452 research outputs found

    Finished Genome Sequences of Xanthomonas fragariae, the Cause of Bacterial Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry.

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    Xanthomonas fragariae is a foliar pathogen of strawberry that is of significant concern to nursery production of strawberry transplants and field production of strawberry fruit. Long-read sequencing was employed to generate finished genomes for two isolates (each with one chromosome and two plasmids) from symptomatic plants in northern California

    Bird assemblages in wooded streets along three coastal cities in southeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

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    Se analizaron los ensambles de aves mediante conteos en sitios con similar estructura del hábitat en tres ciudades costeras del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires con diferente grado de desarrollo urbano, basado en el número de habitantes: Mar del Plata (500000 habitantes), Necochea (80000 habitantes) y Miramar (20000 habitantes). Los muestreos fueron realizados en transectas fijas de 100×50 m sobre calles arboladas con casas unidas. De las variables medidas para cada transecta en las tres ciudades, el nivel de tránsito (acompañado por el número de personas) y la distancia mínima a áreas rurales fueron mayores en Mar del Plata, mientras que la cobertura de césped fue mayor en Miramar. La riqueza total y la abundancia total de aves no variaron entre ciudades, mientras que la riqueza y abundancia de aves no asociadas a la presencia del hombre fueron mayores en Miramar. El índice de similitud entre ciudades fue mayor entre Miramar y Necochea, intermedio entre Necochea y Mar del Plata y menor entre Miramar y Mar del Plata. De las especies registradas en más del 10% de los muestreos, <i>Columba livia</i> y <i>Zonotrichia capensis</i> tuvieron abundancias similares entre las ciudades, <i>Passer domesticus</i> y <i>Zenaida auriculata</i> fueron más abundantes en Mar del Plata y Necochea, y <i>Furnarius rufus</i> y <i>Mimus saturninus</i> fueron más abundantes en Miramar. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los ensambles analizados en las tres ciudades relevadas fueron influenciados por factores que actúan a escala local y regional.We analyzed bird assemblages by counts in sites with similar habitat structure in cities with different degree of urban development based on number of inhabitants: Mar del Plata (500000 inhabitants), Necochea (80000 inhabitants), and Miramar (20000 inhabitants). Bird sampling was conducted on 100×50 m strip-transects along afforested streets surrounded by united houses. Out of the variables measured in each transect at the three cities, traffic level (along with number of people) and minimum distance to rural areas were higher in Mar del Plata, whereas lawn cover was higher in Miramar. Total species richness and bird abundance per transect did not vary among cities, whereas richness and abundance of birds not associated with human presence were higher in Miramar. The similarity index was higher between Miramar and Necochea, intermediate between Necochea and Mar del Plata, and lower between Miramar and Mar del Plata. Out of those bird species recorded in more than 10% of samplings, Columba livia and Zonotrichia capensis had similar abundances among cities, <i>Passer domesticus</i> and <i>Zenaida auriculata</i> were more abundant in Mar del Plata and Necochea, and <i>Furnarius rufus and Mimus saturninus</i> were more abundant in Miramar. Our results show that the bird assemblages analyzed in these three cities were influenced by local and regional factors

    Spatial scales of interactions among bacteria and between bacteria and the leaf surface.

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    Microbial life on plant leaves is characterized by a multitude of interactions between leaf colonizers and their environment. While the existence of many of these interactions has been confirmed, their spatial scale or reach often remained unknown. In this study, we applied spatial point pattern analysis to 244 distribution patterns of Pantoea agglomerans and Pseudomonas syringae on bean leaves. The results showed that bacterial colonizers of leaves interact with their environment at different spatial scales. Interactions among bacteria were often confined to small spatial scales up to 5-20 μm, compared to interactions between bacteria and leaf surface structures such as trichomes which could be observed in excess of 100 μm. Spatial point-pattern analyses prove a comprehensive tool to determine the different spatial scales of bacterial interactions on plant leaves and will help microbiologists to better understand the interplay between these interactions


