2,091 research outputs found

    Fysisk aktivitetsnivå, stressnivå och förekomst av muskuloskelettala besvär hos ingenjörsstudenter och yrkesverksamma teknikkonsulter - en enkätstudie

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    SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: Det är vanligt att både studenter och teknikkonsulter upplever stress i sin vardag. Stressnivån kan variera bland annat beroende på ålder och kön. Livstidsprevalensen för nackbesvär är 50-70 % och för ländryggsbesvär 80 %. Besvären drabbar oftare kvinnor. Studier har visat att fysisk aktivitet har en skyddande effekt mot stress och muskuloskelettala besvär. Syfte:Syftet var att kartlägga omfattningen av fysisk aktivitet, upplevd stressnivå och muskuloskelettala besvär hos en grupp ingenjörsstudenter respektive teknikkonsulter samt undersöka om det går att observera skillnader mellan grupper med hög/låg fysisk aktivitetsnivå, studenter/yrkesverksamma samt kvinnor/män. Studiedesign: Kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Metod och material:Fyrtioen ingenjörsstudenter och 49 teknikkonsulter svarade på en enkät. Frågeformulären IPAQ, PSS-10 samt NMQ-E användes för att kartlägga fysisk aktivitetsnivå, upplevd stressnivå samt muskuloskelettala besvär hos respondenterna. Resultat: Av respondenterna hade 61 procent en hög fysisk aktivitetsnivå. De yrkesverksamma upplevde en marginellt högre stressnivå än studenterna. Bland de yrkesverksamma kunde en något högre stressnivå noteras hos de med hög fysisk aktivitetsnivå jämfört med hos de med lägre fysisk aktivitetsnivå. Kvinnorna i den undersökta gruppen med en lägre fysisk aktivitetsnivå upplevde högst stressnivå. Tretton procent av de yrkesverksamma respektive två procent av studenterna upplevde nackbesvär dagen då enkäten fylldes i. För ländryggsbesvär var punktprevalensen för yrkesverksamma tio procent och för studenterna två procent. Tretton procent av respondenterna med hög fysisk aktivitetsnivå respektive sju procent av de med låg fysisk aktivitetsnivå upplevde nackbesvär. Motsvarande prevalens för ländryggsbesvär var tio respektive tre procent. Konsulter med hög fysisk aktivitetsnivå hade i större utsträckning besvär i nacke jämfört med de som var fysiskt aktiva i lägre omfattning. Det fanns en något större andel män än kvinnor med hög fysisk aktivitetsnivå med ländryggsbesvär. Slutsats: Majoriteten av respondenterna var tillräckligt fysiskt aktiva enligt rekommendationerna från FYSS. I den undersökta gruppen var den upplevda stressnivån ungefär på samma nivå för studenter som yrkesverksamma teknikkonsulter. De yrkesverksamma i den undersökta gruppen hade större tendens till besvär i nacke och ländrygg jämfört med studenterna

    Human NK Cells Differ More in Their KIR2DL1-Dependent Thresholds for HLA-Cw6-Mediated Inhibition than in Their Maximal Killing Capacity

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    In this study we have addressed the question of how activation and inhibition of human NK cells is regulated by the expression level of MHC class I protein on target cells. Using target cell transfectants sorted to stably express different levels of the MHC class I protein HLA-Cw6, we show that induction of degranulation and that of IFN-γ secretion are not correlated. In contrast, the inhibition of these two processes by MHC class-I occurs at the same level of class I MHC protein. Primary human NK cell clones were found to differ in the amount of target MHC class I protein required for their inhibition, rather than in their maximum killing capacity. Importantly, we show that KIR2DL1 expression determines the thresholds (in terms of MHC I protein levels) required for NK cell inhibition, while the expression of other receptors such as LIR1 is less important. Furthermore, using mathematical models to explore the dynamics of target cell killing, we found that the observed delay in target cell killing is exhibited by a model in which NK cells require some activation or priming, such that each cell can lyse a target cell only after being activated by a first encounter with the same or a different target cell, but not by models which lack this feature

    Risk alleles for chronic hepatitis B are associated with decreased mRNA expression of HLA-DPA1 and HLA-DPB1 in normal human liver

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    A genome-wide association study identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs3077 and rs9277535 located in the 3′ untranslated regions of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II genes HLA-DPA1 and HLA-DPB1, respectively, as the independent variants most strongly associated with chronic hepatitis B. We examined whether these SNPs are associated with mRNA expression of HLA-DPA1 and HLA-DPB1. We identified gene expression-associated SNPs (eSNPs) in normal liver samples obtained from 651 individuals of European ancestry by integrating genotype (∼650 000 SNPs) and gene expression (>39 000 transcripts) data from each sample. We used the Kruskal–Wallis test to determine associations between gene expression and genotype. To confirm findings, we measured allelic expression imbalance (AEI) of complementary DNA compared with DNA in liver specimens from subjects who were heterozygous for rs3077 and rs9277535. On a genome-wide basis, rs3077 was the SNP most strongly associated with HLA-DPA1 expression (p=10−48), and rs9277535 was strongly associated with HLA-DPB1 expression (p=10−15). Consistent with these gene expression associations, we observed AEI for both rs3077 (p=3.0 × 10−7; 17 samples) and rs9277535 (p=0.001; 17 samples). We conclude that the variants previously associated with chronic hepatitis B are also strongly associated with mRNA expression of HLA-DPA1 and HLA-DPB1, suggesting that expression of these genes is important in control of HBV

