857 research outputs found


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    Gojek sebagai pelopor ojek online di Indonesia memiliki peran untuk mewujudkan salah satu pilar perusahaannya yaitu berdampak sosial. Dengan itu penulis akan merancang kampanye komersial Gojek yang mengangkat isu sosial yaitu pengendara di bawah umur. Tiap tahunnya korban kecelakaan yang melibatkan pengendara dibawah umur terus meningkat. Berdasarkan analisis, akar dari masalah ini adalah karena orang tua memberikan kendaraan pribadi kepada anakanya yang masih belum cukup umur dengan berbagai alasan. Dari fenomena itu perusahaan Gojek sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa transportasi berbasis ride-hailing bisa mengadakan kampanye komersial yang mengandung unsur edukasi sebagai solusi permasalahan fenomena ini. Perilaku orang tua yang memberikan anaknya kendaraan pribadi sebelum waktunya dapat dianalisa melalui wawancara pada ahli, wawancara pada target audiance, dan studi literatur. Perilaku yang membahayakan tersebut dapat diberikan edukasi dan solusi melalui kampanye komersial Gojek dengan informasi yang tepat. Informasi yang diberikan mengenai bahaya mengizinkan anak dibawah umur untuk berkendara dan memberikan Gojek sebagai solusinya. Melalui kampanye pemasaran dengan nilai edukasi yang dikemas menggunakan strategi komunikasi dan edukasi yang tepat, perubahan perilaku orang tua yang mengizinkan anaknya berkendara dibawah umur akan semakin membaik secara bertahap

    Design and Analysis of Run-of-River Water Turbine

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    This paper discussed on the project entitled, ā€œDesign and analysis of run-of-river water turbineā€. It consists of project background, objectives, problem statements, and the relevance of the project, literature reviews, and the methodology which is the flow of the project and finally the result and discussion before the conclusion. In this project the author design a run of river water turbine and analyze the power that can be generated by the turbine. The study is about gathering all possible information about river water turbine for further studies which will lead to the result of the design of the water turbine and the power generated by the turbine. The main objective of this project is merely to prove that the authorā€™s design of the vertical axis run of river water turbine can generate power in form of electric. Water turbines can be classified depending on the direction of rotational axis relative to water flow direction. Axial flow water turbines have their axis of rotation parallel to water stream direction. Other turbines such as cross flow water turbines or Darrieus type water turbines (from Jean-Marie Darrieus, inventor of first vertical axis wind turbine, have rotational axis perpendicular to current direction. A vertical-axis turbine is able to extract power from any direction without adjustment. At the end of this research, the conclusion that can be obtained is the run-of river water turbine can generate power. In order to provide such conclusion, the data that need to be considered are the river water velocity, the cross sectional area of the augmentation channeling, and the height of the augmentation channel that would be immersed in the water


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    Kualitas briket bijih besi yang baik sebagai bahan baku dalam industri peleburan besi sangatlah penting karena penggunaan briket bijih besi dengan kualitas tinggi sangat berpengaruh terhadap operasional pada industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji degradasi briket bijih besi dengan 2 proses yaitu pengujian kualitas degradasi (sebelum direaksikan ke dapur reduksi) dan pengujian degradasi setelah reaksi, sebagai perbandingan media perekat dan persentase batubara yang baik pada briket bijih besi. Penelitian diawali dengan membuat briket bijih besi menjadi bentuk silinder dengan diameter 3 cm dengan tinggi yang bervariasi, eksperimen pembuatan briket bijih besi campuran batubara dengan perekat aspal dan ter telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin pres. Parameter yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah index kekerasan terhadap abrasi dan index kekuatan pecah bricket bijih besi. Kualitas briket bijih besi dianalisa berdasarkan hasil pengujian kekuatan dengan menggunakan I-Type Tumbler Test dan dapur reduksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa briket bijih besi dengan perekat aspal yang telah dicampurkan dengan batubara sangat mempengaruhi pada proses pembuatan bricket bijih besi dimana semakin banyak campuran batubara maka semakin tinggi massa index kekuatan pecah bricket tersebut. Kualitas briket bijih besi dari hasil pengujian setelah reaksi didalam dapur reduksi dengan temperatur api 8900C adalah tidak mudah pecah dengan campuran batubara yang semakin tinggi dengan perekat ter sedangkan briket bijih besi campuran batubara perekat aspal bervariasi.Kata kunci : Bijih Besi, Batubara, Briket Bijih Besi,Index Abrasi, Index Peca


