317 research outputs found

    Ocena wzajemnego przyciągania i partnerstwa w okresie menopauzy

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    Wstęp. Menopauza jest złożonym procesem fizjologicznym pomiędzy okresem rozrodczym i starością (senium). Złożoność problemów menopauzy może prowadzić do powikłań w relacji małżeńskich / partnerskich oraz w ocenie osobistej atrakcyjności. Celem badania była ocena wzajemnego przyciągania i partnerstwa w okresie menopauzy. Materiał i metoda. Badanie przeprowadzono w klinice ginekologicznej Szpitala Wojskowego z Polikliniką w Lublinie z wykorzystaniem badań diagnostycznych. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz stosowany do oceny charakterystyki badanej grupie, dobre małżeństwo Questionnaire (KDM-2), menopauza Rating Scale (polska wersja MRS-II) i SKAT skali wzajemna atrakcyjność. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki. Wyniki pokazują, że kobiety i mężczyźni różnią się znacznie w ocenie jakości relacji tylko pod względem poczucia rozczarowania. W grupie kobiet, poczucie rozczarowania jest wyższe niż u mężczyzn, co oznacza, że coraz więcej kobiet cierpi z powodu braku przyjemności bycia ze swoim partnerem. Ponadto, istnieją umiarkowanie silne, ale statystycznie istotne, ujemne korelacje między stanem psychicznym, autonomicznym, objawami moczowo-płciowego a oceną atrakcyjności partnera, ale tylko w przypadku kobiet. Wyższa ocena objawów menopauzy była związana z niższą oceną atrakcyjności partnera i słabszą potrzebą budowania ścisłych relacji z nimi, zmniejszony poziom postrzegania własnej relacji jako spełnienia siebie i własnej wartości, a także słabszym przekonaniem, że partnerzy mają podobne poglądy na temat relacji. Wnioski. Atrakcyjność partnera i jakość relacji jest oceniana znacznie wyższa przez mężczyzn niż kobiety. Wyższe wskaźniki objawów uciążliwości i irytacji podczas menopauzy wiążą się z niższą oceną atrakcyjności partnera tylko u kobiet. Wyższa ocena jakości, wiąże się z wyższą oceną atrakcyjności partnera, zarówno w przypadku kobiet jak i mężczyzn. Im bardziej zadowoleni są partnerzy z tych relacji, tym bardziej przyciągają się wzajemnie.Introduction. Menopause is a complex physiological process between reproductive period and old age (senium). The complexity of menopausal problems can lead to complications in marital relationships/partnerships and in the assessment of interpersonal attractiveness. The aim of the study was to evaluate the mutual attraction and partnerships during menopause. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the Gynaecologic Clinic of the First Military Hospital and Policlinic in Lublin with the use of a diagnostic survey. The research tool included an independently developed questionnaire used to evaluate characteristics of the study group, Good Marriage Questionnaire (KDM-2), Menopause Rating Scale (Polish Version of the MRS-II) and SKAT mutual attractiveness scale. The results were subject to statistical analysis. Results. Results show that women and men differ significantly in the assessment of the quality of relationships only in terms of the sense of disappointment. In the group of women, the sense of disappointment is higher than in men’s, which means that more women suffer from the lack of pleasure from being with their partner. In addition, there are moderately strong, but statistically significant, negative correlations between mental, autonomic, urogenital symptoms and the rating of the partner’s attractiveness, but only in case of women. Higher rating of menopause symptoms annoyance was associated with lower assessment of the partner’s attractiveness and a weaker need to build a close relationship with them, a reduced level of perceiving one’s own relationship as fulfilment of the self and own values, as well as a weaker conviction that the partners share similar views on the relationship. Conclusions. The partner’s attractiveness and the quality of the relationship is rated significantly higher by men than women. Higher ratings of symptom nuisance and annoyance during perimenopause are associated with lower assessment of the partner’s attractiveness only in women. Higher quality assessment, therefore, is associated with higher assessment of the partner’s attractiveness, both in case of women and men. The more satisfied partners are with their relationship, the more attracted to each other they are

