235 research outputs found

    PEMBINAAN KARAKTER ANGGOTA SANGGAR LEUWEUNG SENI MELALUI KESENIAN GENYE :(Studi Desktriptif di Sanggar Leuweung Seni Kecamatan Ciseureuh Kabupaten Purwakarta)

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perilaku individu terutama di kalangan remaja yang tidak berkarakter yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya penguatan pendidikan karakter di lingkungan masyarakat. Pendidikan karakter di masyarakat bisa berlangsung salah satunya di sebuah komunitas seperti sanggar. Dengan subjek penelitian yaitu pemimpin sanggar, pelatih/pembina, anggota sanggar dan masyarakat, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembinaan karakter yang dilakukan oleh Sanggar Leuweung Seni. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, catatan lapangan, dan studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa (1) nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam pelakonan Kesenian Genye yaitu nilai religius, kerja keras, disiplin, tanggung jawab, cinta damai, dan nilai karakter cinta tanah air; (2) pembinaan karakter yang dilakukan oleh Sanggar Leuweung Seni dilakukan secara disiplin dan penuh dengan tanggung jawab sehingga anggota sanggar yang mengikuti Kesenian Genye ini memiliki karakter mandiri, toleransi, disiplin, bekerja keras, bergotong royong, saling menghargai, dan bertanggung jawab. (3) hambatan yang dihadapi dalam proses pembinaan karakter adalah terbenturnya waktu antara latihan dengan kepentingan lainnya seperti kepentingan keluarga dan sekolah, kemudian cuaca terutama ketika hujan turun yang dapat menyebabkan terhentinya latihan dan yang terakhir yaitu konflik antar sesama anggota yang memiliki rasa kecemburuan sosial ketika ia tidak diikutsertakan dalam pementasan; (4) solusi yang diberikan yaitu bersikap bijaksana dalam menghadapi hambatan, pemberian surat dispensasi, peminjaman tempat kepada pihak yang bekerja sama dengan sanggar, serta memberikan motivasi dan pengertian kepada anggota yang mempunyai rasa kecemburuan sosial terhadap sesama anggota; (5) Kesenian Genye belum berpengaruh terhadap perilaku masyarakat, hal ini disebabkan karena masyarakat hanya sebatas menonton dan mengenal genye sebagai pertunjukan yang mempunyai daya pikat tersendiri bukan sebagai media untuk merubah karakter mereka. Rekomendasi dari peneliti untuk semua pihak yang terkait dalam proses pembinaan karakter anak baik pihak keluarga, sekolah maupun lingkungan masyarakat agar lebih meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan karakter dan tingkat pengawasan terhadap perilaku anak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

    Aplikasi Nilai-Nilai Sufistik dalam Novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu

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    Literary works that have various purposes such as adding knowledge and entertaining make novels loved by the public in their spare time. Some novels written by the author have their own message to convey for readers. One of the values conveyed is sufistic values. The purpose of this study is to find this value in the novel under study and with it can be a means and implementation of sufistic studies on sufistic value analysis, can be a comparison of analyzing sufistic values in other novels and can be a contribution of thought for the general public in taking wisdom from each book read. This research is a literature study using a qualitative approach. The result and discussion of this study is that al-Ghazali's view of sufistic values is expressed as the meaning of sufism teachings that produce morality with connected science and charity. The sufistic value consists of maqamat as the sufi path includes taubat, sabar, faqir, zuhud, tawakal, mahabbah, ma’rifat and ridha. In this novel, sufistic values are also found according to al-Ghazali's views which include the eight points of maqamat which are listed in the narrative of the depiction of the story and the dialogue of the characters. Because this research uses one view of a Sufi figure, it is hoped that the next research can be a comparison by using the views of other Sufi figures

    Meta-Analisis Pengembangan Buku Saku Biologi Berbasis Mind Map Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Biologi

