10 research outputs found


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    Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmerancangdesaindidaktis yang dapatmengatasilearning obstacle yang ditemukanpadamateripenjumlahandanpenguranganpecahan di kelas IV SD. Metode yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahmetodekualitatifdenganmenggunakanperspektifDidactical Design Research (DDR). Subjekpadapenelitianiniadaduakelompokyaitukelompok yang diberikanTesKemampuanResponden (TKR)awaldankelompok yang mendapatkanpembelajaranmenggunakandesaindidaktissertadiberikan TKR akhir.BerdasarkananalisisdarihasilTKRawaldanhasilwawancarakepadarespondenditemukantigakarakteristiklearning obstacleyaituontogenic obstacle, didactical obstacle, danepistemological obstacle.Selanjutnya, disusundesaindidaktishipotesisdenganmempertimbangkantigaaspekyaitulearning obstacle, learning trajectory siswa, dantheory of didactical situation.Setelahdesaindidaktishipotesisdiimplemantasikandandilakukan TKR akhirmakahasilnyasudahtidakditemukanlagiontogenic obstacle, sedangkandidacatical obstacle danepistemological obstacle masihditemukanhanyakuantitiasnyaberkurang.Berdasarkanhasilanalisisretrospektifdiperolehdesaindidaktisempirik.Padadesaindidaktisempirik, beberaparedaksikalimatharusdirubah agar intervensi guru dapatdikurangidanperubahanbeberapasituasidarilesson designdiubahsesuaidenganresponsiswapadasaatimplementasi. This research aims to design a didactic design that can overcome learning obstacles, which are found in the material addition and subtraction of fractions in fourth grade. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, by using the perspective-Didactical Design Research (DDR). Subjects in this research there were two groups: the group, given Respondent Ability Test (RAT) early, and the groups get to use the design-didactic learning and given final RAT. Based on the analysis of the results of early RAT, and the results of interviews with respondents found three characteristics of learning obstacle, which ontogenic obstacle, didactical obstacles, and epistemological obstacle.Furthermore, structured design-didactic hypothesis by considering three aspects, namely learning obstacle, trajectory learning students, and the theory of didactical situation. After, the design-didactic hypotheses, implemented and conducted RAT end then the result is not found again ontogenic obstacle, while didacatical obstacle and epistemological obstacle is still found only quantity decreases. Based, the results of the retrospective analysis, obtained didactic-empirical design. In the empirical didactic design, some redaction sentence should be modified, so that the teacher intervention can be reduced, and the changes in the situation of lesson design changed in accordance with the student's response at the time of implementation. Keywords: Didactic Design, Learning Obstacle and Fraction


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil studi lapangan yang dilaksanakan peneliti melalui kegiatan observasi dan wawancara kepada guru kelas V adanya kendala dalam proses pembelajaran yang membuat siswa kesulitan dalam berpikir kritis yang disebabkan kurangnya model, metode dan media pembelajaran yang mendukung dalam proses pembelajaran. Model direct instruction dapat berbentuk metode ceramah, demontrasi, pelatihan atau praktik dan kerja kelompok serta metode scramble merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi dan kecepatan berpikir peserta didik. Metode ini juga mengharuskan peserta didik untuk menggabungkan otak kanan dan otak kiri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, tes wawancara dan dokumentasi. Objek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri Margacinta 2 yang berjumlah 18 orang siswa. Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada pra siklus mendapat nilai rata-rata 36,5 dan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 5,56%. Gambaran proses pembelajaran menggunakan model direct interaction dengan metode scramble pada siklus I aktivitas guru memperoleh nilai 63% dan aktivitas siswa 63%. Siklus II aktivitas guru memperoleh nilai 81% dan aktivitas siswa 73%. Siklus III aktivitas guru 93% dan aktivitas siswa 79%. Lalu, pada siklus II siswa memperoleh nilai rata-rata 62,27 dengan angka klasikal yaitu 33,33% dan pada siklus III siswa memperoleh nilai rata-rata 71 dengan angka klasikal yang diperoleh yaitu 66,67%. Kemudian, kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa setelah pelaksanaan seluruh siklus melakukan tes akhir perolehan rata-rata yaitu 72,55 dengan siswa yang tuntas persentase sebesar 77,78% dan siswa yang tidak tuntas persentase sebesar 22,22%


