821 research outputs found

    Feira da agricultura familiar de serraria-pb e as tecnologias agroecológicas para o fortalecimento e valorização dos agricultores familiares

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    Activities that seek to strengthen family farming should take place in a participatory manner, allowing farmers to be protagonists of these activities, and an essential part of the constructive and reconstructive processes of more autonomous and diversified rural spaces. Nowadays, the agro-ecological family farmers of the municipality of Serraria have a very important marketing channel, the Family Agriculture Fair, which guarantees direct marketing with the consumer, creating bonds of trust between both, providing more visibility to local agriculture products, besides to provide income and quality of life for both those who produce and those who consume food. The objective of this work is to discuss the importance of continuous training activities to strengthen and empower the farmers of the Association of the Family Agriculture Fair of Serraria-Paraíba (AFAFS) as a strategy for the development and multiplication of agroecological technologies. The Serrarian family farming has gained momentum and increased visibility through the establishment and strengthening of the family agriculture fair, as a Social Control Organism, which promotes the production, consumption and commercialization of organic products with its empowerment in social and agroecological production techniques. The said fair is registered in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply as Organization of Social Control, strengthening agroecology and organic production by these farmers. The methodology adopted is participatory, with participatory dialogues, itinerant meetings, workshops and other continuing education and knowledge activities, based on local knowledge and the appreciation of farmers' knowledge. The activities were carried out in the municipality of Serraria-PB together with the farmers, farmers and young people of the Fair of the Family Agriculture of Serraria, in some activities we also had the participation of farmers of a team of flower cultivation of said municipality. The activities began in May 2017 with actions to rescue some of the crops that were once part of the local agriculture, with the cultures of black pepper, coffee and arrowroot being identified, which resulted in coffee planting (Coffea) and araruta (Maranta arundinacea) and in the production of black pepper (Piper nigrum) seedlings for later planting, and was finalized in August 2018 with the organization and follow-up of an audit to evaluate the Social Control Body of the Fair Trade Association Family Agriculture of Serraria-PB with the Ministry of Agriculture. All the activities developed contributed to the strengthening and autonomy of the AFAFS in a participatory and diversified way, being also a facilitator of new directions for the farmers involved in the whole process from the opportunity of learning doing together with all the farmers and collaborators in the moments of sharing. The itinerant activities on the farms' properties of the FAFS enabled a greater interaction among the participants, both in their productive activities and in their way of managing the properties from their previous knowledge, with strategies that allow union and good life experience among farmers (as) and collaborators.NenhumaAtividades que busquem o fortalecimento da agricultura familiar devem acontecer de maneira participativa, permitindo que os agricultores sejam protagonizadores das mesmas e, parte essencial dos processos construtivos e reconstrutivos de espaços rurais mais autônomos e diversificados. Atualmente os agricultores familiares agroecológicos do município de Serraria dispõem de canal de comercialização muito importante, a Feira da Agricultura Familiar, o que garante a comercialização direta com o consumidor, criando vínculos de confiança entre ambos, proporcionando mais visibilidade aos produtos da agricultura local, além de proporcionar renda e qualidade de vida tanto para quem produz quanto para quem consome os alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar a importância das atividades de formação continuada para o fortalecimento e empoderamento dos agricultores da Associação da Feira da Agricultura Familiar de Serraria-Paraíba (AFAFS), como estratégia de desenvolvimento e multiplicação de tecnologias agroecológicas. A agricultura familiar serrariense ganhou um impulso e maior visibilidade a partir da implantação e fortalecimento da feira da agricultura familiar, como Organismo de Controle Social, promotora da produção, consumo e comercialização de produtos orgânicos com seu empoderamento nas técnicas de produção social e agroecológica. A referida feira é Cadastrada no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento como Organização de Controle Social, fortalecendo a agroecologia e a produção orgânica por parte desses agricultores. A metodologia adotada é a participativa, contando com diálogos participativos, reuniões itinerantes, oficinas e demais atividades de formação de continuada e de conhecimento, tendo por base o conhecimento local e a valorização dos saberes dos agricultores. As atividades foram desenvolvidas no município de Serraria-PB junto aos agricultores, agricultoras e jovens da Feira da Agricultura Familiar de Serraria, em algumas atividades tivemos também a participação de agricultores de uma equipe de cultivo de flores do referido município. As atividades iniciaram-se em maio de 2017 com ações de resgate de algumas culturas que outrora fizeram parte da agricultura local, sendo identificadas as culturas de pimenta-do-reino, café e araruta, o que resultou no plantio de café (Coffea) e araruta (Maranta arundinacea) e na produção de mudas de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum) para posterior plantio, sendo finalizado em agosto de 2018 com a organização e acompanhamento de uma auditoria para avaliação do Organismo de Controle Social da Associação da Feira da Agricultura Familiar de Serraria-PB junto ao Ministério da Agricultura. Todas as atividades desenvolvidas contribuíram para o fortalecimento e autonomia da AFAFS de forma participativa e diversificada, sendo ainda um facilitador de novos rumos para os agricultores e agricultoras envolvidos em todo o processo a partir da oportunidade do aprender fazendo junto com todos os agricultores e colaboradores nos momentos de partilha. As atividades itinerantes nas propriedades dos agricultores da FAFS permitiram uma maior interação entre os participantes, tanto em suas atividades produtivas quanto em sua forma de manejar as propriedades a partir de seus conhecimentos prévios, com estratégias que possibilitam a união e a boa vivência entre agricultores (as) e colaboradores

