270 research outputs found

    Técnica transtibial vs anatómica (simple bundle) en la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior. Revisión bibliográfica

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    24 páginas.Trabajo Fin de Máster Universitario en Patología de la Rodilla (2016/17). Director: Gabriel Domecq Fernández de Bobadilla ; Tutor: Salvador Fornell Pérez. Introducción: El LCA es el ligamento encargado de controlar la traslación anterior tibial, controlar la rotación tibial, evitar la hiperextensión y actuar como estabilizador medio-lateral con la rodilla en extensión. Es el segundo ligamento en frecuencia que se lesiona en la rodilla tras el LCM siendo los traumatismo deportivos la primera causa de esta lesión. La técnica Gold Standard en la actualidad es la reconstrucción con banda simple, ya sea tetrafascicular de isquiotibiales o HTH (Autólogo o aloinjeto) Propósito de estudio: Realizar una actualización bibliográfica que ponga de manifiesto la existencia o no de diferencias en cuanto a estabilidad y satisfacción, en la reconstrucción del LCA con las dos técnicas descritas. Metodología: Se realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica a través de las bases de datos Pub med, biblioteca Cochrane, Medline plus y CSIC. Tras acotar la búsqueda obtuve 39 artículos que han sido la base para el desarrollo del trabajo Resultados: La técnica anatómica por el portal anteromedial, reproduce mejor la isometría del LCA, consiguiendo un mejor control rotacional de las rodillas. Con el desarrollo de la técnica transtibial modificada, se consigue igualmente una inclusión de la plastia sobre la huella del LCA nativo y por ello, no se encuentran diferencias significativas en cuanto a estabilidad anteroposterior, rotacional o satisfacción del paciente se refiere. No obstante, en comparación con la técnica transtibial tradicional, la técnica anatómica presenta mejores resultados significativos en cuanto a estabilidad rotacional Conclusiones: No existen diferencias significativas en estabilidad ni satisfacción de los pacientes cuando se comparan los resultados de la reconstrucción del LCA mediante la técnica transtibial modificada y anatómica través del portal anteromedial. Por ello cada cirujano debe realizar aquella con la se encuentre más familiarizado

    Perivascular adipose tissue as a relevant fat depot for cardiovascular risk in obesity

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    Obesity is associated with increased risk of premature death, morbidity, and mortality from several cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including stroke, coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction, and congestive heart failure. However, this is not a straightforward relationship. Although several studies have substantiated that obesity confers an independent and additive risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death, there is significant variability in these associations, with some lean individuals developing diseases and others remaining healthy despite severe obesity, the so-called metabolically healthy obese. Part of this variability has been attributed to the heterogeneity in both the distribution of body fat and the intrinsic properties of adipose tissue depots, including developmental origin, adipogenic and proliferative capacity, glucose and lipid metabolism, hormonal control, thermogenic ability, and vascularization. In obesity, these depot-specific differences translate into specific fat distribution patterns, which are closely associated with differential cardiometabolic risks. The adventitial fat layer, also known as perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT), is of major importance. Similar to the visceral adipose tissue, PVAT has a pathophysiological role in CVDs. PVAT influences vascular homeostasis by releasing numerous vasoactive factors, cytokines, and adipokines, which can readily target the underlying smooth muscle cell layers, regulating the vascular tone, distribution of blood flow, as well as angiogenesis, inflammatory processes, and redox status. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge and discuss the role of PVAT within the scope of adipose tissue as a major contributing factor to obesity-associated cardiovascular risk. Relevant clinical studies documenting the relationship between PVAT dysfunction and CVD with a focus on potential mechanisms by which PVAT contributes to obesity-related CVDs are pointed out

    Incidental potable water reuse in a Catalonian basin: living downstream

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    A preliminary assessment of incidental potable water reuse (IPR) in the Llobregat River basin has been conducted by estimating the dilution factor of treated effluent discharges upstream of six river flow measurement sections. IPR in the Llobregat River basin is an everyday occurrence, because of the systematic discharge of treated effluents upstream of river sections used as drinking water sources. Average river flows at the Sant Joan Despí measurement section increased from 400,000 m3/d (2007) to 864,000 m3/d (2008) and to 931,000 m3/d (2013), while treated effluent discharges upstream of that section ranged from 109,000 m3/d to 114,000 m3/d in those years. The highest degree of IPR occurs downstream of the Abrera and Sant Joan Despí flow measurement sections, from where about half of the drinking water supplied to the Barcelona Metropolitan Area is abstracted. Based on average annual flows, the likelihood that drinking water produced from that river stretch contained treated effluent varied from 25% (2007) to 13% (2008) and to 12% (2013). Water agencies and drinking water production utilities have strived for decades to ensure that drinking water production satisfies applicable quality requirements and provides the required public health protection.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Transcriptomics of ammonium nutrition in the conifer Pinus pinaster Aiton