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    Purpose: Integrated reporting (IR) is to convey the integrated thinking (IT) process in creating value for organisations. Drawing from the framework of Maqasid Shariah, the paper seeks to propose a framework for measuring value creation for Shariah-compliant Companies (ShCCs).   Methodology: Based on the existing literature on the performance of companies, this paper explores the measurements of value creation, which is arguably the consequence of integrated reporting and integrated thinking in an organization that matches the framework of Maqasid Shariah. This issue is examined by looking at the context of ShCCs in Malaysia.   Findings: The findings support the contention by Shariah Enterprise Theory, which is the extension of legitimacy and stakeholders’ theory. The various measurements of value creation can be classified under the broad classification of Abu Zahrah (1997)’s Maqasid Shariah framework.   Contributions: This paper enhances the understanding of value creation from the perspective of Islam, thereby contributing to meeting the initial aim of ShCCs classification, which is to fulfill the need of Muslim stakeholders. Additionally, the proposed framework provides measurements of value creation based on the Maqasid Shariah framework that can be used in future research. Keywords: Maqasid Shariah, value creation, integrated reporting, integrated thinking, Shariah-compliant companies.   Cite as: Sutainim, N. A., Mohammed, N. F., Mahmud, R., & Muhammad, R. (2023). Value creation for Shariah-compliant companies from the perspective of Maqasid Shariah: A proposed framework. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(TI), 87-108. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8issTIpp87-10

    Comparison Study of Various Type Artificial Reef Performance in Reducing Wave Height

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    Most fishermen used inappropriate methods to sustain their livelihoods, severely destroying fishery resources. Furthermore, a lack of environmental protection and pollution prevention lead the best coastal and estuarial nurseries to become unhabitable. Several studies have pointed out that fish stocks in coastal waters could be no longer sufficient for the increasing fishing activity and consumption requests. Based on the 1950–2006 global statistics conducted by Food and  Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2012).Artificial reefs are most often constructed to increase the efficiency of fishery resource harvest (Seaman and Sprague, 1991). In engineering practice, the stability of artificial reefs is an important issue in preventing the failure of reef units due to wave and current actions. Some of the artificial reefs have also been designed to serve as low-crested coastal protection structures (e.g. Dalrymple et al., 1991a; Ranasinghe et al., 2006). One particular advantage of these artificial reefs over the conventional submerged breakwaters is the fact that they are multi-purpose units and can be achieved with more cost-effective materials and environmentally friendly construction processes (Harris, 1995; Buccino et al., 2013). Artificial reef model keep looking for modification to get compatibility and efiiciency as submerged breakwater because  the feasibility of artificial reefs for coastal protection is typically evaluated based on the percentage of surface wave height reductionWave transformation analysis in artificial reef do with consideration from some non dimensional variables. Wave transmission process defined with ratio betwwen transmission wave height and incoming wave heightThis research compares 5 types of Artificial reef in numeric model. There are hexareef, bottle reef, star reef, seadome and cube reef. They are tested with Indonesian wave steepness which has value between 0,0013 and 0,012

    Learning obstacles analysis of lowest common multiple and greatest common factor in primary school

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    This research aims to find learning obstacles for students studying LCM and GCF as a reference in preparing teaching materials that can overcome these obstacles. This research involved 74 grade V students at three public schools in Bandung, Indonesia. The research method used in this study was case study research—data collection techniques using triangulation by providing tests, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusions. The results show three categories of learning obstacles: ontogenic, epistemological, and didactic. The ontogenic obstacle was found because the students understood multiples, factors, and arithmetic operations on natural numbers in solving LCM and GCF problems. Epistemological obstacles were discovered because of the limited context in which students understood the concepts of LCM and GCF, so they could not use them in contexts such as word problems. Didactical obstacles were found from learning that was given by the teacher procedurally using factoring methods, namely prime factorization or factor trees. Therefore, these obstacles must be anticipated by designing learning designs that can facilitate learning trajectories, focus on concepts, and make learning more meaningful

    Study on Implementation of Integrated Curriculum in Indonesia

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    An integrated curriculum is an educational approach that prepares students to face lifelong learning. In curriculum integration, schools must view education as a process of developing the abilities needed in life, especially in facing 21st-century life challenges, not discrete subjects that are divided into different fields. Integrated learning will provide the opportunity for students to understand the complex problems that exist in the surrounding environment with a complete view. With this integrated learning, students are expected to have the ability to identify, gather, assess, and use information that is around them meaningfully. This can be obtained not only through the provision of new knowledge to students but also through the opportunity to strengthen and apply it in a variety of increasingly diverse new situations. The main focus of this article is to analyze the implementation of integrated learning in the curriculum in Indonesia. The integrated curriculum developed by Robin Fogarty has many advantages that can be adapted in the development of education in Indonesia, including the revised Curriculum 2013. Academics and practitioners must comprehensively understand the nature of the ten curriculum models (Robin Fogarty) and Curriculum 2013 before making tools and implementing them in learning

    Pengembangan dan validasi perangkat pembelajaran berorientasi literasi membaca pada pembelajaran tematik di kelas IV Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.