    Ações de legitimidade e evidenciação contábil: os casos Samarco e Vale pós-tragédias socioambientais

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    Companies involved in socio-environmental tragedies have increasingly aroused the interest of society and regulatory bodies. In this sense, the cases of the companies Samarco S.A. and Vale S.A. stand out in the Brazilian context due to the socio-environmental impacts they caused in the regions where they operate. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the actions of social legitimacy according to Suchman's typology (1995) evidenced by the companies Samarco S.A. and Vale S.A., after the Mariana disasters in 2015 and Brumadinho in 2019. Therefore, it is classified as qualitative and the Content Analysis applied to the Management Report (RA) and Notes was used as a methodology to answer the research problem. Explanatory Notes (NE) of the Financial Statements (DF). The period of analysis of Samarco S.A. was from 2015 to 2020; the analysis of Vale S.A., on the other hand, covered the years 2019 and 2020. The main results infer that the analyzed companies intended to gain general legitimacy in the analyzed period. This legitimacy is used as an action or strategy when the company incurs an event with a negative connotation and needs to ensure the continuity of its operations. Furthermore, in the cases of Samarco and Vale, it is clear that the events related to the tragedies were reported superficially and without effective recognition of the guilt of those responsible.Empresas envolvidas em tragédias socioambientais têm despertado cada vez mais o interesse da sociedade e dos órgãos reguladores. Nesse sentido, os casos das empresas Samarco S.A. e Vale S.A. destacam-se no contexto brasileiro em função dos impactos socioambientais que ocorreram nas regiões em que operam. Desse modo, essa pesquisa visou analisar as ações de legitimidade social, segundo a tipologia de Suchman (1995), evidenciadas pelas empresas Samarco S.A. e Vale S.A., após os desastres de Mariana em 2015 e Brumadinho em 2019. Para tanto, classifica-se como qualitativa e utilizou-se como metodologia para responder ao problema de pesquisa a Análise de Conteúdo aplicada ao Relatório da Administração (RA) e Notas Explicativas (NE) das Demonstrações Financeiras (DF). O período de análise da Samarco S.A. foi de 2015 a 2020; já a análise da Vale S.A. compreendeu os anos de 2019 e 2020. Os principais resultados inferem que as empresas analisadas pretenderam ganhar legitimidade geral no período analisado. Essa legitimidade é utilizada como ação ou estratégia quando a empresa incorre em algum evento de conotação negativa e precisa assegurar a continuidade de suas operações. Ademais, nos casos da Samarco e Vale, percebe-se que os eventos referentes às tragédias foram reportados de maneira superficial e sem reconhecimento efetivo da culpabilidade dos responsáveis

