2,038 research outputs found

    Performance and Power Analysis of HPC Workloads on Heterogenous Multi-Node Clusters

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    Performance analysis tools allow application developers to identify and characterize the inefficiencies that cause performance degradation in their codes, allowing for application optimizations. Due to the increasing interest in the High Performance Computing (HPC) community towards energy-efficiency issues, it is of paramount importance to be able to correlate performance and power figures within the same profiling and analysis tools. For this reason, we present a performance and energy-efficiency study aimed at demonstrating how a single tool can be used to collect most of the relevant metrics. In particular, we show how the same analysis techniques can be applicable on different architectures, analyzing the same HPC application on a high-end and a low-power cluster. The former cluster embeds Intel Haswell CPUs and NVIDIA K80 GPUs, while the latter is made up of NVIDIA Jetson TX1 boards, each hosting an Arm Cortex-A57 CPU and an NVIDIA Tegra X1 Maxwell GPU.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] and Horizon 2020 under the Mont-Blanc projects [17], grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697. E.C. was partially founded by “Contributo 5 per mille assegnato all’Università degli Studi di Ferrara-dichiarazione dei redditi dell’anno 2014”. We thank the University of Ferrara and INFN Ferrara for the access to the COKA Cluster. We warmly thank the BSC tools group, supporting us for the smooth integration and test of our setup within Extrae and Paraver.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multi-Node Advanced Performance and Power Analysis with Paraver

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    Performance analysis tools allow application developers to identify and characterize the inefficiencies that cause performance degradation in their codes. Due to the increasing interest in the High Performance Computing (HPC) community towards energy-efficiency issues, it is of paramount importance to be able to correlate performance and power figures within the same profiling and analysis tools. For this reason, we present a preliminary performance and energy-efficiency study aimed at demonstrating how a single tool can be used to collect most of the relevant metrics. Moreover we show how the same analysis techniques are applicable on different architectures, analyzing the same HPC application running on two clusters, based respectively on Intel Haswell and Arm Cortex-A57 CPUs.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] and Horizon 2020 under the Mont-Blanc projects, grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697. E.C. was partially founded by “Contributo 5 per mille assegnato all’Universit`a degli Studi di Ferrara - dichiarazione dei redditi dell’anno 2014”.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The HPCG benchmark: analysis, shared memory preliminary improvements and evaluation on an Arm-based platform

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    The High-Performance Conjugate Gradient (HPCG) benchmark complements the LINPACK benchmark in the performance evaluation coverage of large High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Due to its lower arithmetic intensity and higher memory pressure, HPCG is recognized as a more representative benchmark for data-center and irregular memory access pattern workloads, therefore its popularity and acceptance is raising within the HPC community. As only a small fraction of the reference version of the HPCG benchmark is parallelized with shared memory techniques (OpenMP), we introduce in this report two OpenMP parallelization methods. Due to the increasing importance of Arm architecture in the HPC scenario, we evaluate our HPCG code at scale on a state-of-the-art HPC system based on Cavium ThunderX2 SoC. We consider our work as a contribution to the Arm ecosystem: along with this technical report, we plan in fact to release our code for boosting the tuning of the HPCG benchmark within the Arm community.Postprint (author's final draft

    Filling the gap between education and industry: evidence-based methods for introducing undergraduate students to HPC

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    Educational institutions provide in most cases basic theoretical background covering several computational science topics, however High Performance Computing (HPC) and Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) markets require specialized technical profiles. Even the most skilled students are often not prepared to face production HPC applications of thousands of lines nor complex computational frameworks from other disciplines nor heterogeneous multinode machines accessed by hundreds of users. In this paper, we offer an educational package for filling this gap. Leveraging the 4-years experience of the Student Cluster Competition, we present our educational journey together with the lessons learned and the outcomes of our methodology. We show how, in a time span of a semester and an affordable budget, a university can implement an educational package preparing pupils for starting competitive professional careers. Our findings also highlight that 78% of the students exposed to our methods remain within the HPC high-education, research or industry.The authors of this paper and the participants in the SCC have been supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] and Horizon 2020 under the Mont-Blanc projects, grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697; the HPC Advisory Council; the Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona – Universitat Politùcnica de Catalunya; Arm Ltd.; Cavium Inc.; E4 Computer Engineering. We warmly thank Luna Backes Drault for her unconditioned dedication to the SCC cause in the early days and the pizzeria 7bello in Frankfurt for always having a table and a smile for us.SiPreprin