    Surveying of acid-tolerant thermophilic lignocellulolytic fungi in Vietnam reveals surprisingly high genetic diversity

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    Thermophilic fungi can represent a rich source of industrially relevant enzymes. Here, 105 fungal strains capable of growing at 50 degrees C and pH 2.0 were isolated from compost and decaying plant matter. Maximum growth temperatures of the strains were in the range 50 degrees C to 60 degrees C. Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions indicated that 78 fungi belonged to 12 species of Ascomycota and 3 species of Zygomycota, while no fungus of Basidiomycota was detected. The remaining 27 strains could not be reliably assigned to any known species. Phylogenetically, they belonged to the genus Thielavia, but they represented 23 highly divergent genetic groups different from each other and from the closest known species by 12 to 152 nucleotides in the ITS region. Fungal secretomes of all 105 strains produced during growth on untreated rice straw were studied for lignocellulolytic activity at different pH and temperatures. The endoglucanase and xylanase activities differed substantially between the different species and strains, but in general, the enzymes produced by the novel Thielavia spp. strains exhibited both higher thermal stability and tolerance to acidic conditions. The study highlights the vast potential of an untapped diversity of thermophilic fungi in the tropics

    A multi-stage genome-wide association study of bladder cancer identifies multiple susceptibility loci.

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    We conducted a multi-stage, genome-wide association study of bladder cancer with a primary scan of 591,637 SNPs in 3,532 affected individuals (cases) and 5,120 controls of European descent from five studies followed by a replication strategy, which included 8,382 cases and 48,275 controls from 16 studies. In a combined analysis, we identified three new regions associated with bladder cancer on chromosomes 22q13.1, 19q12 and 2q37.1: rs1014971, (P = 8 × 10⁻¹²) maps to a non-genic region of chromosome 22q13.1, rs8102137 (P = 2 × 10⁻¹¹) on 19q12 maps to CCNE1 and rs11892031 (P = 1 × 10⁻⁷) maps to the UGT1A cluster on 2q37.1. We confirmed four previously identified genome-wide associations on chromosomes 3q28, 4p16.3, 8q24.21 and 8q24.3, validated previous candidate associations for the GSTM1 deletion (P = 4 × 10⁻¹¹) and a tag SNP for NAT2 acetylation status (P = 4 × 10⁻¹¹), and found interactions with smoking in both regions. Our findings on common variants associated with bladder cancer risk should provide new insights into the mechanisms of carcinogenesis

    Common and Distant Structural Characteristics of Feruloyl Esterase Families from Aspergillus oryzae

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    Background: Feruloyl esterases (FAEs) are important biomass degrading accessory enzymes due to their capability of cleaving the ester links between hemicellulose and pectin to aromatic compounds of lignin, thus enhancing the accessibility of plant tissues to cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes. FAEs have gained increased attention in the area of biocatalytic transformations for the synthesis of value added compounds with medicinal and nutritional applications. Following the increasing attention on these enzymes, a novel descriptor based classification system has been proposed for FAEs resulting into 12 distinct families and pharmacophore models for three FAE sub-families have been developed. Methodology/Principal Findings: The feruloylome of Aspergillus oryzae contains 13 predicted FAEs belonging to six sub-families based on our recently developed descriptor-based classification system. The three-dimensional structures of the 13 FAEs were modeled for structural analysis of the feruloylome. The three genes coding for three enzymes, viz., A.O.2, A.O.8 and A.O.10 from the feruloylome of A. oryzae, representing sub-families with unknown functional features, were heterologously expressed in Pichia pastoris, characterized for substrate specificity and structural characterization through CD spectroscopy. Common feature-based pharamacophore models were developed according to substrate specificity characteristics of the three enzymes. The active site residues were identified for the three expressed FAEs by determining the titration curves of amino acid residues as a function of the pH by applying molecular simulations. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings on the structure-function relationships and substrate specificity of the FAEs of A. oryzae will be instrumental for further understanding of the FAE families in the novel classification system. The developed pharmacophore models could be applied for virtual screening of compound databases for short listing the putative substrates prior to docking studies or for post-processing docking results to remove false positives. Our study exemplifies how computational predictions can complement to the information obtained through experimental methods. © 2012 Udatha et al.published_or_final_versio

    Constraints on the χ_(c1) versus χ_(c2) polarizations in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV

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    The polarizations of promptly produced χ_(c1) and χ_(c2) mesons are studied using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, in proton-proton collisions at √s=8  TeV. The χ_c states are reconstructed via their radiative decays χ_c → J/ψγ, with the photons being measured through conversions to e⁺e⁻, which allows the two states to be well resolved. The polarizations are measured in the helicity frame, through the analysis of the χ_(c2) to χ_(c1) yield ratio as a function of the polar or azimuthal angle of the positive muon emitted in the J/ψ → μ⁺μ⁻ decay, in three bins of J/ψ transverse momentum. While no differences are seen between the two states in terms of azimuthal decay angle distributions, they are observed to have significantly different polar anisotropies. The measurement favors a scenario where at least one of the two states is strongly polarized along the helicity quantization axis, in agreement with nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics predictions. This is the first measurement of significantly polarized quarkonia produced at high transverse momentum