978 research outputs found

    Designing a minimal reactive goalie for the RoboCup SPL

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    This paper presents the basic design and implementation of a goalkeeper made according to the regulations of the two-legged Standard Platform League of the RoboCup Federation. The paper describes the perceptive schemas created using the architecture of the TeamChaos-URJC team as well as the action schemes designed to create a minimal reactive goalie. This player was tested in the 2009 German Open international competition. The results obtained there are analyzed and the future works derived from that analysis are presente

    Grid site testing for ATLAS with Hammer Cloud

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    With the exponential growth of LHC (Large Hadron Collider) data in 2012, distributed computing has become the established way to analyze collider data. The ATLAS grid infrastructure includes more than 130 sites worldwide, ranging from large national computing centers to smaller university clusters. HammerCloud was previously introduced with the goals of enabling virtual organisations (VO) and site-administrators to run validation tests of the site and software infrastructure in an automated or on-demand manner. The HammerCloud infrastructure has been constantly improved to support the addition of new test workflows. These new workflows comprise e.g. tests of the ATLAS nightly build system, ATLAS Monte Carlo production system, XRootD federation (FAX) and new site stress test workflows. We report on the development, optimization and results of the various components in the HammerCloud framework

    RoboSTEAM Project Systematic Mapping: Challenge Based Learning and Robotics

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    STEAM Education is nowadays a key element for our current digital society. Integrating STEAM and developing competences such as Computational Thinking is highly demanded by the industry and higher education institutions. In order to do so new methodological approaches are required. RoboSTEAM project is an Erasmus+ project defined to address these topics by using of physical devices and robotics employing Challenge Based Learning methodology. One of the first steps in the project development is the definition of current landscape in the research field. Which means to carry out a literature mapping that considers previous applications of Challenge Based Learning in STEAM education and use of robots and physical devices to do so. This paper shows the mapping review process and the main results obtained. The mapping analyze 242 candidate works from the most relevant bibliographic sources and selected 54. Form them it was possible to see that there are not many initiatives on STEM Education related to Challenge base learning and the most of them are specially focused on the application of specific tools and in the development of concrete competences

    Origin and distribution of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in the water and sediments of El Hito Lake (Cuenca, Central Spain)

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    Determination of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in the waters and sediments of El Hito Lake and its drainage basin was carried out. Distribution maps for REEs concentrations show increasing values in the lake sediments from the center to the eastern edge reaching 166.5 mg/kg. In the drainage basin, higher values were observed with a maximum of 350.9 mg/kg in the southern part. Concentrations in the water were considerably lower with a maximum value of 1.3 µg/L. Ce, La and Nd were the most abundant elements. When normalized REE concentrations against NASC (North American Shale Composite), a positive anomaly of Eu in the water and of Nd in the sediments (lake and basin) was observed. The (La/Gd)NASC and (La/Yb)NASC ratios determined the predominance of light REE (LREE) over medium (MREE) and heavy REE (HREE)Se llevó a cabo el estudio de Tierras Raras (REEs) del agua y los sedimentos de la Laguna de El Hito así como de su cuenca de recepción. Los mapas de distribución de las concentraciones de REE en los sedimentos de la laguna mostraron valores crecientes desde el centro hacia el margen este alcanzando 166,5 mg/kg. En la cuenca se midieron valores más elevados llegando hasta 350,9 mg/kg en la mitad sur. Los valores en el agua fueron notablemente inferiores, con un máximo de 1,3 µg/L. El elemento más abundante fue el Ce seguido del Nd. Se normalizaron las concentraciones de REEs frente a las del NASC (North American Shale Composite), observándose una anomalía positiva de Eu en el agua, así como de Nd en los sedimentos (laguna y cuenca). Mediante los índices (La/Gd)NASC y (La/Yb)NASC se determinó el predominio de las REEs ligeras (LREEs) frente a las medias (MREE) y pesadas (HREE

    Deep Learning Architect: Classification for Architectural Design through the Eye of Artificial Intelligence

