676 research outputs found

    A study of the dual problem of the one-dimensional L-infinity optimal transport problem with applications

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    The Monge-Kantorovich problem for the infinite Wasserstein distance presents several peculiarities. Among them the lack of convexity and then of a direct duality. We study in dimension 1 the dual problem introduced by Barron, Bocea and Jensen. We construct a couple of Kantorovich potentials which is "as less trivial as possible". More precisely, we build a potential which is non constant around any point that the plan which is locally optimal moves at maximal distance. As an application, we show that the set of points which are displaced to maximal distance by a locally optimal transport plan is minimal

    The Monge problem with vanishing gradient penalization: Vortices and asymptotic profile

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    We investigate the approximation of the Monge problem (minimizing \int\_Ω\Omega |T (x) -- x| dÎŒ\mu(x) among the vector-valued maps T with prescribed image measure T \# ÎŒ\mu) by adding a vanishing Dirichlet energy, namely Ï”\epsilon \int\_Ω\Omega |DT |^2. We study the Γ\Gamma-convergence as Ï”\epsilon →\rightarrow 0, proving a density result for Sobolev (or Lipschitz) transport maps in the class of transport plans. In a certain two-dimensional framework that we analyze in details, when no optimal plan is induced by an H ^1 map, we study the selected limit map, which is a new "special" Monge transport, possibly different from the monotone one, and we find the precise asymptotics of the optimal cost depending on Ï”\epsilon, where the leading term is of order Ï”\epsilon| log Ï”\epsilon|

    Katse taululle : Opas koululaisen nÀönseulonnasta Oulun seudun kouluterveydenhoitajille

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    Koululaisella on useita työkaluja kÀytössÀÀn liittyen koulumenestykseensÀ. NÀistÀ työkaluista nÀkökyky on yksi tÀrkeimmistÀ. Kouluissa tehtÀvÀt nÀköseulat ovat erittÀin hyödyllinen keino kouluikÀisten lasten nÀköongelmien tunnistamisessa. Koulujen nÀköseulojen avulla ongelmat voidaan tunnistaa ajoissa ja hoitaa riittÀvÀn aikaisessa vaiheessa. Toteutimme opinnÀytetyönÀmme projektin, jonka tavoitteena oli tuottaa opas Oulun seudun kouluterveydenhoitajille nÀönseulontojen tueksi. Oppaan tarkoituksena oli helpottaa ja nopeuttaa nÀönseulontojen tekemistÀ sekÀ avata nÀönseulonnan kÀytÀnteitÀ ja toimintatapoja. Opas toteutettiin yhteistyössÀ Oulun kaupungin terveyspalvelujen kanssa. Oppaan ensimmÀinen kokonaisuus sisÀltÀÀ teoriaa koululaisen nÀkemiseen liittyvistÀ perustermeistÀ. Toisena kokonaisuutena oppaassa kÀsitellÀÀn nÀönseulonnan eri vaiheet sekÀ jatkotutkimuksiin lÀhettÀmisen perusteet. Opas esiteltiin kouluterveydenhoitajille Oulun kaupungin jÀrjestÀmÀn koulutuspÀivÀn yhteydessÀ. Oppaan laatua arvioitiin esitestauspalautteen sekÀ suullisen palautteen avulla. Saamamme palaute oli positiivista koskien rakennetta, ulkoasua ja sisÀltöÀ. Suurin osa esitestaajista koki oppaan hyödylliseksi ja uskoi kÀyttÀvÀnsÀ opasta työssÀÀn. Opas on toimitettu Oulun seudun kouluterveydenhoitajien kÀyttöön sÀhköpostilla ja heillÀ on myös mahdollisuus ladata se kÀyttöönsÀ Oulun kaupungin sisÀisestÀ verkosta.Academic achievement among school aged children depends on many different factors. One important factor is good eyesight. School-based vision screening can help identify vision problems. Early detection and treatment are vital to prevent problems such as poor school success. The aim was to design and produce a guide concerning school-based vision screening for public health nurses in the city of Oulu. The purpose was also to improve the reliability and uniformity in the practices concerning the vision screenings in the city of Oulu. The guide includes specific instructions how to conduct vision screening in primary and secondary schools. It also includes useful terminology and information about refractive errors among school aged children. The guide was launched on an education day. Public health nurses working in schools in the city of Oulu were sent the guide by e-mail. The guide is also available in the intranet of the city of Oulu. Before the guide was launched we collected feedback from five public health nurses regarding the layout and the content of the guide. The feedback was mainly positive and majority of the informants regarded the guide as useful for their future vision screenings. The informants thought that the guide was easy to use and the content was clear and logical. The beneficiaries of the guide are mainly the public health nurses but also school aged children benefit from reliably conducted vision screening

