219 research outputs found

    Towards wearable spectroscopy bioimpedance applications: power management for a battery driven impedance meter

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    Projecte realitat en col.laboració amb el centre Hogskolan i Boras (Suècia)In recent years, due to the combination of technological advances in the fields of measurement instrumentation, communications, home-health care and textile-technology the development of medical devices has shifted towards applications of personal healthcare. There are well known the available solutions for heart rate monitoring successfully provided by Polar and Numetrex. Furthermore new monitoring applications are also investigated. Among these non-invasive monitoring applications, it is possible to find several ones enable by measurements of Electrical Bioimpedance. Analog Devices has developed the AD5933 Impedance Network Analyzer which facilitates to a large extent the design and implementation of Electrical Bioimpedance Spectrometers in a much reduced space. Such small size allows the development of a fully wearable bioimpedance measurement. With the development of a Electrical Bioimpedance-enable wearable medical device in focus for personal healthcare monitoring, in this project, the issue of power management has been targeted and a battery-driven Electrical Bioimpedance Spectrometer based in the AD5933 has been implemented. The resulting system has the possibility to operate with a Li-Po battery with a power autonomy over 17 hours

    El impacto de la Selección de Candidatos sobre el Crecimiento Económico: Una Aproximación Bayesiana.

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    Esta tesis se centra en encontrar la relación entre dos estructuras democráticas diferentes y su relación con el crecimiento. Dependiendo de cada estructura democrática, los incentivos políticos de cada candidato impactarán de manera distinta a las decisiones económicas del país y, por ende, en su crecimiento económico. La hipótesis central de la tesis consiste en probar que el método de selección de candidatos, medido por el tipo de estructura democrática, afecta al crecimiento económico y en identificar para estas submuestras de países -estructuras-, qué variables macroeconómicas tienen una correlación positiva sobre el crecimiento económico. Conocer cómo se realizan las elecciones de candidatos dentro de los partidos nos ayuda a entender cómo la ideología política de estos, generan oportunidades de crecimiento. Esta investigación genera y estima un modelo empírico que explica el crecimiento económico mediante algunas de las variables usualmente mencionadas en la literatura de crecimiento y la relación que se tiene con la variable dicótoma del tipo de estructura democrática bajo la cual se encuentra el país

    3D printed telescopes: an interesting tool for teaching Astronomy, Science and Technology

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    3D printing technologies experienced a huge evolution both in techniques and applications since its invention in the early 1980s. Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) was the first term used to describe an additive manufacturing technique and from that point on, many different ways of 3D printing have been developed to fulfil a variety of needs. Nowadays, 3D printing has become more accessible to the general public because of the big drop in prices caused by the big technical developments. As a result of that, a community of “makers” has been taking shape internationally making access to designs and advice easier. 3D printing is without a doubt one of the key developments of the last decades and covers from highly technical research fields (like medicine-related investigations) to individual makers or even educational programs to encourage young people to create. As a result of that, it can be seen daily that the so-called 3D printing has gained a big amount of fame between fabrication processes for its accessibility and ease of use, it only takes a computer, a 3D printer and time. On behalf of that, an idea for a final degree thesis was proposed: designing and printing using fused deposition modelling a telescope for astronomical and educational purposes. The main goal of the project is to, first check the capabilities of the 3D printing technology to build telescopes for amateur astronomers, comparing its performance with the current commercial products, and secondly, to develop a set of educational resources that permit the easy construction of low-cost custom instruments for the teaching and diffusion of Astronomy and Space Science. The set of resources derived from this project will be an interesting tool for Astronomy beginners, Engineering and Science students, teachers, and makers. In this work, we summarise the current status of the project and the results obtained with the first built prototype, as well as the design and choices made to fulfil our needs in a practical and feasible way. Last but not least, a list of possible educational activities to be carried out with the developed resources will be exposed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Analysis of Heteronormativity and Gender Roles in EFL Textbooks

