115 research outputs found

    Catálogo nacional de los moluscos marinos de las aguas españolas

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    A checklist of marine Mollusca recorded in Spanish jurisdictional waters is presented, based on a thorough literature search and a limited input of recent field work. The list is detailed according to the five demarcations of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (NOR, Spanish north coast; SUR, Spanish coast of the Gulf of Cádiz; ESAL, Strait of Gibraltar and Alboran Sea; LEBA, East coast of Spain and Balearic Islands; CAN, the Canary Islands). The list differentiates coastal species living from the supralittoral zone to the shelf break, deep-sea benthic or demersal species, and holoplanktonic species, and also distinguishes between non-indigenous species and species endemic to a particular demarcation. A total of 2466 marine Mollusca species have been reported from Spanish waters, of which 1126 are recorded only from waters surrounding the Iberian Peninsula, 498 are recorded from the Canaries only, and 842 are shared. That total number represents around 5.5% of the global marine molluscan richness. Shore and shelf species are the most numerous (1837), followed by deep-sea benthic species (490) and pelagic species (139), but the contribution of the deep-sea species is most noteworthy in NOR. All eight molluscan classes were represented, but solenogastres and scaphopods were notably more represented than usual in NOR. Species richness in SUR and ESAL was higher than would be expected from their areas, supporting the claim that Andalusian waters have an exceptionally diverse molluscan fauna. Thirteen species collected from INDEMARES cruises are here reported for the first time in Spanish waters. The species recorded in Spanish seas represent more than half of the 4340 species of Mollusca recorded within the scope of the European Register of Marine Species, making this the highest species count in European seas. The Canary Islands demarcation holds by far the largest number of endemic species (127), but special mention is needed regarding the ca. 20 species endemic to the Strait of Gibraltar, a highly anomalous chorotype in the marine realm. The number of non-indigenous species (38) is surprisingly low compared with that of species known in the Mediterranean Sea, amounting to hardly 1.5% of the total and supporting the view that a high number of native species tends to reduce invasion success. The list is seen as a much needed tool for the identification of priority areas for biodiversity conservation, but requires permanent attention and curating in order to remain up-to-date.Se presenta el catálogo actualizado de los moluscos marinos citados en las aguas jurisdiccionales españolas, basado en una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica y en los hallazgos de campañas recientes. La lista se detalla para las cinco demarcaciones de la Directiva Marco sobre la Estrategia Marina (NOR: costas del norte de España; SUR: costas españolas del golfo de Cádiz, ESAL: estrecho de Gibraltar y mar de Alborán; LEBA: costas del este de España e islas Baleares; CAN: islas Canarias). En la lista se diferencia entre las especies costeras (las que viven desde la zona supralitoral hasta el borde de la plataforma continental), las especies bentónicas o demersales de aguas profundas y las especies holoplanctónicas, y también se indican las especies alóctonas y las que son endémicas para cada una de las demarcaciones. En total, se han citado 2.466 especies de moluscos marinos en aguas españolas, de las cuales 1.126 se conocen sólo en aguas peninsulares y baleares, 498 sólo en aguas canarias, mientras que 842 comparten ambas áreas. Ese número total representa alrededor del 5,5% de la riqueza específica global de moluscos marinos. Las especies costeras y de la plataforma continental son las más numerosas (1.837), seguidas de las especies de aguas profundas (490) y pelágicas (139), pero la contribución de las especies profundas es especialmente notable en NOR. Están representadas las ocho clases que comprende el filo Mollusca, con una destacable representación de los solenogastros y escafópodos en NOR. La riqueza de especies en SUR y ESAL es superior a la que cabría esperar de sus respectivas áreas, lo que apoya la afirmación de que las costas y aguas andaluzas albergan una malacofauna especialmente diversa. Trece especies recogidas en campañas del proyecto INDEMARES se citan aquí por primera vez en aguas españolas. Las especies registradas en los mares españoles suponen más de la mitad de las 4.340 especies de moluscos registradas en el ámbito geográfico del Registro Europeo de Especies Marinas, lo que supone el mayor número de especies de los países europeos. La demarcación de las islas Canarias es la que contiene con diferencia el mayor número de endemismos (127), pero merecen una mención especial las cerca de 20 especies endémicas del área del estrecho de Gibraltar, un corotipo muy anómalo en el medio marino. El número de especies alóctonas (38) es sorprendentemente bajo si lo comparamos con el número de especies que se consideran introducidas en el mar Mediterráneo, y representa apenas un 1,5 % del total, lo que apoya la idea de que un alto número de especies nativas tiende a reducir el éxito de las invasiones. La lista de especies que aquí se presenta constituye una herramienta muy necesaria para la identificación de áreas prioritarias de conservación de la biodiversidad, pero requiere una constante atención y actualización