    Why place matters in residential care: the mediating role of place attachment in the relation between adolescents’ rights and psychological well-being

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    Little evidence exists on the relationship between rights’ perceptions and well-being outcomes during the adolescence, and particularly in care, as well as on the mediating role of place attachment. Young people in residential care are psychologically and socially vulnerable, showing greater difficulties than their peers do in the family. Youth’s rights fulfilment in residential care may positively affect their psychological functioning together with positive attachments to this place. A sample of 365 adolescents in residential care settings (M = 14.71, SD = 1.81) completed a set of self-reported measures, specifically, the Rights perceptions scale, the Place attachment scale and Scales of psychological well-being. Results revealed significant mediating effects of place attachment (Global scale and subscales of Friends Bonding and Place Dependence) on the relationship between Participation and Protection rights in residential care and Psychological well-being (Positive Relations with others, Personal Growth and Self-Acceptance). The positive role of rights fulfilment in residential care, specifically participation opportunities, as well as the role of youth’s attachment to the care setting are discussed based on previous evidence and theoretical assumptions. A set of practical implications is described.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Early season N<sub>2</sub>O emissions under variable water management in rice systems: source-partitioning emissions using isotope ratios along a depth profile

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    Soil moisture strongly affects the balance between nitrification, denitrification and N2O reduction and therefore the nitrogen (N) efficiency and N losses in agricultural systems. In rice systems, there is a need to improve alternative water management practices, which are designed to save water and reduce methane emissions but may increase N2O and decrease nitrogen use efficiency. In a field experiment with three water management treatments, we measured N2O isotope ratios of emitted and pore air N2O (δ15N, δ18O and site preference, SP) over the course of 6 weeks in the early rice growing season. Isotope ratio measurements were coupled with simultaneous measurements of pore water NO3-, NH4+, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), water-filled pore space (WFPS) and soil redox potential (Eh) at three soil depths. We then used the relationship between SP&thinsp;×&thinsp;δ18O-N2O and SP&thinsp;×&thinsp;δ15N-N2O in simple two end-member mixing models to evaluate the contribution of nitrification, denitrification and fungal denitrification to total N2O emissions and to estimate N2O reduction rates. N2O emissions were higher in a dry-seeded&thinsp;+&thinsp;alternate wetting and drying (DS-AWD) treatment relative to water-seeded&thinsp;+&thinsp;alternate wetting and drying (WS-AWD) and water-seeded&thinsp;+&thinsp;conventional flooding (WS-FLD) treatments. In the DS-AWD treatment the highest emissions were associated with a high contribution from denitrification and a decrease in N2O reduction, while in the WS treatments, the highest emissions occurred when contributions from denitrification/nitrifier denitrification and nitrification/fungal denitrification were more equal. Modeled denitrification rates appeared to be tightly linked to nitrification and NO3- availability in all treatments; thus, water management affected the rate of denitrification and N2O reduction by controlling the substrate availability for each process (NO3- and N2O), likely through changes in mineralization and nitrification rates. Our model estimates of mean N2O reduction rates match well those observed in 15N fertilizer labeling studies in rice systems and show promise for the use of dual isotope ratio mixing models to estimate N2 losses.</p

    Chasing Graphene-Based Anticancer Drugs: Where are We Now on the Biomedical Graphene Roadmap?