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    This paper examines the current representations of gender roles and heteronormativity in a corpus of textbooks used to teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Spanish high schools. Several studies have documented the importance of recognizing problems of homophobic harassment and gender bias which may result in a significant number of students feeling excluded. It is notable that textbook publishers have failed to address this issue despite its relevance to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), raising the question of why this continues to go unnoticed by textbook publishers. The corpus selected comprises two sets of textbooks printed by leading publishers in the area of EFL. In order to gain insight into this issue, we have conducted a qualitative study analyzing the role of textbooks in perpetuating heteronormativity and stereotyped gender roles by exemplifying the naturalized heterosexual and male/female identities. Data were coded under two broad variables: heteronormativity and gender, which in turn were broken down into different units of analysis. The results suggested that heteronormativity still permeates the whole curriculum and that attempts to gender-balance need to be improved by reducing the number of male protagonists. Textbooks fell into some of the same clichés with regard to gender-related stereotypes, such as almost exclusively linking women with shopping and fashion. It is evidently clear from the findings that textbooks should be revised to ensure the right to quality education for all and to make students aware of SDGs, since 7 out of 17 are related to the target topics

    O confinamento por COVID-19 e a satisfação com as empresas de entrega de comida em domicílio

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    The objectives of this research are to qualitatively explore the attitudes towards online food delivery providers (ODP) during the COVID-19 lockdown in Ecuador, and to quantitatively analyse whether there are changes in e-satisfaction with ODPs and three determinants (e-service quality, delivery workers personal aspects, and food quality). Qualitative analysis results of 104 customer opinions showed positive attitudes towards ODPs and a new motivation for using this service: risk exposure reduction. However, concerns about the application of biosafety guidelines by restaurants and delivery workers were also evident. A structural equations model (n=483) revealed that personal aspects lost significance as a determinant for e-satisfaction during the lockdown, most likely due to personal contact reduction during delivery.Los objetivos de esta investigación son explorar cualitativamente las actitudes hacia los proveedores de comida a domicilio (ODP por sus siglas en inglés) durante el confinamiento por COVID-19 en Ecuador y analizar cuantitativamente si hay cambios en la satisfacción digital respecto a los ODPs y tres determinantes (calidad del servicio digital, aspectos personales de los repartidores y calidad de la comida) en dicho periodo. Los resultados del análisis cualitativo a 104 opiniones de clientes mostraron actitudes positivas hacia los ODPs y una nueva motivación para su uso: reducción de la exposición al riesgo. La preocupación sobre la aplicación de medidas de bioseguridad por restaurantes y repartidores también fue evidente. Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (n=483) mostró que la variable aspectos personales perdió significancia como determinante de la satisfacción digital durante el confinamiento; resultado atribuible a la reducción del contacto personal durante la entrega de comida.Os objetivos desta pesquisa são explorar qualitativamente as atitudes em relação às empresas de entrega de comida em domicílio (ODP pela sigla em inglês) durante o confinamento por COVID-19 no Equador e analisar quantitativamente se há mudanças na satisfação digital em relação aos ODPs e três fatores determinantes (qualidade do serviço digital, aspectos pessoais dos entregadores e qualidade da comida) no referido período. Os resultados da análise qualitativa de 104 opiniões de clientes evidenciam atitudes positivas em relação aos ODPs e uma nova motivação para a sua utilização: redução da exposição ao risco. A preocupação com a aplicação de medidas de biossegurança por restaurantes e entregadores também foi evidente. Um modelo de equação estrutural (n = 483) mostrou que a variável aspectos pessoais perdeu significância como determinante da satisfação digital durante o confinamento; resultado atribuível à redução do contato pessoal durante a entrega de alimentos

    Temporal evolution of acid mine drainage (AMD) leachates from the abandoned tharsis mine (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain)

