442 research outputs found

    Rhombohedral calcite precipitation from CO2-H2O-Ca(OH)2 slurry under supercritical and gas CO2 media

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    The formation of solid calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from aqueous solutions or slurries containing calcium and carbon dioxide (CO2) is a complex process of considerable importance in the ecological, geochemical and biological areas. Moreover, the demand for powdered CaCO3 has increased considerably recently in various fields of industry. The aim of this study was therefore to synthesize fine particles of calcite with controlled morphology by hydrothermal carbonation of calcium hydroxide at high CO2 pressure (initial PCO2=55 bar) and at moderate and high temperature (30 and 90 degrees C). The morphology of precipitated particles was identified by transmission electron microscopy (TEM/EDS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDS). In addition, an X-ray diffraction analysis was performed to investigate the carbonation efficiency and purity of the solid product. Carbonation of dispersed calcium hydroxide in the presence of supercritical (PT=90 bar, T=90 degrees C) or gaseous (PT=55 bar, T=30 degrees C) CO2 led to the precipitation of sub-micrometric isolated particles (<1μ\mum) and micrometric agglomerates (<5μ\mum) of calcite. For this study, the carbonation efficiency (Ca(OH)2-CaCO3 conversion) was not significantly affected by PT conditions after 24 h of reaction. In contrast, the initial rate of calcium carbonate precipitation increased from 4.3 mol/h in the "90bar-90 degrees C" system to 15.9 mol/h in the "55bar-30 degrees C" system. The use of high CO2 pressure may therefore be desirable for increasing the production rate of CaCO3, carbonation efficiency and purity, to approximately 48 kg/m3h, 95% and 96.3%, respectively in this study. The dissipated heat for this exothermic reaction was estimated by calorimetry to be -32 kJ/mol in the "90bar-90 degrees C" system and -42 kJ/mol in the "55bar-30 degrees C" system

    Quality of cloud services determined by the dynamic management of scheduling models for complex heterogeneous workloads

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    The quality of services in Cloud Computing (CC) depends on the scheduling strategies selected for processing of the complex workloads in the physical cloud clusters. Using the scheduler of the single type does not guarantee of the optimal mapping of jobs onto cloud resources, especially in the case of the processing of the big data workloads. In this paper, we compare the performances of the cloud schedulers for various combinations of the cloud workloads with different characteristics. We define several scenarios where the proper types of schedulers can be selected from a list of scheduling models implemented in the system, and used to schedule the concrete workloads based on the workloads’ parameters and the feedback on the efficiency of the schedulers. The presented work is the first step in the development and implementation of an automatic intelligent scheduler selection system. In our simple experimental analysis, we confirm the usefulness of such a system in today’s data-intensive cloud computin

    Smart scheduling for saving energy in grid computing

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    Energy saving involves two direct benefits: sustainability and cost reduction. Within the field of Informa tion Technology, clusters, grids and data centres represent the hungriest consumers of energy and there fore energy (saving) policies for these infrastructures should be applied in order to maximize their resources. It is proved in this paper that approximately 40% of energy can be saved in a data centre if an adequate policy is applied. Furthermore, a software tool is presented where simulations can be run and results for real scenarios can be obtained.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–14378-C02–0

    Développement de capteurs intégrés pour micropompes MEMS (applications biomédicales)

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    Les Dispositifs Médicaux d Injection (DMI) se développent de plus en plus. De nouveaux dispositifs apportent des innovations en terme de performances et d utilisation par rapport aux seringues classiques. Le DMI développé par Eveon est un dispositif bio-inspiré possédant des capteurs, une micropompe, un flacon et une aiguille. Il permet une injection automatique, précise au microlitre garantissant une faible perte de liquide médicamenteux grâce aux techniques de miniaturisation utilisées dans la fabrication des microsystèmes. En effet, une micropompe à membrane en silicium intégrant des capteurs a été réalisée par des procédés issus de la microélectronique. Deux types d actionneurs ont été couplés à la membrane : un actionneur bimétallique intégré et un actionneur piezoélectrique externe. Dans le cas de l actionneur bimétallique, des thermo-résistances ont été conçues, fabriquées et caractérisées pour permettre de mesurer le profil thermique de la membrane lors de l actionnement avec une erreur de 5%. Dans le cas de l actionneur piezoélectrique externe, des piezorésistances ont été intégrées selon l axe radial de la membrane afin de contrôler le profil de contraintes dans la membrane, asservir l actionneur en fonction de la contre-pression et maximiser les caractéristiques de la pompe. Afin d assurer la délivrance d une dose précise de médicament, un capteur de débit est intégré dans les canaux microfluidiques de la micropompe. Ce capteur innovant permet de détecter des débits de liquide dans la gamme spécifiée par les dispositifs médicaux d injection, à savoir une plage de débit allant de 0.5mL/min à 4mL/min.Injection Medical Devices are more and more developed. New devices bring innovations in terms of performances and use for classical syringes. Eveon develops a bio-inspired device including some sensors, a micropump, a reservoir and a needle. This automatic injection can be microliter precise with a small loss of medical liquid thanks to microfabrication techniques used for microsystems. Indeed, a silicon membrane micropump integrating sensors was fabricated using processes from microelectronic fabrication. Two actuation types were coupled to the membrane: an integrated bimetallic actuator and an external piezoelectric actuator. In the case of the bimetallic actuator, thermo-resistances were designed, fabricated and characterized to measure the thermal profile of the membrane during the actuation with a 5% error. In the case of piezoelectric actuation, piezoresistances were integrated within the membrane profile along the radial axis to control its stress, feedback the actuation as a function of the pressure and maximize the pump characteristics. To ensure that the dose of medicine was delivered, a flow rate sensor was integrated in the microfluidic channels of the micropump. This innovative sensor can detect liquid flow rate in a range specified for injection medical devices, namely flow rates from 0.5mL/min to 4mL/min.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Transport properties and low-frequency noise in low-dimensional structures