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    Abstract ∙ Urbanization is expanding continuously over rural and natural areas and it is imperative to analyze its effect on bird communities. Although the impact of urbanization on bird communities in the Neotropical region has been explored by several authors, there is a scarcity of comparative studies with standardized methodologies that allow establishing whether the effects of urbanization are similar in different ecoregions. We analyzed the urbanization impact on bird communities in three Neotropical cities. Cities were located in different biomes: La Paz (Bolivia) surrounded by a highland plateau and inter‐Andean valleys; Mar del Plata (Argentina) surrounded by agroecosystems of the pampas; and Osorno (Chile), surrounded by agroecosystems, timber plantations, and remnants of temperate forests. In general, high levels of urbanization correlated negatively with bird richness in the three cities, but the response of bird richness to urbanization varied among cities, being linearly negative in La Paz and Osorno and declining only towards high levels of urbanization in Mar del Plata. The effect of urbanization was stronger in La Paz, where more bird species were absent toward higher urbanization levels. Bird abundance did not show significant responses to urbanization. Exotic bird abundance showed a positive relationship with urbanization in the three cities. Bird composition differed between cities and urbanization levels. The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) was the most abundant species in more urbanized sites, the Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) in moderate levels of urbanization, whereas the Rufous‐collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis) was most abundant in the less urbanized sites. The results of our study showed that the impact of urbanization on bird communities in the Neotropical region varied among cities, probably as a result of latitude and the structure of rural areas.Resumen ∙ Comunidades de aves en gradientes de urbanización: un análisis comparativo entre tres ciudades Neotropicales La urbanización se está expandiendo continuamente en áreas rurales y naturales, y siendo imprescindible analizar su efecto sobre las comunidades de aves. Aunque el impacto de la urbanización en el Neotrópico ha sido estudiado por varios autores, existe una escasez de estudios comparativos entre diferentes ecorregiones mediante el uso de metodologías estandarizadas. Por lo tanto, analizamos el impacto de la urbanización sobre comunidades de aves en tres ciudades Neotropicales. Las ciudades estuvieron localizadas en diferentes biomas: La Paz (Bolivia) rodeada por un altiplano y valles interandinos; Mar del Plata (Argentina) rodeada por agroecosistemas de las Pampas; y Osorno (Chile), rodeada por agroecosistemas, plantaciones de árboles y remanentes de bosques nativos. En general, altos niveles de urbanización se correlacionaron negativamente con la riqueza de aves en las tres ciudades. Sin embargo, la respuesta de la riqueza de aves a la urbanización varió entre ciudades, siendo negativamente lineal en La Paz y Osorno, para disminuir solo a partir de altos niveles de urbanización en Mar del Plata. El impacto sobre la riqueza fue mayor en La Paz, donde más especies de aves se perdieron hacia los niveles más altos de urbanización. Por otro lado, la abundancia de aves no se correlacionó con la urbanización. La abundancia de especies exóticas mostró una relación positiva con la urbanización en las tres ciudades. La composición de aves cambió entre niveles de urbanización; el Gorrión común (Passer domesticus) fue la especie más abundante en los niveles más altos de urbanización, la Torcaza (Zenaida auriculata) en sitios de urbanización moderada, mientras que el Chingolo (Zonotrichia capensis) fue la especie más abundante en los niveles más bajos de urbanización. Los resultados de nuestro estudio mostraron que el impacto de la urbanización sobre las comunidades de aves en la región Neotropical varió entre ciudades, probablemente como resultado de la latitud y la estructura de las áreas rurales

    Inhibition of Xanthomonas fragariae, Causative Agent of Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry, through Iron Deprivation.

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    In commercial production settings, few options exist to prevent or treat angular leaf spot (ALS) of strawberry, a disease of economic importance and caused by the bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas fragariae. In the process of isolating and identifying X. fragariae bacteria from symptomatic plants, we observed growth inhibition of X. fragariae by bacterial isolates from the same leaf macerates. Identified as species of Pseudomonas and Rhizobium, these isolates were confirmed to suppress growth of X. fragariae in agar overlay plates and in microtiter plate cultures, as did our reference strain Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Screening of a transposon mutant library of KT2440 revealed that disruption of the biosynthetic pathway for the siderophore pyoverdine resulted in complete loss of X. fragariae antagonism, suggesting iron competition as a mode of action. Antagonism could be replicated on plate and in culture by addition of purified pyoverdine or by addition of the chelating agents tannic acid and dipyridyl, while supplementing the medium with iron negated the inhibitory effects of pyoverdine, tannic acid and dipyridyl. When co-inoculated with tannic acid onto strawberry plants, X. fragariae's ability to cause foliar symptoms was greatly reduced, suggesting a possible opportunity for iron-based management of ALS. We discuss our findings in the context of 'nutritional immunity,' the idea that plant hosts restrict pathogen access to iron, either directly, or indirectly through their associated microbiota

    The failed liberalisation of Algeria and the international context: a legacy of stable authoritarianism

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    The paper attempts to challenge the somewhat marginal role of international factors in the study of transitions to democracy. Theoretical and practical difficulties in proving causal mechanisms between international variables and domestic outcomes can be overcome by defining the international dimension in terms of Western dominance of world politics and by identifying Western actions towards democratising countries. The paper focuses on the case of Algeria, where international factors are key in explaining the initial process of democratisation and its following demise. In particular, the paper argues that direct Western policies, the pressures of the international system and external shocks influence the internal distribution of power and resources, which underpins the different strategies of all domestic actors. The paper concludes that analysis based purely on domestic factors cannot explain the process of democratisation and that international variables must be taken into more serious account and much more detailed

    COVID-19 y adultos mayores: comparación espaciotemporal entre mortalidad y vacunación en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las variaciones espaciotemporales de la mortalidad por COVID-19 en adultos mayores y de la vacunación contra la COVID-19 en esta población. Se utilizaron datos de defunciones por COVID-19 y de personas de 70 a más años inmunizadas con la primera dosis de vacunas contra esta enfermedad, en partidos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, desde el 29 de diciembre del 2020 al 30 de junio de 2021. Se emplearon técnicas de escaneo espaciotemporal para detectar conglomerados. Los partidos del Gran Buenos Aires que tuvieron mayor vacunación con la primera dosis de la vacuna Sputnik V en población de 70 a más años, entre mediados de marzo y principios de abril de 2021, coincidieron mayormente en registrar una disminución de la mortalidad en esta población, entre finales de abril y finales de junio de 2021. Este estudio mostró algunos indicios del impacto positivo de la aplicación de la primera dosis de la vacuna Sputnik V en el Gran Buenos Aires

