1,601 research outputs found

    The Development of Legislation on the Social Economy in Continental Western Europe

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    One of the main instruments for local development is the regulatory legal framework of the so-called Social Economy, a term and concept that is yet to be fully defined. The society’s approach to the generation of wealth encompasses different concepts, movements, approaches, and ways of acting, all of which pose a challenge to the determination of a precise definition. Within the European Union (E.U.), a common legislative base has been developed, although the specific legislation developed by each Member State has been uneven. The legislation may have started from the same common principles, but each country has adopted different legal forms. This work aims to outline the diverse ways of legislating on a concept that is still under construction and within similar legal frameworks, illustrating the lack of harmony between European states that, despite the sharing of borders and having common legislative foundations, distance themselves in the final legislation, a situation that does not benefit the economic unity of entrepreneurs with social principles

    Preparación y caracterización de carbones activados obtenidos a partir de la retama

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    La retama negra (Sarothamnus scoparius) es un arbusto que crece en forma abundante en la región extremeña. En el presente estudio se investiga su posible utilización como material de partida en la preparación de carbón activado. Ésta se lleva a cabo por el método de activación física. Los carbones son caracterizados mediante análisis químico, adsorción de N2 a 77 K, porosimetría de mercurio y medida de densidades por desplazamiento de helio y de mercurio. Se ha constatado que activando en CO2 se preparan carbones activados que poseen unas mejores propiedades texturales que los obtenidos utilizando aire. Los efectos de la activación sobre las propiedades texturales de los carbones se favorecen con la subida de la temperatura de activación. .Peer reviewe

    An assessment of agricultural education in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean

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    The objectives of this study were to identify, collect, and catalog references on agricultural education and to assess agricultural education in Latin America. Data were obtained through a bibliographic mailed survey and through questionnaires from professors, students, and graduates from educational institutions. The method for conducting this study was the descriptive survey method. Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance were performed;For the first objective sources of information were identified and linguistic and semantic differences were described. A collection of more than 600 references about agricultural education in Latin America was compiled. The major conclusion for this objective is that there is little coordination among Latin American educational institutions. The conclusion relates to the promotion of national, regional, and Latin American databases for the agricultural sciences;The findings for the second objective were that participants agreed on rural development concepts, that policies, strategies, and goals of rural development are not responding to the needs of farmers. They did not agree that the economic situation is affecting the expansion and allocation of resources to the agricultural sector. Participants in the survey agreed that the teaching method most often used is the lecture method. Participants agreed that students do not have opportunities to interact with farmers. Study programs are not based on feedback from graduates, agribusiness, and farmer representatives. Respondents had a positive perception about agricultural education in terms of professional competencies, teaching methods, opportunities for practical and professional experiences, and consider agricultural education to be appropriate to the agricultural sector;Some trends of agricultural education in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean include the following: the rationalization of institutional growth, linking teaching research and extension to offer opportunities for students and professors for practical and professional experiences, and the upgrading of information systems. The recommendations for the second objective were to continue implementing programs for staff and faculty improvement, to promote the preparation of students and professors in pedagogical skills, to promote the creation or upgrading existing educational resource centers, and to convince national and international institutions of the benefits of supporting the agricultural sector in general and agricultural education in particular

    Legislación migratoria y economía regional : el caso de Canarias, 1500-1850

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    La economía de la España de los siglos XVI al XVIII tenía un marcado carácter regional y las autoridades locales aplicaban la legislación migratoria regia según las exigencias laborales del aparato productivo. El caso de Canarias constituye un buen ejemplo de esta tesis. La emigración a América alcanzó una elevada magnitud debido sobre todo al papel ejercido por los factores de atracción. De ahí que la clase terrateniente impusiera mecanismos institucionales para retener campesinos a la tierra en las fases de expansión de la economía insular y favoreciera su movilidad en las etapas de crisis, aligerando con este objeto las restricciones a la emigración o solicitando a la Corona medidas migratorias específicas al caso insular.ABSTRACT: The economy of the Spain of century’s xvi to the xviii had a noticeable regional character and the local authorities applied the regal migratory legislation according to the labour exigencies of the productive apparatus. The case of the Canary Islands constitutes a good example of this thesis. The emigration to America mainly reached a high magnitude due to the paper exerted by the attraction factors. For that reason the class landowner imposed institutional mechanisms to retain farmers to the Earth in the phases of expansion of the insular economy and favored its mobility in the crisis stages, lightening with this object the restrictions to the specific migratory measured emigration or asking for to Corona the insular case

    El método de caso en la enseñanza del pensamiento político árabe contemporáneo: el cierre del periódico pan-árabe al-Ḥayāt como caso de estudio

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    Backed by the development of postcolonial studies and subaltern studies, the teaching of contemporary Arab political thought as a “border” and interdisciplinary subject must provide students with the theoretical and conceptual tools to respond to the ideological, social, political and intellectual dynamism of contemporary Arab societies in transformation. To apply this methodological approach, this article presents a practical activity based on the case method (CM). As its general objective, the method challenges students to assume learning as a space for cross-cultural reflection through the analysis and argumentation of a real case history: in this instance, the definitive closure of the influential pan-Arab newspaper al-Ḥayāt in March 2020, after almost 75 years of existence. The activity trains students in general and instrumental competences, such as critical text analysis, by positioning them face-to-face with the case under study. After analyzing and evaluating the case elements provided in the classroom, students can apply any previously acquired knowledge about reform, identity, democracy, culture, Arab nationalism, capitalism, etc. Responding to the case in question, students proved to be able to develop alternatives and synthesize their own views. This method also encourages students to analyze their self-perception of this process.Respaldado por el surgimiento de los estudios poscoloniales y los estudios subalternos, la enseñanza del pensamiento político árabe contemporáneo como materia “fronteriza” e interdisciplinaria debe dotar a los estudiantes de las herramientas teóricas y conceptuales para responder al dinamismo ideológico, social, político e intelectual de las sociedades árabes contemporáneas en transformación. Para aplicar este enfoque metodológico, este artículo presenta una actividad práctica basada en la metodología de caso. Su objetivo general es que los alumnos asuman el aprendizaje como un espacio de reflexión intercultural a través del análisis y la argumentación de un caso real: el cierre definitivo en marzo de 2020 del influyente diario panárabe al-Ḥayāt tras casi setenta y cinco años de existencia. La actividad fomenta la formación de competencias generales e instrumentales, como el análisis crítico de textos, a través del posicionamiento de los alumnos frente al caso de estudio. Tras analizar y evaluar sus elementos impartidos en el aula, los estudiantes son capaces de aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos previamente sobre reforma, identidad, democracia, cultura, nacionalismo árabe, capitalismo, etc. Respondiendo al caso en cuestión, se confirma que fueron capaces de desarrollar alternativas y sintetizar sus propios enfoques. Este método también les permitió analizar su autopercepción de este proceso

    A Comparison Between Kalman Filters and STDFT for Harmonic Estimation in Power Systems

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    5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2005This paper presents a comparison between Kalman filter and the running DFT for the computation of harmonics in power systems applications. The performance of both filters is compared for events like voltage dips or those in which a decaying DC component is present. The comparison considers also the presence of higher order harmonics