15 research outputs found

    Normative positions towards COVID-19 contact-tracing apps: findings from a large-scale qualitative study in nine European countries

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    Mobile applications for digital contact tracing have been developed and introduced around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Proposed as a tool to support ‘traditional’ forms of contact-tracing carried out to monitor contagion, these apps have triggered an intense debate with respect to their legal and ethical permissibility, social desirability and general feasibility. Based on a large-scale study including qualitative data from 349 interviews conducted in nine European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, German-speaking Switzerland, the United Kingdom), this paper shows that the binary framing often found in surveys and polls, which contrasts privacy concerns with the usefulness of these interventions for public health, does not capture the depth, breadth, and nuances of people’s positions towards COVID-19 contact-tracing apps. The paper provides a detailed account of how people arrive at certain normative positions by analysing the argumentative patterns, tropes and (moral) repertoires underpinning people’s perspectives on digital contact-tracing. Specifically, we identified a spectrum comprising five normative positions towards the use of COVID-19 contact-tracing apps: opposition, scepticism of feasibility, pondered deliberation, resignation, and support. We describe these stances and analyse the diversity of assumptions and values that underlie the normative orientations of our interviewees. We conclude by arguing that policy attempts to develop and implement these and other digital responses to the pandemic should move beyond the reiteration of binary framings, and instead cater to the variety of values, concerns and expectations that citizens voice in discussions about these types of public health interventions

    Solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a nine-country interview study in Europe

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    Calls for solidarity have been an ubiquitous feature in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we know little about how people have thought of and practised solidarity in their everyday lives since the beginning of the pandemic. What role does solidarity play in people’s lives, how does it relate to COVID-19 public health measures and how has it changed in different phases of the pandemic? Situated within the medical humanities at the intersection of philosophy, bioethics, social sciences and policy studies, this article explores how the practice-based understanding of solidarity formulated by Prainsack and Buyx helps shed light on these questions. Drawing on 643 qualitative interviews carried out in two phases (April–May 2020 and October 2020) in nine European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, German-speaking Switzerland and the UK), the data show that interpersonal acts of solidarity are important, but that they are not sustainable without consistent support at the institutional level. As the pandemic progressed, respondents expressed a longing for more institutionalised forms of solidarity. We argue that the medical humanities have much to gain from directing their attention to individual health issues, and to collective experiences of health or illness. The analysis of experiences through a collective lens such as solidarity offers unique insights to understandings of the individual and the collective. We propose three essential advances for research in the medical humanities that can help uncover collective experiences of disease and health crises: (1) an empirical and practice-oriented approach alongside more normative approaches; (2) the confidence to make recommendations for practice and policymaking and (3) the pursuit of cross-national and multidisciplinary research collaborations

    An EU comparative analysis of the regulation of clinical trials supervisory bodies in the aftermath of Regulation 536/2014

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    The new EU regulation on clinical trials is intended to promote a greater level of harmonization of European Union rules in this area. However, it does not elaborate a common normative framework regarding the functioning of research ethics committees, leaving this responsibility to the Member States. This article offers a comparative analysis of the resulting regulatory situation. It demonstrates that this scenario is defined by considerable variability in the regulation of ethics monitoring between the EU Member States. We argue that this disparity should not necessarily be a negative factor for the optimization of the trial supervision regime in the EU. Moreover, we consider that it may be a stimulus for the achievement of excellence in the performance of this monitoring task. On the other hand, we also highlight risks for the rights of participants if an adequate monitoring framework is not ensured. Under these circumstances, we observe how the EU faces a dilemma. On the one hand, it may promote a rigid uniformity between the regulation of ethics committees between Member States, but this might diminish the quality of their performance. On the other hand, it may opt for maintaining the current situation, but this might increase differences in the performance of the ethics committees between Member States, including the number trials performed by country. A third option would be to allow the competitive framework to remain for a set period of time, in order to learn from the best practices reached in individual Member States before finally harmonizing national legislative provisions on this basis.This work was supported by Eusko Jaurlaritza [grant number Ayudas a grupos de investigación IT-1066-16]; H2020 Science with and for Society [grant number GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER — 788039 — PANELFIT]

    Democratic research: Setting up a research commons for a qualitative, comparative, longitudinal interview study during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The sudden and dramatic advent of the COVID-19 pandemic led to urgent demands for timely, relevant, yet rigorous research. This paper discusses the origin, design, and execution of the SolPan research commons, a large-scale, international, comparative, qualitative research project that sought to respond to the need for knowledge among researchers and policymakers in times of crisis. The form of organization as a research commons is characterized by an underlying solidaristic attitude of its members and its intrinsic organizational features in which research data and knowledge in the study is shared and jointly owned. As such, the project is peer-governed, rooted in (idealist) social values of academia, and aims at providing tools and benefits for its members. In this paper, we discuss challenges and solutions for qualitative studies that seek to operate as research commons

    The Social Implications of Digital Health Technology

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    Fit for purpose? The GDPR and the governance of European digital health

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    status: Published onlin