    Filling gaps: closing the life cycle of the endangered Mediterranean limpet Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791 (Gastropoda, Patellidae)

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    Several reproductive issues and the larval development of the ferruginous limpet, Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791, an endangered species endemic from the western Mediterranean Sea, were studied to fill gaps in the knowledge of its life cycle. Average diameter of mature oocytes was 141.83 μm and mean oocyte density in the ovary was 283,800 oocytes/gram. No significant correlations were found between both oocyte diameter or density and female shell length. Female fecundity (number of oocytes per gonad) was significantly correlated with shell length and varied between 189,200 oocytes in a 40.0 mm female and 5,019,200 oocytes in an 86.4 mm female. However, there was considerable variability, in particular for largest females. Spawning induction was not achieved using usual molluscan aquaculture methods. Thus, oocytes obtained after dissection of females were used for fertilizations trials. Alkalinization treatments of seawater were used to test improvement in oocyte maturation and later fertilization rates. Treatment at pH 9 during 2 h produced the highest increase in the percentage of mature oocytes and in the fertilization rate; but these results showed high variability and were mainly significant when the initial degree of maturation was low. Sperm concentration experiments determined that best in vitro fertilization were performed at 105 and 5×105 spermatozoids/ml. The sequence and timing of the complete larval development of Patella ferruginea in laboratory conditions is described and illustrated here for the first time. At 20 °C, larvae became competent for metamorphosis 3 days after fertilization, but some crawling pediveliger larvae with a still well developed velum were found even 7 days after fertilization. Recruits 1-2 mm in length were achieved in low numbers from two of the last assays and were first detected between 131-141 days after fertilization. The resulting juveniles were monitored during two years and sex determination of five survivors at the end of this period showed that two were mature males, two mature females and one indeterminate. Our results show that the main reproductive traits or larval development of P. ferruginea hardly differ from those of other non-endangered Mediterranean or NE Atlantic limpet species. Therefore, its decline cannot be mainly attributed to some constraints of these traits as was previously suggested, but to human impact. On the other hand, it is feasible to complete the life cycle of this species in laboratory conditions, from fertilized eggs to mature individuals. However, an important part of the process like spawning induction was not achieved as gonads needed to be dissected fatally from females, although sperm could be obtained from males through non-lethal biopsies. At present, large-scale aquaculture production for reintroduction, restocking or stock enhancement purposes is neither possible nor an advisable conservation tool yet. Further study is required and meanwhile, an appropriate design of a network of effectively protected marine areas that ensures connectivity among extant populations is necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    E-cadherin expression is associated with somatostatin analogue response in acromegaly

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    Acromegaly is a rare disease resulting from hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF1) typically caused by pituitary adenomas, which is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Somatostatin analogues (SSAs) represent the primary medical therapy for acromegaly and are currently used as first‐line treatment or as second‐line therapy after unsuccessful pituitary surgery. However, a considerable proportion of patients do not adequately respond to SSAs treatment, and therefore, there is an urgent need to identify biomarkers predictors of response to SSAs. The aim of this study was to examine E‐cadherin expression by immunohistochemistry in fifty‐five GH‐producing pituitary tumours and determine the potential association with response to SSAs as well as other clinical and histopathological features. Acromegaly patients with tumours expressing low E‐cadherin levels exhibit a worse response to SSAs. E‐cadherin levels are associated with GH‐producing tumour histological subtypes. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemical detection of E‐cadherin might be useful in categorizing acromegaly patients based on the response to SSAs.ISCIII‐Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación PI13/02043 PI16/00175FEDER PI13/02043 PI16/00175Junta de Andalucía A‐0023‐2015 A‐0003‐2016 CTS‐1406 BIO‐0139Andalusian Ministry of Health C‐0015‐2014CIBERobn PI13/ 02043 PI16/0017

    Trans-oligomerization of duplicated aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases maintains genetic code fidelity under stress

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    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) play a key role in deciphering the genetic message by producing charged tRNAs and are equipped with proofreading mechanisms to ensure correct pairing of tRNAs with their cognate amino acid. Duplicated aaRSs are very frequent in Nature, with 25,913 cases observed in 26,837 genomes. The oligomeric nature of many aaRSs raises the question of how the functioning and oligomerization of duplicated enzymes is organized. We characterized this issue in a model prokaryotic organism that expresses two different threonyl-tRNA synthetases, responsible for Thr-tRNAThr synthesis: one accurate and constitutively expressed (T1) and another (T2) with impaired proofreading activity that also generates mischarged Ser-tRNAThr. Low zinc promotes dissociation of dimeric T1 into monomers deprived of aminoacylation activity and simultaneous induction of T2, which is active for aminoacylation under low zinc. T2 either forms homodimers or heterodimerizes with T1 subunits that provide essential proofreading activity in trans. These findings evidence that in organisms with duplicated genes, cells can orchestrate the assemblage of aaRSs oligomers that meet the necessities of the cell in each situation. We propose that controlled oligomerization of duplicated aaRSs is an adaptive mechanism that can potentially be expanded to the plethora of organisms with duplicated oligomeric aaRSs.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2010–19544, BFU2013–44686-

