1,881 research outputs found

    Comparison of an X-ray selected sample of massive lensing clusters with the MareNostrum Universe LCDM simulation

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    A long-standing problem of strong lensing by galaxy clusters regards the observed high rate of giant gravitational arcs as compared to the predictions in the framework of the "standard" cosmological model. Recently, few other inconsistencies between theoretical expectations and observations have been claimed which regard the large size of the Einstein rings and the high concentrations of few clusters with strong lensing features. All of these problems consistently indicate that observed galaxy clusters may be gravitational lenses stronger than expected. We use clusters extracted from the MareNostrum Universe to build up mock catalogs of galaxy clusters selected through their X-ray flux. We use these objects to estimate the probability distributions of lensing cross sections, Einstein rings, and concentrations for the sample of 12 MACS clusters at z>0.5z>0.5 presented in Ebeling et al. (2007) and discussed in Zitrin et al. (2010). We find that simulated clusters produce 50\sim 50% less arcs than observed clusters do. The medians of the distributions of the Einstein ring sizes differ by 25\sim 25% between simulations and observations. We estimate that, due to cluster triaxiality and orientation biases affecting the lenses with the largest cross sections, the concentrations of the individual MACS clusters inferred from the lensing analysis should be up to a factor of 2\sim 2 larger than expected from the Λ\LambdaCDM model. The arc statistics, the Einstein ring, and the concentration problems in strong lensing clusters are mitigated but not solved on the basis of our analysis. Nevertheless, due to the lack of redshifts for most of the multiple image systems used for modeling the MACS clusters, the results of this work will need to be verified with additional data. The upcoming CLASH program will provide an ideal sample for extending our comparison (abridged).Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    The Dark UNiverse Explorer (DUNE): Proposal to ESA's Cosmic Vision

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    The Dark UNiverse Explorer (DUNE) is a wide-field space imager whose primary goal is the study of dark energy and dark matter with unprecedented precision. For this purpose, DUNE is optimised for the measurement of weak gravitational lensing but will also provide complementary measurements of baryonic accoustic oscillations, cluster counts and the Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect. Immediate auxiliary goals concern the evolution of galaxies, to be studied with unequalled statistical power, the detailed structure of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, and the demographics of Earth-mass planets. DUNE is an Medium-class mission which makes use of readily available components, heritage from other missions, and synergy with ground based facilities to minimise cost and risks. The payload consists of a 1.2m telescope with a combined visible/NIR field-of-view of 1 deg^2. DUNE will carry out an all-sky survey, ranging from 550 to 1600nm, in one visible and three NIR bands which will form a unique legacy for astronomy. DUNE will yield major advances in a broad range of fields in astrophysics including fundamental cosmology, galaxy evolution, and extrasolar planet search. DUNE was recently selected by ESA as one of the mission concepts to be studied in its Cosmic Vision programme.Comment: Accepted in Experimental Astronom

    Selecting background galaxies in weak-lensing analysis of galaxy clusters

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    In this paper, we present a new method to select the faint, background galaxies used to derive the mass of galaxy clusters by weak lensing. The method is based on the simultaneous analysis of the shear signal, that should be consistent with zero for the foreground, unlensed galaxies, and of the colors of the galaxies: photometric data from the COSMic evOlution Survey are used to train the color selection. In order to validate this methodology, we test it against a set of state-of-the-art image simulations of mock galaxy clusters in different redshift [0.230.450.23-0.45] and mass [0.51.55×1015M0.5-1.55\times10^{15}M_\odot] ranges, mimicking medium-deep multicolor imaging observations (e.g. SUBARU, LBT). The performance of our method in terms of contamination by unlensed sources is comparable to a selection based on photometric redshifts, which however requires a good spectral coverage and is thus much more observationally demanding. The application of our method to simulations gives an average ratio between estimated and true masses of 0.98±0.09\sim 0.98 \pm 0.09. As a further test, we finally apply our method to real data, and compare our results with other weak lensing mass estimates in the literature: for this purpose we choose the cluster Abell 2219 (z=0.228z=0.228), for which multi-band (BVRi) data are publicly available.Comment: MNRAS, Accepted 2016 February 2

    Mass profiles and concentration-dark matter relation in X-ray luminous galaxy clusters

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    (Abriged) Assuming that the hydrostatic equilibrium holds between the intracluster medium and the gravitational potential, we constrain the NFW profiles in a sample of 44 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters observed with XMM-Newton in the redshift range 0.1-0.3. We evaluate several systematic uncertainties that affect our reconstruction of the X-ray masses. We measure the concentration c200, the dark mass M200 and the gas mass fraction within R500 in all the objects of our sample, providing the largest dataset of mass parameters for galaxy clusters in this redshift range. We confirm that a tight correlation between c200 and M200 is present and in good agreement with the predictions from numerical simulations and previous observations. When we consider a subsample of relaxed clusters that host a Low-Entropy-Core (LEC), we measure a flatter c-M relation with a total scatter that is lower by 40 per cent. From the distribution of the estimates of c200 and M200, with associated statistical (15-25%) and systematic (5-15%) errors, we use the predicted values from semi-analytic prescriptions calibrated through N-body numerical runs and measure sigma_8*Omega_m^(0.60+-0.03)= 0.45+-0.01 (at 2 sigma level, statistical only) for the subsample of the clusters where the mass reconstruction has been obtained more robustly, and sigma_8*Omega_m^(0.56+-0.04) = 0.39+-0.02 for the subsample of the 11 more relaxed LEC objects. With the further constraint from the fgas distribution in our sample, we break the degeneracy in the sigma_8-Omega_m plane and obtain the best-fit values sigma_8~1.0+-0.2 (0.75+-0.18 when the subsample of the more relaxed objects is considered) and Omega_m = 0.26+-0.01.Comment: 21 pages. A&A in press. Minor revisions to match accepted version. Corrected 2nd and 3rd column in Table 3, and equation (A.4

    experimental analysis of tooth root strains in a sun gear of the final drive for an off highway axle

