102 research outputs found


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    Проведено вивчення адгезивних властивостей мікрофлори ротоглотки у хворих на туберкульоз легень та здорових осіб, а також порівняльну характеристику їх властивостей. Встановлено закономірності змін вищевказаних властивостей нормальної мікрофлори ротоглотки у різних груп обстежуваних

    Comprehensive approach in treatment of locally disseminated oropharyngeal cancer

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    The article contains information about current trends of treatment of the locally advanced oropharynx cancer. We analyzed the results of chemoradiation treatment, and surgery treatment of patients with rudimentary tumors after the chemoradiation therapy, taking into account the tumor margin, which gives capacity to perform an adequate operation with good oncological results

    Antibiofilm activity of aminopropanol derivatives against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Bacterial biofilm, particularly formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, are a cause of severe chronic infectious diseases. Bacteria within a biofilm are phenotypically more resistant to antibiotics and the macroorganism immune system, making it an important virulence factor for many microbes. The aminopropanol derivatives with adamantyl (KVM-97) and N-alkylaryl radicals (KVM-194, KVM-204, KVM-261, and KVM-262) were used as study object. The aim of this study was to investigate the antibiofilm activity of compounds on biofilm formation and on mature biofilm of P. aeruginosa. The effects of the aminopropanol derivatives on the biofilm mass were evaluated by using crystal violet assay. Ciprofloxacin, meropenem, ceftazidime, gentamicin were used as reference substances. Reported results demonstrate that all compounds displayed antibiofilm activity at the tested concentrations. Remarkable reduction in biofilm formation of P. aeruginosa was found after treatment with KVM-97, KVM-261 and KVM-262 in high concentration (5× MIC), biofilm inhibition activity were 84.3%, 90.5% and 83.3% respectively. After a treatment with KVM-204 at 250 μg/ml (5× MIC) 76.6% of the preformed 24-hr biofilms were destroyed. Furthermore, compounds KVM-97, KVM-194, and KVM-261 in both concentrations showed potent antibiofilm activity against the P. aeruginosa, inhibition activity values being between 56.7 and 65.7%. All tested compounds in dose-dependent manner exhibited pronounced inhibition activity against mature 5-days P. аeruginosa biofilm. It was also observed that tested compounds show high antibiofilm activity in comparison to reference antimicrobials. The aminopropanol derivatives may provide templates for a new group of antimicrobial agents and potential future therapeutics for treating chronic infections

    Antiseptic properties of aminoadamantane derivative

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    Development of microbial resistance to current antimicrobial drugs created a critical need of the new antiseptics. The object of our study was phenyladamantane derivative (4-(adamantyl-1)-1-(1-aminobutyl)benzol, AM-166). The aim of the presented study was to investigate the specific activity of 4% AM-166 solution in isopropanol and 5% AM-166 solution in 76% ethanol (manufactured by PJSC SIC «Borshchahivskiy CPP») against the wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi, and effective concentrations and exposition time determination. Desinfectant/antiseptic activity was evaluated by quantitative suspension method with subsequent neutralization. Our results showed that both solutions exhibited similar activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as against yeasts. Antibacterial and antifungal action was demonstrated for all investigated concentrations (initial solution, 5-fold and 10-fold dilutions), observed effect was maintained throughout the whole observation period (from 5 to 30 min). Tested solutions in initial concentrations demonstrated fungicidal activity against A. niger. 5-fold dilution of 5% AM-166 solution in 76% ethanol was more effective than 5-fold dilution of 4% AM-166 solution in isopropanol. 10-fold dilutions of both solutions were ineffective against A. niger. The data obtained suggest the prospects of adamantane derivatives for the development of novel antiseptics


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    Introduction. The crosstalk between the estrogen and growth factor receptors signaling may play an important role in the resistance to endocrine therapy. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between the protein and receptor gene expression of transforming growth factor β type I (TGF-βRI) and its polymorphism with progression of luminal breast cancer patients treated by adjuvant tamoxifen. Material and methods.  The study included 105 patients with luminal breast cancer (T1-3N0–3M0), who had received adjuvant tamoxifen  at a dose of 20 mg/day for at least 5 years. Patients who developed distant metastasis or recurrence after tamoxifen therapy were defined as tamoxifen resistance (TR) group, while distant metastasis-free patients were analyzed as tamoxifen sensitive (TS) group. TGF-βRI expression level was evaluated using immunohistochemistry. TGF-BRI gene expression and genotypes for rs334354 SNP were detected by a Real-time PCR. Results. We found high TGF-βRI gene expression in patients with luminal A subtype compared with luminal B breast cancer (p=0.050). The Int7G24AA and Int7G24A mutant carriers were more prevalent in luminal A breast cancer patients (p=0.019 and p=0.007, respectively). TGF-βRI protein expression level was significantly higher in the tamoxifen sensitive group compared to tamoxifen resistance breast cancer patients regardless of molecular subtypes (p=0.043). There was a trend for a tamoxifen sensitivity among luminal B breast cancer patients with a high TGF-βRI protein expression (p=0.090). Conclusion. TGF-βRI protein expression level can be a potential molecular marker of tamoxifen resistance in luminal breast cancer patients

    Mapping of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Rivers From Very High Resolution Image Data, Using Object Based Image Analysis Combined with Expert Knowledge