    Higher Education Teaching and Learning Support Areas Differences in England and Brazil: A Case Study / Áreas de Apoio ao Ensino e Aprendizagem no Ensino Superior Diferenças na Inglaterra e no Brasil: um estudo de caso

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    Teaching and Learning processes have been relevant in higher education institutions. There have been a wide range of skills provided by the universities teaching and learning support areas. This paper shows a comparative analysis of these areas from University of Bath and the State University of Campinas-Unicamp. To show the strengths and weaknesses of each university, this paper shows their ranking data used within The Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Data gathered from both universities websites show their support areas with specific skills. While the University of Bath has high scores in international outlook and citations, Unicamp has its strength in teaching, research, and industry income. Unicamp has more than the double of students. Similar teaching and learning support areas in both universities are shown. Most skills listed for the University of Bath are present in the State university of Campinas-Unicamp. Three support areas under the School of Civil Engineering from Unicamp are shown. Data from other league tables were not considered. These support areas exist to help academic and professional staff when teaching, and planning to teach, and students when learning to learn. It might be relevant to run some scales, questionnaires, surveys among the undergraduate and graduate students, concerning motivation, procrastination, learning strategies, learning styles, and feedback from them about their needs and solutions they believe could help. These might lead to reinforcement or upgrade of these teaching and learning support areas bringing a more appropriate range of skills needed by the students and staff

    No Morphometric Distinction between the Host Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri) (Isoptera: Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) and its Obligatory Termitophile Corotoca melantho Schiødte (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

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    Different species may live in termite nests, cohabiting in close association with the host colony or occupying nest cavities without direct contact with the host. The strategy of termitophile organisms to become integrated into termite societies include appeasement through chemical, morphological and/or behavioral mimicry. We investigated the hypothesis that there is a morphological mimicry between the obligate termitophile Corotoca melantho (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and workers of its termite host Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Isoptera: Termitidae). Pictures of thirty-one C. cyphergaster workers and C. melantho individuals were taken in top and side views and converted into thin-plate splines. Four homologous landmarks and five semilandmarks (reference points) were marked on the head and abdomen of both species and digitized. The body shape of both species are morphometrically similar, so there is no discrimination between specimens of termitophile beetles and worker of termite hosts. Body size of termite hosts is responsible for 20% to 30% of body shape variation, while the body size of termitophiles beetle affects near 50% to 60% body shape. However, termitophiles body shape had a greater variation than worker termites. This is the first study to compare morphological similarity among termites and termitophiles using morphometric geometry. Our results indicated the existence of a morphological mimicry between C. cyphergaster and C. melantho

    Analysis of Systemic and Cutaneous Inflammatory Immune Response in Canine Atopic Dermatitis