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    This paper applies state-of-the-art techniques in deep learning and computer vision to measure visual similarities between architectural designs by different architects. Using a dataset consisting of web scraped images and an original collection of images of architectural works, we first train a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) model capable of achieving 73% accuracy in classifying works belonging to 34 different architects. Through examining the weights in the trained DCNN model, we are able to quantitatively measure the visual similarities between architects that are implicitly learned by our model. Using this measure, we cluster architects that are identified to be similar and compare our findings to conventional classification made by architectural historians and theorists. Our clustering of architectural designs remarkably corroborates conventional views in architectural history, and the learned architectural features also coheres with the traditional understanding of architectural designs.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Distribución temporal del tamaño de los molariformes de Ursus spelaeus Ros.-Hein.ibérico

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    [Abstract] This paper deals with a metrical comparison of cheek-teeth length of Ursus spelaeus Ros.-Hein.Iberian population representatives

    Organic matter accumulation during the Holocene in the Guadalquivir marshlands (SW Spain)

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    The distribution of biomarker compounds and magnetic susceptibility observed in the sediment from a 20 m core drilled in the marshlands of the estuarine region of the Guadalquivir River (southwest coast of Spain) has allowed us to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental evolution of this area during the Holocene. Several organic compounds (n-alkanes, ra-ketones, n-alkanols, n-alkanoic acids and organic sulphur), as well as different biomarker ratios, have been used to show changing environmental conditions through time. These geochemical proxies suggest good preservation of the organic matter, although some diagenesis has occurred to particular organic compounds, especially the n-alkanoic acids. Our data indicate a major allochthonous supply of terrestrial plants, with less influence from aquatic plants or algae through the core. There are markedly different palaeoenvironmental conditions between the uppermost 5 m (last 6ka cal. B.P.) and the rest of the core. From 5 m (ca 6ka cal. B.P.) to 19 m (ca 8ka cal. B.P.) depth the palaeoenvironmental conditions were almost constant. Based on organic sulphur content and n-alkane content logs, anoxic conditions prevailed from 8 to 6ka cal. B.P., while oxic conditions with enhanced convection of water (prevalence of fluvial input), and consequently a greater organic matter supply, predominated in the upper 5 m of the core. Similarly, little variation in the magnetic susceptibility profile below 5 m indicates stable environmental conditions, while in the upper 5 m conditions shifted to one with elevated water input and clastic sediment supply. This is linked to palaeofloral alterations in the Guadiamar/Guadalquivir drainage basins and/or anthropogenic effects. We propose that from ca 8 to 6 ka cal. B.P. a stable landscape physiognomy in the surroundings of the estuarine area of the Guadalquivir River, with a predominance of pines and grassland. However, over the last 6ka cal. B.P. a variation in the terrestrial plant biomarker compounds suggests an alternation of relatively dry and humid phases and/or the impact of human populations on altering the vegetation community have occurred

    Encuesta sobre los Usos Guías de Clase como aproximación a los REA. Una aproximación a través de la investigacción-acción

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    [ES]En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una encuesta sobre prácticas docentes y conocimiento de Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA). La encuesta se formula en base a la consideración de la activad docente en base a fases de investigación acción. En este sentido se pregunta a los docentes sobre sus prácticas en la preparación de guías de clases antes de las mismas, la documentación con evidencias de lo que pasa durante las clases y los cambios que se producen en las mismas, y la reflexión posterior una vez concluyen las clases. También se incluyen preguntas sobre el conocimiento y el posicionamiento ante los REA La encuesta se dirigió a profesorado de primaria y secundaria de Galicia y del Norte de Portugal. En total se obtuvieron 602 respuestas de las que se realizan una serie de reflexiones de cara al desarrollo de los REA

    An investigation into CLIL-related sections of EFL coursebooks : issues of CLIL inclusion in the publishing market

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    The current ELT global coursebook market has embraced CLIL as a weak form of bilingual education and an innovative component to include in General English coursebooks for EFL contexts. In this paper I investigate how CLIL is included in ELT coursebooks aimed at teenaged learners, available to teachers in Argentina. My study is based on the content analysis of four series which include a section advertised as CLIL-oriented. Results suggest that such sections are characterised by (1) little correlation between featured subject specific content and school curricula in L1, (2) oversimplification of contents, and (3) dominance of reading skills development and lower-order thinking tasks. Through this study, I argue that CLIL components become superficial supplements rather than a meaningful attempt to promote weak forms of bilingual education