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    ABSTRAKPada tanggal 27 Februari 2018, Ditsiber Bareskrim Polri menangkap secara terpisah anggota dari kelompok Muslim Cyber Army. Peristiwa ini tentunya tidak luput dari pemberitaan media nasional termasuk Republika.co.id sebagai salah satu media online besar di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembingkaian pemberitaan Muslim Cyber Army di Republika.co.id. Periode pemberitaan ini dimulai dari tanggal 27 Februari 2018 hingga 1 Maret 2018. Peneliti ini menganalisis berita di Republika.co.id. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis framing Robert N. Entman, dengan menjabarkan bagaimana media online membingkai atau mengkonstruksi berita melalui Define Problems, Diagnose Causes, Make Moral Judgement, dan Treatment Recommendation. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Republika.co.id cenderung merekomendasikan penyelesaian dengan cara pihak kepolisian terus mengungkapkan fakta sebenarnya, menangkap dan menindak anggota Muslim Cyber Army (MCA). Republika.co.id menawarkan penyelesaian dengan menindak kelompok serupa yang juga aktif menebar kebencian di media sosial. Republika.co.id juga menawarkan penyelesaian dengan mengedukasi masyarakat agar bijak dalam menggunakan media sosial.Kata Kunci: Media Online, analisis framing, Republika.co.id

    Analisa Risiko Pendistribusian Kelapa Sawit Pada CV Afri Group Dengan Menggunakan Metode FMEA Dan FTA

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    CV Afri Group is one of the middlemen (agents) buying and selling palm oil in Kunto Darussalam, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau. this company is engaged in distributing palm oil to PKS, the palm oil distribution process does not always run smoothly there are risks that often occur in distribution. The risks that arise cause the distribution is not optimal. Risk management is needed to identify and detect problems in the distribution process. The FMEA method is a method used to identify the distribution process. Based on the FMEA method, there are 6 potential failures and 33 risk sub-indicators from the distribution process, such as Farmer Relations with the highest RPN value of 266.2, and based on the RPN value, 4 critical risks are obtained which will be analyzed by FTA to find roots. of existing problem

    Online Student Satisfaction in Following Distance Learning Using the Microsoft Teams Application

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    The purpose of this research is to find out whether students are able to take part in distance learning properly according to their expectations or not so that they feel satisfaction in learning online using Microsoft Teams. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative. The total population is 135 Bintang Pelajar class 12 high school students who take part in assistance to enter public universities. The sampling method was convenience sampling, with a total sample size of 131 respondents. Data collection techniques include surveys and filling out questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out by presenting quantitative data in the form of numbers and graphics and then describing the conditions of the subjects. The result is that 54.20% of respondents are very satisfied and can follow the lesson very well; 41.98% are satisfied and can follow well; and 3.82% are dissatisfied and are unable to follow because it is too fast or unclear