    The Roman centuriated landscape: conception, genesis and development as inferred from the Ager Tarraconensis case

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    Although centuriation was only one system of Roman land division, its impact on the landscape and its visibility in modern field arrangements make it the most commonly recognized expression of Roman landscapes. Centuriated grid systems are usually analyzed from a materialistic point of view and consequently regarded as an assertion of Roman dominance over conquered territories. In this sense, their productive function is clear. The hinterland of Tarraco (the ancient capital of the Roman province of Tarraconensis) offers one of the most clearly documented examples of multiple-grid centuriated systems. From 2006 to 2010, the Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP) of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology employed a wide array of digital and field methodologies at Tarraco to record the traces of centuriated land divisions and their Roman origin. Most importantly, these methods have allowed research to move beyond pure description of the traces to explore the concepts and ideas behind the making of a centuriated landscape. By using Tarraco as a case study, this article shows how centuriation was not only a system for dividing the land but also a conceptual appropriation of the landscape based on a strong mythical and religious backgroun

    Prevalencia serológica de anticuerpos al SARS-CoV-2 en una prisión de la amazonia del Perú

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    Objectives: The objective of this research was to describe the prevalence of antibodies to COVID19 in a prison in Ucayali, Peru. Methods: 325 inmates were selected from the Penitentiary Centerin Pucallpa, Peru through simple random sampling. On 06/25/20 and 07/24/20, the fingerpuncture samples were taken from the inmates for COVID-19, the blood sample was obtainedfor the chemo-luminescent microparticle immunoassay tests. Descriptive statistics were usedfor data analysis with InfoStat software. Results: Of the 325 inmates evaluated, 80 were women(25%) and 245 men (75%), the mean age was 43 years (SD 12.44). Regarding the serologicalresults, 137 (42%) were found with positive IgG and 188 (58%) negative IgG. Regarding positiveIgM 145 (45%) and negative IgM 180 (55%). Regarding the distribution of positive cases by sex,we have 47 women and 141 men with a positive result for IgM or IgG. Conclusion: It is concludedthat there is a high number of inmates who have antibodies against COVID-19.Objetivos: El objetivo de esta investigación fue el de describir la prevalencia de anticuerpos para COVID-19 en una cárcel de Ucayali, Perú. Métodos: Se seleccionaron 325 reclusos del Centro penitenciario en Pucallpa, Perú mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple. Del 25/06/20 y el 24/07/20 se tomaron las muestras punción dactilar de los reclusos para COVID-19, se obtuvo la muestra de sangre para las pruebas de inmunoensayo de micropartículas quimio luminiscentes. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para en análisis de los datos con el software InfoStat. Resultados: De los 325 reclusos evaluados 80 eran mujeres (25%) y 245 varones (75%), la media de la edad fue de 43 años (DE 12,44). En cuantos a los resultados serológicos se encontraron a con IgG positivo a 137 (42%) e IgG negativo 188 (58%). En cuanto a IgM positivo 145 (45%) e IgM negativo 180 (55%). En cuanto a la distribución de casos positivos por sexo contamos con 47 mujeres y 141 varones con resultado positivo para IgM o IgG. Conclusión: Se concluye con que existe un elevado número de reclusos que tienen anticuerpos contra la COVID-19

    Analysis of Two New Arabinosyltransferases Belonging to the Carbohydrate-Active Enzyme (CAZY) Glycosyl Transferase Family1 Provides Insights into Disease Resistance and Sugar Donor Specificity

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    Glycosylation of small molecules is critical for numerous biological processes in plants, including hormone homeostasis, neutralization of xenobiotics, and synthesis and storage of specialized metabolites. Glycosylation of plant natural products is usually carried out by uridine diphosphate-dependent glycosyltransferases (UGTs). Triterpene glycosides (saponins) are a large family of plant natural products that determine important agronomic traits such as disease resistance and flavor and have numerous pharmaceutical applications. Most characterised plant natural product UGTs are glucosyltransferases, and little is known about enzymes that add other sugars. Here we report the discovery and characterization of AsAAT1 (UGT99D1), which is required for biosynthesis of the antifungal saponin avenacin A-1 in oat. This enzyme adds L-arabinose to the triterpene scaffold at the C-3 position, a modification critical for disease resistance. The only previously reported plant natural product arabinosyltransferase is a flavonoid arabinosyltransferase from Arabidopsis. We show that AsAAT1 has high specificity for UDP-β-L-arabinopyranose, identify two amino acids required for sugar donor specificity, and through targeted mutagenesis convert AsAAT1 into a glucosyltransferase. We further identify a second arabinosyltransferase potentially implicated in the biosynthesis of saponins that determine bitterness in soybean. Our investigations suggest independent evolution of UDP-arabinose sugar donor specificity in arabinosyltransferases in monocots and eudicots