    Beyond Stress Testing: Modelling Liquidity and Interest Rate Risks for (real) Corporate Measures

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    The financial crisis exploited the poorness of real liquidity risk perception in the banking system. The paper suggests a wiser uses of econometrics tools can be more effective in detecting banking risk in order to reduce bias in the decision processes. A methodology to better focus the real bank exposition to interest rate risk is proposed fixing several bugs related to the assessment of its connections with: (i) the credit risk embedded in loans; (ii) the concentration risk of assets and liabilities relating to specific customers; (iii) the volume risk, particularly for unexpected changes. The Veneto Banca experience and performance are used as gymnasium for a possible method development aiming to propose a standard for a more comprehensive corporate risk approach in banking, even for Regulators

    TensorFlow on state-of-the-art HPC clusters: a machine learning use case

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    The recent rapid growth of the data-flow programming paradigm enabled the development of specific architectures, e.g., for machine learning. The most known example is the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) by Google. Standard data-centers, however, still can not foresee large partitions dedicated to machine learning specific architectures. Within data-centers, the High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters are highly parallel machines targeting a broad class of compute-intensive workflows, as such they can be used for tackling machine learning challenges. On top of this, HPC architectures are rapidly changing, including accelerators and instruction sets other than the classical x86 CPUs. In this blurry scenario, identifying which are the best hardware/software configurations to efficiently support machine learning workloads on HPC clusters is not trivial. In this paper, we considered the workflow of TensorFlow for image recognition. We highlight the strong dependency of the performance in the training phase on the availability of arithmetic libraries optimized for the underlying architecture. Following the example of Intel leveraging the MKL libraries for improving the TensorFlow performance, we plugged the Arm Performance Libraries into TensorFlow and tested on an HPC cluster based on Marvell ThunderX2 CPUs. Also, we performed a scalability study on three state-of-the-art HPC clusters based on different CPU architectures, x86 Intel Skylake, Arm-v8 Marvell ThunderX2, and PowerPC IBM Power9.Postprint (author's final draft

    Teaching HPC systems and parallel programming with small-scale clusters

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    In the last decades, the continuous proliferation of High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems and data centers has augmented the demand for expert HPC system designers, administrators, and programmers. For this reason, most universities have introduced courses on HPC systems and parallel programming in their degrees. However, the laboratory assignments of these courses generally use clusters that are owned, managed and administrated by the university. This methodology has been shown effective to teach parallel programming, but using a remote cluster prevents the students from experimenting with the design, set up and administration of such systems. This paper presents a methodology and framework to teach HPC systems and parallel programming using a small-scale cluster of single-board computers. These boards are very cheap, their processors are fundamentally very similar to the ones found in HPC, and they are ready to execute Linux out of the box. So they represent a perfect laboratory playground for students experiencing how to assemble a cluster, setting it up, and configuring its system software. Also, we show that these small-scale clusters can be used as evaluation platforms for both, introductory and advanced parallel programming assignments.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (contracts TIN2015-65316-P and FJCI-2016-30985), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414), and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreements 671697 and 779877).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics Simulations for Respiratory System: Runtime Optimization on an Arm Cluster

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    Computational fluid and particle dynamics simulations (CFPD) are of paramount importance for studying and improving drug effectiveness. Computational requirements of CFPD codes involves high-performance computing (HPC) resources. For these reasons we introduce and evaluate in this paper system software techniques for improving performance and tolerate load imbalance on a state-of-the-art production CFPD code. We demonstrate benefits of these techniques on both Intel- and Arm-based HPC clusters showing the importance of using mechanisms applied at runtime to improve the performance independently of the underlying architecture. We run a real CFPD simulation of particle tracking on the human respiratory system, showing performance improvements of up to 2X, keeping the computational resources constant.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Government (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology project (TIN2015-65316-P), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-SGR-1414), and by the European Mont-Blanc projects (288777, 610402 and 671697).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
