno stanje potrošača. Uz dosta povoljne vremenske prilike tijekom 2022. godine ostvaren je prinos korijena mrkve od 20 t/ha, uz 15 % suhe tvari te sadržaj β-karotena od 16014 μg/100g svježe tvari. Sadržaj ukupnih antocijana iznosio je19 mg/kg svježe tvari, a ukupnih fenola 54 mg GAE/100 g svježe tvari dok je sadržaj vitamina C bio 14 mg/100 g svježe tvari.The aim of this work is to present the ecological cultivation of carrots at OPG "Rosipal", the first producer of ecological food cultivation (in this case carrots) in Požega-Slavonia County. In addition to carrots, they grow other vegetables (celery, parsley, cucumber, parsnips, beets) with the use of natural, green fertilizers that contribute to better soil quality and more modern machinery due to the amount of hectares they own. Although for organic farming it is necessary to allocate substantial financial resources, to create conditions for the crop to succeed and to have a lot of patience, they give priority to organic production over conventional production, considering that this way preserves the environment, and subsequently the health of the consumer. With fairly favorable weather conditions, a carrot root yield of 20 t/ha was achieved in 2022, with 15% dry matter and a β-carotene content of 16014 μg/100g of fresh matter. The content of total anthocyanins was 19 mg/kg of fresh matter, and of total phenols 54 mg GAE/100 g of fresh matter, while the content of vitamin C was 14 mg/100 g of fresh matter