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    Les propriétés électriques et physiques de structures à faible dimensionalité ont été étudiées pour des applications dans des domaines divers comme l électronique, les capteurs. La mesure du bruit bruit à basse fréquence est un outil très utile pour obtenir des informations relatives à la dynamique des porteurs, au piègeage des charges ou aux mécanismes de collision. Dans cette thèse, le transport électronique et le bruit basse fréquence mesurés dans des structures à faible dimensionnalité comme les dispositifs multi-grilles (FinFET, JLT ), les nanofils 3D en Si/SiGe, les nanotubes de carbone ou à base de graphène sont présentés. Pour les approches top-down et bottom-up , l impact du bruit est analysé en fonction de la dimensionalité, du type de conduction (volume vs surface), de la contrainte mécanique et de la présence de jonction metal-semiconducteur.Electrical and physical properties of low-dimensional structures have been studied for the various applications such as electronics, sensors, and etc. Low-frequency noise measurement is also a useful technique to give more information for the carrier dynamics correlated to the oxide traps, channel defects, and scattering. In this thesis, the electrical transport and low-frequency noise of low-dimensional structure devices such as multi-gate structures (e.g. FinFETs and Junctionless FETs), 3-D stacked Si/SiGe nanowire FETs, carbon nanotubes, and graphene are presented. From the view point of top-down and bottom-up approaches, the impacts of LF noise are investigated according to the dimensionality, conduction mechanism (surface or volume conduction), strain technique, and metal-semiconductor junctions.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Morphology and dynamics of dense nanometric precursor lms of polymer melts

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    Nanometer-thick supported lms of polymer melts spontaneously form and spread around sessile droplets that are deposited on oxidized silicon wafers. At steady state, the lms become dense and adopt a uniform thickness which is equal to twice the gyration radius of the free polymer. Remarkably, this law applies to a wide variety of melts and does not depend on the polymer chemistry nor on the surface state (oxide layer thickness, temperature, presence of water adsorbed, etc.). We show that existing theoretical descriptions cannot reproduce this experimental result. Conversely, the evolution toward this equilibrium state witnesses the specicity of the interactions at stake in these conned polymer lms. The chains spreading dynamics can be modeled by taking into account both the polymer/surface friction and the polymer/polymer friction.Comment: Macromolecules, inPres

    Low-frequency noise in junctionless multigate transistors

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    Low-frequency noise in n-type junctionless multigate transistors was investigated. It can be well understood with the carrier number fluctuations whereas the conduction is mainly limited by the bulk expecting Hooge mobility fluctuations. The trapping/release of charge carriers is related not only to the oxide-semiconductor interface but also to the depleted channel. The volume trap density is in the range of 6-30 x 10(16) cm(-3) eV(-1), which is similar to Si-SiO2 bulk transistors and remarkably lower than in high-k transistors. These results show that the noise in nanowire devices might be affected by additional trapping centers. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. (doi:10.1063/1.3569724

    Robot-Assisted Radical Cystectomy with Intra-Corporeal Neo-Bladder

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    The purpose of this chapter is to provide a step-by-step description of the robot-assisted radical cystectomy with an intra-corporeal neo-bladder technique and a recent review of its outcomes. The procedure is also known as anterior pelvic exenteration or cysto-prostatectomy in the case of female or male respectively. Radical cystectomy (RC) is the gold standard treatment for muscle-invasive bladder cancer, but there are also several surgical indications for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. In the past years, minimally invasive surgery and the da Vinci system technology have played a major role in this procedure, with description of brand-new techniques and specific approaches for the creation of a continent urinary reservoir. The following chapter provides a detailed description of the robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) with Y-shaped intra-corporeal bladder as well as a literary review of distinct perioperative, functional and oncological outcomes from the available RARC randomized controlled trials. Despite its high cost and complexity, the intra-corporeal technique has become widely popular around the world and is used more frequently each time. The described data in this chapter, demonstrates that morbidity can be reduced whilst simultaneously offer non-inferior oncological results and less intraoperative blood loss in contrast to the open RC approach

    The Emergence of Arboriculture in the 1st Millennium BC along the Mediterranean’s “Far West”

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    This paper presents the history of the introduction and expansion of arboriculture during the 1st millennium BC from the South of the Iberian Peninsula to the South of France. The earliest evidence of arboriculture at the beginning of the 1st millennium hails from the south of the Iberia from where it spread northward along the peninsula’s eastern edge. The different fruits (grape, olive, fig, almond, pomegranate and apple/pear) arrived together in certain areas in spite of uneven distribution and acceptance by local communities. Grape was the crop with the greatest diffusion. The greater diversity of crops in the southern half of the peninsula is also noteworthy. Their development paved the way for a commercial agricultural model in some territories where fruits and their derivatives, such as wine and oil, played vital roles.This paper is an output of the project FRUITCOM “Un nuevo modelo agrícola: frutales, hierro y comercio durante el I milenio A.E.” (CIDEGENT/2019/003), funded by Generalitat Valenciana. This research also received support from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Movilidad, circulación e intercambio en el llano occidental catalán entre el III y el I milenio ANE, PID2019-110022GB-I00) and from the French National Agency of Research (VINICULTURE project—ANR-16-CE27-0013)