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    Background: Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is a chronic and inflammatory disease present in veterinary dermatological practice. The inflammation in CAD is triggered by environmental allergens and skin microorganisms, which are responsible for the worsening of cutaneous lesions. This continuous activation of skin inflammatory process can induce the production of free radicals that also contribute to cellular damage and ultimately leads to changes in blood parameters in dogs with CAD. Although there are reports of inflammatory parameters in CAD, there are a lack of studies correlating skin lesions, blood leukocytes and oxidative stress. Based on that,this study aimed to evaluate the integumentary and systemic inflammatory response in dogs with atopic dermatitis. Materials, Methods & Results: Dogs with confirmed diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis (n = 10) were divided in two groups according to CADESI-IV: AI, with CADESI between 0-10, AII, with CADESI between 10-34, and control group (n = 5). Blood-biochemical and histological analysis were performed to access systemic and cutaneous inflammatory response. AII group tended to higher neutrophil and eosinophil counts, as well as neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) when compared to AI. The albumin was lower in AII compared to AI and control (P < 0.05), while total bilirubin and malondialdehyde (MDA) did not differ between groups. NLR (r = 0.64 and P = 0.04) and MDA (r = 0.54 and P = 0.1) were positively correlated with CADESI, while albumin was negatively correlated with CADESI (r = -0.79 and P = 0.005). Histopathological analysis revealed a larger number of neutrophils, macrophages and mast cells in AI and AII than in control group (P < 0.05). Discussion: In this study it was possible to evaluate the systemic and cutaneous leukocyte dynamics in CAD. Skin inflammation induces the production of chemotactic molecules contribute to neutrophil outflow from blood vessel toward the affected tissue, which can be visualized as perivascular inflammatory infiltrate and exocytosis. At systemic level, there was a tendency to increase in total leukocytes and circulating neutrophil count in group AII, as well as in neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), when compared to AI. The NLR is a widely available and inexpensive laboratory biomarker that quantifies systemic inflammation, being used in human medicine to evaluate prognosis in different types of cancer. In our study, dogs in AII group showed an increased NLR compared to AI and control, which demonstrates the influence of skin injury in systemic parameters. Furthermore, AII group is composed of dogs with greater lesion state, which reflects in higher NLR values. Since this disease is known by its chronicity and may remain stable for years, NLR may be a novel biomarker to evaluate acute exacerbation in CAD and could potentially explain why some patients have longer crisis duration and frequent flares. The maintenance of the inflammatory state also induces the production of oxidizing substances, which possibly exceed the total antioxidant capacity, generating a situation of oxidative stress, which can result in damage to membrane lipids and release of their products. MDA is reliable and is the most commonly used marker of the overall lipid peroxidation level and the presence of oxidative stress. This result may be related with the antioxidant system, such as albumin and bilirubin, which was able to promote an efficient control of oxidant substances. In conclusion, the presented data demonstrated an inflammatory process progression as well as introduced NLR as a potential marker of disease exacerbation in CAD

    Trypanosomes Modify the Behavior of Their Insect Hosts: Effects on Locomotion and on the Expression of a Related Gene

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    Background As a result of evolution, the biology of triatomines must have been significantly adapted to accommodate trypanosome infection in a complex network of vector-vertebrate-parasite interactions. Arthropod-borne parasites have probably developed mechanisms, largely still unknown, to exploit the vector-vertebrate host interactions to ensure their transmission to suitable hosts. Triatomines exhibit a strong negative phototaxis and nocturnal activity, believed to be important for insect survival against its predators. Methodology/Principal Findings In this study we quantified phototaxis and locomotion in starved fifth instar nymphs of Rhodnius prolixus infected with Trypanosoma cruzi or Trypanosoma rangeli. T. cruzi infection did not alter insect phototaxis, but induced an overall 20% decrease in the number of bug locomotory events. Furthermore, the significant differences induced by this parasite were concentrated at the beginning of the scotophase. Conversely, T. rangeli modified both behaviors, as it significantly decreased bug negative phototaxis, while it induced a 23% increase in the number of locomotory events in infected bugs. In this case, the significant effects were observed during the photophase. We also investigated the expression of Rpfor, the triatomine ortholog of the foraging gene known to modulate locomotion in other insects, and found a 4.8 fold increase for T. rangeli infected insects. Conclusions/Significance We demonstrated for the first time that trypanosome infection modulates the locomotory activity of the invertebrate host. T. rangeli infection seems to be more broadly effective, as besides affecting the intensity of locomotion this parasite also diminished negative phototaxis and the expression of a behavior-associated gene in the triatomine vector

