Cultivation of carrots (Daucus carota L.) at family farm "Rosipal"


Cilj ovog rada je prikazati ekološki uzgoj mrkve na OPG-u „Rosipal“, prvom proizvođaču ekološkog uzgoja hrane (u ovome slučaju mrkve) u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji. Osim mrkve uzgajaju i ostalo povrće (celer, peršin, kumpir, pastrnjak, cikla) uz primjenu prirodnih, zelenih gnojiva koji pridonose kvalitetnijem tlu te modernije mehanizacije zbog količine hektara koje posjeduju. Iako je za ekološki uzgoj potrebno izdvojiti pozamašna financijska sredstva, stvoriti uvjete da bi usjev uspio i imati puno strpljenja, prednost daju ekološkoj proizvodnji negoli konvencionalnoj smatrajući da se ovim načinom čuva okoliš, a potom i zdravstveno stanje potrošača. Uz dosta povoljne vremenske prilike tijekom 2022. godine ostvaren je prinos korijena mrkve od 20 t/ha, uz 15 % suhe tvari te sadržaj β-karotena od 16014 μg/100g svježe tvari. Sadržaj ukupnih antocijana iznosio je19 mg/kg svježe tvari, a ukupnih fenola 54 mg GAE/100 g svježe tvari dok je sadržaj vitamina C bio 14 mg/100 g svježe tvari.The aim of this work is to present the ecological cultivation of carrots at OPG "Rosipal", the first producer of ecological food cultivation (in this case carrots) in Požega-Slavonia County. In addition to carrots, they grow other vegetables (celery, parsley, cucumber, parsnips, beets) with the use of natural, green fertilizers that contribute to better soil quality and more modern machinery due to the amount of hectares they own. Although for organic farming it is necessary to allocate substantial financial resources, to create conditions for the crop to succeed and to have a lot of patience, they give priority to organic production over conventional production, considering that this way preserves the environment, and subsequently the health of the consumer. With fairly favorable weather conditions, a carrot root yield of 20 t/ha was achieved in 2022, with 15% dry matter and a β-carotene content of 16014 μg/100g of fresh matter. The content of total anthocyanins was 19 mg/kg of fresh matter, and of total phenols 54 mg GAE/100 g of fresh matter, while the content of vitamin C was 14 mg/100 g of fresh matter

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