    A sharp inequality for transport maps in W^{1,p}(R) via approximation

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    For ff convex and increasing, we prove the inequality ∫f(∣Uâ€Č∣)≄∫f(nTâ€Č) \int f(|U'|) \geq \int f(nT'), every time that UU is a Sobolev function of one variable and TT is the non-decreasing map defined on the same interval with the same image measure as UU, and the function n(x)n(x) takes into account the number of pre-images of UU at each point. This may be applied to some variational problems in a mass-transport framework or under volume constraints


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    This document is a series of viewgraphs on the Envisat advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR). Viewgraphs cover mission objectives, modes of operation, instrument parameters, a comparison with the European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-1) active microwave instrument (AMI), instrument design, transmit/receive module and antenna tile specifications, data rates, swath coverage, and ASAR program schedule

    Large-scale Spatial Distribution Identification of Base Stations in Cellular Networks

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    The performance of cellular system significantly depends on its network topology, where the spatial deployment of base stations (BSs) plays a key role in the downlink scenario. Moreover, cellular networks are undergoing a heterogeneous evolution, which introduces unplanned deployment of smaller BSs, thus complicating the performance evaluation even further. In this paper, based on large amount of real BS locations data, we present a comprehensive analysis on the spatial modeling of cellular network structure. Unlike the related works, we divide the BSs into different subsets according to geographical factor (e.g. urban or rural) and functional type (e.g. macrocells or microcells), and perform detailed spatial analysis to each subset. After examining the accuracy of Poisson point process (PPP) in BS locations modeling, we take into account the Gibbs point processes as well as Neyman-Scott point processes and compare their accuracy in view of large-scale modeling test. Finally, we declare the inaccuracy of the PPP model, and reveal the general clustering nature of BSs deployment, which distinctly violates the traditional assumption. This paper carries out a first large-scale identification regarding available literatures, and provides more realistic and more general results to contribute to the performance analysis for the forthcoming heterogeneous cellular networks

    La morale dialectique de Barbe-bleue (Christian-Jaque, 1951) : la portĂ©e parodique d’un tribunal de la fiction

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    Certains films, en composant un tribunal de la fiction, mettent en jugement leurs personnages. DĂšs lors, si le sens moral caractĂ©rise les contes, qu’en est-il dans une parodie cinĂ©matographique du genre ? L’examen de Barbe-bleue (Christian-Jaque, France, 1951) montre que ce type d’adaptation s’inscrit dans le paradigme du tribunal de la fiction et prolonge dialectiquement la morale des contes Ă©crits qu’il semblait pourtant subvertir. Certes, cette production semble repousser la perversitĂ© de son personnage principal pour modifier la morale du conte de Perrault. Mais le film s’avĂšre polyphonique, ce qui interroge sa version littĂ©raire sans nĂ©gliger sa portĂ©e morale.Some films put their characters in judgment. In this context, if moral sense characterizes tales, what about a cinematic parody of the genre? The examination of Barbe-bleue (Christian-Jaque, France, 1951) shows that this type of adaptation is part of the paradigm of the imaginary court and dialectically prolongs the morality of the written tales that he seemed to subvert. On the one hand, this production seems to repel the perversity of its main character in order to change the morals of Perrault’s tale. But, on the other hand, the film turns out to be polyphonic, which questions the literary tale without rejecting its moral aspect

    An algorithm proposal for a minimum cost SDR multi-standard system using graph theory