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    Katarzyna Uzdrowska,1 Narcyz Knap,1 Jacek Gulczynski,2 Alicja Kuban-Jankowska,1 Wiktoria Struck-Lewicka,3 Michal J Markuszewski,3 Tomasz B&aogon;czek,3 Ewa Izycka-Swieszewska,2 Magdalena Gorska-Ponikowska1 1Department of Medical Chemistry, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, 80-211, Poland; 2Faculty of Health Sciences with the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, 80-211, Poland; 3Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, 80-416, PolandCorrespondence: Magdalena Gorska-Ponikowska, Department of Medical Chemistry, Medical University of Gdansk, 1 Debinki St, Gdansk, 80-211, Poland, Tel +48 58 349 14 50, Fax +48 58 349 14 56, Email [email protected]: Graphene and graphene-based materials have attracted growing interest for potential applications in medicine because of their good biocompatibility, cargo capability and possible surface functionalizations. In parallel, prototypic graphene-based devices have been developed to diagnose, imaging and track tumor growth in cancer patients. There is a growing number of reports on the use of graphene and its functionalized derivatives in the design of innovative drugs delivery systems, photothermal and photodynamic cancer therapy, and as a platform to combine multiple therapies. The aim of this review is to introduce the latest scientific achievements in the field of innovative composite graphene materials as potentially applied in cancer therapy. The “Technology and Innovation Roadmap” published in the Graphene Flagship indicates, that the first anti-cancer drugs using graphene and graphene-derived materials will have appeared on the market by 2030. However, it is necessary to broaden understanding of graphene-based material interactions with cellular metabolism and signaling at the functional level, as well as toxicity. The main aspects of further research should elucidate how treatment methods (e.g., photothermal therapy, photodynamic therapy, combination therapy) and the physicochemical properties of graphene materials influence their ability to modulate autophagy and kill cancer cells. Interestingly, recent scientific reports also prove that graphene nanocomposites modulate cancer cell death by inducing precise autophagy dysfunctions caused by lysosome damage. It turns out as well that developing photothermal oncological treatments, it should be taken into account that near-infrared-II radiation (1000– 1500 nm) is a better option than NIR-I (750– 1000 nm) because it can penetrate deeper into tissues due to less scattering at longer wavelengths radiation.Keywords: graphene-based materials, oncological therapies, cancer treatment, biomedical innovations, drugs delivery system

    Shape programming for narrow ribbons of nematic elastomers

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    Using the theory of Γ-convergence, we derive from three-dimensional elasticity new one-dimensional models for non-Euclidean elastic ribbons, i.e., ribbons exhibiting spontaneous curvature and twist. We apply the models to shape-selection problems for thin films of nematic elastomers with twist and splay-bend texture of the nematic director. For the former, we discuss the possibility of helicoid-like shapes as an alternative to spiral ribbons

    "Don't try to teach me, I got nothing to learn": Management students' perceptions of business ethics teaching

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    [EN] Interest is growing towards including business ethics in university curricula, aiming at improving ethical behaviour of future managers. Extant literature has investigated the impact of ethics education on different ethics-related students' cognitive and/or behavioural outcomes, considering variables related to training programmes and students' demographic aspects. Accordingly, we aim at assessing students' understanding of business ethics issues, by focusing on the differences in students' perceptions depending on gender, age, work experience, and ethics courses taken. Testing our hypotheses on a sample of 307 management students at a Polish university, and controlling for social desirability bias, we obtained mixed and partially surprising results. We found significant differences in students' understanding of business ethics depending on their gender and age (female and older students showed more ethical inclinations), but not depending on having taken ethics courses-actually perceptions of such courses worsened after taking them. Besides, work experience was not a significant variable. Moreover, course exposure intensiveness (i.e., number of ethics courses completed), and time passed since completion of the latest course, did not confirm hypothesized effects on most of the dependent (sub)variables. These findings stimulate further questions and challenges for future research (e.g., around course design and methodology, and social/cultural/contextual issues).Tormo-Carbó, G.; Oltra, V.; Klimkiewicz, K.; Seguí-Mas, E. (2019). "Don't try to teach me, I got nothing to learn": Management students' perceptions of business ethics teaching. Business Ethics: A European Review. 28(4):506-528. https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12236S506528284Adkins, N., & Radtke, R. R. (2004). Students’ and Faculty Members’ Perceptions of the Importance of Business Ethics and Accounting Ethics Education: Is There an Expectations Gap? Journal of Business Ethics, 51(3), 279-300. doi:10.1023/b:busi.0000032700.07607.02Allen, W. R., Bacdayan, P., Berube Kowalski, K., & Roy, M. H. (2005). Examining the impact of ethics training on business student values. Education + Training, 47(3), 170-182. doi:10.1108/00400910510592220Auger, P., & Devinney, T. M. (2007). Do What Consumers Say Matter? The Misalignment of Preferences with Unconstrained Ethical Intentions. Journal of Business Ethics, 76(4), 361-383. doi:10.1007/s10551-006-9287-yBampton, R., & Cowton, C. J. (2012). Taking Stock of Accounting Ethics Scholarship: A Review of the Journal Literature. Journal of Business Ethics, 114(3), 549-563. doi:10.1007/s10551-012-1341-3Bampton, R., & Maclagan, P. 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    Nonlinear weakly curved rod by Γ-Convergence