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    Masih banyak guru yang belum mampu mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien khususnya pada pelajaran biologi. Oleh karena itu dilakukan analisis artikel dari penelitian sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan media pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan media buku saku berbasis Mind Map. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui jenis penelitian yang terkait dengan media pembelajaran biologi; (2) mengembangkan buku saku berbasis Mind Map; (3) mengetahui kelayakan dan efektivitas buku saku berbasis Mind Map. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah meta-analisis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) jenis penelitian yang terkait dengan media pembelajaran biologi antara lain kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode survei,R D; (2) Pengembangan buku saku berbasis Mind Map praktis digunakan bagi peserta didik dan guru; (3) penggunaan buku saku berbasis Mind Map mampu mengembangkan kecerdasan majemuk tetapi kurang efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan simpulan tersebut disarankan untuk penelitian berikutnya sebaiknya: (1) penelitian media pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode survei lebih lengkap dan lebih baik untuk dilakukan; (2) implementasi media pembelajaran terbaik diperoleh pada penelitian pada tingkat pendidikan SMA di Jakarta dengan metode survei; (3) buku saku berbasis Mind Map dapat dikembangkan dalam bentuk daring atau berbasis android agar lebih efektif dan mudah diakses oleh peserta didik


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    Bookkeeping is one way of recording every transaction carried out in business activities. Knowledge of simple bookkeeping is needed, especially for businesses that want to develop or businesses that want to be developed. In general, MSMEs have a fear of carrying out recording process activities, besides that indiscipline is also the main thing for business actors to be able to develop or expand their business. Efforts to introduce simple bookkeeping are expected to have a good impact on MSME actors to be able to have sufficient bona fide, so that investors and banks can see the feasibility of MSME businesses to progress and develop. This PKM has succeeded in fostering the enthusiasm and curiosity of MSMEs to carry out good bookkeeping and in accordance with applicable standards in Indonesia. With this service practice, it is hoped that it can provide discipline in simple bookkeeping both manually and by using an Android-based application.Keywords: simple bookkeeping, SMEs IKM, recording, transaction


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    Abstract In the study of language, what people do by saying something is called speech acts. Speech acts are not only found in everyday life but also in the film. This research concerns with speech acts produced by the main character in Freedom Writers movie script. The aims of this research are to describe the types of speech acts and to analyze the most dominant speech acts produced by the main character. Besides, the aims of this research are also to know and describe the purposes of Erin Gruwell as the main character to use speech acts. Austin’s (1962) theory of speech acts is applied in this research as the major theory. This research is qualitative research. The subject of this research is texts in the form of movie script and document analysis is used to gather the data. Qualitative research is applied to analyze the data in the form of the text. There are 100 utterances to be analyzed. The result of this research shows that the five types of speech acts produced by Gruwell are representatives, directives, expressives, commissives and declarative. This study shows that the dominant speech acts used is representatives and it reaches 58%. It indicates that Gruwell uses representative because  she wants to express what she really knows

    Tax Avoidance, Financial Performance and Profit Management Effect on Company Value

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    Company value is an investor’s perception of the company’s success rate which is often associated with stock price. This research aimed to examine the effect of tax avoidance, financial performance, and profit management on the company value. The research was quantitative. Based on purposive sampling, there were 14 samples from 80 company in the property and real estate sectors which were listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2020. In addition, the data analysis technique used data panel regression model using E-Views 9. The research result concluded that partially the tax avoidance and financial performance had effect on the company value. In contrast, profit management had no effect on the company value. Meanwhile, together the tax avoidance, financial performance and profit management have a significant effect on the company value.

    Problematizing de Beauvoirs Myth of Woman through Gender Relation in David Lehmans When a Woman Loves a Man