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    Acid mine drainage (AMD) due to the mining of sulfide deposits is one of the most important causes of water pollution worldwide. Remediation measures, especially in historical abandoned mines, require a deep knowledge of the geochemical characteristics of AMD effluents and metal fluxes, considering their high spatial and temporal evolution, and the existence of point and diffuse sources with a different response to rainfall events. This study investigates the temporal variations and hydrogeochemical processes affecting the composition of main AMD sources from the Tharsis mines (SW Spain), one of most important historical metal mining districts in the world. To address this, a fortnightly-monthly sampling was performed during two years in the main AMD sources and streams within the mine site covering different hydrological conditions. A seasonal pattern was observed linked to hydrological variations; higher pollutant concentrations were observed during the dry season (maximum values of 4,6 g/L of Al, 11,8 g/L of Fe, and 67 g/L of sulfate) and lower ones were observed during the rainy periods. Stream samples exhibited a negative correlation between electrical conductivity (EC) and flow, while positive values were observed in AMD sources, where groundwater fluxes were predominant. High flow also seems to be the main driver of Pb fluxes from AMD sources, as the concentration of Pb in waters increased notably during these events. The precipitation of secondary Fe minerals may limit the mobility of As and V, being retained in the proximity of mine sites. The concentration of Zn in waters seems to be controlled by the original grade in the metal deposit from which the waste is generated, together with the age of these wastes. The pollutant load delivered by the Tharsis mines to the surrounding water courses is very high; e.g., mean of 733 ton/yr of Al or 2757 ton/yr of Fe, deteriorating the streams and reservoirs downstream.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economic and Competitiveness through the projects CGL2016-78783-C2-1-R (SCYRE) and by H2020 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT RawMaterials) through the projects Modular recovery process services for hydrometallurgy and water treatment (MORECOVERY). C.R Canovas thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the Postdoctoral Fellowship granted under application reference RYC2019- 027949-I. F. Macias was funded by the R&D FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020 call through the project RENOVAME (FEDER; UHU-1255729). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBU

    Análisis de las muertes por accidentes de tránsito en el municipio de Lanús, Argentina, 1998-2004

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the socio-demographic profile of fatalities due to road traffic injuries (RTI) among residents of the Municipality of Lanús (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) between 1998 and 2004. A descriptive epidemiological study was carried out using official mortality data from Argentina. RTI deaths were coded by ICD-10 according to residence and occurrence. Socioeconomic and demographic variables were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis, calculation of proportional mortality (PM), proportional mortality ratio (PMR) and georeferencing by residence and occurrence. Lanús presents an RTI mortality profile similar to those of developed countries. The combination of techniques emerges as an interesting alternative for working with secondary data, in small areas and with small numbers. This research provides suggestions for interventions in RTI-related issues at the individual and local levels. The text emphasizes the need for transdisciplinary studies that could approach the problem with other methodological lenses.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el perfil sociodemográfico de las muertes por accidentes de tránsito (AT) de residentes en el municipio de Lanús (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) entre los años 1998 y 2004. Para ello se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo, utilizando datos oficiales de mortalidad de Argentina. Se estudiaron las muertes por AT codificadas por la CIE-10, según residencia y ocurrencia. Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas y económicas mediante análisis uni y bivariados, cálculo de la mortalidad proporcional (MP), razón de mortalidad proporcional (RMP) y georreferenciamiento por lugar de residencia y de ocurrencia. Lanús presenta un perfil de mortalidad por AT similar al de los países desarrollados. La combinación de técnicas se presenta como una alternativa interesante para trabajar con datos secundarios, en áreas pequeñas y con pequeños números. Esta investigación proporciona contribuciones para intervenir sobre los problemas relacionados con los AT en el nivel individual y local. Se destaca la necesidad de estudios transdisciplinarios que aborden el problema desde otros enfoques metodológicos


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    La producción de lechuga es una actividad importante para la región de Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, sin embargo es necesario contar con variedades y fechas adecuadas de establecimiento. El objetivo fue conocer el potencial productivo y calidad de cuatro variedades de lechuga en tres fechas de trasplante. El experimento se realizó durante el año 2006 en Magdalena de Kino, Sonora. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: rendimiento (t ha-1), peso de cabeza (kg) y días a cosecha. Todos los parámetros evaluados mostraron diferencias estadísticas (