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    Abstract The force acting on gear teeth can be influenced by several factors such as profile modifications, stiffness variations during meshing, inversion of the sliding direction at the pitch line, tip-to-root interferences, gears and shaft deflections and bearings clearances. Moreover, in planetary gear sets the load can be shared unevenly among the planet gears due to manufacturing inaccuracies of the system. An accurate evaluation of the real load-time history experienced by the teeth is not straightforward and is affected by strong approximations even when advanced simulation software packages are used to create the theoretical model. Therefore, experimental analysis of the behavior of gears under in-service load still constitutes a major step in the development of new transmission systems. In this work, three strain gauges were applied at different positions along the tooth root width of the sun gear mounted in the final drive of an off-highway axle. Strain measurements where then performed during a bench test of the complete axle and the signal was acquired by means of a telemetry system. Finally, the acquired data were used to assess the accuracy of software calculations and to identify the causes of overloads

    Waste-to-energy application in an industrial district

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    Industrial districts present some features that can be recognized and exploited in the plant engineering through the proposal of solutions which are not simple applications of models created for individual companies. This work illustrates a waste-to-energy plant to be used for the industrial waste of the district of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The project from the union between university and local entrepreneurs. It is described how the expense for woodworking-waste disposal can turn from a charge into an advantage for the firms of the district thanks to the incineration of this waste in a plant unique for the typology of waste treated. Each plant section is described in detail, underlining innovative approaches and solutions

    Decarbonizing the cold chain: Long-haul refrigerated deliveries with on-board photovoltaic energy integration

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    Decarbonizing the cold chain is a priority for sustainability due to the increasing demand for chilled/frozen food and pharmaceutics. Refrigerated transport requires additional fuel for refrigeration other than for traction. Photovoltaic panels on the vehicle rooftop, a battery bank, and a power conversion system can replace the diesel engine driving the transport refrigerated unit. In long-haul deliveries, vehicles cross zones with different climate conditions, which affect both refrigeration requirements and photovoltaic energy conversion. Mandatory driver\u2019s breaks and rest also affect delivery timing and energy consumption. A multiperiod, multizone optimization model is developed to size the onboard photovoltaic system, based on features of the delivery tour. The model is applied to a palletized chilled food delivery from North-Eastern Italy, showing a payback time of around four years, which can drop under two years for expected reduction of component costs. Economic and environmental performances can be increased by also allowing refrigerated products on-board during the return journey, leading to more fuel savings. Photovoltaic-integrated long-haul delivery for frozen products is not convenient at current market costs. Different climate conditions are tested, showing the model ability to act as a decision support tool to foster renewable energy penetration into the cold chain

    Mode I fatigue limit of notched structures: A deeper insight into Finite Fracture Mechanics

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    In the present contribution, the coupled stress-energy criterion of Finite Fracture Mechanics (FFM) is applied to assess the fatigue limit of structures weakened by sharp V- and U-notches and subjected to mode I loading conditions. The FFM is a critical-distance-based approach whose implementation requires the knowledge of two material properties, namely the plain material fatigue limit and the threshold value of the stress intensity factor (SIF) range for the fatigue crack growth of long cracks. However, the FFM critical distance is a structural parameter, being a function not only of the material but also of the geometry of the notched component. Experimental notch fatigue results taken from the literature and referred to a variety of materials and geometrical configurations are compared with FFM theoretical estimations, obtained through simple semi-analytical relationships. The case of semi-circular edge notches is also dealt with

    Metallicity evolution, metallicity gradients and gas fractions at z~3.4

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    We used near-infrared integral field spectroscopic observations from the AMAZE and LSD programs to constrain the metallicity in a sample of 40 star forming galaxies at 3<z<5 (most of which at z~3.4). We measure metallicities by exploiting strong emission line diagnostics. We found that a significant fraction of star-forming galaxies at z~3.4 deviate from the Fundamental Metallicity Relation (FMR), with a metallicity up to a factor of ten lower than expected according to the FMR. This deviation does not correlate with the dynamical properties of the galaxy or with the presence of interactions. To investigate the origin of the metallicity deviations in more detail, we also infer information on the gas content, by inverting the Schmidt-Kennicutt relation. In agreement with recent CO observational data, we found that, in contrast with the steeply rising trend at 0<z<2, the gas fraction in massive galaxies remains constant, with indication of a marginal decline, at 2<z<3.5. When combined with the metallicity information, we infer that to explain both the low metallicity and gas content in z~3.4 galaxies, both prominent outflows and massive pristine gas inflows are needed. In ten galaxies we can also spatially resolve the metallicity distribution. We found that the metallicity generally anticorrelates with the distribution of star formation and with the gas surface density. We discuss these findings in terms of pristine gas inflows towards the center, and outflows of metal rich gas from the center toward the external regions. (Abridged)Comment: Replaced to match the published versio