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    Penelitian ini ditulis dengan latar belakang masalah yaitu adanya perbedaan penggunaan stance (sikap berdiri) dalam memanah. Stance yang sering dipakai pemanah yaitu square stance dan open stance. Dari kedua stance tersebut terdapat dua teori yang berbeda mengenai efektifitas penggunaan stance yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap apakah kedua stance tersebut memiliki pengaruh jika dilatihkan kepada pemanah pemula terhadap perolehan skor jarak 30 dan 40 meter. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah One-Group Pretest-Posttest Desain dengan teknik pengambilan sampel, total sampel dan kemudian purposive sampel. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 8 pemanah pemula pada pusat pembinaan PERPANI Kabupaten Subang yang dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok berdasarkan kriteria stance dalam memanah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes awal skoring jarak 30 dan 40 meter, setelah itu pemanah diberikan treatmen dan dilakukan tes akhir skoring jarak 30 dan 40 meter. Untuk mencari pengaruh square stance dan open stance serta perbedaan dari kedua stance tersebut terhadap perolehan skor jarak 30 dan 40 meter menggunakan uji t. Hasil analisis data menunjukan square stance dan open stance memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perolehan skor jarak 30 dan 40 meter. Selanjutnya, hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa kedua stance tersebut tidak memiliki perbedaan jika diterapkan pada pemanah pemula. Penulis menyarankan untuk melatih pemanah pemula dengan square stance terlebih dahulu, akan tetapi jika terjadi lengkungan pada punggung pemanah latihlah dengan open stance.;--- The study was written against the background of the problem, namely the existence of a usage difference stance in archery. Stance that is often used by archers, namely square stance and open stance. The stance of the two there are two different theories regarding the effectiveness of the use of a good stance. This research aims to uncover whether the stance both have influence if training to novice against the acquisition of score 30 and 40 meters. The research design used in this study is one-group pretest-posttest design with sampling techniques, the total sample and then purposive sample. The sample used as many as 8 beginner archers at the centre of the consctruction of the Subang Regency PERPANI which are divided into two groups based on criteria in archery stance. Data collection is done with the initial test skoring a 30 and 40 metres, after that archer was given a final test done and treatmen skoring distances of 30 and 40 meters. To find the influence of square stance and open stance and the stance of both the difference against the acquisition of score 30 and 40 meters using a t-test. The result of the analysis of the data shows the square stance and open stance delivers significant influence towards obtaining a score of 30 and 40 meters. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of the data showed that both the stance has no difference if applied on a beginner archers. The authors suggest to train novice archers with a square stance beforehand, but if an arch in the back of the archers train with open stance

    Eksistensi Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia dalam Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia

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    Corruption according to law is the behavior of public officials, both politicians or politicians and civil servants, who improperly and illegally enrich themselves or enrich those who are close to them, by misusing the public authority entrusted to them. According to the law of corruption eradication which is one of the most important agendas in improving governance in Indonesia. The Corruption Court is a court specifically dealing with Corruption cases. The Corruption Court is tasked and authorized to examine and decide on the Corruption Crime case whose prosecution was filed by the Corruption Eradication Commission

    Pedagogia and Jeesā€™ Review

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    In PEDAGOGIA there are 7 years which start from 2011 untill 2017, and it consist of 6 volume start from volume 1 until volume 6 and it also consist of 3 years or from 2011 untill 2013 is show about pedagogia description and 4 years other or from 2013 untill 2017 show about the month it is August and February. The cover of PEDAGOGIAā€™s cover is combined with white and gold and it is full of text. Then for all readers consisting of 4 readers from within the country that is 3 readers are from east java and 1 is from central java, for the PEDAGOGIA journal creation team consists of 5 groups and all of its members are from within the university. PEDAGOGIA and JEES article have different discussion. The content article of PEDAGOGIA discuss about the difficulty when learning English lesson. While PEDAGOGIA journal use qualitative method because it shows the result of observation. I think that PEDAGOGIA is advantages because it explain about what students problem when they learn English especially students who come from non English Department. On the other hand, in JEES there are only 2 years which start from 2016 untill 2017, its consist of volume 1 and volume 2 and both show about the month, it is October and April. In JEESā€™ cover is combine with black and it also on the top there are tittle and globe picture which make the cover interested. There are 2 readers from abroad and also 8 readers are from within the country. Then for the team maker consists of 3 parts of the team in the making of this journal and there is one of his team members came from abroad (Lebanon). I also think that JEES is disadvantages because it just describes the result of writing task of student exchange. All in all, every journal research have their advantages and disadvantages, but it also depends on us will take it advantage or not what method we use. In each different method it will also make different analysis. Then use the method that suits the need in making a conclusion of a study
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