    Glycerol Valorization towards a Benzoxazine Derivative through a Milling and Microwave Sequential Strategy

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    Glycerol and aminophenol intermolecular condensation has been investigated through a milling and microwave-assisted sequential strategy, towards the synthesis of a benzoxaxine derivative. Mechanochemical activation prior to the microwave-assisted process could improve the probability of contact between the reagents, and greatly favors the higher conversion of aminophenol. At the same time, following a mechanochemical–microwave sequential approach could tune the selectivity towards the formation of a benzoxazine derivative, which could find application in a wide range of biomedical area

    Improving plan to optimize the outpatient office waiting list in an urology clínical unit

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    La lista de espera, es un problema que existe en la mayoría de los sistemas nacionales de salud que aseguran a los ciudadanos la cobertura universal y la financiación pública. Además, constituye una de las principales causas de insatisfacción de los pacientes con el sistema nacional de salud. Una de las mayores preocupaciones de las autoridades sanitarias, ha sido buscar alternativas para solucionar esta problemática. Por ello, es necesario gestionar las listas de espera a través de una política integral, implicando a la administración, los centros sanitarios, los profesionales y la sociedad en general. En particular desde el ámbito del centro asistencial y los profesionales, la mejora de las listas de espera pasa ineludiblemente por la gestión clínica, la cual permite potenciar actividades asistenciales que mejoren resultados en niveles de salud, eficiencia, uso de tecnologías y utilización de recursos humanos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue identificar posibles problemas en el sistema de citación, derivación y tiempo de espera, y establecer propuestas de mejora que permitan optimizar la lista de espera de consultas externas en una unidad de gestión clínica de urología.The waiting list is a problem that exists in most national health systems which ensure universal coverage of citizens and public funding. It also constitutes one of the leading causes of patient dissatisfaction with the national health system. A major concern of health authorities has been to seek alternatives to solve this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to manage the waiting lists through a comprehensive and complete policy involving the administration, health centers, professionals and society. Particularly since the scope of health center and professionals, improving waiting lists inevitably passes for clinical management, which allows to increase care activities that improve health levels outcomes, efficiency, use of technology and human resource utilization. The main objective of this study was to identify potential problems in the appointment system, referral and waiting time, and to establish proposals to improve the waiting list in outpatient in a management urology clinic

    Ternary Hydrotalcites in the Multicomponent Synthesis of 4H-Pyrans

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    Lamellar double hydroxides (LDH) with double divalent cations were synthesized by the co-precipitation method and studied in the multicomponent synthesis of 4H-pyrans. The solids obtained were characterized by X-ray difraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), N2 adsorption isotherms, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The XRD patterns confirmed the formation of LDHs in which the incorporation of Ni2+ or Co2+ improves their crystalline and textural properties. The results of catalytic activity showed that the synthesis of 4H-pyrans is favored in solvent-free conditions with the LDH–Ni catalyst, avoiding calcination processes. In addition, it was found that hydrotalcite with double divalent cations can conduct this reaction through multicomponent synthesis or by the Michael addition reaction, which can be performed by different types of basicity that depend on the composition of another divalent cation in the brucite layer or a calcination process.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias AplicadasFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Biología molecular de la asimilación de nitrato en algas

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    El alga verde eucariótica Chlamydomonas reinhardtii es un organismo modelo para el estudio de la biología molecular de la asimilación de nitrato. Este sistema biológico presenta excelentes cualidades para estudios bioquímicos, fisiológicos, genéticos y moleculares. Estas investigaciones han permitido los siguientes logros: i) generación de una colección de mutantes; ii) identificación y caracterización de genes para el transporte de amonio; iii) caracterización de genes del transporte biespecífico de bicarbonato/nitrito; iv) clonación y caracterización del gen que codifica la proteína portadora de cofactor de molibdeno (MCP), determinación de la estructura cristalina de la misma y de sus residuos funcionales en la unión del cofactor; v) utilización de una nueva estrategia para identificar mutantes del cofactor de molibdeno; y vi) identificación de un nuevo LTR-retrotransposón de la familia gypsy

    Dentinal anomalies in teeth of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): are they linked to sexual maturation and environmental events?

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    21th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society and Associated Workshops, April 23-25, 2007, Donostia-San SebastiánWe examine the tooth ultra-structure of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from Scottish waters and common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) from Galicia (Spain) to determine whether the incidence of mineralization anomalies could be related to certain life history events (e.g. the achievement of sexual maturation) as well as other factors that affect the general health of the individual (e.g. persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations in blubber)N