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    Nitrogen is an important element for all living beings because it is part of macromolecules as significant as nucleic acids or amino acids. For plants, it constitutes a limiting factor in their growth and development1 due to their low natural availability in soils thus limiting primary production in ecosystems2. Conifers are a group of gymnosperm plants that form large forest extensions of vegetation, being the main constituents of forests in boreal ecosystems3 where ammonium is the main source of inorganic nitrogen4. Due to the characteristics of the soils in which conifers usually grow, these plants have developed a high tolerance to the presence of ammonium, which may constitute their main source of inorganic nitrogen5. The maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) is a conifer that has a wide distribution in the western Mediterranean area and has been widely used in reforestation, soil stabilization tasks and industrially. In recent years, maritime pine has been the subject of multiple omic studies that have resulted in the acquisition of important tools and resources6,7. The present work is focused on the analysis of the ammonium uptake and management efficiency, and its relationship with the biomass accumulation in maritime pine. For this purpose, several experiments have been developed in which pine seedlings have undergone different levels of ammonium nutrition, both in the short and long term. As a result of short-term experiments, the characterization of transcriptomic response to the process of ammonium nutrition (uptake and assimilation) is being studied at mRNA, lncRNA and miRNA level in roots. In relation to long-term experiments, ten different provenances of maritime pine seedlings were treated with different ammonium levels and the biomass changes were measured. The results obtained suggest the existence a certain phenotypic plasticity grade for this conifer.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This project was supported by a grant form the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MicroNUpE, BIO2015-73512-JIN; MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE). FO was supported by a grant from the Universidad de Málaga (Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil vía SNJG, UMAJI11, FEDER, FSE, Junta de Andalucía) and JMVM by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (FPU17/03517

    Implementação de um algoritmo de visão computacional para localização de centros de olhos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Blumenau, Engenharia de Controle e Automação.A localização de olhos em imagens digitais consiste de uma importante etapa de processamento em diversos sistemas que utilizam visão computacional, que variam desde aplicações na indústria do entretenimento até aplicações que auxiliam na inclusão de pessoas com deficiência. O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo no software Matlab, utilizando técnicas de visão computacional e aprendizado de máquina, para realizar a localização de centros de olhos em uma imagem que contenha um rosto humano. Inicialmente, é realizada uma revisão teórica dos principais conceitos utilizados no desenvolvimento e então uma apresentação de todas as etapas de processamento do algoritmo implementado. No desenvolvimento essas etapas são detalhadas, desde os estágios de identificação do rosto e características críticas dos olhos até o treinamento de um classificador SVM responsável por localizar os centros de olhos. Ao final, o algoritmo implementado é testado utilizando diferentes bancos de imagens com seus resultados sendo avaliados e discutidos.Locating eyes in digital images consists of an important processing step in several systems that use computer vision, ranging from applications in the entertainment industry to applications that assist in the inclusion of people with disabilities. The present work describes the development of an algorithm in Matlab software, using computer vision and machine learning techniques, to find the location of eye centers in an image that contains a human face. Initially, a theoretical review of the main concepts used in the development is carried out and then a presentation of all the processing steps of the implemented algorithm. These steps are then further detailed, from the stages of face identification and critical eye features to the training of an SVM classifier responsible for locating eye centers. At the end, the implemented algorithm is tested using different image datasets with their results being evaluated and discussed

    Relaciones entre la práctica física, condición física y atención en una muestra adolescente