    Tamanho de parcela e número de repetições para experimentos de azevém semeados em filas

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    The objective of this work was to determine the optimal plot size and the number of replicates for the evaluation of the fresh weight of ryegrass sowed in rows. Seventy uniformity trials were performed with 'Barjumbo' ryegrass, in 16 basic experimental units (BEUs) of 0.51 m2 each. The fresh weight of ryegrass in the BEUs of 18, 18, 6, 6, and 22 uniformity trials was determined, respectively, at 130, 131, 133, 134, and 137 days after sowing. The optimal plot size was determined through the method of the maximum curvature of the coefficient of variation. The number of replicates was determined in scenarios formed by combinations of treatments and differences between means to be detected as significant by Tukey’s test, at 5% probability. The optimal plot size ranged from 1.73 to 3.18 m2, and the variation coefficient in the optimal plot size from 7.58 to 13.96%. The number of replicates varied from 3.95 (~4) to 32.27 (~33), depending on the experimental design, the number of treatments, and the adopted minimum difference. The optimal plot size is 2.29 m2, and, in experiments with up to 50 treatments, eight replicates are required to identify as significant the differences between treatment means of 20.24%.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tamanho ótimo de parcela e o número de repetições para avaliação da massa de matéria fresca de azevém semeado em filas. Setenta ensaios de uniformidade foram realizados com azevém 'Barjumbo', em 16 unidades experimentais básicas (UEBs) de 0,51 m2 cada uma. A massa de matéria fresca do azevém nas UEBs de 18, 18, 6, 6 e 22 ensaios de uniformidade foi determinada, respectivamente, aos 130, 131, 133, 134 e 137 dias após a semeadura. O tamanho ótimo de parcela foi determinado pelo método da máxima curvatura do coeficiente de variação. O número de repetições foi determinado em cenários formados por combinações de número de tratamentos e de diferenças entre médias a serem detectadas como significativas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. O tamanho ótimo de parcela oscilou de 1,73 a 3,18 m2, e o coeficiente de variação no tamanho ótimo de parcela de 7,58 a 13,96%. O número de repetições oscilou de 3,95 (~4) a 32,27 (~33), conforme o delineamento, o número de tratamentos e a diferença mínima adotada. O tamanho ótimo de parcela é de 2,29 m2 e, em experimentos com até 50 tratamentos, são necessárias oito repetições para identificar como significativas as diferenças entre médias de tratamentos de 20,24%

    Feasibility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) qualifiers in adult neurological patients on a rehabilitation center in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) has been used in the Association of Assistance for Disabled Children (AACD) since 2011 in the Adult Physiotherapy division. Since then, the Classification serves as foundation for guiding the functional objectives set, improving communication between multiprofissional divisions and indicating quality of care for institutional audit service purposes. The experience was valid for the institution and well accepted by its employees, and the use was expanded. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that the ICF codes’ use is not complete without their qualifiers. Therefore, this paper aims to describe the implementation of ICF and its qualifiers in the adult physiotherapy division of the institution. The instrument, which was adapted for use in our servisse, allows the patients to be evaluated on their admission and to monitor the evolution throughout their rehabilitation process, in order to be used as an evolution indicator. This study will report the process we performed: the implementation of the Classification; the study to deepen knowledge on the recommended qualification; development of an appropriate instrument to be used for clinical practice of this service; staff training and pilot application; and, in addition, to report initial data as progress indicators.A Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) vem sendo utilizada na Associação de Assistência à Criança com Deficiência (AACD) desde 2011 no setor de Fisioterapia Adulto. Esta Classificação, desde então, serve como base para nortear os objetivos funcionais traçados, para melhorar a comunicação entre os setores multiprofissionais e para indicar qualidade assistencial para fins de auditoria de serviço institucional. A experiência foi válida para a instituição e bem aceita pelos seus colaboradores, e seu uso pôde ser expandido. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) sugere que o uso dos códigos da CIF não está completo sem a utilização dos seus qualificadores. Dessa forma o presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a implantação da CIF e seus qualificadores no setor de fisioterapia de adultos da instituição. O instrumento adaptado para uso neste serviço permite avaliar o paciente na sua admissão e acompanhar sua evolução ao longo do seu processo de reabilitação, de forma a ser utilizado como indicador de evolução setorial. Será relatado nesse trabalho o processo que foi realizado: a implantação da classificação, o estudo de aprofundamento na qualificação preconizada; desenvolvimento de um instrumento adequado para a prática clínica do serviço; treinamento dos profissionais e projeto piloto; além de reportar dados iniciais na forma de indicadores de evolução