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    International audienceThe design of future multi-standard systems remains a challenge due to increasing flexibility requirements. Promising solutions include designing flexible radio architectures that exploit common aspects between the different set of standards cohabiting in the device. In this paper, graph theory appears and particularly the study of directed hypergraphs, which helps in the research concerning minimum cost multistandard designs. A cost function which calculates the cost of any possible option of implementation is mentioned but its derivations won't be in the scope of this paper. Our objective is to optimize this proposed cost function to its minimum possible value and thus solving the optimization problem that finds balance between flexibility and computing efficiency. For this, we propose a Minimum Cost Design (MCD) algorithm capable of selecting the option which has the minimum cost to pay and will present its complete set of instructions in this paper. This algorithm exploits various definitions and notations of directed hypergraphs

    Le vestige et la ruine dans Few of us (1996) de Sharunas Bartas : les ornements sonores de l’oubli d’un peuple disparaissant

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    Si, selon Marc AugĂ©, « [l]’opĂ©rateur principal de la mise en ‘fiction’ de la vie individuelle et collective, c’est l’oubli », comment signifier, sans commentaire ni dialogue, l’oubli d’un peuple - un peuple oubliĂ© et qui, peut-ĂȘtre, s’oublie ? Comment faire en sorte que l’oubli d’un peuple prĂšs d’ĂȘtre englouti ne se rĂ©sume pas Ă  un thĂšme ni Ă  une reconstitution et devienne une figure d’écriture ? C’est Ă  ces questions que rĂ©pond Few of us. Cette fiction cinĂ©matographique lituanienne de Sharunas Bartas met en scĂšne quelques membres de la communautĂ© des Tofalars, de l’Oblast d’Irkoutsk, en SibĂ©rie, figurant un peuple constituĂ© d’environ sept cents personnes, jadis nomade, dĂ©sormais sĂ©dentarisĂ©, oubliĂ© du monde et peut ĂȘtre oublieux de sa culture et de son histoire. Le film se caractĂ©rise d’abord par une Ă©criture inhabituelle qui met en avant le silence et le mutisme des personnages, traversĂ©s de douces fulgurances sonores qui apparaissent comme un art de l’estompe. Cependant des formes survivantes des bruits et des chants du peuple des Tofalars traversent le vide apparent des paysages sonores, des formes se souvenant des quelques-uns qui vivent encore lĂ . Aussi semble-t-on fondĂ© Ă  percevoir dans ces traces sonores les guenilles de l’histoire d’un peuple disparaissant. Cette Ă©criture de l’histoire rĂ©vĂšle le souffle continuĂ© des hommes Ă  travers le tamis de la respiration du temps. Few of us met ainsi en Ɠuvre l’oubli qui conditionne le dĂ©ploiement des possibilitĂ©s de se souvenir et la mise en mouvement du passĂ©.How represent, without comment or dialogue, oblivion of a people? In Few of us, a Lithuanian film fiction, Sharunas Bartas stages some members of the Tofalars community, living in Siberia. This people consists of about seven hundred people, formerly nomadic, now sedentary, forgotten by the world and perhaps partly oblivious to its own culture, forgetful to its own history. The film is primarily characterized by an unusual writing that highlights the silence and the mutism of the characters. However, the ancestral sounds and songs of the Tofalars cross the empty soundscape: these very simple shapes suggest the life of the people who still live there. These sounds are the rags and the footsteps of the story of a disappearing people

    L’Ɠil sensible aux jeux de surface : la provocation comme appel à juger l’apparence des images dans Hi, Mom! et Redacted de Brian De Palma

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    La provocatio Ă©tait autrefois non seulement un « dĂ©fi » mais aussi un imprescriptible « droit d'appel » au peuple, un « appel en justice » qui protĂ©geait les citoyens. Le sens de ce droit a perdurĂ©. Aussi peut-on faire le lien entre la provocation et l’appel au jugement, tel qu’il apparaĂźt dans deux films de Brian De Palma. Avec Hi, Mom ! (1969) et Redacted (2007), le goĂ»t de la provocation procĂšde d’une pratique de la rĂ©Ă©criture et d’un appel au jugement des images en vue de rendre l’Ɠil sensible Ă  leur apparence.Provocatio was once not only a “challenge” but also an inalienable “right of appeal” to the people, a “right of appeal” that protected citizens. The meaning of this right has endured. Thus we can make the connection between provocation and judgment, as it appears in two films by Brian De Palma. With Hi, Mom ! and Redacted, the taste for provocation is embodied in a practice of rewriting and requires spectator’s judgment on picture. That way the eye can become responsive to images’ aspect