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    El propósito de este trabajo fue examinar las relaciones entre la práctica de actividad física, la condición física y la atención en un grupo de adolescentes. Participaron en el estudio 149 adolescentes de la provincia de Málaga (España), con edades entre 14 y 16 años (M = 15.05; DE = .77). Para analizar los procesos atencionales se utilizó el test d2. La condición física se evaluó a través del test de salto horizontal, el test de Course Navette y el test de velocidad 5 x 10 metros. Los análisis indicaron mayores puntuaciones en diversos parámetros del test d2 en aquellos participantes que realizaban actividad física regularmente, así como relaciones significativas entre las medidas de condición física y las pruebas de atención, siendo el consumo de oxígeno la variable más relevante. Los resultados hallados apoyan la importancia de practicar actividad física en la infancia y la adolescencia, sugiriendo que el incremento de la condición física puede tener implicaciones positiva sobre la atención en estas edades.The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between physical activity, fitness and attention in a group of adolescents. 149 adolescents aged between 14 and 16 years old (M = 15.05; SD = .77) took part in the study. The D-2 Test was used to analyse attention processes. Physical fitness was assessed with the horizontal jump test, the Course Navette test and the 5 x 10 metre sprint test. Analyses indicated higher scores on some measures of the D-2 test in participants who regularly did sports and significant relationships between fitness tests and measurements of attention, with oxygen consumption being the most relevant variable. The results obtained support the importance of physical activity in childhood and adolescence, suggesting that increased fitness may have positive implications on attention at this age.O propósito deste trabalho foi analisar as relações entre a prática de actividade física, a condição física e a atenção num grupo de adolescentes. Participaram no estudo 149 adolescentes da província de Málaga (Espanha), com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 16 anos (M = 15.05; DP = .77). Para analisar os processos atencionais foi utilizado o teste d2. A condição física foi avaliada através do teste de salto horizontal, o teste de Course Navette e o teste de velocidade 5 x 10 metros. As análises indicaram pontuações mais elevadas nos diversos parâmetros do teste d2 para os participantes que realizavam actividade física regularmente, assim como relações significativas entre as medidas de condição física e as provas de atenção, sendo o consumo de oxigénio a variável mais relevante. Os resultados encontrados suportam a importância de praticar actividade física na infância e adolescência, sugerindo que o incremento da condição física pode ter implicações positivas na atenção nestas idades

    Entrevista com o Professor Roberto Lobato Corrêa

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    Roberto Lobato Corrêa é geógrafo e um dos principais estudiosos das questões urbanas no Brasil. Atualmente professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, escreveu inúmeros artigos e publicou diversos livros na área da geografia urbana e da geografia cultural. A Para Onde!? Teve a oportunidade de realizar a entrevista que segue no primeiro semestre de 2010. Nela, o leitor poderá conhecer um pouco mais da trajetória profissional do professor, suas impressões sobre o Instituto Brasileiro do Geografia e Estatística, a importância da apreensão da realidade sob diferentes perspectivas epistemológicas, uma análise da geografia urbana na atualidade e do conceito de Rede. Por fim, o professor responde à nossa questão de praxe: Para Onde!

    Introducing instance label correlation in multiple instance learning. Application to cancer detection on histopathological images

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    In the last years, the weakly supervised paradigm of multiple instance learning (MIL) has become very popular in many different areas. A paradigmatic example is computational pathology, where the lack of patch-level labels for whole-slide images prevents the application of supervised models. Probabilistic MIL methods based on Gaussian Processes (GPs) have obtained promising results due to their excellent uncertainty estimation capabilities. However, these are general-purpose MIL methods that do not take into account one important fact: in (histopathological) images, the labels of neighboring patches are expected to be correlated. In this work, we extend a state-of-the-art GP-based MIL method, which is called VGPMIL-PR, to exploit such correlation. To do so, we develop a novel coupling term inspired by the statistical physics Ising model. We use variational inference to estimate all the model parameters. Interestingly, the VGPMIL-PR formulation is recovered when the weight that regulates the strength of the Ising term vanishes. The performance of the proposed method is assessed in two real-world problems of prostate cancer detection. We show that our model achieves better results than other state-of-the-art probabilistic MIL methods. We also provide different visualizations and analysis to gain insights into the influence of the novel Ising term. These insights are expected to facilitate the application of the proposed model to other research areas.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement No 860627 (CLARIFY Project)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under project PID2019-105142RBC22University of Granada and FEDER/Junta de Andalucía under project B-TIC-324-UGR20 (Proyectos de I+D+i en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía)Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellowship (Spanish Ministry of Universities with Next Generation EU funds

    Modelo da característica magnética do gerador eléctrico de relutância comutado aplicado a conversores de energia eólica

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    Poster apresentado no 2º Congresso Politécnico de Setúbal: 40 anos a construir o futuro, outubro 2019, Setúbal, PortugalN/