Wheat diseases and protection measures on family farm Retkin


Pšenica je naša najvažnija krušarica i jedna je od vodećih žitarica po proizvodnju u svijetu. Ima velik značaj u prehrambenoj i farmaceutskoj industriji te za stočnu hranu. Sklona je raznim bolestima koje se pojavljuju svake godine te smanjuju kvalitetu i prinos. Cilj ovog rada bio je vizualnim pregledom pšenice uočiti pojavu bolesti na OPG-u Retkin u vegetaciji 2020./2021. U vrijeme pojave bolesti vremenske prilike nisu pogodovale razvoju bolesti, odnosno bilo je hladnije od višegodišnjeg prosjeka. Praćenjem tijekom vegetacije uočene su u vrlo malom intenzitetu lisne bolesti čiji su uzročnici Septoria tritici i Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Od mjera zaštite obavljanje su sve preventivne mjere kao što su obrada tla, plodored, zdravo sjeme i izbalansirana gnojidba. Nakon pojave prvih simptoma obavljena je zaštita fungicidima Elatus Era i Duett ultra u jednom tretmanu.Wheat is our most important cultivated plant and one of the leading cereals in the world's production. It has a great significance in the industries such as food and pharmaceutical industry and is also good for animal feed. Wheat is prone to various diseases that apear every year and reduce its quality and yields. The aim of this thesis was to observe wheat deiseases at family farm Retkin in the vegetation 2020/2021. At the time of the largest appearance of disease, the weather condition didn't favour the development of disease, i. e. it was colder than the multi-year average. During the vegetation, leaf diseases caused by Septoria tritici and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis were observed in very low intensity. Preventive measures such as proper tilage, crop rotation, healthy seed and fertilization have been implemented. After the apperance of the first symptoms, protection with fungicides Elatus era and Duett ultra were performed

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