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    We present a nonlinear model of weakly curved rod, namely the type of curved rod where the curvature is of the order of the diameter of the cross-section. We use an approach analogous to the one for rods and curved rods and start from the strain energy functional of three dimensional nonlinear elasticity. We do not impose any constitutional behavior of the material and work in a general framework. To derive the model, by means of Γ-convergence, we need to set the order of strain energy (i.e., its relation to the thickness of the body h). We analyze the situation when the strain energy (divided by the order of volume) is of the order h 4. This is the same approach as the one used in Föppl-von Kármán model for plates and the analogous model for rods. The obtained model is analogous to Marguerre-von Kármán for shallow shells and its linearization is the linear shallow arch model which can be found in the literature

    Isotopic techniques to measure N2O, N2 and their sources

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    GHG emissions are usually the result of several simultaneous processes. Furthermore, some gases such as N2 are very difficult to quantify and require special techniques. Therefore, in this chapter, the focus is on stable isotope methods. Both natural abundance techniques and enrichment techniques are used. Especially in the last decade, a number of methodological advances have been made. Thus, this chapter provides an overview and description of a number of current state-of-theart techniques, especially techniques using the stable isotope 15N. Basic principles and recent advances of the 15N gas flux method are presented to quantify N2 fluxes, but also the latest isotopologue and isotopomer methods to identify pathways for N2O production. The second part of the chapter is devoted to 15N tracing techniques, the theoretical background and recent methodological advances. A range of different methods is presented from analytical to numerical tools to identify and quantify pathway-specific N2O emissions. While this chapter is chiefly concerned with gaseous N emissions, a lot of the techniques can also be applied to other gases such as methane (CH4), as outlined in Sect. 5.3

    Use of an Atrial Lead with Very Short Tip-To-Ring Spacing Avoids Oversensing of Far-Field R-Wave

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    The AVOID-FFS (Avoidance of Far-Field R-wave Sensing) study aimed to investigate whether an atrial lead with a very short tip-to-ring spacing without optimization of pacemaker settings shows equally low incidence of far-field R-wave sensing (FFS) when compared to a conventional atrial lead in combination with optimization of the programming.Patients receiving a dual chamber pacemaker were randomly assigned to receive an atrial lead with a tip-to-ring spacing of 1.1 mm or a lead with a conventional tip-to-ring spacing of 10 mm. Postventricular atrial blanking (PVAB) was programmed to the shortest possible value of 60 ms in the study group, and to an individually determined optimized value in the control group. Atrial sensing threshold was programmed to 0.3 mV in both groups. False positive mode switch caused by FFS was evaluated at one and three months post implantation.A total of 204 patients (121 male; age 73±10 years) were included in the study. False positive mode switch caused by FFS was detected in one (1%) patient of the study group and two (2%) patients of the control group (p = 0.62).The use of an atrial electrode with a very short tip-to-ring spacing avoids inappropriate mode switch caused by FFS without the need for individual PVAB optimization.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00512915