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    The use of remote sensing for monitoring of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in fluvial environments has been limited by the spatial and spectral resolution of available image data. The absorption of light in water also complicates the use of common image analysis methods. This paper presents the results of a study that uses very high resolution (VHR) image data, collected with a Near Infrared sensitive DSLR camera, to map the distribution of SAV species for three sites along the Desselse Nete, a lowland river in Flanders, Belgium. Plant species, including Ranunculus aquatilis L., Callitriche obtusangula Le Gall, Potamogeton natans L., Sparganium emersum L. and Potamogeton crispus L., were classified from the data using Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) and expert knowledge. A classification rule set based on a combination of both spectral and structural image variation (e.g. texture and shape) was developed for images from two sites. A comparison of the classifications with manually delineated ground truth maps resulted for both sites in 61% overall accuracy. Application of the rule set to a third validation image, resulted in 53% overall accuracy. These consistent results show promise for species level mapping in such biodiverse environments, but also prompt a discussion on assessment of classification accuracy


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    Several ab initio (DFT-B3PW91/6-31g(d,p)) calculations of cage-like siloxanes (MeSiO1.5)n (n = 4-12) have been made. It was shown that cubane-like structure (MeSiO1.5)8 is the most stable one. Refined mechanism of polymeric metallasiloxanes cleavage by the silanolates has been suggested. It has been shown that isomerisation of Cu-containing siloxanes (rearrangement of sandwich-like form into globule-like form) is mostly governed by the coordination properties of solvates.Квантово-химическими расчетами каркасных органосилсесквиоксанов показано, что наибольшей стабильностью обладает кубановая структура (MeSiO1.5)8. Проведено уточнение механизма расщепления олигомерных металлоорганосилоксанов органосиланолятами щелочных ме-таллов, предложена схема синтеза. На основании расчетов предположено, что реакции металлсодержащих силоксанов определяются координирующим влиянием растворителей

    Using mixed objects in the training of object-based image classifications

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    Image classification for thematic mapping is a very common application in remote sensing, which is sometimes realized through object-based image analysis. In these analyses, it is common for some of the objects to be mixed in their class composition and thus violate the commonly made assumption of object purity that is implicit in a conventional object-based image analysis. Mixed objects can be a problem throughout a classification analysis, but are particularly challenging in the training stage as they can result in degraded training statistics and act to reduce mapping accuracy. In this paper the potential of using mixed objects in training object-based image classifications is evaluated. Remotely sensed data were submitted to a series of segmentation analyses from which a range of under- to over-segmented outputs were intentionally produced. Training objects were then selected from the segmentation outputs, resulting in training data sets that varied in terms of size (i.e. number of objects) and proportion of mixed objects. These training data sets were then used with an artificial neural network and a generalized linear model, which can accommodate objects of mixed composition, to produce a series of land cover maps. The use of training statistics estimated based on both pure and mixed objects often increased classification accuracy by around 25% when compared with accuracies obtained from the use of only pure objects in training. So rather than the mixed objects being a problem, they can be an asset in classification and facilitate land cover mapping from remote sensing. It is, therefore, desirable to recognize the nature of the objects and possibly accommodate mixed objects directly in training. The results obtained here may also have implications for the common practice of seeking an optimal segmentation output, and also act to challenge the widespread view that object-based classification is superior to pixel-based classification

    Неструктурная роль цитокератинов при злокачественных новообразованиях

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    Cytokeratins (CKs) are well studied as intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton of epithelial cells, providing specific cell structure and morphology, in particular, apico-basal cell polarization. Meanwhile, a certain specificity of the association of CK with different types of epithelia is noted. CK heterogeneity  in the glandular epithelium is particularly pronounced and is associated with anatomical localization. The relative specificity of CKs in epithelium of different localization is preserved to a great extent in carcinomas originating from this epithelium as well. Due to this fact the determination of CK spectrum in tumor cells is quite an effective tool for nosological diagnostics of carcinomas. however, the function of CKs is not limited to providing the cell structure. The presence and amount of CK changes during the most important processes in normal and tumor cells: movement/invasion, apoptosis, proliferation, epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity.A question arises: Is initiation of the above-listed processes happens first, and therefore CK changes are secondary and «passive», or in some processes CK changes can play a role of a trigger? Knowing the answer to this question is not only of fundamental importance, but is also important for finding ways to control the above processes by influencing the CKs.Цитокератины (ЦК) являются промежуточными филаментами цитоскелета эпителиальных клеток и обеспечивают специфическую  структуру и морфологию клеток, в частности апико-базальную поляризацию клеток. Отмечается определенная специфика ассоциации ЦК с разными типами эпителия. Гетерогенность ЦК, которая сопряжена с анатомической локализацией, особенно выражена в железистом эпителии. Относительная специфичность ЦК в эпителии разной локализации сохраняется в значительной степени и при его злокачественной трансформации. Благодаря этому определение спектра ЦК в опухолевых клетках является довольно эффективным инструментом нозологической диагностики карцином. Однако функция ЦК не исчерпывается обеспечением структуры клетки. Наличие/отсутствие ЦК и их количество обусловлены важнейшими процессами в нормальных и опухолевых клетках: движением/инвазией, апоптозом, пролиферацией, эпителиально-мезенхимальным переходом. Возникает вопрос: «Первична ли инициация перечисленных процессов, и тогда изменения ЦК вторичны и «пассивны», или в каких-то процессах изменения ЦК могут играть роль триггера?» Ответ на него не только имеет фундаментальное значение, но и важен для поиска способов управления указанными процессами путем воздействия на ЦК