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    Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran sangatlah diperlukan untuk membantu guru maupun siswa dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga guru hendaknya mampu memfasilitasi dengan baik proses tersebut sesuai kebutuhan siswanya. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan dan validitas instrumen yang dapat menggambarkan pembelajaran literasi membaca pada proses belajar mengajar sangat membantu untuk menyiapkan pembelajaran yang telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, dikembangkan perangkat pembelajaran diantaranya RPP, LKPD, media pembelajaran, dan soal tes hasil belajar untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi membaca siswa kelas IV di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Model 4D merupakan singkatan dari define, design, development, and dissemination. Penelitian ini dilakukan sampai tahap development. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan hanya sampai uji validitas oleh para ahli. Hasil pengembangan dan validasi perangkat pembelajaran tematik berorientasi literasi membaca pada pembelajaran di kelas IV Madrasah Ibtidaiyah ini valid. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diuji cobakan dan tahapan disseminate untuk penelitian berikutnya


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    This study aims to explore the numeracy literacy of students in ill-structured problem-solving on the matter of numbers. This study involved 34 students of the 4th grader in one Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Bandung. The research approach used is qualitative with the case study method. The type of data collected is test results about ill structured problem-solving. The data were collected from tests, document analysis, and interviews. After that, the data were analysed using thematic analysis, while the validity of data using triangulation, member checking, and reflexivity. The results of the research showthat students' numeracy literacy in ill structured problem-solving are (1) students are able to solve ill structured problem in the context of daily life; (2) students are able to analyze the information obtained from the problem then use the interpretation analysis to predict and draw conclusions. The difficulties experienced by students are (1) the difficulty in understanding the problem; (2) lack of students' understanding of the prerequisite material; (3) the difficulty in developing a settlement strategy; and (4) the difficulty in drawing conclusions

    Remeasuring Numeracy Literacy Skills: How Is the Students' Skills Post Pandemic?

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    Numeracy literacy refers to an individual’s ability to apply knowledge, methods, facts, and mathematical tools in everyday life. Recognizing the significance of numeracy literacy in daily life emphasizes the need for students to acquire these skills from an early age. The objective of this study is to delineate the numeracy literacy profile of students in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic-based elementary schools) after the covid-19 pandemic, specifically in numerical concepts. The study employed a qualitative approach with a phenomenological method. Data were collected through tests, interviews, and document analysis. The data underwent processing using Milles and Huberman analysis techniques, including data reduction, data display, and conclusion/verification. The research participants consisted of 132 of fourth grade students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Bandung. Traditionally, students’ numeracy literacy skills are classified as basic. Students possess fundamental computational math skills, demonstrated by their ability to solve direct equations. They exhibit proficiency in understanding fractions, identifying the position of fractions on a number line, comparing two fractions, performing addition and subtraction of two whole numbers, and determining the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) quite well. Therefore, in an effort to enhance students’ numeracy literacy skill, students require tutoring through learning strategies tailored to post-pandemic covid-19 conditions, considering their initial abilities. Keywords: numeracy literacy skills, post pandemic, students’ skill

    Augmented Reality as a Media of Mathematics Learning in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In this era, the development of technology is going quite fast. Smart phones are common to use in every element in society. The usage of technology increased rapidly especially after COVID-19. People have started using gadgets more intensively almost for every activity and working from home is the one of it. The advancement of technology has affected every aspect of human life and one of these is education which should be able to adjust with the development of technology. The new innovation in educational aspect is learning media that should be done. R&D is the method to know how the design that wants to be developed and know the development of augmented reality learning media in elementary school at second-grade mathematics subjects in space shape lesson. As for the result of this research are states that the augmented reality learning media that is developed is worthy and good in both material and media aspects as the solution for today’s learning innovation especially for mathematics subjects in space shape lessons. Keywords: Augmented Reality, Mathematics Learning, Post-COVID-1