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    Gender relation in society is complex and fluid. However, the complexity and fluidity are oversimplified by patriarchal systems in the form of binary oppositions. David Lehmans When a Woman Loves a Man is a poem portraying the complexity and fluidity of gender relation. Through several levels of reading the poem, gender relations between woman and man are proven to be dynamic, yet it is still dominated by patriarchal systems. This research attempts to problematize de Beauvoirs myth of woman which represents gender relation between woman and man in binary oppositions. This research applies deconstructive method. The deconstructive method includes close reading and deconstructive reading. It is applied to problematize de Beauvoirs myth of woman through Lehmans When a Woman Loves a Man. The first level of reading (close reading) in Lehmans When a Woman Loves a Man shows that the findings on the form, diction, word order, point of view, and tone versus the findings on metaphors, imagery, symbols, and allusions are contradictory. The second level of reading (explication) shows that Lehmans When a Woman Loves a Man depicts some gender relation. Those are woman- man relation in speaking, never being in the same domain, performing different roles in the same domain, communicating, viewing gender relation, fighting, and considering night and sleep. The last level of reading is deconstructive reading. The first level of deconstructive reading questions the objectivity of portraying woman-man relation. The second level reveals the discontinuity of de Beauvoirs myth of woman to construct the gender relation in the poem in binary oppositions. The universalizing context and the absence of womans voice in de Beauvoirs myth of woman reveal the question of the objectivity of the myth and how even though de Beauvoirs myth of woman stereotypes both genders unequally, woman remains the marginalized one. Keywords: myth of woman, gender relation, deconstructive reading

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan Minum Obat Anti Hipertensi

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    Hypertension is a condition where an increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg. Success of hypertension therapy is influenced by several factors, one of which is compliance with taking hypertension medication. Adherence to take medication is very important to improve the effectiveness of treatment and prevent complications. Poor adherence to drug consumption is the most frequent cause of failure of antihypertensive therapy. Compliance can be used as a parameter of a patient's level of knowledge in carrying out instructions from medical personnel.  The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge of adherence to taking antihypertensive drugs for patients in the work area of the Lebong District Health Center in 2019. The research method used in this study is analytical research using a cross-sectional design which is a research plan of a study to study the dynamics of the correlation between the independent variable (knowledge) with the effect or dependent variable (the level of compliance taking antihypertensive medication) which is observed or collected data at once at the same time. From this study obtained the Odds Ratio (OR) = 3,781 (95% CI: 1,503-9,513) which means someone with less knowledge has a risk of 1.503 times for not compliant to take anti-hypertensive drugs than someone who has good knowledge. There is a significant relationship between knowledge with the level of adherence to take antihypertensive medication in the working area of the Lebong District Health Center

    Peningkatan Karakter Kemandirian Peserta Didik melalui Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning pada Pembelajaran IPA

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    This research is motivated by the low independence of students. One effort to overcome this problem is by using the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model. The results of observations made on fourth grade students at SD Negeri Sukaresmi 06 show low independence. These results were obtained from several observations before this research took place, while this study used classroom action research methods, the subjects of this study were fourth grade students at SD Negeri Sukaresmi 06 Cikarang Selatan. The results of the study in cycle I meeting 1 showed 36.58% of students who showed independence in cycle I meeting 2 showed 51.21% of students who showed independence, while in cycle II meeting 1 showed student independence of 85.36% and in cycle II meeting 2 shows the independence of students by 95.12%. Based on these data, it is proven that Contextual Teaching and Learning can increase the independence of students


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    AbstrakRadian Rent a Car Semarang, one of developing transportation service provider, faces obstacles in processing data and information since its customer is increasing year to year. The obstacles are spending many times to make report of car damage in mechanic division because weekly or monthly car maintenance data has to be checked one by one, there is not any accounting report that is directly given to the owner since it take long time to look for and reprocess the data, and taking long time to searching car’s receipt and maintenance archive as there are so many unprocessed data that are still in stack of archive. It is not impossible if the processing of tenant data and information use undergoing system, it will take long time to fix the emerged error.In order to increase the performance and to ease and accelerate data and information processing, the writer try to create multiuser based information system of car rental by using Microsoft Visual Foxpro 9.0 software and database of its Microsoft Visual Foxpro to overcome the weakness of the undergoing system of car rental. Microsoft Visual Foxpro 9.0 is program that is designed to help the company to accelerate and ease data processing activity with minimal error level and efficient cost and power. The data include car data, tenant data, user data, and rental car data. This program is able to make data processing job be effective and efficient, to cut time spending to process the data, to minimize error input data, and to organize the data saved in one database Keywords: database, processing data, rental, data and informatio
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