    Prevalence and Clinical Aspects of Otodectes cynotis Infestation in Dogs and Cats in the Semi-arid Region of Paraíba, Brazil

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    Background: Infestation by Otodectes cynotis is one of the main causes of external otitis in small animals, causing great disconfort and predisposition to secondary bacterial or fungal infections, with relevant importance in the small animal medicine. In dogs, a small number of this parasite in the ears may cause inflammation, while in cats, otoacariasis accounts for half of the external otitis cases. Due to the insufficiency of data about the prevalence of this disease in the Northeast region of Brazil, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and clinical aspects of O. cynotis in dogs and cats from the Semi-arid region of Paraíba, Brazil.Material, Methods & Results: The research was conducted in the municipality of Sousa, Paraíba State, Brazil. A total of 102 dogs and 152 cats had their external ear canals examined by bilateral otoscopy, using an otoscope with a veterinary cone that allows inspection of the external ear canal. Parasitological swabs were also used to determine the prevalence of parasitism by O. cynotis. Samples collected in swabs were stored in a 70% alcohol preservative solution and sent to the Laboratory of Veterinary Parasitology, in wich were examinated on direct research, using microscopes in the 10x objective (magnification of 100x). In all animals, clinical examinations were performed and their owners answered an epidemiological questionnaire to collect information about food and sanitary management. During the clinical examination, characteristics such as otopodal reflex, and the presence of pruritus and/or cerumen were also evaluated.  The prevalence of dogs and cats positive for O. cynotis was 33.3% (34/102) and 52.6% (80/152), respectively. Bilateral infestations occurred in 52.9% (18/34) of the positive dogs. Most of the positive animals showed evidence of the mite in both tests, Otoscopy + Swab (dogs: 58.8% - 20/34, cats: 66.2% - 53/80).Discussion: A high prevalence of O. cynotis infestation was observed in dogs (33.3%) and even higher prevalence in cats (52.6%), both are higher than it was expected. The diagnosis methods were effective for detecting infestation by this parasite, and the parasitological swab resulted in higher diagnosis rate than the otoscopy. The use of two diagnosis methods resulted in a greater number of positive diagnoses, explaining the high prevalence found in the present study. A higher prevalence was observed for animals that had contact with other animals. The direct form is the most accepted mode of transmission of Otodectes sp. and close confinement of animals was considered the main associated factor for frequent reinfestation by the mite.  For dogs, the presence of cerumen and pruritus were seen as O. cynotis infestation factors. Considering dogs, in the clinical examination, the presence of pruritus was significantly associated with the occurrence of parasitism. This association can be explained because O. cynotis is very active within the ear canals of parasitized animals, causing great annoyance and pruritus. No statistically significant risk factors were found for cats, but it was observed that adults had higher levels of infestation when compared to young cats, wich was not expected, as the literature commonly reports that young cats have higher levels of infestation. This can be explained by the confinement and the usual direct contact by different cats, increasing the occurrence of the parasite. In cats, the clinical examinations showed that the presence of otopodal reflex was significantly associated (p<0.2) with the parasitism occurrence (55.4%; 66/119). The evaluation of this reflex has been considered as one of the symptoms of otocariosis