48 research outputs found

    Frameworks para o Planejamento da Gamificação em Contextos Educacionais - Uma revisão da literatura nacional

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    A gamificação tem sido bastante utilizada para aumentar o engajamento e amotivação dos estudantes em contextos educacionais, ampliando o interesse por parte de professores e instrutores. No entanto, há um consenso na literatura quanto a necessidade de abordagens sistemáticas (métodos, processos e/ou frameworks) para apoiar o planejamento da gamificação, de modo que os seus efeitos benéficos sejam alcançados. A literatura identifica alguns estudos internacionais focados em analisar estas abordagens sistemáticas, no entanto, há uma carência de estudos que relatem como o Brasil tem contribuído para o processo de planejamento da gamificação. Diante disso, esse artigo tem por objetivo apresentar um mapeamento sistemático da literatura, visando identificar as abordagens sistemáticas existentes para o planejamento da gamificação em escala nacional. A partir da condução desse mapeamento, foram encontrados 18 estudos onde foram identificados: (a) uma carência no apoio automatizado para o docente; (b) uma classificação dos tipos de personalização utilizados; e (c) a quantidade de elementos de gamificação utilizados. Por meio dos resultados obtidos, foi possível identificar ainda diversos desafios e oportunidades relacionados a esta área de pesquisa

    Zusammenhang von subjektiver Wahrnehmung und psychologischen Auswirkungen von Patienten in räumlicher Isolierung

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    Background: Spatial isolation is a common infection control measure, but negative psychological effects are often neglected. We investigated which factors influence the perception of single room isolated patients.Methods: In the present correlative cross-sectional study, 32 isolated patients have been interviewed within three departments of the Heidelberg University Hospital, one of Germany's largest hospitals. The following questionnaires were used: 10-Item Big Five Inventory (BFI-10), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and a self-developed questionnaire to evaluate the individual experience of isolation. Data were analysed using correlation and regression analysis.Results: A significant positive correlation was found between the isolation period and anxiety (r=.42, p<.05). Interestingly, a significant positive correlation was demonstrated between the duration of contact to nursing staff and negative daydreaming (r=.89, p<.01). The activity watching television was associated with higher levels of anxiety (r=.38, p<.05). Surfing the internet had a positive relationship with thinking about beautiful things (r=.41, p<.05). Conclusions: Our study results have implications how to improve the psychological situation of patients during spatial isolation. Contact between nursing staff and patients is crucial, since this contact significantly associated with negative daydreaming, probably due to increased neediness of emotional and physical care in some patients. The duration of the isolation has an influence on the experience of anxiety. Activities to cope with the isolation, however, not always have positive effects on the well-being of the patient.Hintergrund: Die räumliche Isolierung ist eine häufig angewendete krankenhaushygienische Maßnahme. Negative psychologische Effekte werden jedoch oftmals ausgeblendet. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, welche Faktoren die individuelle Wahrnehmung der Isolierung im Einzelzimmer beeinflussen.Methoden: Im Rahmen einer korrelativen Querschnittsuntersuchung wurden bei 32 isolierten Patienten des Heidelberger Universitätsklinikums die Fragebögen 10-Item Big Five Inventory (BFI-10), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) sowie ein selbsterstellter Fragebogen zum Erleben der Isolierung erhoben. Die Daten wurden mittels Korrelations- und Regressionsanalyse ausgewertet.Ergebnisse: Es gab zwischen der Isolierungsdauer und Angst einen signifikanten positiven Zusammenhang (r=.42, p<.05). Auch ließ sich zwischen der Dauer des Kontakts zum Pflegepersonal und negativen Tagträumen ein signifikant positiver Zusammenhang nachweisen (r=.89, p<.01). Die Tätigkeit Fernsehen stand im Zusammenhang mit höheren Angstwerten (r=.38, p<.05). Internet surfen hatte eine positive Korrelation zu Nachdenken über schöne Dinge (r=.41, p<.05).Fazit: Aus den Ergebnissen lässt sich ableiten, wie die psychologische Situation der Patienten während des Krankenhausaufenthalts verbessert werden kann. Der Kontakt zwischen Pflegepersonal und Patient spielt dabei eine bedeutende Rolle, da dieser Kontakt signifikant mit negativen Tagträumen in Zusammenhang steht. Dieser Zusammenhang erklärt sich wahrscheinlich durch die emotionale und physische Bedürftigkeit bei einigen Patienten. Ebenso hat die Dauer der Isolierung einen Einfluss auf das Angsterleben. Auch die Tätigkeiten während der Isolierung, wie Fernsehen und im Internet surfen, wirken auf das Befinden der Patienten ein, jedoch nicht immer positiv

    The nature and prevalence of inter-organizational project ventures: Evidence from a large scale field study in the Netherlands 2006-2009

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    There has recently been noted a rapid increase in research attention to projects that involve outside partners. Our knowledge of such inter-organizational projects, however, is limited. This paper reports large scale data from a repeated trend survey amongst 2000 SMEs in 2006 and 2009 that focused on inter-organizational project ventures. Our major findings indicate that the overall prevalence of inter-organizational project ventures remained significant and stable over time, even despite the economic crisis. Moreover, we find that these ventures predominantly solve repetitive rather than unique tasks and are embedded in prior relations between the partnering organizations. These findings provide empirical support for the recent claims that project management should pay more attention to inter-organizational forms of project organization, and suggest that the archetypical view of projects as being unique in every respect should be reconsidered. Both have important implications for project management, especially in the area of project-based learning